Rise Of The Maou: Chapter 001

Story by Nazrudin on SoFurry

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#1 of Rise Of The Maou

Author's note - Ok, first up some may recall a story I started some years back called 'Space fur academy'(I've changed my account name since then) lots of things happened shortly after I started that one, had a couple deaths in the family, finally got a job, those things combined really threw me through a loop, for the time being I've removed that story series, I don't like the idea of leaving an incomplete article on here, I might give it a reboot at some stage but for now this new story is what's been buzzing around in my head. First chapter is just a small bit of back ground on the main character and there likely wont be any erotic scenes in the first few chapters (They will appear though!!) for a while now I've been watching anime and reading manga that have gone around the idea of real life (as real as a fantasy story can be at least) worlds that work like an rpg, this story is inspired by those and you may see some elements that seem familiar to them if you know them, while I'm doing my best not to do any flat out copying of ideas from them and putting my own twist on how the world incorporates the rpg elements into the world as a natural state. Though you wont see the rpg elements come into it for a couple chapters still.

Disclaimer!! - all characters in this story are fictitious any resemblance to people past or present is just coincidental, all characters are my own work NO COPYING!!! :P

Final note (getting tired of them yet? xD) - During the story you will see text inside

<these brackets> these are the characters thoughts not what is spoken

Constructive criticism is welcome

That's all, hope you enjoy! =3

Rise Of The Maou



"Humans.....are a blight upon the earth, disgusting vermin that do nothing but consume, destroy and perverse the world around them, no better than parasites, we latch onto the world like a leech, sucking out every drop of blood till we become fat and engorged and when there is no more we move on to find another host. We kill simply for the sport of it, we destroy because it's fun, we wage war because someone else has a bigger cock... truly we are a pathetic race and deserve nothing less than to die while wallowing in our own filth, it has been my greatest displeasure to have been born a part of such a disgusting race and likely I would have hung myself already if it wasn't for the fact that I look forward to seeing the day we finally wipe ourselves out by our own sheer stupidity.... Thank you." A lone figure at a podium bows to the stunned crowed before him before exiting the stage to his left, stepping past his teacher who equally looks just as stunned, tossing his graduation diploma in the bin on the way out the door.

"We truly are pathetic, patting our own ego with a piece of paper because we learned to read write and do mathematics." The boy sighs as he heads out the school gates for the last time, deciding to leave before a raging mob starts after him after his graduation speech "Heh.. The looks on their faces were priceless though." He chuckles as he heads down the road for the long walk to his home.

Half way to his home the boy could hear the sound of a car screeching to a halt as it pulls up beside him, four large teenagers hoping out and quickly surrounding him.

"Hey! Think your pretty funny don't you, jabbering off a stupid speech like that, were all just pathetic parasites are we huh!?" A fist came charging into his stomach causing his knees to buckle and collapses to the ground, coughing and sputtering, fighting to regain his breath, he knew this would likely happen but he did the speech anyway, he wasn't sure why, he felt he just needed to let his feelings out finally, to show his despise for humankind, as he kneels on the ground a boot connects with the side of his head knocking him to the ground completely, curling up into a ball as more kicks and punches rain down on him, shouts and insults spewing from the four boys assaulting him, he couldn't make out what was being said though, the pain of the beating blocking out everything around him (Its more intense than usual... I guess it's to be expected... this is the last time they will see me before they go to college after all) The beating felt like it went on for hours though it was only minutes before several adults raced over causing the bullies to jump back into their car and speed off down the road.

The adults tried to help the boy but he simply pushed them off "Don't touch me!" The glare he gave them seemed to paralyze them on the spot, leaving them stunned as they could only watch the boy stagger to his feet and limp his way down the path until he was out of sight.

Arriving at his home he found his front door completely covered in graffiti, various insults, curses and even a few death threats, it was nothing new, he'd have to scrub it off later or the landlady would threaten to kick him out again.

With a sigh he unlocks the door to his small apartment and steps inside, locking the door behind him before he shuffles over to his couch and collapses on it, staring up at the ceiling as he finally relaxes, the full effect of the painful beating now settling in and causing several tears to roll down his cheeks <You only prove my point you bastards...>

It would be several hours before he finally wakes, the sun having set some time ago now he shakily stands up and heads into the bathroom, hands resting on the basin for support as he looks in the mirror at the damage he'd received, staring back at him was a bruised face and several scratches, cold blue eyes staring almost lifelessly back at him, several strands of his shoulder length silver hair hanging down over his face, aside from his unusual features he would say he was probably a fairly good looking guy, though his hair and eyes while they were natural were always thought to be some attempt at being a 'punk' and was initially the first reason for his daily beatings and rough treatment. Running the tap he cups his hands in the water and splashes his face, pushing back his hair to give it a sleeker look and wash the dirt from his face. "Well Kael, welcome to the beginning of the rest of your life...." He sighs and turns away from the mirror, stripping down and heads for the shower and finally then went to bed for a proper night's sleep. "Kael huh... probably the only thing my parents gave me that was of any use was my name..." He drifts to sleep another final tear tracing down his cheek.

That night his dreams were filled by images of his past, and the reason for his hatred of humankind, his parents were drunks and drug addicts, when he turned six he they sold him to a gang of thugs that ran a sweat shop, there he was forced to make cheap knock offs of designer brand clothing, he nearly died of malnutrition in the first six months, but still he worked, if he didn't he wouldn't be fed even the gruel he did get from them. During the seven years he spent in that run down warehouse he eventually stumbled upon another dark side of humans when he found out what was happening to the girls that worked around him each time they were dragged out to the back rooms when he accidently walked in on them in the act, he didn't truly understand what was happening to the girls since he hadn't received an education but he could tell from the looks on their horror stricken faces that it wasn't good.

Eventually he saw his first ray of hope in the world, police finally tracked down the sweat shop and carried out a raid but there was still horror mixed in with it, the gang members took hostages using them as shields but the police didn't seem to care, shooting right through them to kill the gang members. It wasn't a rescue, they didn't care about what happened to the people that had been forced to work there, he was tossed straight into an orphanage it wasn't until he turned fourteen that he was finally adopted, the couple that took him in seemed like nice people at first but it turned out it was a facade, having learned of his past in the sweat shop they figured that could use him as easy free labor in there restaurant, his co-workers were well aware of his situation and treated him as a stray dog, kicking and yelling at him if he did something wrong, if he broke a plate he wouldn't be fed the table scraps from that nights service. He only every had peace and quiet when his parents went to bed, during these times he would sneak into the study and read the books kept on the shelves, he knew that he had to learn everything he could on his own, no one was going to help him, he found that he had a natural talent for study, it felt like the words on the books would permanently imprint onto his brain and with just a little thought he could recite an entire book from start to finish, eventually it didn't take long before the books in the house were memorized and he started to sneak out at night to the late night library, knowledge would become his power... somehow, is what he thought, though he knew that he was still too young to work out how or what he could do with it.

At sixteen he finally snapped, taking to his 'parents' with a hot frying pan when they tried beat him for spilling a drink on a customer and for the next year he wandered the streets, taking up odd jobs anywhere he could, always being overworked and underpaid no matter what job he did, but still he would study, even if it meant going to the book store and quickly reading bits of the books at a time from the store shelf before being chased out by the clerk.

At seventeen he finally saved enough to enroll into the last two years of school, while his age would have really put him in the final year he was able to convince the headmaster to give him the last two years though he seemed to do it rather grudgingly.

And finally he was nineteen, his talent for study saw him with top marks in every test, this left him seen as an outsider, his fellow students thinking him some freak nerd, and his teachers who scorned him when he would point out their own mistakes when teaching. In a few days he would turn twenty and would move to another city to start his search for a job.... at least that was the plan.....

Slowly he awoke, the twittering of the birds a welcome sound from the daily rush of cars he would normally hear, his bed was a bit uncomfortable and lumpy and a shiver ran up his spine as a cold breeze blew past him "must have kicked the sheets off....huh?" as he rolled to reach over to find his sheets his hands felt... grass? Eyes blinking open slowly now, indeed there was grass under his hand, sitting up slowly and rubbing his eyes he blinks again and looks around at his surroundings "What the...."