Release and Collapse

Story by BeaverReturn on SoFurry

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A journey into existentialism and blow-jobs. Why? Because PoMo?

Release and Collapse

By: BeaverReturn

Riding the wave of a lust daze, he was a femboy pretty pup with hips like a vicious tremor. Cracked in the right places, the kid had them_tiny_ seams stretched down the right places, a broken porcelain figurine, up and on the stage in a lost attempt to find the right kind of party. Blood shot eyes, music blaring; it was a battlefield battle cry. I was bopin' to the beaten bass, boppin' to the lost grooves, popping whatever it was I had, thinking shit, maybe I'd taken one too many.

Lasers cut the air; cutting my vision. I was not seeing things clearly. I was following aimless paths, looking everywhere at things that in a flash became already gone. Strobe light straining; my head was pounding. I was just sort of there, on that stage too. I was with them all. And the pup was sort of there. And then we were sort of there together. And I was his shadow. And he was, like, turning to me and he had a sucker in his mouth and I wanted to pull it out and taste it.

He said, "What did you take?"

"Something," I said.

He said, "Something to share?"

"No" I said.

"No fun," he said. "No fun at all."

The kid rotated one way and I thought he was going to flee, but then he didn't. The kid backed up, rode up, got me up. I got up on him. I was up and the kid kept going. Shit. So I got him up. I slipped down. I slipped down into my pocket. I slipped down until I brought something out and he took it off my fingers.

He sucked it in and he got up. Suddenly his paw went up. His paws went down. I got felt up. He liked my body, my fur, my belt that he then unlocked. My pants dropped down. And I was up. I was really up. And he got me in his paw, and everyone could see, and everyone was watching, and in an instant I felt shame, and then in an instant I felt like they don't care, and then in an instant I realized that I couldn't even tell and I felt this dark, sinking anxiety that I thought might take me away but then in an instant I didn't know if I even cared and I caught my breath. Suddenly, reality slipped. But it was okay, because the kid was sucking me off stage.

"Shit. Seriously?" I said.

He said. "Never been on stage?"

"I don't know." I said. "About any of this."

I pushed myself into him. I fell into his throat. I pulled out. I slid back in. With his tongue he cradled my cock. I slid deeper. I slipped farther. He moaned. Somebody in the crowd was watching us. He was so young. Was I ever that young? He had an expression on his face. It was not horror, nor was it confusion, and it was not empathy. It was just there. And I was there too. Getting sucked off for all to see thinking that I might just--or that I should---or rather that perhaps I would have but then--or rather until...


And then
