A Furry Night - Chp 5

Story by Fifi_the_Skunk on SoFurry

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#5 of A Furry Night

Fifi opened his apartment door, hitting Seafox in the face softly with her tail. She jumped when he suddenly grabbed it and inhaled her scent deeply, nibbling on the end causing her to yip out loud. "Hey now lover, have patience dear." She turned around and saw his smile, a piece of her tail in his mouth causing her to giggle. "You are so cute Hun I want to take you home, but I guess this place will do." She turned to him and kissed him hard on the lips; his hold on her tail released as she licked the top of his muzzle. She pressed her hips to his, feeling his lump against her stomach When she pressed her paw to feel the lump, he whimpered and shivered slightly, his arms going around her waist.

"I love you my skunkette," he told her, his eyes wide with admiration.

Kissing him one time on the nose, she rubbed noses with him, inhaling his musky scent. "Come, let's try something else," she suggested as she sat in front of the computer. The computer whirled to life with the program still running. Picking her headphones off the floor, she examined the program. It had returned to the main menu. She accessed the 'generation' menu just as Seafox sat next to her. They put on the headphones as she pressed one to the question 'generation' and yes to the question 'both'. The computer's thinking icon displayed for a moment before it went back to the main menu.

They both ran their paws over themselves trying to feel if anything had changed on them. Fifi was the first to notice a change in Seafox. "You look different," she told him, "but I can't put my paw on it. Stand up foxy."

Seafox stood up slowly, standing straight up. The fur on his body was colored slightly different and Fifi noticed his fur looked softer. He also looked stronger, his muscles more refined as it stretched the fabric of his clothing more. Fifi stood and ran her paw over his body, feeling his new strength. She liked the new changes; she felt turned on by what she sensed under his thick fur.

"You sure you don't feel any different?" She asked him.

"I feel better than ever my mate. You turn me on in ways that no one else ever could. I think I should show you just how 'excited' I can get." With that, he stripped naked, turning his back toward her until he was done. Fifi admired what she saw, her eyes drifting to between his legs as she saw his package was much larger.

"Ta da!" He exclaimed as he turned around, showing her a tad of pink that was poking from his sheath, his size increasing to the point where the sheath could no longer contain the entire thing.

"That is new," she said, ignoring the presented prize and staring into his chest. In the center of his chest was red patch of fur in the shape of a star. "You didn't have this birthmark before."

"Oh you mean the star?" He said, "I got that and my personality from my mom," he continued without thinking about the reply.

"Your mother," she asked, before her eyes went wide with realization. She tore through her purse taking out her accordion picture holder. She flipped to her family and gasped from the image. Where the image of her mother and father was suppose to be was now an image of a male and female anthromorphic skunk holding hands just like her human parents should have been. The thing that surprised her more was she recognized them as her parents. In fact all her brothers and sisters had changed to now reflect their skunk heritage. "Quick, think of your youth. Think of your trip here in fact. What do you see?"

He closed his eyes as he looked over her body, the thoughts currently in his head causing his length to slip more out of its sheath. "I see my folks. They are concerned about me coming here. I tell them I am going to see a close friend. They both smile. I can see their tails wagging in approval. Tails? They are both foxes. Interesting. Just before I leave, my father pulls me aside and gives me a speech about making any little kits. I tell him my friend is a friend and that she is a skunk. Then I bite my tongue since I let slip my friend is a she. He mumbled something about mixed species relationships and then I left." He opened his eyes and bent down to kiss her nose, "I am sure I can get him to come around."

"It's not that!" She exclaimed, for the first time a bit of panic in her voice. "You are even more secure. Don't you see, it made our folks like us. It changed one generation."

"Interesting," he said with an evil smile on his face. He accessed the program again going to the 'generation' menu. He now noticed an option that said 'undo'. "See here, I can just erase that, but I like I feel now. And you look hotter than ever. Take you clothes off. I want to see how you changed."

"Well I don't know," she hesitated looking at him. She felt a bit of intimidation from him staring into his eyes before correcting herself, "but for you my mate, I would do anything for you." She smiled and started to strip. She undid the buttons of her blouse, letting it slowly fall down her arms stopping it for a moment before letting it hit the ground. Reaching behind her she unzipped her skirt and let it go, stepping out of it towards her love. She turned her back to him and removed her bra, letting it fall into the pile that was her clothes. Pulling down her panties next, her tail immediately blocked her private parts from his eyes.

"Open up you fricken freaks!" A voice yelled from behind the door as someone slammed their fist on the door.

"It's the pisser from down stairs," Seafox growled as he hopped to his paws. He moved to the door swiftly flinging it opening already snarling in anger, but wasn't ready for the aluminum bat across the jaw that sent him crashing to the ground dazed.

The man, still dressed in his over sized, stained skunk suit came over to the terrified skunkette. "Show me how you became like this or you and your boyfriend will be my new rugs and no one will care; after all, you are only animals."

Terrified out of her mind, Fifi could only point to the headset on the floor.

The man smiled as he calmly walked over to the headset, noticing it was connected to the laptop. Placing it on his head he accessed the software, turning to Fifi as he asked her, "So what do I have to do to become even stronger than you two?"

Just then, with his attention distracted, Seafox reached up and managed to slam the keyed on the keyboard sending the laptop down to the floor, but not before he had chosen an option on the menu of the program.

The man went to back hand Seafox before he snapped his head back and screamed out in agony. Fifi's eyes went wide mesmerized by what they saw. The man's shape wavered and began to shrink as the fur on his body look more realistic. Unable to move at all, the expression of horror was converted from a human one to the one he was becoming. When it was completed, the headphones bounced on the floor as the still terrified man tried to make sense of the now huge world around him and the fact that he had left the human world and joined the skunk one.

Fifi had finally regained her composure and ran to Seafox helping him to his feet then slammed the door closed. "You ok my sweetie?" She asked him.

Without saying a word, he picked up the bat and looked at the yet unmoving skunk, as his paw felt the side of his head. He growled as a scowl formed on his face, causing the skunk to move for the first time to the head of the bed, trying to hide under the pillows.

Fifi moved in front of her mate, looking into his eyes and softly pressed her warm body into his. She did not say anything, but she purred softly. That was all that she needed to do. Seafox's scowl melted away, and he let her take the bat away; she tossed it harmlessly aside. Kissing him on the nose, she winked to him as she felt an excitement from his lap already growing. "Hold on," she turned around and lifted her tail for him to see her naked ass and sex. "It's ok. I am not going to hurt you. Come out," she chittered, much to the dismay of Seafox.

"What?" the small skunk said in reply, poking his head out.

Walking over to middle of the bed she sat down cross legged and softly talked to him, coaxing him out enough so she could pick him up and place him in her lap. "There you go," she continued to chitter to the small frighten skunk as she slowly stroked his stripes, unaware her speech had changed to communicate to the woodland creature.

Seafox stood there watching, a bit unnerved at his mate's attention, but remaining calm, remembering the time when he was in the woods. Slowing he touched his sheath and rumbled in pleasure. He stopped and waited, sniffing the air at the weird scents his nose was picking up. He knew his own arousal, the musky scent was stronger than he remembered but it definitely was his. He knew his mate's scent. It was delightful even when it was just starting like it was now. But there was another scent, another musky scent, and his mind finally clicked in to what it had to be, and that made him even angrier. Not that the skunk was aroused, but that the skunk was aroused with his mate. He bore his teeth, clenched his fists, and waited as his furled his brow.

Without realizing, the little skunk was purring. "What did you do to me? What happened?" He squeaked out, sniffing the air as he shifted a bit in her lap, his nose just barely resting on her bellie button.

"The program reverted you to animal form, one of the things it could do," she replied softly to him, still communicating in a form that only the two could understand. She started to scratch him behind the ears as she continued, "at least it made you a very large, fit male skunk." Turning her attention behind her she said, I have not forgotten about you my wonderful mate," she leaned back on the bed with her arms outstretched to touch Seafox's sheath for a moment causing him to close his eyes and purr in bliss, but that was all the incentive the fertile skunk needed. In an instant he mounted Fifi, digging his claws in her. The fact she was moist aided the skunk as he glided in and immediately started to fill her with his seed, causing her to shriek out.

Immediately Seafox's eyes snapped open to slits as he spied the scene. Fifi tried lifting the skunk off of her, but was unable to dislodge the creature. "He is releasing in me," she cried out, the tears quickly forming in her eyes.

Seafox moved to the skunk grabbing him by the throat and yanking up on him hard, but he saw the skin of his mate start to tear, not only at the places where the thing had its claws, but her mound itself moved from the size of the shaft in her. He could see a slight trail of blood oozing from her opening and that only added fuel to the fire that was burning his blood. Leaning down to the skunk's ear, he whispered, "If you don't stop this second and get off her, when you finally do finish I will cut your head off."

The skunk hesitated for a moment before pulling himself out of her and turned to face Seafox, spraying Seafox's face completely with a thick layer of gooey, skunk cum. Seeing the anger in the fox's face he yipped out, "You said to get off," not realizing Seafox could not understand him.

Shaking violently, Seafox picked up the skunk and whipped him against the wall with enough force that the impact created a divot in the wall. The skunk yelped in pain; a sickly sound of breaking bones coming from its shoulder and left arm where it had impacted the wall. Seafox walked over to the whimpering creature, scrunching his nose from the stench now coming from the frightened skunk, and was about to apply enough pressure to its skull to crush it flat when the evilest smile formed on his face. Gently he picked up it up and moved to the bed, forgetting for a moment about his mate. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he picked up the laptop, the program still flashing on 'revert'. The dazed and crying skunk was unable to resist when Seafox slipped the headphones over its head. Working quickly, Seafox punched in some changes and started the program, causing a small glow to engulf the skunk. A gentle warmth glowed around the skunk and Seafox chuckled to himself as he stroked the fur of the creature in its lap. The skunk's injuries slowly mended, the bloody fur was cleaned to a pristine nature, and its mass changed ever so slightly. Even the annoying skunk spray was removed. Within moments the program was done, shutting itself down.

Fifi laid there for a moment, still in a daze over what happed. She looked around, as if she had just woken up from a bad nightmare. She moaned and rubbed the sides where the claws of the skunk had embedded so badly that blood still trickled from the wound. She whimpered and crossed her legs as she felt a spasm from what just had happened to her. She looked at the end of the bed to Seafox for comfort, but he was so enraptured with his plan than he never heard his mate. The maniacal look on his face surprised her so much that she had to turn away.

"So hello there little one," Seafox said, his paws gliding over the back of the skunk in an attempt to calm it down.

The skunk wiggled slightly at the touch then looked up and cocked its head to the side, "You can understand me now?"

Smiling and nodding, Seafox moved his paws up to scratch the critter behind the ears, removing the headphones tossing them to the floor. "Of course I can. I corrected the problem." He looked over the skunk and licked his lips, scowling for a moment as he tasted the musky liquid that had been sprayed there moments before by the very animal that was now in his paws. He shook for a moment, but managed to correct himself; his paws falling back to the hips of the skunk as they slowly sank under it to touch its belly. Seafox slowly moved his fingertips over the fleshy part of the tummy, causing the skunk to critter in approval. "You like that?" He asked, as he bent down and blew gently into the ears of the mammal he was holding.

"Yes it is nice," the skunk replied pressing back to Seafox's lap, rubbing against his sheath without realizing it.

Picking the creature up a little, Seafox lifted its tail and started to rub the backside of its body against his sheath. The warmth from the bundle made him moan and pant as his shaft stiffened; his pink head emerging from its hiding place already. Seafox moved his paws back and forth under the middle of the skunk holding him firmly, but making sure the skunk was enjoying the experience so as to not to notice the fox's arousal.

Bending down to the skunk's ear again, Seafox whispered, "So did you enjoy raping my mate, you filthy rat?"

The skunk, which had been purring, immediately stopped and tilted its head to the side. Trying to do anything to be not hurt the critter stammered out, "I will spray you if you hurt me."

Chuckling softly, Seafox ran his paw down the frightened critter's back. "I guess you should know now that during the time I fixed your injuries, I 'removed' your ability to spray. Oh, and since you liked to rape I felt it was only just that well..." Seafox suddenly picked the skunk up and plunged it down on his tip. The skunk yelped in surprise at first, but the surprise was washed away by an even greater feeling of experiencing something the skunk had never felt before; sexual pleasure from a shaft in its newly formed female parts.

Rocking back and forth fast, Seafox plunged himself into the creature, the body of the skunk stretching and expanding to take the size of the intruder in her body. Seafox was relentless quickly expanding to full length in the skunk as his knot slipped from his sheath. He pressed hard a few more times until he popped it into her body, firmly tying to her as he unleashed a torrent of fox 'gifts' into the skunk's body. "That the proper girl. Oh, and by the way, I made a few other changes to you like the ability to bear any mammal's young, and always being in heat when you are not pregnant. Oh, and the fact you will live a very, very long time. I hope you will love it.

Fifi managed to get up and move into the bathroom, coming out a few moments later with a robe. She picked up the phone and made a call to the desk, asking for something that Seafox could not quite make out. Twenty minutes late a knock on the door answered his curiosity when a man delivered a pet carrier and what looked like a pill box. After taking both into the room and closing the door, she opened the pillbox and downed the pill. Moving over to her mate, she still did not say anything. She placed her hands on the skunk and yanked on it, removing it from his deflating knot and tossed the skunk into the carrier, locking the door shut. "We need to talk, later," she stated as she entered the bathroom and slammed the door.