Unintended Intruder - 04

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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Dreary orbs dwelt in a sunken corner of the Earth. Twins in a cave ... red and fierce ... untamed from the lack of love ... lack of a mother ... torn to shreds by that which was not done ... not known ... pain ... agony ... blood. A roar echoed as the beast charged forward, then in an explosion of flesh and bone, the savage head burst forth in a crimson spray.   Abigale gasped out a scream and then stumbled out of bed toward the bathroom. As she reached the safety of the toilet, a wretched combination of blood and bile erupted into the bowl. A terrible tasting combination of fear and adrenalin pressed in on her as she convulsed. Again she tipped forward, repeating the motion until at last it ended, and she settled back onto her heels. Deep but ragged breaths drifted in and out as she tried to clear her head. An unconscious hand went to her belly, and in her mind, the call of "mother" was savage, angry, and more dangerous than she had thought before. Dark thoughts filled her mind as she remembered one of her many fears. If I don't do anything will this baby burst out of my stomach like an angry alien from some late-80s action/horror movie? Gathering her courage, Abigale looked into the toilet, and witnessed the bile and blood. Finding crimson in any bodily emission was never a good thing, but the amount that existed in front of her was terrifying. Raising unsteadily to her feet, she staggered out of the bathroom to her cell phone on the nightstand. Shaky fingers pressed 9-1-1 into the face but did not press send. What happens if I go to the hospital? What would they find? Would they dig the baby out of me? Would I end up on the news, portrayed as a freak by a media storm? Her thumb moved to the red button, which cleared the number from the screen and replaced it with 3am. The time did not matter; she had to know what was going on. As she thought of how to figure things out, she found herself passing back into the kitchen where she drank some juice, to get the acrid taste out of her mouth. A banana and bagel later, she found herself sitting in front of her TV ... where an idea formed. Fumbling through a pile of porn DVDs, she located the one which had come with her little poddling two weeks ago. She slid it into the machine and the FBI Warning gave way to a menu which had not been there her first time through. Another chapter appeared, so she selected it. The screen faded to black, and then there was the young woman from earlier sitting at home ... masturbating. "Oh ... damn it," Abigale thought as she instantly grew horny. It was something she had been trying to avoid this past two weeks as she did not like the mixture of nausea and exhaustion that followed the act. Post-puking fatigue dampened the growing need to fondle herself but, try as she could, she could not resist the cries of the teenage anime-girl. Her finely shaded skin glistened with sweat as her lithe body struggled under the intensity of her touch. Wispy moans gave way to excited gasps. Thin fingers slipped into wet folds, caressing her tender clitoris, spreading her slick fluids over her lustrous pink parts. Abigale shuddered, her hands working without her commanding them. A virtual swamp of moisture had already soaked her panties. Work calloused fingers penetrated her ready nethers. Moving to the rhythm of the Hentai, she gasped, moaned, and finally arched back as her body clenched then released in a familiar manner. It had happened quickly, this time, and she let forth a weak chuckle as she continued to watch the screen. Removing her top, Abigale let the air cool her damp skin. The video played on with the girl lamenting about how she had been like this for days, and could not seem to sate her hunger for food and sex. A terrible curse and been thrust upon her ... and then there were the dreams. In them she was flying or falling ... living or dying ... and they were vivid. Abigale remembered her own dreams, and agreed with the sentiment. Though she resented the perfect girl's appearance, she could understand the problems, and the fear of losing control of herself. The girl in the anime continued to list off problems which Abigale had also experienced. "But that was not the worst of it," the girl in the video said in her narrator's voice. The Abigale froze, leaning closer to listen with all of her body's senses. "Long ago there was another race, here on Earth. Millions of years ago they lived with dinosaurs, creating a civilization much greater than our own. Then a giant asteroid smashed into the Earth, and they were forced to flee. "Unable to leave the solar system, they settled onto Mars and lived there until the fallout of another calamity began to change the red planet's climate. To save their race, they put themselves into suspended animation. Recently, some of them awoke, but they do not have the ability to breed another generation. That is why they have come here ... to be born again. "Within my body are a pair of emissaries ... the first who will be born into this world. When they are born they will remember who they were. They can live again. Their art ... their culture ... their science can be rediscovered by these ancient people. As human children they can go to school and act as if they were simply talented children. Then ... they can rediscover technologies as if they were humans finding them for the first time. A new renaissance could begin." The girl in the video lamented on, talking about how the mother could only handle one child. Two children of this type would kill her. Transferring the child required her to make love to another woman. Rubbing their lady-parts together would bring forth the child. Then, like an angry penis, the parasite would pass into the other mother's body and then both women could gestate one creature. This, Abigale guessed she could do. While she had never been overly interested in Marcy's advances, she was certain her friend would jump at the opportunity to have sex with her best friend AND get her very own ninja sperm tentacle baby. Abigale laughed to herself, and thought of how what was happening to her was actually Marcy's fantasy and not hers. But then again ... Abigale was kinky too, and the longer this creature was in her, the kinkier she felt herself becoming. The girl on screen gulped, and began to fondle her nipple as she read these facts. "Don't you do it!" Abigal growled as her nipples hardened, and her hands began cupping her ample breasts and pinching her nipples with instinctual vigor. "But there was another issue," the subtitles explained as the girl's voice narrated while in the background her ecstatic cries carried on. "My body did not know it was pregnant yet, and without the seed of a man, my children would kill me." Cold hard shock stopped Abigale in her tracks, and she ceased her self-stimulation. Leaning forward caused her adult breasts to sway. With forward attention, she listened to the girl explain how only the seed of a man would allow the creatures in her womb to absorb the necessary DNA to be born in a human form. If this was not done, then they would grow in a monstrous manner and devour her from the inside. A terrified little squeak emitted from Abigale as this information settled into her. The dream had been symbolic. The creature in the cave ... the growling voice in her mind ... it had been years since she had been laid, and now she needed to find two partners, one male and one female. Then her female partner would need to find a male. If these events did not happen there would be horror, there would be death, and she would be chewed to pieces from the inside. "Mother ..." the gravelly voice called from within. "No ..." Abigale whispered as she held her hands over her abdomen. Tears welled up in her eyes as she began to weep. Falling to her side, she was trampled under but some hormone intensified terror which rendered her helpless and forced her voice to moan in agony. Hard body convulsions occurred as her tears poured from her face. The lonely despair held her there, curled up in a ball of hopelessness. But all storms eventually pass, and this one rained itself out as well. 5am, the clock on her DVD player told her. She needed to get ready for work. She needed to feed this monster. She needed ... an idea clicked into place. This is no time to fall apart. This is the time to fight for my survival ... OUR survival! Gathering herself, Abigale stepped briskly to her bathroom where she stared at herself in the mirror. More changes had taken place in the last couple of weeks, and she swore she looked even younger than she had the previous day. Her body was changing ... and she knew it would help her attract a mate. Not a man ... a mate. Men come with baggage. Mates are used and then discarded. Surely there are a thousand men who would treat me with such disregard. All I need is to find one, use him up, then toss him back like a catch and release fisher. Yes ... I could do this. Now all I need is a shower and a plan. A plan ... a plan ... Hot water rushed down her body, waking her senses, allowing her to feel whole again. She finished quickly then returned to the mirror. The woman who stared back was at least five years younger, and she was certain she was losing her mind. But one thing she knew, was that there was a sex demon living inside of her, and sometime soon, she would be forced to compromise herself. Then, as these thoughts collected and settled into the deeper parts of her mind, a lewd and sinister smile stretched across her face. She knew what she had to do ... and the more she thought of it, the less it bothered her.  

  "ORDER UP!" The daily grind was different. For two days she had hunted. At work she ate all that she could, and paid attention to the men who passed her way. More and more they stared, flirted, tried to get close enough to feel her near them. It was different to be desired in this way. Abigale had been desired like this when she was a teenager, but as an adult she gained weight, failed to find a mate, and had become undesirable. Now she watched as they watched her ... but none were worthy. Deep inside, she knew they would give her an inferior dose of what she needed. It was written in their DNA and somehow, she could smell it on them. None of these men were worthy ... least of all the one who cornered her in the broom-closet after two weeks of hunting. Abigale had just scored an entire uneaten burger, from an order she intentionally messed up. Every delectable morsel filled her with glee, and once she finished, she turned on the sink and washed her hands and face. As she shook the last bits of water from her fingers and wiped her face with her apron, a presence entered the room behind her. A sinister scent alerted her to the danger before he closed the door completely. Slowly, she tried to turn her head, but was frozen in place as a pair of clammy hands crept around her breasts and pulled her close. An oily smell rippled waves of nausea through her stomach as his humid breath wheezed into her ear. "Oh ... Abby," she heard her boss coo, "you're so fucking hot." A hard bit of flesh pressed into her butt, and wiggled as he ground himself against her. "I've gotta fuck you," he told her as he touched her in ways she found revolting. His disgusting hands began touching other parts of her body, peeling back the layers of fabric, working to undo her pants. Abigale knew she needed a man's seed. She knew that this man could mate with her and then never be seen again ... but he was not worthy of this conquest. For years he had used his meager power to take what he wanted from her. Money, dignity, and freedom had all been stripped by years of abuse ... and now he wanted her body. He wanted to be the father of her child. "Fuck off, Kevin," she growled, and, for a moment, he froze. His hands stopped groping and his twitching member stopped thrusting as he considered his next move. "Tuck that shriveled shit-stain you call a penis back between your legs and go find some internet porn." "But ... Abbs ..." A violent turn slapped him in the face and he stumbled back into the door. "I said, fuck off!" she growled. "Don't make me call the police!" That almost worked, she could see the fear in his eyes. But then another look filled them, and in the blink of an eye, Abigale knew she was about to be raped. As she turned away to look for a weapon, he lunged forward and pinned her to the sink. A shot of pain screamed through her hip and for a brief moment she could not see. Then he grabbed her hard and turned her away from him. Forcing her to bend over the sink, he began fumbling with his belt buckle. This was it. Her options quickly waned but then the blueprint of violence settled into her mind once more ... and she let the knowledge take her. Without a moment of hesitation, she thrust her butt back, and then hooked an elbow around as hard as she could. The blow stunned him, but a feral blood-lust had filled Abigale's mind in a hazy mist and she rained blows upon him with her knees, her elbows, her fists, and finally ... her feet. The blows shook both their bodies, the screams filled the world, until at last she exhausted her strength and stumbled away from him. Kevin had crumbled to the floor during the assault, and his body spasmed as the shock of an induced seizure overloaded his nervous-system, causing him to twitch at her feet. An eternity of silence filled the room until the buzzing of the florescent light grew to a deafening level. Turning away from what she had done, Abigale began washing the blood off of her bruised knuckles. Once she turned off the water, she considered what had just happened. The ache of adrenaline burned in her veins as she stood there panting and she wondered why no one had come to check on the noise. Then her mind moved to the next bit of logic. Will the police believe that he attacked me? Am I going to jail? If that happens ... will there be time for me to find a pair of mates before I get devoured from the inside? Dashing out of the closet, she nearly knocked over one of the other servers on her way to the break room. There she gathered her things and then rushed out to her car. Marcy's number was at the top of her friend list. The tone hummed once then Marcy's voice answered on the other side. "Hey Abbs! How's work?" "I think I just killed my boss," Abigale heard herself saying. "Wha?" "He ... he fucking tried to rape me," she began to babble as the words came quickly. "I hit him ... I hit him until he stopped moving and then I hit him again and again and-" "Whoa ... Abby!" "A lot Marcy!" she continued, unable to stop shouting. "I beat the shit outta him! He's dead Marcy! He's fucking dead!" "Okay, slow down!" Marcy shouted and then reigned in her voice. "You need to call the police." "But ..." "Abigale," Marcy spoke sternly, "you're the victim of a crime. Call the police and tell them what happened. Defending your life against a rapist is perfectly legal." "Are ... are you sure?" "I'm sure," Marcy told her bluntly, "I looked it up." "Wha ... why would you look something like that up?" "That's not important," her friend told her, "but I know the police will work with you." "A-alright," Abigale stammered. "Abby, where are you?" "At work ..." "I'm on my way," Marcy told her as the sound of her gathering her purse and keys rattled in the background. "Don't you start driving or fleeing the scene. You call 9-1-1 and stay the fuck there! You hear me?" "Yea ... thanks, Marcy." "Just don't go anywhere," Marcy told her again. "I'll be there in a little while and we'll make this right!" "Okay ... thank you ... I-I love you, Marcy ..." "Awe ... don't do that shit to me, Abbs." She could hear the conflict in her best friend's voice. "I love you too, Abigale. Now you dial 9-1-1 and wait right there for them. We'll make it through this together, alright?" "Alright ... thanks ..."  

  Marcy had been right about the police and their treatment of women who had been attacked by a potential rapist. It also helped that Kevin had survived his brutal beating and would live to go to jail after an extended visit to the Emergency Room. Even though she had not killed him, the next several hours were still a blur of flashing lights and retelling her story again and again to a dozen different people. Hours past as she was taken to the hospital, examined by a doctor, and told there were some strange anomalies in her blood. All of the details jumbled together in a swirling mess she was certain would make more sense as time passed. But by the end of the day all she could really remember was crumbling into Marcy's arms and balling like a frightened child. Her friend had held her forever. Though she was certain it pained her immensely, Marcy did not take advantage of the situation. Any other day her friend would have grabbed, fondled, and kissed her with giggly delight, but not this day. At the end of it, Marcy insisted on driving her home. "Can we go to your place?" Abigale pleaded. "Uhm ... sure," Marcy hesitated, obviously unsure of her own judgment. "Do you need any of your stuff-" "Can I use yours?" Abigale cut her off, and Marcy suddenly grinned. "Alright," her friend said with a chuckle, "you can spend the night at my house. But my mom says we can't have any boys over, so it'll be just us girls." "Oh, you bitch," Abigale squealed as Marcy reached over and thumbed her nipple with pinpoint accuracy. The tension broke all at once as both of them broke into fits of laughter which threatened their path on the road. Marcy regained enough control to pull the car over and place it in park. She then leaned over and gave her friend a much needed hug. "Thanks." "Any time, love," Marcy whispered, "any time."

Unintended Intruder - 03

The morning chime announced another customer, and Abigale's worn shoes carried her to the table. "Good morning, Sam," she greeted in her typically familiar manner. "Good morning, Abby," the older man commented with a pause as he studied her. "You...

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Unintended Intruder - 02

[[Buy my book here]](https://www.amazon.com/Unintended-Intruder-Red-Wolf-ebook/dp/B01BHBKML2?ie=UTF8&keywords=unintended%20intruder%20by%20red%20wolf&qid=1462663142&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1) After what seemed like months ... Abigale opened her eyes. The...

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Unintended Intruder - 01

[[Buy the book here]](http://www.amazon.com/Unintended-Intruder-Red-Wolf-ebook/dp/B01BHBKML2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1455513044&sr=8-1&keywords=unintended+intruder+red+wolf) \*DING\* The bell announced the opening of the front door to the 'O'-Mart....

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