"The Clinic" Opening Teaser & Sign up Opportunities!

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#1 of The Clinic

Heya Guys! Here it is, the opening 'Teaser' for my new series "The Clinic", with multiple spots available for your characters to feature their own short little side spots! Here's how this is going to work.

Encounter (5 of 5 available) - $5 You character will have a brief encounter with one of the main characters in the story as a patient of the clinic. Nothing special, maybe hinting at smut to come, but again, keeping it brief. Possible relation to minor plot elements.

Patient/Intern (2 of 3 available) - $15 Your character will feature as either a patient or an intern to the clinic, essentially a minor character in the story. You also will receive a short 'Smut and smexings' scene side story ranging around the 2500 word mark. And yes, if you have a partner, you can bring them in on it free of charge :P This is a $10 saving on my normal prices!

Specialist - $25 (SOLD OUT!) - $25 Your character will feature as a frequent appearance in the story, either as a close friend or co-worker to the main characters. Lots of 'screen time' so to speak, and you'll have input on the drafts before they are published. You'll also get two 'Smut and Smexxings' side stories, each around 2500 words, for a total of $25 off my normal prices!

Comment below or shoot me a PM if you're interested or want more details, and I'll en devour to get in touch within 24 hours to discuss it! And as always, feel free to comment, critique, and just say you like it! Favorites, Watches and Comments are all always appreciated!

"...and thus, through the stimulation of the female and the more natural process of breeding, she can become markedly more fertile. This is especially true in felines or those stimulated by the glandis of a male from the 'felis' genus, their reproductive organs designed to stimulate ovulation. Obviously, being a primarily 'in vitro' based method, one would think this not an important factor, but our studies have shown greatly to the contrary. A female who knows she is fertile and being physically bred is much more likely to carry to full term than one simply understanding that she will become pregnant because her doctor put some cells in her womb.

Thus, the basis of my clinics practice. Ryan Parker made great leaps in this field of study alongside my own conclusive studies, and it was his research that definitively proved that our theory was correct. Woman are more likely to carry to full term with regular intercourse or stimulation. Our clinic simply offers a sterile and professional environment. It's not prostitution, it's not soliciting sex, and it's strictly medicine and treatment. Especially for females who suffer from infertility issues or unusual or indefinably prolonged heat cycles. Our clinic provides a natural solution to their issues conceiving or simply getting their bodies hormones back in check. Sure, we use medicines like any other practice might when the situation calls for it or it's deemed medically necessary, but we like to think of that as our later options rather than our first."

"But what about minors? Haven't any tried to abuse your... Treatment policy?"

"Yes, but no. We're very strict about that sort of thing. Our clinic is considered a specialist treatment. A patient has to be seconded to us through a licensed practitioner, and we do all of our own background and medical history checks just to verify every patient should be there. Yes, we've had minors before, but obviously, we treat them only in the ways that your typical OB/GYN would go about that. We offer as much family planning and contraceptives to our patients as we do our other treatments, but our new treatment methods are only offered to those of age who consent to it and are approved in advance."

"And what about infections? Aren't you concerned about that? Or accidental pregnancies occurring because of staff 'indiscretions?'"

[His fur bristles, hackles rising, and I realize I might have hit a sore spot] "If you're implying that my staff are anything but professional in our duties and work, I'd be more than happy to refute those claims for you. We check each of our patients thoroughly before we approve them for our new treatment methods to ensure that they are free of infections or illnesses that could cause harm to either them or the staff working with them. The staff also have to submit to testing on a bi-weekly basis, myself included, to ensure they are in good health. As for the 'accidental' pregnancies, it would never happen. All of our male Estrus and Fertility specialists have to agree to undergo either permanent, such as myself, or temporary sterilization before they will be hired on. That, and of course, having more rubbers than a college frat house helps too." [He laughs, and the previous tension is diffused from the situation]

"In all seriousness though, we take all of this far more seriously than most people seem to think. Most anthro's wander in expecting a brothel disguised as a medical clinic, and that just isn't the case. Already, we've delivered over three hundred successful sire-lings, be they for females using our new methods, traditional methods, and even helped quite a few couples conceive. We're just like any other Gynecology or fertility treatment clinic. We just have different methods that have shown to be overall more successful than most traditional methods."

"So why all the controversy then about your methods? I mean, even here in his report, Doctor Philip Ryanson quotes that 'It's little more than pseudo-science. There are to many variables between species for him to claim that it without a doubt is true, and even if it were, then there's several more moral issues to deal with if his doctors really are coupling with their patients.' What do you have to say to that?"

"Well, we treat every patient on a case by case basis, and our treatments are all bound by doctor-patient confidentiality laws just as any treatment is. We've done testing on over one hundred and thirty common purebred species and another five hundred mixed breed species back while this method was still just in the experimental phase. It works. The evidence is in the results. As for the moral issues, well, that's a little more tricky.

[He pauses for a moment, taking a sip from his water, clearly deep in thought.] Every one of our patients undergoes this treatment entirely voluntarily. It's not like we strap them down and force them too, and hey, they get their choice of doctor, and for couples, we allow the partner to do our job for us with a simple 'crash-course' as we call it. We want to create families here, not break them apart. If a woman comes in and tells us she's married and wants to go through with the treatment, we can only assume she's told her partner about it, and that they're fine with it, merely absent. That's not our business to be prying into. Like I said, everyone has their reasons for coming here, and if they were referred here, then it must have been a good one."

"At the same time however, we have had a few minor incidents that were handled by our security team, nothing serious. Our patient's safety is our top priority after all. We also handle males during rut, and when you're in our sort of facility, even with the air filtration, sometimes the hormones can get them a little fired up, so to speak, but typically we keep a close eye on any males in the waiting rooms so we can keep them otherwise occupied. Our receptionists are well trained to keep them busy, and if they get a little to paws on before their appointment, well, that's why we have mace and the security team."

"So, the male end of things... What exactly goes on there?"

"Well, men have needs as well, and especially in the rut seasons, we get a lot during spring. Many are looking for ways to improve their virility for their mates, and others just need a hand controlling the urges, and we have medication we can give them for that to help them keep a level head at work and the like. But of course, we also have females on staff willing to try other methods to give them relief as well, but I don't think that we need to go into that a whole lot. Use your imagination..."

"Now you mentioned a moment ago on the topic of minors, what does your treatment plan consist of for them, of both genders?"

"Of course, our newer options are strictly regulated, and thus, off the table for minors, as I said. We do however, offer no-cost sexual health checkups to them, as well as numerous birth and estrus controlling medications and treatments for females. For the guys, if they are set on it, we also offer a sterilizing shot that is effective for up to six months, and we have condoms available out the yazzoo, so to speak.

On that note though, we've partnered with numerous producers of intimate accessories, Durex, KY, and so on, so forth. All of them have pitched in both in financial support as well as sponsorship and backing of our treatment methods. It's a win/win for everyone really. But for minors, we offer free consultations and treatments as covered by most medical plans."

"Of course, but back on topic here, tell us more about this new treatment method."

[He laughs heartily, his tails flicking with clear amusement.] "Well, it all boils down to the science of sex, to put it simply. As I was saying earlier, our studies concluded that the natural process is the best method to conceive, but stimulating female orgasm and regular sexual release not only helps keep patients hormones well balanced, but also encourages fertilization of the female ovum, and can assist greatly in keeping the pregnancy viable throughout the first two trimesters.

Essentially, it's exactly what everyone has said it is. We examine the females, measure their hormone levels, the severity of their estrus, and from there, there's a few options. The 'At home' pack, where we send them off with everything they need to help stimulate themselves in the comfort of their home, and if fertilization is their goal, they simply set up an appointment and we run them through the process of self-insemination through the use of one of our modified 'toys'

Alternatively, however, if they would rather something more natural, we have our trained specialists available. Some females would just much rather feel a males warmth against them than they would a cold bit of silicone, and as our studies showed, the simple presence of a male stimulates the females mind into the breeding mindset, and adds to her body's fertility. There's a reason creatures were meant to breed naturally, and our studies reinforce that simple truth.

Our specialists have their fun, making sure that the female climaxes a minimum of two times to get her body ready, and start allowing her cervix to better absorb the chosen donor's seed, and in the case of our doctors, they wear a thin tube that runs neatly along the base of the penis and exits at the end of custom ordered condoms. The tube runs to a small reservoir of semen contained in a syringe kept sterile throughout the process, and when the specialist feels she is ready, he will inject the contents, simulating a male orgasm. It seems simple, but there are many years of science behind it, and we didn't want to over-complicate the process." [He laughs, as if it really were all that complex to begin with]

"So, essentially though, all you're doing is adding sex as a practice for artificial insemination then?"

"That would be oversimplifying the truth of the matter. Our method has proven to be significantly more effective. More effective than ovulation prediction, more effective than in vitro fertilization, and more effective than even drug treatment to increase fertility. It works Mark, and that's the truth of it. You can simplify it, demonize it, or praise it all you want, but stop by my clinic one of these days, and see just how many people are lining up to be seen."

* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *

After the clinic became a private practice and stopped requiring a reference in order to be seen, that statement was true on a daily basis it seemed. Shadi looked up from behind the cover of the year old magazine, still another twelve people in line ahead of her before she reached the doorway to the clinic, her entire body tingling with nervous excitement. Once she went through that door, that'd be it. No turning back then. Her nether's felt aflame from her prolonged heat, and by the scent wafting in the hallway, she wasn't the only one here to have her 'itch' scratched...