So Falls the God

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#9 of Tales from The Hub

Finally. Another chapter.


was already hanging out with someone. He was sitting upstairs somewhere right

now. It didn't seem right to cheat on him, but how often did you get a chance

to screw around with the very being that started life on this world.  Archimedes would have to get over it.                "Sure

thing! You got any neat tricks?"                "In

this body? Probably not. I formed a basic human style. It doesn't have all the

strength and grace that some of yours do."                "But

you created us. Why didn't you pick something else?'                "Because

the machine is old and I didn't want to risk burning out the circuits trying

something big and fancy. This is how I looked when I was about thirty six years

old, and it's what you have to deal with. I wouldn't waste too much time

complaining. You can either have a little fun before all hell breaks loose of

else you can just cut to the inferno."                She

looked him up and down. "I'll take the fun. I've never seen a thing like you in

my life."                "No

kidding. Humans weren't cut out for life on this planet back then. Even now,

I'll probably feel it, even in this adjusted body."                At this

point they walked away, and I was too polite to follow. I could still overhear

bits, but if you want to know what happened, you'll have to follow along

yourself. I suggest taking this up from when Jenar said this...                "So, my

cute little sexy vixen, do you know of any comfortable, out of the way places

in this monstrosity Veracity calls home?"                "Um,

not really. I have quarters upstairs, but my present, um, suitor is up there."                "Hmm.

Another red fur like yourself?"                "No, A

Carn. Feline."                "Oh ho,

mixing it up are we? Good. Good. Humans would have been better off mixing with

the beasts of my world instead of killing them, poisoning them and in general

eradicating them. It was a good thing I promoted the gene bank. Of course, I

took it with me when I left."                "Gene

bank?"                "Yes.

Every living thing has a code written in the molecules that make up its body. I

collected samples from everything that was still alive, or else had tissue

samples still in existence. I coded them in my computes and stored the end

result. I then ran test simulations to see what combinations would work and in

what way. Since those early days I have created simulated life in over four

hundred million combinations."                Her

eyes glazed over. She wasn't bored with him, but she was finding that he was

way, way outside her league. She was hoping for him to pull her down somewhere

so that he would quit talking. She had considered herself to be pretty smart,

but this was like talking to God himself. Then she busted out laughing.                "What's

so funny?" he demanded.                "I have

to be crazy bedding the creator!"                "Well,

if you don't want to..."                "Oh no,

I wouldn't pass this up for the world, but you must admit how crazy it sounds."                "Ehh,

maybe not so much. On my world, at least in the old Roman and Greek stories,

the gods came down and had a little fun with the mortals."                "Are

you immortal then?"                "So far

I have been. Of course, I was born, so I'm not eternal.  My trick is to make copies of yourself. It

tends to keep you going."                "Copies?

You mean like the body you're wearing?"                "Yes

and no. Ahhhh!" He stopped in front of a door. He tried the handle but it was

locked. She was about to offer her services when he slid a nearly invisible panel

to one side and pressed a button. The door popped open, followed by a wash of

pressurized air.                 "I

think this will do!"                They

stepped inside as lights flickered on. It was an old room filled with antique,

outdated furniture. Veronica fell in love with it all immediately. In the next

instant fans kicked on, stirring up the dust of centuries. Right before their

eyes the ventilation system wafted it all away and out onto the rooftops.                 It was

hardly a bedroom, or a living room, or any room in the causal sense. It was

more a collection of items put carefully in storage in a functional, yet usable

manner. But the important thing was that there was a bed. A few well placed

smacks beat the remaining dust from it. It smelled old, not musty or unpleasant,

just old, like the building itself.                 He was

about to say something when he noticed she was getting undressed. He had liked

her before, from his ship across the span of the stars. He had been in her

mind, getting a grip on how life had developed over the ensuing centuries. Had

hadn't expected a lot of change. Evolution takes time. But her mind was

inquisitive and curious, and in her memories, he had seen a few interesting

tidbits. That fact was he already knew almost everything about her. He had no

desire to tell her though. Let her tell him things as she felt like it.                In

those early days, he had no sexual interest in his creations. He wasn't a prude,

just not living in the typical sense. He had no organic body. Now, his mind was

reveling in the sensations. As he watched her disrobe, he felt a thrill go up

his spine. It traveled to his brain and then back down to his loins. He felt

the blood rush to his cock. It was an incredible feeling. It made him dredge up

memories from so very long ago they seemed like a dream.                As a

human, he had been isolated in the labs. But that hadn't meant that he hadn't coerced

a few of the female technicians over the years. He had often wondered if he had

left any bastards behind. But then, it wasn't likely. As it was, Earth had

probably self destructed, leastwise as far as humanity was concerned, and maybe

now it was back to repairing itself. He had laid the ground work for that

eventuality. He might just have to go back and see how things had played out.                 But for now, he was watching a fascinating

little dance as she removed her multiple layers. They did much to hide her

intriguing form. Once she was nude, he felt his cock stiffening even more.

After a few generations the characteristics he had coded in had leveled out to

near perfection. She was short, though at around five foot six hardly a midget.

He was comparing her to Veracity. Now there was a brute!                No,

Veronica, or Bolshoi as she liked to be called, was as much a foxy vixen as any

illustrator from the old days could have drawn up. Her fur was soft and silky,

the red was red and the rest was a creamy white. Her face was a blend of human

and fox, with a shortened muzzle and cute whiskers. Her eyes were as sharp as tacks

and her breasts as round and compact as two halves of a grapefruit. He

chuckled. They would have no idea what that was. He had tried to grow citrus

here to no avail.                Between

her legs the fur colors merged to a point that had his firm attention (if you know

what I mean).  He wondered briefly if

that monster Veracity had ever had this the poor thing, then remembered her

memories. No. The most recent lover was apparently upstairs. He almost hated

bedding her when she was in a relationship, but saw that is was mostly for the

sex anyway. A horse cock would have permanently ruined this fine girl.                She was

now standing there looking coy, waiting for him. He had no clothing to remove.

He looked down. "Looks like there's nothing to hold us up. However, I'd suggest

we don't waste any time. While it's working fine now, I can make no guarantee for

the future. If I can repair the machine, then I can create another body. But

there is a lot riding on this one, so what say you and me make some music together?"                She

frowned a little. "Music?"                He

laughed. "Yes music. We'll set the rhythm with the shaking of the bed, and with

any luck, we'll both be singing the praises of sex in no time!"                She

smiled and then shook her head. He was so unusual it was hard to imagine he had

created them. Whatever she had thought he was before, she was learning that the

Brotherhood was so full of shit that they could fertilize the planet with three

feet of their excrement.  She couldn't wait

to see what he did to them as punishment. Well... she could wait. As long as he

desired!                He

leaned in and kissed her. His lips were odd, being soft and unfurred. But his

embrace was strong, and in a moment he picked her up and laid her on the bed. She

had been keeping an eye on his cock. It was a bit odd looking compared to what

she had seen in her life. But it was nice and long. Not too thick. She had a

feeling that if he really knew how to use it, he could do some wonderful

things.                But

instead of dropping right to it, he moved across her chest with his mouth. Few

males ever bothered seeing to her needs. She had a few female lovers who knew

just what to do and when she really needed satisfaction, she would turn to

them. She didn't think of herself as a same-sex sort of gal, but guys good in

bed were hard to come by.                This

one, this god, was playing with her breasts, tweaking her nipples and sending

little shots of fire through her nerves. He soon had her squirming uncontrollably

around the bed. Her finally grabbed her arms and held her still. She was

arching up her hips in a desperate attempt to get him to penetrate her. He

refused.                His

head dropped down there instead. He let go of her arms, which shot out and

grabbed his head with their delicate paws. She felt his tongue and mouth and

nearly screamed. She was already worked up and he was just adding fuel to the

fire. His hands went under her hips to her ass. She could feel his fingers

spreading her furry cheeks. His head then moved from one hole to the other in

rapid succession. He lingered on her clit, making her dig her nails into his

scalp.                 She

came in quick succession, three orgasms in a row as he relentlessly worked away

on her sensitive flesh.  By the time he

stopped, her arms were tight from clenching his hair. He had to carefully pull

loose. Even so, he lost more than a little of the brown strands. She was laying

there shaking nicely. He pulled her legs up and positioned himself in between

them. She was wet, so there was no problem with lubrication. He pressed the

head of his cock against her hole and gently pushed. Her head arched back and

she clawed at the air.                "Relax.

Here we go." He pushed in. His foreplay had made her as tight as a mouse. Her

nerve endings were still on overload. He pushed in, feeling his body merging

with hers. He pushed and pushed until he was in, leaving just the barest hint

of his cock sticking out. Yeah, he had definitely been missing some aspects of

having a real body.                Of

course, there was the novelty of bedding a creature that was essentially from

his imagination. True, he had created them to live on this planet, and that had

meant some creative tinkering, but the end result, leastwise in her, was

exquisite.  If he ever retired (he laughed

mentally) he would have to come here.                 She was

as hot as a tin roof (some sort of an old Earth saying) and as jittery as a cat

in a dog pound. He had no idea what kind of stamina this body of his would

have, but if he burned it out on this one thing, he would do so gladly.                He

started slow, pushing in deep and then pulling back to the opening. Her nails

bit into his skin. In no time he was picking up speed, and in deference to his

outer dermal layer, he pinned her arms at her sides. She finally opened her

eyes.                "Are

you trying to kill me?"                "No.

But can you think of a better way to go?"                She

smiled weakly and pushed into his thrust. "No. But I will have to hate you

after this."                "Hate

me?"                "You are

the lover every girl wants. And you will go back to being whatever it is that

you are and leave me all alone with a planet full of inferior males."                He

smiled warmly. "I'll take that as a compliment. I figured my moves would be

rather rusty from centuries in space, and without a body to boot. I guess the

flesh knows what it wants."                She

clamped down tight around him. "You bet your fucking ass it does."                He

fought back the urge to allow his eyes to roll back in his head. This beat all

of the exploring he had been doing for the past centuries. True, he had mapped

a huge part of the Milky Way, but he had forgotten what it was like to be

human. Being flesh and blood was not so bad.                His

pace picked up until he was a blur on the bed. Little puffs of dust were

filling the air as his movements were forcing out the last vestiges of time

that had accumulated in the mattress. Her claws had dug into the material, and

small ripping sounds where coming from the embattled fabric.  Each push was forcing her upwards towards to

wall.                 As it

was, her ears were touching by the time her cut loose. Not all males were

vocal, but he had no qualms about letting his cries escape. She herself had

always tried to be dignified, but the two of them managed to fill the room with

the sounds of two extremely aroused beings. She could feel his sperm cut loose

and flow into her in great gushes. This was at the same time she swore he was

going to render her in two. It felt like he was trying to tear her apart. It

wasn't painful, but she wasn't sure how much more she could take.                Still,

she sighed when he pulled out. It felt like she now had a gaping hole. She hardly

had time to feel disappointed. He grabbed her and rolled her onto her stomach.

He straddled her, locking her legs together with his own. He pulled her tail

up, and in the next instant, felt him sink back in. She had worried for a moment

his intentions were a different spot, but he seemed to ignore it. Some males

had a thing for the back door.                His new

position was rubbing a few of her favorite spots in all the right ways. In fact,

maybe too well. There was a ridge inside that his size and length were now

hitting all too firmly. Her claws dug into the bed again. She was already on

fire. Just for added benefit, she bit the sheets and tensed up.                He

plowed into her like a hurricane. She had never witnessed such a storm, but

they had a reputation for being some of the most extreme weather on the planet.

 Her tail was feeling the pressure of his

grip right at its very root. She could feel his every motion; his every twitch

and shift. She soon fell apart, emotionally speaking. She relaxed and fell

under the spell of his prowess as he pounded her up and down a mountain range

of sensations.                When he

came again, she thought he was going to turn her inside out. His actions turned

nearly violent as he drove it home like a crazed hyena. And yes, a version of

that species did still live on this world. And yes, most of them were pretty

nuts.                She

could feel a few tuffs of fur come loose in his fingers. She had done the same

to him, so she instantly forgave him. She was more than a bit vain about her

lovely coat. Where he pulled it was not likely to be seen by anyone anytime

soon. The loss of hair on his head was more visible.                As it

was, her brain was being flooded by sensations and hormones and; well, way too

much for the average Vulp to deal with. She wisely passed out. When she awoke,

he was off of her and laying there staring into her face. She loved his blue

eyes. They were kind and deep and... something else.                "Why

are you staring at me?"                "I've

been trying to figure that out. I think I have come to a conclusion."                 She

smiled and kissed his nose. "And that is?"                He got

a rueful look. "I blame it on this body. It's all about chemistry your know.

Bodies are nothing but chemical machines."                "Be

that as it may, you still haven't answered my question."                He

sighed. "I think that in the past hour I have fallen in love with you."                She sat

bolt upright. "What?"                "Calm

down. This body will not last forever. Once it is finished, the feeling will

pass."                She

reached out and hit him hard. "Love? Pass? Why would you want love to pass?"                "Because

it is inconvenient and messy."                She

dabbed her crotch and rubbed it on his nose. "You don't like messy?"                He laughed

a little. "I don't mean like that. I mean emotionally. I work outside of that

limiting factor. If I had given in to emotion, I would have given up on life

here. Do you know how many failures I had?"                She bit

him, drawing blood. "Some god you are. Love is wonderful. Have you never been

in love before?"                He

frowned. "Yes I have. And it hurt like hell."                "So

does a lot of things. Like my bite. But done correctly, it can make you feel

like nothing else in the world."                "So how

many times have you been in love?"                She got

shy. "I would say twice. Once was a long time from ago."                "And

when was the second?"                "About

thirty minutes ago."                "You

seriously want me to believe that you fell in love with..."                He was

cut off. She was on top kissing him as passionately as she could.