magic planet

Story by demon545 on SoFurry

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Long ago when the planet called magic was young a boy dragon was born from a mother dragon and a human mage there love for there child was greater than life the child had shield powers any time someone new tryed to see him they fell asleep at the door because of the child's sleep gas it works on those who enter without his mom or dad even with them there if the child is uneasy the gas will put the one who caused it to sleep.

Until his mom goes up wondering what's taking so long to bring her baby to her as the baby boy needed food badly.

long ago when the planet called magic was young a boy dragon was born from a mother dragon and a human mage there love for there child was greater than life the child had shield powers any time someone new tryed to to see him they fell asleep at the door because of the child's sleep gas it works on those who caused it.

Until his mom goes up wondering what's taking so long to bring her baby boy to her as the baby needed food badly. The mommy sure was fast on her feet as she heard soft crying coming from her baby she ran to him picking him up asking what's wrong baby boy points to stranger sleeping next to his crib. Oh him is that all his name is Sam Stewart he will help me take care of you. Soon after that the food was in belly of baby boy.

Soon after Sam woke up and got up to find that the baby was already in his mom's arm's and loving the time spent with his mom. Because he feels safe with his mom near him. Anywhere away from his mom and by that I mean he stayed in her sight if he could not see her then his element protected him by making him hard to hold if the human can't learn to keep the near your mom for your peace of mind then the human losses the right to touch you in any way as while you may be an elemental you are still human and as such have the right to be where you want. Sam Stewart keep the baby near his mom for the baby peace of mind in doing so the baby started to trust Sam Stewart who would do anything that is reasonable to keep the baby happy. Baby boy had fun building a tower out of blocks his mom was in the kitchen making food for Sam her son and herself. This mom dragon lived with her son the baby infant who made sure no one touched him without his permission with mom keeping an eye on them who touch her son as mom trusted no one with his care only bringing her son to her for care. Soon the food was done mom feed her son while Sam feed himself after mom burped her son she put him down for a nap as he needed a nap. While mom's son was asleep mom feed herself and keep an eye on Sam who had already eat till he was full. Sam went home to sleep and slept like a baby he did.

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