A New Home

Story by doomkaiser142 on SoFurry

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#2 of Alex and Rocco (Crocodile) Stories

A 'sequel' to "Late-Night Confessions" that (by some miracle) manage to get finished. Kudos for the ideas of this story go to TheDarkGod.

Things have been keeping me really busy so I'm just glad I finally managed to finish this... And sorry about the delay (hope the story's good enough for the wait laughs nervously ^.^")

As always, any constructive criticism is more than welcome!


"Wow, that was intense," a young man of barely 30 years, Alex Linderson, said in a fatigued voice to himself, "I didn't think it'd be so big. Can't say I'm surprised though." Sighing hard, he leaned back against the sickly yellow, concrete wall and wiped his eyes wearily to clear the dust that had somehow settled on his face. Removing his hands and taking in a deep breath of the artificially chilled, almost freezing, air, he let his gaze wander down the length of the intimidatingly long hallway until his eyes fell upon the small metal door that resided at its end.

Sighing again, Alex pushed himself up from the wall and wrapped his arms around himself as he felt a pang of cold strike his sides and course through his body. "Why is it so cold in here," he asked nonchalantly as though someone might have heard his words and tried to offer an answer to his somewhat rhetorical question, "I think I'll get out here before I freeze solid." Turning his attention back down the hall, he again spied the door waiting patiently at its end and quickly dashed towards it; eager to feel the warmth of the afternoon sun caress his skin and heat his core.

Finally covering the deceptively long distance, he reached out to the door's handle and quickly twisted it before pushing the door open and barreling outside in one fluent action. Alex reached his hands out as a few rays of resplendent sunlight pushed through the overhead trees and landed on his tanned skin; a relieved sigh escaping his lips. Feeling himself warm up almost instantly, he slowly walked away from the door behind him as it slowly swung shut and cut off the flow of icy air.

Humming pleasurably, he spent a moment longer basking in the glorious radiance of the afternoon sun before he heard a solid thud echo from behind and draw him from his daydream. With a confused look plastered on his face he turned around and discovered the source of the noise was the small door he'd exited from shutting firmly. Noticing the lack of handle on this side - indeed the only indication of it being a door was the rectangular outline in the wall - he took a moment to gather his thoughts and decide his next move.

"Well if I can't get back in I suppose I'd better go see him," he muttered as his mind reasoned the best course of action, "Besides, I do have to tell him the news." Pausing a moment longer as he considered his other possible options, most of which were near dismissed nearly instantly, he finally nodded happily in confirmation and muttered, "Visiting him it is." Determination and happiness filling him at the thought of meeting with his 'friend', Alex felt his previous fatigue clear as he started briskly walking towards the reptile wing of the zoo.

Arriving quickly at the heavy-set door that barred access to the inside of the reptile enclosure, Alex fumbled around in his pocket for a moment before he pulled out a new, silver key that shined brightly in the warm sun. Wasting little more than a moment to check that it was the right key, he quickly stuffed the key into the sturdy-looking lock and swiftly unlocked it; a light 'thud' confirming his actions. Alex sparred another brief moment to look around as he checked that no zoo visitors were going to follow him in to the 'staff only' area. Finding no one in sight, not even another zoo staff member, he returned the key to one of his uniform's many trouser pockets and walked inside.

Closing the door behind him and re-locking it from the inside, Alex slowly made his way along the thin corridor that made its way to the crocodile enclosure; the path snaking its way through innumerable boxes and barrels of assorted items. He chuckled mentally to himself as he realized the assortment of items had turned the normally easy-to-traverse path into a twisting maze of confusion. Taking cautious steps around towering crates, he sighed happily as he thought about how grateful he was that he knew the correct path; his daily trips to and from the enclosure almost burning a map into his memory.

Taking a few last cautious steps around a tall crate that towered overhead like a top-heavy giant, he sighed in relief as he finally reached the door to the main enclosure. Turning around and smiling victoriously as he looked at the labyrinth he'd traversed, he again fumbled around in his pocket before pulling out another, slightly duller key. Humming quietly, he unlocked the door and pushed it open before pulling the key back out, stuffing it in his pocket and closing the door in one practiced, fluid movement.

Taking a moment to regain his composure, as he realized he'd practically gone through a small adventure to get here, he dusted himself off and made his way to the deceptively strong fence that surrounded the luxurious enclosure. "Rocco, I'm back," he called out happily as he made his way to the fence's gate. Stepping through and closing the gate behind him, he watched as Rocco slowly pushed his head through the glassy surface of the water and look at him cheerfully.

Spying Alex standing at the gate, Rocco felt his heart fill with joy to be with his mate again and eagerly rose from his peaceful slumber to greet him. Unable to control his love for Alex, he swam through the water with surprising speed and grace before staggering his way up onto the nearby grass that surrounded the enclosure's miniature lake. Taking barely a moment to steady himself, a task made much easier with his heavy tail to stabilize himself, he barreled towards Alex before skidding to a stop; his large, iron-scale clad head only an inch away from Alex's knees.

Watching merrily through the entire antic, Alex smiled happily before sitting down in front of Rocco's snout and running his right hand gently over his powerful head and under his toned jawline. Laughing lightheartedly as Rocco started 'purring' from the relaxing massage, Alex asked curiously, "Well you're in high spirits today, did something happen?" Running his hand further under Rocco's head, he felt his fingers dance over the softer, white scales as he heard him respond, "Well, you just weren't here yesterday and I guess I was just a little worried is all."

Hearing the truth in his answer, coupled with the slight worry that the response carried, Alex moved his other hand to rest atop Rocco's back before carefully stroking along his spine. Preparing to allay his worry by telling him why he was late, Alex felt a low thrum echo in Rocco's throat as he added, "But at least you're here now, and that's all that matters. Although, aren't you a little early for our usual 'fun'?" Giving a sly smile, Rocco chuckled lightheartedly as he saw Alex's cheeks turned bright red and cause him to mutter quickly and nonsensically in embarrassment. It always made him laugh how Alex seemed so embarrassed at the mere mention of the 'fun' they'd had despite how often they engaged in it.

Alex took a deep breath and tried to recover from the embarrassment of the friendly tease before he quickly replied, "No th-that's not why I'm hear. It's actually something a bit... different." Alex withdrew his hands back to his sides as he saw Rocco's teasing expression change to curiosity and prepared to explain. "Okay, it'll be a bit of an explanation," he said flatly, realizing that he was already backpedaling, "But I'll try and cut it down as much as I can."

Seeing Rocco shift slightly as he listened intently, Alex started, "Well the reason I couldn't get in yesterday, and the reason I've been late most other days, is because I had to go to meetings and long, boring discussions with my boss. And, well..." Pausing for a moment and thinking of how to word the next sentence, he decided on simply saying, "It turns out that I've got so many holidays reserved that they're basically forcing me to take a month off, something about legal reasons. The problem is, during this month I might not be able to come back and see you everyday as I'd just be another zoo visitor."

Feeling a gentle nudge against his side, Alex looked down and saw Rocco's expression of sadness and worry as he asked, "So, we won't be able to see each other for a whole month?" Not wanting to see his mate in such a state of worry he gently placed a soothing hand on his back and started rubbing him before responding plainly, "Actually, that depends on you and what you want to do." Rocco looked back at him with hope shining in his eyes before asking with renewed confidence, "It depends on me?"

Alex nodded happily as he saw hope and joy growing in Rocco's eyes and quickly added, "Yeah. You see all the meetings I've been having... they've actually been meetings that I've used to pull in a few favors. I knew that I'd be going on holidays a while ago, but I didn't want to just abandon you for a month so I tried to convince the boss, and basically half the staff at the zoo, that you could... come home with me during the break."

Seeing Rocco's eyes light up as the glee filled his body, Alex pushed on, determined to finish everything his story, "At first they were very against it but after so many favors and meetings I finally managed to convince them that this would be best and, by some miracle, they agreed. The only catch was that I had to attend lots of special late-night meetings to sign huge amounts of ridiculous paperwork." Pausing as he neared the end of his somewhat lengthy explanation, Alex finished by saying, "But just to make sure, I wanted to ask if you wanted to come home with me. I wasn't sure if..."

"Yes," Rocco blurted out quickly as he nuzzled his large head lovingly against his mate, "I do! I want to come home with you!" Pausing for a moment before laughing happily, Alex leaned down slightly and wrapped his arms happily around Rocco's snout as he hugged him strongly. They both shut their eyes in bliss as the world around them drifted away and time came to a standstill until Alex lightly whispered, "I'm glad."

Determined to stay in their intimate embrace for a while longer, they were pulled from their trance when a loud, computerized voice called over the zoo loudspeakers, "Attention all visitors, the zoo will be closing in less than 10 minutes. Could all visitors please make their way to the exit. Thank you." Sitting up straight and looking at the light that barely shone though the old, dusty windows outside the enclosure, Alex patted Rocco lightly on the head as he said, "Well, now that I know you're alright with coming home. How about we head on home?" Rocco looked back at him contently before nodding happily and shifting his weight away from Alex so he could stand.

Jumping to his feet, Alex quickly paced over to the far back corner of the enclosure, Rocco following closely behind, and swiftly unbolted the sturdy gate. Swinging the gate slowly open, its rusted hinges groaning in protest, Alex slowly padded forward again before stopping at a large set of oppressively heavy doors riddled with bulky locks. Pulling yet more keys from his shirt's breast pocket, Alex started to looked through them for the right ones before casually asking, "I can tell you're a little unsure where we're going, aren't you, Rocco?"

Tilting his head slightly in confusion, he nodded slowly as Alex added, "Well, because you're such a big crocodile I had to organize a special way to get you home. So I had to get..." Pausing as he easily unlocked the final lock and slid both doors aside he finished proudly, "This!" Rocco's jaw almost dropped as he saw the phenomenally large, box-like truck hidden just behind sliding doors and he couldn't help himself from exclaiming, "Wow, that's pretty big for just me!"

Alex nodded and stifled a laugh at Rocco's reaction, mentally realizing that he'd had the exact same reaction when he first saw it, as he explained, "Like I said, you _are_quite big and I wanted to make sure you wouldn't be cramped. Besides, anything smaller and they said I'd have to sedate you, which... didn't seem right to me." Rocco gave a heartfelt thrum of delight and a peaceful smile as he nuzzled lovingly against Alex again before whispering, "Thank you for this. To tell you the truth, I really don't like being sedated and... needles aren't exactly my favorite thing either; they remind me too much of 'those hooks'."

Shuddering coldly as his mind drifted back to the painful memories of their first encounter, he shook his head to dismiss them before they took root in his mind. "Well, I'm just glad you like it," Alex quickly responded as he tried to clear the uneasy feelings that lingered in their minds. Returning to the truck's back, Alex jumped down from the elevated platform and stood behind the doors as he harshly pushed and pulled at the thick, rusting bolt that kept the doors shut until he heard a loud thud echo inside; the thud confirming that the doors were now finally unlocked.

Stepping aside, Alex slowly swung the doors open to reveal the even more spacious - if a little dusty - interior. Gazing in, Rocco was again surprised by just how much space the behemoth of a truck offered and was even more surprised to find numerous 'slits' running along the length of the truck that allowed whatever was inside to clearly see the outer surroundings. The clanging of heavy iron broke Rocco from his daydream as he saw Alex positioning multiple sturdy and extremely heavy-looking ramps from the truck to the top of the platform he stood on.

"This should help you get in a little easier," Alex said between breaths as he heaved another onto the platform, "They're heavier than you'd believe, so you should be right to use these to climb on board without falling in the gap here." Rocco nodded in confirmation and carefully made his way onto the ramps that were placed across the small chasm. Feeling the metal ramps remain completely stationary even under his immense bulk, Rocco sighed mentally in relief before happily continuing into the back of the truck.

Watching patiently as his companion slowly sauntered across the ramps and into the back of vehicle, Alex smiled approvingly as he saw just how much space the enormous crocodile had. After a brief moment of gazing over Rocco's muscular form, a blush forming on his face as he realized what he was doing, Alex hurriedly returned to the sturdy ramps and began clearing them with renewed vigor. Once the final ramp had been slid up on the platform and was safely inside, Alex quickly turned his attention to the truck's doors.

"I'm just going to close up now," he said to his companion in a cheerful tone, "After that we should be right to head off. I do live quite far out though, so it might take a while."

"That's alright," Rocco responded in a cheerful yet nervous tone, "It'll give me some time to see all the things that live outside my home. After all, humans make some very strange things." Both laughed a little the statement; Rocco at how odd it sounded to voice his thoughts and Alex at how right his friend was as his mind thought of all sorts of oddities in this city alone.

Both were cut short in their conversation as a familiar computerized voice again rang over the zoo's loudspeakers, "Attention all visitors, the zoo is now closed. Could you please make your way to the front. We thank you for stopping by and hope to see you again." Checking his watch, Alex realized that his adventure to get here and his explanation, among other things, had taken more time than he'd anticipated and it was now 5:00pm.

"Well, we better go before they lock us in," Alex joked as he quickly reached either side for the truck's powerful back doors. Bringing them comfortably together, he pushed and pulled on the stubborn bolt harshly as it groaned in protest before sliding into place and securing the doors. Alex quickly looked over the bolt to make sure it was properly in place and, once he was certain it was, he climbed up on the platform, slid closed the building doors and locked them securely in place.

Unlocking the small side door, Alex quickly pushed through it and out the back, the door automatically closing and re-locking. Determined to finally escape to his home after what seemed to be a longer day than usual, Alex climbed into the driver's seat of the truck and pulled the its keys from yet another of him innumerable pockets before starting the it. Spluttering slightly at first before bursting into life, Alex put the truck into gear and began to taxi it towards the zoo's "staff only" exit. Reaching it and passing through the automated gate, he felt his mind wander to what he and his mate might do over the holidays; although he had a fairly good idea what they'd be doing.

=== 1 Hour Later ===

The noisy crunching of tiny pebbles beneath the trucks tires tore Alex from his pseudo-daydream and back to reality as he continued up the gravel pathway and towards his house. Turning left into an open field of brown, dying grass just in front of the house itself, Alex quickly shut off the truck's engine and pulled the keys from the ignition before stuffing them haphazardly into a trouser pocket. Opening the door and stepping out, he started to make his way around the back as he called out, "Rocco, we're here!"

"Mmm, 5 more minutes," Rocco mumbled sleepily as he rolled further on his side and tucked his head closer to himself. Hearing a light chuckle followed by a loud metallic rattling echoing through the back of the truck, Rocco looked towards the source of the noise and yawned loudly before snapping his jaw quickly shut. He looked on through blurry eyes as the solid doors slowly swung open and revealed Alex standing there with a large grin on his face and his arms crossed in amusement.

Letting out another long yawn, Rocco slowly let his eyes refocus on his mate as he slowly made his way towards him when he heard Alex ask, "How did you manage to turn around? I'm sure you didn't go in that way, right?"

Still in the process of waking up Rocco offered a small thrum of confirmation as he replied, "About midway through I thought it might be better if I - *yawn* - turned around to get out easier... I think." Eyes finally clearing as he started to properly wake up, he saw Alex nod in understanding and mutter, "Makes sense, and it'll certainly make it easier to get you out."

Rocco thrummed again in confirmation as Alex added, "Speaking of which. We're home, so you can come out if you want." A burst of energy suddenly coursed through his body as Rocco felt his curiosity and excitement peak at the thought of being able to explore the new and foreign location - and his new home for the new month, he reminded himself. Eager to see what it looked like, Rocco quickly walked to the end of the truck as Alex, sensing his eagerness, stepped aside and revealed a large pile of compacted dirt just below the edge that looked like a naturally formed ramp.

Placing his left foreleg cautiously on the mound, Rocco pushed down hard with his body weight to test its strength and was pleasantly surprised to find that mound seemed stable enough to support him. Content that the mound would support him, and that he wouldn't fall onto his head, he quickly raced down the 'natural ramp' before reaching the bottom and skidding to a stop just over a meter away from its base. "Wow," he exclaimed once he'd finally stopped sliding, "That was steeper than I thought!"

He saw Alex give a lighthearted chuckle before turning around to re-lock the back of the truck and make sure everything was in order. Deciding to wait for his companion, Rocco gazed over the very sizable land that stretched on in front of him and noted how most of the land disappearing into the darkness of the night despite the soft moonlight that filtered through the overhead clouds. He was amazed that his mate owned this much land and continued to survey the landscape when his eyes drifted over a very large, wooden house in what appeared to be the center of the 'territory'.

It was an interesting-looking house with sleek white paint covering the outer walls and solid yet weathered iron sheets metal covering the roof. As Rocco strained his eyes to look closer at it, not wanting to run off and abandon his mate, he saw multiple tinted windows placed at regular intervals that seemed to reflect the outside light and hide whatever was inside. Try as he might, he couldn't distinguish anything behind the windows and so he continued to gaze across the front of what he could see, noting the simple white doors and mostly plain guttering.

Having completed his visual inspection of the house in a surprisingly quick time, Rocco turned his attention to the surroundings. Having only briefly gazed over the landscape, he slowed down and took a moment to look at all the large gum trees that were sparsely dotted across the otherwise bland landscape. Besides the occasional bush or empty patch of ground where even the dying grass didn't grow, it seemed relatively empty and open. The openness reminded him of his time before meeting Alex and he smiled a little at the nostalgia.

Feeling a warm hand lovingly run along his back, Rocco murred playfully as he heard Alex ask, "What do you think? Not much here, I guess."

"I like it," Rocco swiftly replied as he felt Alex continue his gentle scratching, "Its nice and open, not too compact. It's not like where we came from, too many people living too close together in those hulking towers. There just no room... Or at least that's what I think."

"You're not alone there," Alex said cheerfully as he continued gently scratching along Rocco's back, "That's why I bought this place, very out of the way and lots of room. Heck, even the nearest neighbors are at least 10 minutes away."

Rocco listened intently and thrummed in relaxation as the warm, gentle hands danced over his body and massaged his muscles, instantly loosening his tense muscles and threatening to send him to sleep right there. Letting out a powerful yawn, Rocco felt the hands withdraw from his tough hide as he heard Alex say, "You look really tired. Come on, follow me, I'll show you to your bed if you want." Lifting his head slowly in mild confusion, he saw Alex give a knowing wink before pacing ahead and waiting at the corner of the house.

Curiosity seized hold of Rocco's mind as he wondered what Alex meant by showing him 'his bed' and he felt himself become instantly more alert and aware; the previous fatigue all but gone from his body. Not wanting to waste a second longer, he rushed over to the corner of the house with surprising speed and agility before coming to a sudden stop beside Alex. "It's just around here," he heard Alex say happily, "Just a bit further, follow me."

Trailing closely behind his mate, Rocco took this brief walk to wonder what exactly it would look like and how it would feel. He'd never had a proper bed before and had always just slept on the hard ground, so he was mostly unsure of what to expect. He knew from a conversation with Alex long ago that it was supposed to be something soft that humans slept on instead of the floor, but he never really considered asking more about it.

Rocco was quickly snapped from his trance-like state when he heard Alex announce, "We're here! Your bed is just over there." Looking quickly in the direction Alex pointed, his eyes settled on a large pile of soft-looking material he'd never seen before stacked and arranged neatly in a long rectangle shape. He took a moment to gaze curiously at the foreign material, unsure what to make of it, before stepping forward to investigate it further.

Placing his right foreleg carefully on the surface of the strange, brownish material, Rocco felt it yield under his weight before coming to a rest on the ground. Quickly retracting his foreleg, he repeated the motion again out of curiosity and again felt the material move underneath his foot as softness surrounded the sides of his foot. Realizing that the strange material was harmless, he quickly climbed onto the make-shift bed and felt his bulk practically sink into it as a subtle warmth and softness enveloped him.

"This is amazing," Rocco exclaimed excitedly as he began to snuggle up into its relaxing confines, "I've never felt anything like it. This is much better than the ground." Standing back up and walking around somewhat awkwardly he nuzzled affectionately against Alex's legs before adding, "I love it. Thank you so much."

Alex smiled lovingly and held back tears of joy as he realized that the simple foam layers he'd obtained from an old house project were as comfortable as he intended. Quickly leaning down, he hugged Rocco's head tightly and passionately whispered, "I'm glad you like it," as both snuggled together in the moon's soft light; both content to have time slip away as they remained in their intimate embrace. It was only when Alex felt a large yawn burn in his lungs and creep up his throat that he begrudgingly pulled away from his mate and yawned loudly.

Feeling his lover's grip loosen around his head and hearing him yawn loudly, Rocco also let out a tired yawn as a sudden wave of fatigue washed over him. "Maybe we should get some sleep," Rocco suggested wearily before yet another yawn escaped his massive maw and dispersed into the warm night air. Seeing Alex trying to say something, he watched through bleary eyes as yawn after yawn interrupted his mate until he finally resolved to just nodding in confirmation.

Backing up into the warm and delightfully soft confines of his new bed, Rocco gave one last long and pleasurable 'purr' of satisfaction before quickly drifting off into a blissful sleep. Alex watched him sleep for a moment as he thought about how peaceful, innocent and cute he looked being so tightly snuggled into the make-shift bed. Not wanting to wake his tried companion from his much deserved rest, he quickly and silently paced to the white, pine back door, opened it and walked inside.

Making sure to close the door with barely a sound, Alex continued across the kitchen - for that was the room joined onto the back door - to the slightly opaque window on the back wall. Gazing out carefully, he saw Rocco still snuggled up in the plush of his bed with his feet gently kneading the soft material. Content that his love would be okay until morning, Alex continued into the living room, strode past the small leather couch and turned right into his bedroom before collapsing on his bed and quickly drifting off to sleep.

=== The Next Day ===

Growls of pleasure mixed with potent musk as the air became heavy with the sounds and smells of passionate mating. "I bet you like that don't you," Rocco growled dominantly to his smaller, submissive mate, "I bet you love the taste of my pre-seed! But you want something more don't you?" Turning his gaze down to see his needy lover, he growled in delight and clawed desperately at the ground as he saw Alex passionately licking and sucking along the huge pinky-red member that jutted proudly out of Rocco's cloaca.

"If you keep doing this," he roared powerfully, "Then maybe you'll get a nice white treat. Would you like that? I bet you would!" Feeling his mate's skilled mouth quicken along his massive spire as his gentle hands worked over what his mouth couldn't, Rocco dug his claws deeper into the hard dirt as he prepared for what was about to happen. "I hope you're ready," he panted lustfully, "Because here it comes!"

Groaning slightly in fatigue, Rocco opened his eyes slowly and let them begin to readjust to the morning sun's light that had just peered over the horizon. That was a good dream, Rocco thought to himself,_Those feelings... It's almost like I can still feel them. But..._Rocco was pulled from his thoughts and quickly startled awake as a sudden bolt of liquid pleasure coursed up his spine and spread through his body like wildfire.

Eyes wide in surprise as the fog of fatigue that had surrounded him was quickly pushed away, he tilted his head sideways and looked down as the source of the feeling. Pausing for a second that seemed to persist for minutes, Rocco looked down in a mix of curiosity and pleasure as he saw Alex crouching on the bedding with his mouth over the tip of Rocco's leaky member. He took only a moment longer to observe that his mate was completely naked before another bolt of pleasure shot through his body and caused him to growl loudly and claw madly into the bedding.

Feeling the warm confines of his lover's talented mouth slowly leave the head of his massive member, Rocco growled dominantly in disappointed when he heard his lover lustfully say, "Oh, good to see you're awake." Pushing through the musky haze that clouded his mind, Rocco, still laying back as he struggled to control his libido, replied, "With something like this, how could I stay asleep? You really know how to wake me up."

"What was I supposed to do," Alex responded as a blush crept across his face, "I walked out here to see how you were doing when I heard you whispering all sorts of naughty things about me."

Sensing more to his lover's story, Rocco reeled in his lust even further as Alex finished, "And besides, then you rolled over and showed me this enormous spire. So I thought 'what better way to wake you up'?" Rocco again growled dominantly at his lover's response as he asked in his most innocent voice, "Well now that I'm awake, does it have to stop?"

"It doesn't have to stop," Alex eagerly replied as he let his hand brush lightly over the tip and glide down the side of the slick shaft.

Hissing in pleasure, Rocco felt the soft hand run down to the base of his sensitive member and push over the many pleasurable nubs before a familiar warmth engulfed the tip of his shaft. Overcome by the pleasure that burned in his loins and dispersed into his body, he pushed back into the soft, and slightly torn, bedding. Growls and roars of lust filled the air and joined with his potent musk as he felt his mate begin to work his hands over the lower half of his member while the head was playfully teased by a tantalizingly agile tongue.

Seeing his stronger, larger mate writhing in bliss at his simple yet delicate acts, Alex pulled his mouth off the tip, a dominant growl of disappointment escaping Rocco's scaly lips, before using his tongue to playfully lick of the pre-cum covered underside of the shaft. Smiling cheekily as he heard his mate roar powerfully and slap his tail hard against the ground, he continued his treatment of the soft underside with his tongue while using his hands to dance over the rest of his slippery member. His hands stroked and squeezed along the thick pole as his tongue continued to collect the copious amounts of salty pre-cum that dripped endlessly from his mate's tip before being greedily devoured by the lusty male.

Oh god, he tastes so good, Alex thought to himself as he lapped up more of the never-ending, salty treat and spread it around in his mouth, So much. It's so good! Ignoring the need that burned in his own loins, he continued to massage the hard shaft with both hands while his mouth greedily devoured the clear delicacy that cascaded down the spire; occasionally pulling back to the drink hungrily from the tip. Stopping for a moment to catch his breath, he watched as the his lover slapped his tail constantly and harshly against the ground while he clawed non-stop into the now destroyed bedding like a lust-fueled, feral animal.

Hearing an intimating growl of need and feeling more warm pre-seed splash against his chin, Alex quickly opened his mouth wide and returned to gently sucking on the tip of spire when a naughty idea crossed his mind. Continuing to gently suckle on his mate's shaft while his hands worked over the thick bulb at its base, he slowly pulled away his left hand and rubbed two of his fingers along the underside; large amounts of fresh, slippery pre-cum washing over his already coated hand. Once he was sure his hand and fingers had been completely covered in the slippery concoction, Alex let his hand glide slowly down the member and past the bulb at its base before quickly straightening his fingers and delving deep into his mate's tight, untouched cloaca.

A hiss of surprise and pleasure shot from Rocco's lips as his hips jerked up against his will and caused him to bury his shaft deep in his lover's throat while forcing the intruding fingers to delve even deeper into his cloaca. Slapping his tail repeatedly against the ground with bestial ferocity, he looked down at his lover through lust-clouded eyes and saw him momentarily pull off the member before quickly licking the underside of the shaft and pushing his fingers even deeper into him. He reveled in bliss as his muscles spasmed around the intruders and tried to suck them in as though he was unknowingly trying to milk them for their precious seed.

Rocco roared dominantly as his lover let his tongue wash over the already soaked member as more and more pre-cum spewed from the tip faster than ever while his powerful, inner muscles squeezed and tugged at the two fingers that continued to grind against his sensitive walls. Feeling his lover suddenly drive his fingers harshly against an extra sensitive spot and return to suckling desperately on his tip, Rocco felt a familiar sensation burning in his loins as his cloaca clamped down like a vice on the fingers and his shaft got impossibly harder. "I-I'm gonna..." Rocco roared, "I'm gonna... Ah!"

Rocco's voice barely pierced the almost overwhelming lust that had fogged Alex's mind as he prepared for his mate's orgasm and tried to move his head back so that only the tip rested in his mouth. Alex's eyes went wide as his attempt to move back was thwarted by a sudden, heavy thrust into his mouth that forced him to choke back the thick crocodile meat as it made its way into his throat. Feeling his lover's enormous, swollen bulb push against his chin, Alex realized what was about to happen, pulled his fingers from Rocco's cloaca and closed his eyes tightly as the shaft began pulsing rapidly.

Alex moaned in a mix of lust and surprise as the first powerful load of potent, musky seed sprayed from Rocco's tip directly into his waiting, and willing, stomach. Swallowing around the shaft in a desperate attempt to draw out more of his mate's thick, pearly-white semen, he felt two more successive loads shoot powerfully down his throat, some sticking to the sides before they were quickly swallowed, before he felt the shaft beginning to retreat from his mouth. Yet another plentiful load spurted generously from Rocco's tip and coated Alex's active throat when he felt the the spire stop retreating and come to a rest; the tip of the still spurting member resting just inside Alex's waiting mouth.

Remaining completely stationary, Alex felt a final few shots of potent seed drip across his tongue and tingle his taste buds with a delicious saltiness before he felt Rocco tug free his softening member with a wet 'pop'. Smiling lewdly, he rolled the salty treat over his tongue and reveled in its rich taste as he gave his mate a show of his submissiveness before tilting his head back a swallowing the considerable load in audible gulp; the slimy liquid cascading down his used throat and sending chills of lust down his spine. Hearing his mate mutter quietly as he came down from his blissful high, Alex leaned in closer and lovingly laid his head on his mate's strong stomach.

Feeling the warmth of his mate press lightly against his stomach, Rocco looked worryingly down at him and apologetically said, "S-Sorry about that. I... I hope I didn't hurt you. Are you alright?" Hearing Alex playfully giggle, Rocco felt his worry begin to subside as Alex responded, "Yeah, I'm okay. It was just a lot more than I was expecting. I guess you're a plentiful giver... darling." Hearing his mate's carefree, almost teasing response and the affectionate name, Rocco craned his neck as far as he could and nuzzled gently against Alex's side as he replied, "Only for you, my love. Only for you."

As Rocco continued to nuzzle lovingly against his true love, Alex himself lightly stroking under Rocco's toned jawline, he suddenly spied his mate's still hard shaft as it hovered mere inches beside his tail. Maneuvering his head carefully so as not to disturb his mate, Rocco whispered to Alex in a affectionate and slightly lusty tone, "Thank you for helping me 'relieve myself'. I love you so much... but I couldn't help but notice that you still seem a bit 'in need'." Tilting his head down towards his lover's hips as both their gazes fixed on his throbbing erection, Rocco heard Alex replied in a slightly flustered voice, "Oh, that's okay I'll, uh, take care of it later, that's all."

"You don't have to wait until later," Rocco quickly responded, unable to contain his excitement at what he was about to suggest, "I think I might know something that could help you out." Wasting only a moment to take in his mate's look of uncertainty and confusion, he felt himself becoming oddly embarrassed as he added, "When you were using your fingers 'down there'... it felt so good that I was wondering if you might do it again. Only this time I was wondering if you'd like to..." Taking a deep breath as he blushed nervously for the first time since he'd confessed his love to Alex, he rapidly blurted out, "I was wondering if you'd breed me like a female."

Silence filled the air around them for barely a moment as the burning need in Alex's loins caused him to eagerly replied, "I'd love to, my darling." Smiling happily and feeling his heart fill with glee, Rocco nuzzled even more affectionately against Alex's side and let his tongue lick lovingly against the smaller male's left cheek as he felt his lover reposition himself behind his tight cloaca. Feeling the dripping head pressing experimentally at his entrance, he spread his legs wide and nodded in confirmation; butterflies fluttering in his stomach and his heart racing in uncertainty.

Struggling to reign in his lust as his shaft throbbed in anticipation, Alex started to gently press the head of his member into the tight orifice; pre-cum around the cloaca acting as a natural lubricant. Pushing harder as he felt strong scales and Rocco's re-hardening length trying to force him back, he gave a sudden thrust of eagerness beneath Rocco's growing bulb before a blissful moan pierced the air. Alex looked down in surprise and moaned even louder when he saw that half his length had pushed into the warm confines of his lover's most sacred places and was being gently massaged by the powerful, spasming muscles within.

Rocco roared loudly and clawed deeply into the remaining bedding as pain mixed with bliss and coursed through his body at the pleasurable stretching. Growling louder as he felt the pressure build in his loins and beg to be filled more, he slowly rocked his hips back against his lover's sizable rod as his muscles continued to spasm wildly, lust clouding his mind. "Please... don't stop," he begged in an unusually submissive voice, "Please... give me more. I want to be filled!"

Hearing his lover's desperate tone and feeling him rock gently over his sensitive member, Alex smiled dominantly before placing a hand on Rocco's hips to stop him. Pulling out his sizable maleness so that only the tip was left inside, he quickly and harshly thrust back inside as he buried himself completely inside his lover. Pleasure washed over him like a wave as his hard thrust combined with the rippling muscles around his shaft and sent him to an almost impossible level of bliss; a pleased growl echoing from his mate and confirming the pleasure that both felt.

Looking down as he again pulled out before thrusting solidly back in, he saw his mate's enormous spire sticking up into the air and bobbing in time with his racing heart as a naughty thought popped into his head. He smiled innocently and stayed buried deep in his mate, the rhythm of his lover's muscles bringing him ever closer to his inevitable end, before running his delicate gently over the tip of Rocco's member and again coating his hand in copious amounts of slick pre-cum. Seeing Rocco growl loudly and thrust his hips into the warm hand, Alex wrapped his hand around the middle of the shaft and started to stroke gently along the very sensitive and very slick rod.

A gleeful growl echoed from Rocco as Alex slowed his stroking and began thrusting hard into his mate in time with each stroke; reveling in bliss at how naughty he felt to both please and be pleased by his lover. Hearing non-stop panting and growls of lust from Rocco as his tongue lolled out the side of his mouth in bliss, Alex felt his own libido overcome his mind as he quicken his pace and slammed hard into his love's cloaca while stroking even faster; each forceful thrust making a wet 'slap' sound as their combined juices were forced out around Alex's rod.

Wet slaps, blissful groans and lusty panting filled the air as Alex continued to harshly pound Rocco's cloaca and delve deep into his sacred depths as he tried desperately to fend off his end that his lover's milking muscles was drawing from him. Not wanting his passionate love-making to end but knowing that he couldn't hold out much longer, Alex slowed to deep, deliberate thrusts and started slowly thumbing over his mate's slicked head and extra sensitive nubs.

"I-I'm getting close," Alex cried as he felt his release building, "I'm so close, darling! So... close..."

"Do it," Rocco quickly yelled in a lust-hazed tone as he spread his legs even wider, "Cum inside me! Breed me like a proper female. Make me yours!" Hearing Rocco almost beg for his seed, Alex gave a few more slow thrusts before slamming extra hard into his mate and yelling to the skies in bliss as he started to orgasm.

Rocco roared louder than ever as he felt the first of many hot, sticky waves of fertile seed shoot from his lover's pulsing rod and into his depths. He slapped his tail harshly against the ground and clawed into the few remaining scraps of bedding as the dirtiness of being bred like a submissive female caused him to finally tip over the edge and prepare to cum; a, incoherent mumble the only warning he offered to his mate.

Despite his earlier release, torrents of pearly-white, potent seed shot from his tip and into the air before splattering against both his and Alex's chest. He continued to growl in lust as he saw how sexy his mate looked covered in his cum as his stream of semen slowed to a dribble and covered his already slick shaft. Closing his eyes, he felt his mind drift into bliss as the sticky solution and pressure in his cloaca sent an extra wave of lusty pleasure up his spine and into his body.

A brief eternity passed between the pair as time ceased to be anything but a number and the world melted away until only the two of them were left in their respective afterglows. Hearing a heavy panting, Rocco broke from his trance-like state and came crashing back to reality as he saw his lover carefully pull his softening, over-sensitive member from Rocco's own sensitive cloaca. Watching him carefully, he saw Alex wearily roll onto the bedding beside him and mumble, "That... that w-was amazing."

Smiling happily at his lover's comment he heard him add between fatigued pants, "I... I had no i-idea that it could feel so good!" Feeling his thick, cum-covered shaft beginning to retreat back into its protective slit, his own semen mixing with his lover's heavy load, Rocco nuzzled lovingly against his face and carefully licked across his cheek. "I know," he replied tiredly as he wearily gazed into his lover's eyes, "I... That was the best. I've never felt something so good. I definitely didn't mind this way to wake up."

Hearing a chuckle from his companion, he too laughed at how silly he knew he sounded as Alex maneuvered his body closer to his lover and snuggled gently against his side. "You never know then," Alex responded with a hint of lust in his fatigued voice, "Maybe I'll have to wake you up like this again." Smiling wearily Rocco nuzzled against his lover even further and said, "Maybe, I know I wouldn't mind. But for now, I think we should rest. I feel really tired all of a sudden."

Wrapping his arms around his lover's torso and hugging him affectionately, not caring about the fact that both were still soaked with Rocco's seed, Alex nodded slowly before yawning loudly and adding, "Yeah, besides we might need our energy for when we have a bath. Who knows what 'fun' we might have during the bath." Giving a sly wink and a quick kiss as Rocco looked curiously down at him he quickly snuggled up and said, "Goodnight, darling." before swiftly drifting off to sleep.

Pondering only a moment longer on what 'fun' they might have, Rocco felt a fresh wave of fatigue wash over him and lull him to sleep as he mumbled quietly, "Goodnight, my love."

Late-Night Confessions

"Boss wants to see me huh," a young man, Alex Linderson, mumbled to himself as he strode down the pristine, white marble hallway, "Wonder what for, maybe its a favor?" He continued down the lengthy hallway as his mind ran countless scenarios as to why...

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A Day to Rest

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it," a sickly-looking Alison dressed in white and blue pinstripe pajamas said into a small mobile phone held weakly up against her ear, "No, I... I understand. Yeah, sorry for hassle. Okay, thanks." Dropping...

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Post-surgery Pleasures

"I'm sure he'll be fine," a young women, Alison, whispered to herself in a concerned tone, "They said it'll be fine, so I'm sure it will be." The young woman turned on her heel and started pacing nervously back and forth through the modestly decorated...

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