Wolfie Steel: Birth Rights part 2.

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#2 of Wolfie Steel: Birth Rights

The beginning continues

Wolfie Steel: Birth Rights.

Chapter 2.

The story of how Wolfie began.

Written by: Wolfie Steel and pinkhairedbrat.

A/N: I would like to thank my very good friend pinkhairedbrat for agreeing to help me write this story. If you are old enough to read stories that may contain homosexual acts, then please feel free to read on, if not, then read no further, either way, I respectfully ask that you do not use any of the characters depicted in this story without first asking us.

Julius carried Kera's motionless body into his cave and called out for his mate.

"Stellar, bring the medical supplies, and quick"

Julius carried Kera's body to a bed, Kera slowly began to come round, she had blood running down the side of her muzzle, which, in Julius's eyes was not a good sign. Stellar brought the supplies into the room and began to help Julius clean up Kera's wounds, Kera spoke in weak tones.

"Julius, please bring my boys to me"

Julius did not much care to let Wolfie and Wolverine see their mother in such a state, but he solemnly left the room to return moments later, ushering in two young wolf pups. Julius signalled to Stellar to allow Kera to have some privacy with her two sons, once Stellar and Julius had left the room, Kera spoke to her two sons.

"Boys, in truth you are both far too young to be facing this, but, unfortunately thanks to your father, face it you must, I feel my life slowly draining from me, I fear that I only have moments left, so I'm going to use them wisely. Wolverine, I want you both to remain together no matter what, through thick and thin, I will ask Julius if you may continue to live here until such times as you are old enough to start your own packs. Wolfern, sorry, Wolfie, I do not want you going off blindly after your father, I want you to think things through first, then once you have given it lots of thought, if you still wish to make your father pay for what he has done, fine, but you will not act alone, I want Wolverine to look after you, to care for you, and hopefully to steer you to the right path. Now, I wish to speak to Julius, Wolverine, please call Julius"

Wolverine did as his mother asked through a voice filled with sadness and tears. Julius entered the room knowing full well that he was about to receive Kera's last dying wish.

"Julius, I ask that you care for my boys until they are ready to begin their own pack lives, please nurture them, shield them and love them as a father should, I know that you are not their real father and I know that you have your own pack to consider, but I also know, that your pack loves and respects you, which is more than my pack did for Hero, though in truth, it was Hero himself that caused that. I ask this of you, my dear friend and neighbour, because I have no one else to turn to, neither do Wolfie and Wolverine. Wolfie, Wolverine, please stand before me"

Wolfie and Wolverine now stood side by side in front of their mother.

"Wolfie, Wolverine, please know that I am so very proud of you both and that I love you with all of my heart and that I always wi--"

Kera did not get to finish her sentence, she breathed her last breath and slowly drifted into a peaceful, permanent sleep.

Wolfie and Wolverine now stood on each side of their mothers final resting place, the two weeping wolves now leaned down and placed kisses on their mother's forehead, then, gently using his paws, Wolverine slowly closed his mother's eyes. Julius began to sob as he took hold of the two crying and shaking wolves and led them from the room, as they neared the doorway, Wolverine stopped and turned to face his mother's body.

"Mother, I vow to you that Wolfie will be cared for, both by me and by Julius. Be at peace, until we meet again"

It is now four days since Kera had passed away, true to his word, Wolverine was never far from Wolfie, whenever Wolfie felt sad and began to cry, Wolverine would be there to console him. The evening came around and Wolfie now speaks to Wolverine, and he is now way passed upset, he me still only be a six year old wolf, but he wanted revenge for his mother.

"Wolverine, I am going to kill Hero, like he has killed our mother, I intend to rip his throat to shreds"

Wolverine looks shocked at his little brother, the look gives way to acceptance.

"Wolfie, over the past few days, we have had to grow up real quick, it pains me to say this, but I see the wisdom of a twenty year old wolf in a six year old pup, you and I both want the same thing, REVENGE"

Wolfie shuddered as he heard his big brother utter the words, but he knew deep down inside, that no matter what happened within the next few months, that he and Wolverine would be closer than ever.

The day of had now arrived where Wolverine and Wolfie would set out in the search for their father, they knew as did Julius, that the search would possibly take months, maybe even years to complete, but complete it they would, only finally returning home to Julius once Hero was dead and out of their lives forever. The brothers now said goodbye to Julius and their adopted pack, and began the journey that would hopefully bring them both some closure.

It is now six months since the journey began, the brothers have passed through several towns and villages in their search, anger growing with each day. Julius had been kind enough to give the brothers enough money to be able to support themselves for seven months, but, as the sixth month was drawing to an end, the brothers knew that they would have to find some way of supporting themselves.

Wolverine managed to get himself a job as a handy man, repairing things for furs in return for payment with money, food or a bed for the night. Wolfie also found work, or rather work found him, if Wolverine only knew what Wolfie was about to do to support himself, he would have knocked his younger brother out cold.

Wolfie had been approached by a finely dressed timber wolf, the wolf looked incredibly wealthy. The wolf promised Wolfie Food and lodgings, in return for services rendered. Being as Wolfie was still young and naïve, he was only to ready to do what it took to be given food an lodgings, he followed the wolf back to his large home, they both entered the cave, then Wolfie thought about the work that he would be doing.

"Okay sir, I don't see that you need any work doing around your beautiful home, so what exactly am I going to be doing to earn my food and lodgings?"

The wolf did not reply, he just took off his coat and threw it across the room, he then began to undo the buttons on his pants, with the buttons undone, they fell around the wolf's ankles, Wolfie looked on in shock and horror, he had suddenly realised what was happening, he knew that he was about to get tail fucked by this wolf. Wolfie turned to leave the cave but his escape was cut off by a huge naked horse.

The pup knew that there was no way that he was going to be leaving this cave with his virginity intact, and though he protested about his situation, he knew that it would be a futile protest. The timber wolf now speaks.

"Young pup, I offer you room and board, but first you have to take care of business, namely, you have to suck myself and my equine friend here off, as long as you stay here it will be your payment"

After a couple of weeks, Wolfie had now resigned himself to the fact that this was the way it was going to be, until another job came up which meant that he would be able to support himself better. Though in truth, the timber wolf had been as good as his word, Wolfie was well looked after, sure he was prostituted out to the highest bidder each day, but he usually got very good tips, which the timber wolf would never find out about. Finally one day, Wolfie hit the mother lode of tips, a fur he knew well was ushered into his room, the door was locked and Wolfie turned to see who his next client was, there standing in front of him was the very cause of the journey, Hero.

Wolfie's muzzle fell to the floor, he couldn't believe that he had just been handed the chance to take his revenge on his father, so easily. Hero now turned towards the door and started hammering upon it, wanting to get as far away from his son as possible, Hero knew that Wolfie hated him for what he had done to Kera, but he then realised that Wolfie was on his own, there was no Wolverine to back him up, Hero stopped pounding on the door and turned to face his son.

"Why am I scared of a pup like you? I can take you with one paw tied behind my back"

Unfortunately for Hero, in his time with his clients, Wolfie had learned how to defend himself, sure he was still a pup, but he now had some well defined muscle tone, and razor sharp claws that he now knew how to use, Wolfie now speaks in his lowest most threatening tone.

"Oh the months that I have waited for this day, the pain that I have gone through, the dicks that I have had shoved up my tail hole, the dicks I have had to suck, it has all been worth it, I finally get to take revenge on the bastard that caused it all"

Hero did not get chance to react, Wolfie drew his claws to full length and ran at his father, as he reached the shaking wolf, he let his clawed paw strike across Hero's throat. Wolfie watched as his father began to get weaker, Hero now fell to his knees then lay on his side. A pool of his blood began to collect beneath his neck wound. Hero's breaths became shorter and more uneven, and then suddenly, Hero took his last breath. Finally, Wolfie now felt free, he had just avenged his mother's death. With the healthy tips that he had saved, Wolfie knew that he could now find his brother and they could both head back home to Julius.

Wolfie tried the door handle, only to find that it was still locked. Wolfie now raised his right footpaw and gave one almighty kick, the door shattered completely and Wolfie walked through the remains and out to the main cave, on his way he saw his soon to be ex-pimp and spoke.

"I thank you for this opportunity that you gave me to settle an old score, you may need to get a cleaner in and a good carpenter, you will also need to get yourself a new prostitute, cos I quit".

With that, Wolfie stormed out of the cave and out into the main street. He called into a few places to ask if the furs had seen or heard of Wolverine, one fur in particular gave Wolfie his brother's exact location; Wolfie thanked the fur and set off in search of his brother.