Perks of the Packleader 2

Story by Exulen on SoFurry

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#2 of Perks of the Packleader

Jason woke from a dreamless sleep, but didn't want to open his eyes; the bed was warm like grass on a summer's day, and he still felt tired despite the deep slumber he just finished. So he shifted and groaned and found an even more comfortable spot. He sighed. He sniffed. His eyes shot open wide. 'That scent,' he thought 'I know that scent!' Jason sat up and pulled the sheets off of him, his fur stuck at the parts where cum still lingered.

The bed was against the wall and the light was off, but he was nearly blinded by the light coming through the window facing the foot of the bed, the only window in the room. Off to the side of that window was the husky from earlier, headphones in and watching some movie while sitting in one of those rolling desk chairs. The husky's white tipped, black tail was wagging; Jason could see the dog's white footpaws on his otherwise black leg and a white paw laying on the tan armrest, even though he was facing the wrong way. As Jason stood up and looked at the husky again, he realized that the dog was pawing off, silently. 'Not a very common talent' Jason thought. Jason walked over to where the dog was sitting, and he noticed that his own clothes were on the desk that the dog also had his portable DVD player on. He yanked the ear piece out of the dog's ear.

"Hey!" the dog snapped "I was listening to that!" The dog grabbed for Jason's hand, and Jason yanked it father away. The plug popped out of the slot on the DVD player. Loud moaning and corny music rang from the small speakers as the dog tackled Jason. They fell onto the tan carpet on the floor and the dog snatched the cord, he pulled the earpiece away from Jason with a quick tug. The dog jumped off Jason as fast as he could and slammed the DVD player shut, stopping all of the noise.

"Where am I?" Jason asked as he tried to hug the dog from behind. "And who are you?"

The dog slinked away, still mad that he had his fapping session interrupted, and sat back down in his chair, fapping again. "Your still in the den, don't worry. My name is Scott, and you're Jason." He sounded distracted by his moving paw, not that Jason wouldn't be either.

"So, now what?"

"I should probably tell you what you duty is as packleader, but I'm not sure since you haven't finished your initiation yet." Scott's face seemed masked with white fur; the look of displeasure about him was shifting to irritation at the subject.

"Wait, that wasn't my initiation?"

"No, that was just your admission; your initiation will come later today."

"So, I'm the packleader now?"


"What am I supposed to do?"

"Lead over holiday events, give counsel to pack members, inspect boyfriends-my personal favorite-, and generally keep people happy."

"That doesn't sound very hard."

"Not many things do. I imagine you want to hear the perks also?"

"Perks? I like the sound of that."

"You get to have sex with anyone in the pack at appropriate times, you get to make others have sex with each other at appropriate times, and stuff like that."

"Really? Then suck me." Jason was already hard from watching Scott play with himself, so what was the harm?

Scott smiled and perked up his ears, and Jason sat down on the bed. Scott walked over to Jason, letting dick swing freely. "I think I'm going to like you as the packleader." He whispered into Jason's ear before kneeling between Jason's spread legs. Scott's paws now jerked off Jason's member as they had jerked off his own, but now he could use his maw for a greater effect. Scott kissed Jason's red dick-head, Jason moaned in pleasure, and Scott pressed his hands in circular gestures and closer together. Scott licked a few times then quickly shoved the red cock into his muzzle, his paws moving to grab and squeeze Jason's balls.

Jason sighed deeply as yet another muzzle was encasing his cock, and he thought back to the admission. All of those tongues caressing his tender spots.... The twins attending his feet jumped to the forefront of his mind, and it brought an idea with it. He repositioned his footpaws between Scott's legs, searching for the red dick hidden from his sight. When he found it he rushed his other footpaw to it and began rubbing his toes across the lower end of the knot while grinding his heels on the head.

Scott moaned a muffled moan around Jason's cock, and he gave the balls he was playing with one last squeeze before they were running off to play with Jason's tailhole. He was also twitching uncontrollably every time Jason kneaded the red cock with his footpaws. Jason only massaged Scott's red cock harder after his fingers entered Jason's tight hole, and still occasionally pressed his footpaws in and jerked away in the way that made Scott twitch. Jason was able to keep his moans near silent so far, the same could not be said for Scott; he was moaning like a virgin bitch, even with Jason's member in his muzzle.

"I think you guys might have given me a foot fetish, you know." Jason replaced a moan with. Scott kept his tongue of Jason's prick and mumbled something before resuming milking the red cock in his maw. It took Jason a second to realize what he said, 'you wouldn't be the first person to say that.' Jason substituted a chuckle for yet another moan. However, his luck ran out when Scott managed to worm another furry digit into his tailhole. Jason let out a pleasurable groan loud enough to rival the noises Scott was making, but he quickly retaliated by mashing Scott's knot with his footpaws. Scott's dick began to throb and Jason squashed Scott's cockhead with his heels while still holding the pressure on the knot with his toes. Scott came in jetting waves, or he would have; Jason's footpaws were blocking it from going far. So Jason's heels were dripping with semen as the dog panted around his cock, still cumming.

Jason pulled the tired dog off of his cock, after he had finished cumming of course, and helped him onto the bed. Jason's footpaws made squelching noises as they moved around on the carpet. Jason laid Scott face down on the bed, making sure that he had plenty of access to the tail-hole presented. Just then Jason had another thought, 'and generally keep people happy' ran back through his mind. Aroused meant happy right? Jason acted like he was just going to start fucking Scott silly, but instead he started rubbing his entire shaft, up and down, over Scott's tail-hole. He leaned in over Scott, and scratched at his shoulder blades, moving his paws in looped scratches. He slowly worked his way down Scott's back, still teasing his tail-hole, and kept Scott's legs spread wide with his own.

"Tease." Scott huffed through what remained of his afterglow.

"You like it." Jason quickly rebutted.

"That's not the poi-don't stop!!" Scott screeched as Jason's paws landed just above the base of Scott's tail. Scott's whole body went stiff and shivered when Jason scratched harder. "There!! Right there!! Oh, god that's the spot!"

"That's what she said."

"Shut up and scratch! God, this is better than sex!!"

"Better than sex huh?" Jason said removing his paws. "Let's just see about that."

Jason finally stopped teasing, and entered into Scott in one swift motion. Jason's cock was still slick, despite rubbing most of it onto Scott's ass, and it entered into Scott a lot easier than it did into Michael's. Scott murred as Jason's cock bumped past his prostate and slid further in, going all the way to the half-formed knot. Jason joined in the murring as he pulled all the way out, re-aiming, and then pressing in all the way again. He set a slow rhythm, like a waltz, he wanted to be pleasured for a healthy length of time.

Scott was getting squirmy, and Jason could smell his newer arousal, so Jason crawled on top of Scott the rest of the way. Jason pinned Scott's paws in place and used them as leverage to get a little more force. Scott's whines were not left unanswered though; Jason let the dog's hips bounce against his thrusts a little, which rubbed Scott's erection against the sheets. Jason waited only a little while before gently nibbling on Scott's ears. He twisted his head and rubbed the tip of an ear tenderly between the smoother of his back teeth, careful not to bite hard enough to break the skin but still fierce enough to make certain that Scott felt it.

Scott moaned again, as loud as he could. This wolf knew how to keep him happy in bed. It had been a while since someone had toyed with his ears, and Jason's dick in his ass felt wonderfully filling, just the size that Scott really liked. Scott clamped down with his ass muscles as Jason was on an out stroke, trying to keep him in. Scott wanted to feel all of Jason's length crammed inside him. Scott's dick was chafing against the sheets, but the constant buzz of lustful joy they caused was plenty for an argument for keeping it there. Jason's dulled claws were going to leave marks in his paws, and his ear was being nibbled raw. Still unable to move his hips, he whined the most pitiful puppy-like whine he could muster, trying desperately to encourage Jason to race in and out of him.

Jason smiled, Scott's ass was tight, silken, and warm enough to encourage a little more speed; Scott's whines only magnified their effect on him. Jason was doling out all the self-restraint his racketed brain held, which turned out to be just enough. Jason's thrusts pumped on with no hastening, steadily churning the insides of Scott, and he wondered how long he would last in with Scott continuing to clamp down. Jason switched from nibbling to licking Scott's ear, swirling his tongue around the inside and making Scott lean his head in closer to his muzzle. He licked in deeper as his own desires caught up to him, his knot filling out to its fullest; Jason began pounding his rod faster into Scott's ass. But not much faster, although it was enough to force Scott to switch back to moaning. Jason sat up, but kept his weight on Scott so that he would remain pressed against the bed, and thrusted a little faster. He was edging his way closer to tying with Scott.

"Please, Jason, I'm so close." Scott begged. Scott could feel the crescendo of Jason's movement, but he still could not budge his hips to speed him up any further. The muscles in his rear were running out of steam from compressing against Jason's pleasant intrusion.

"Fair enough, I've had my fun." Jason said. Jason pulled irritatingly close to out of Scott, and rammed his way back in; again, just as agonizingly exposed to the body-heated air and shoved back. The knot on Jason's cock was swelled to its fullest, and therefore could not easily enter. Jason lifted his weight off of Scott so he could help. With Scott's help he managed to pry open his hole a little more, but he would still need a dozen or so more thrusts to work his knot in. As slow and seemingly unsuccessful as it was, the last thrust was weaker than the others, but it forced Scott's tail-hole to envelope Jason's knot. Just as the last of his knot fell inside, the tip shot out the sticky bullets of cum while twitching.

Scott groaned happily as he felt the steamy fluid fill his innards. Scott had no choice but to fall with Jason as they landed on their sides, and with Jason's climax rapidly ending, he was granted Jason's paw on his own red cock. Jason's paw clamped down on Scott's knot. Jason's paw encircled his cock and pumped up and down. Jason's paw went faster and faster without stopping, moving back and moving forth in a fourth-a-second or less. Scott finally came long after Jason stopped, but his prick twitched more freely than Jason's did.

"Thanks," Scott huffed out.

"No problem." Jason said. "I'm supposed to keep my packmates happy right?" Scott could only laugh softly to that. Scott then wormed his noes under Jason's

wrist and flicked it up, so that Jason's paw landed on his head. Jason chuckled and scratched in return.

"When am I going to finish the initiation?"

"When your knot goes down."