Island Heat 3

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#13 of Heat side stories

Well I offered a vote on what story I should work on a few weeks ago, offered up two really hot stores or a third part to this rather sweet teen love story. In a rather cool turn of events people asked for a third part to this by a landslide. So here it is.

Gay age of consent in the UK is 16 so to me this is perfectly acceptable and not cub, however character involved are 16 and 17 so if that is a problem for where you live you may wish to avoid.

Time it was supposed to be a constant; second after second, minute after minute, hour after hour, all the same all equal. Yet as Jessie sat in class his eyes glancing at the clock again and again he swore that each minute passed slower than the last, in pure defiance of these rules. Today was a big day for everyone and his eyes weren't the only ones in the class that kept looking at the clock. It was the end of the term the second last term before graduation. Three weeks of blissful freedom prior to the final slog towards qualification.

However, to Jessie the countdown wasn't just to that, today was his seventeenth birthday and he had plans. Jay was coming over to spend the night, his mother was going to throw a little party on the beach just in front of their house with a few friends from school. Afterwards he and his secret boyfriend were going camping up into the hills. They had been there three or four times and each time had been wonderful. The human had been able to explore his sexuality with his lapine lover in the calm secluded spot up in the hills.

For this trip he had special plans, there was something he knew Jay had wanted to do since they first got together. Jessie had been resisting, he wasn't sure he was ready and Jay had accepted it. Never once pushing him or trying to get him to do it, he said he would wait for the human to decide he was ready. Well after his birthday he would be, by lapine standards, a man and he knew he was ready for it.

Blushing a little he realised he had been thinking of the weekend he had planned a little too much, his shorts were tenting under the table. Sensing the young boy was not going to want to stand up for a few minutes the universe rang the bell and the school day ended with a cheer from the students. Making a big show of packing away a single data sheet the human tried get his mind off his boyfriend.

As he left the class a trim white rabbit approached him, "hey Jessie! Happy birthday I'll see you tonight..." The young lapine paused in front of the human suddenly unable to make eye contact or speak. He was so different to how he had been a few months earlier, when his first heat had sent his hormones a little crazy and the bunny had groped the human at every opportunity, even going to far as to pull his shorts off and refuse to give them back. "Look, I was thinking that... well you know we just have one term left then it's like college or something..."

"Hey Taylor yeah I..." desperate to get away from what he knew was coming Jessie's mind raced as he tried to come up with some way to stop the rabbit. Just as he thought of a great way to get away the rabbit started to speak again.

"Look I know you're like into females or something, but you know you could try just one date or something. I promise to keep my paws to myself, just you know see if you like it, I mean you're cute and fun and we have fun together right?" Flushing deeply under his fur the whit rabbit waited for an answer, his feet bouncing from side to side like a lizard on hot sand.

"Look Taylor, I like you, but not that way. I'm sorry I just... I can't," It wasn't weird to Jessie wasn't that he'd been asked. Hell, rabbits had a clear love of alien species, he'd been asked by half the guys in the school and a couple of the girls too. It was weird how guilty he felt saying no, not because he wasn't interested but because he was lying about why he was saying no. Keeping his relationship with Jay secret had been the only way for them to continue their camping trips, if his mother found out there would be no more sleep overs, camping trips or late nights on the beach. All the uncomfortable moments he had suffered were worth it for those sweet moments with Jay.

Crestfallen the white rabbit's ears hung down low and his shoulders drooped, "yeah, I thought you might say that. I just... figured it was worth a shot you know?"

Jessie stepped forward and slipped his arms around the disappointed rabbit, "well I still want to keep you as a friend, if that's ok?"

Returning the hug the rabbit couldn't help but take a little sniff of the male's neck as he melted into the warm hug. "Ok," he replied simply as his mind mentally set a clock for the net time he would ask the human. After all it was a pretty nice hug and he could scent some arousal on the human, the white rabbit decided the human just needed more time and some seduction.

"Hey guys?" Jessie jumped as he heard Jay's voice behind him, trying not to blush he pulled away from the hug and turned to see the chocolate furred rabbit behind him. Nervously the rabbit brushed his one white ear, it was a habit only a boyfriend would notice but Jay always tugged on his white ear when he was nervous or unsure. The human found it both cute and useful, it was one of the many small tells he had learned to interpret on the rabbit.

"Hey, Jessie we were just saying... goodbye," he muttered lamely as he backed out of the hug, to a sigh of disappointment from the white rabbit. "See you tonight Taylor?"

"Yeah, I'll see you guys later," the embarrassed rabbit didn't stick around and rushed away as fast as he could.

"He asked you out didn't he?" Jay asked as the two began walking, both fighting the urge to put their arms around each other. It would be a tough night, spending all that time with so many people, their love right there and yet they weren't able to show it.

"Yeah, it was awkward. I feel really bad for him..." Jessie stopped as the brown rabbit snorted a little louder than he intended. "I do."

"Oh I'm sure you feel bad, but you kinda like getting hit on so often," chuckled the bunny sneaking a glance around to check they were alone he kissed the human on the cheek, enjoying the brief warmth against his lips. "It's ok to like it, just remember soon as we graduate and head to college we tell everyone and we can stop hiding. You'll probably still get hit on, only by scummy guys who want you to cheat."

"Oh, well you paint such a pretty picture I can't wait." Replied the human returning the peck on the cheek, his heart stopped as they turned the corner to find two female rabbits heading the other way. "They didn't see, did they?" He whispered in panic as they walked out of school and towards the beach.

"No you're safe," Jay replied calmly with a smile, though there was a sad look in his eyes that cut right to the heart of Jessie.

"I'm not ashamed you know," the human muttered a little defensively his eyes fixed on the other male.

"I know"

"It won't be for much longer and then we can tell everyone." Added Jessie as they reached the beach, fine white powdery sand covered the beach while blue sea stretched out forever. It was hard for him to believe how annoyed he'd been when his mother had brought him to LeytayIsland. Tearing him away from his family and friends, uprooted from his life, he'd been so angry. Yet now he loved the island, the sun was almost always shining, the air was always fresh and he found it hard to picture living back on Earth in that small smelly apartment.

"I know."

"Oh you know everything don't you?" Chuckled the human kicking some sand onto the bunny's large toes.

"When it comes to you, absolutely," admitted the rabbit kicking some sand back at Jessie. The human chuckled and jumped on the rabbit, the two mock wrestled on the beach. Being the far more athletic of the two the human easily overpowered the rabbit, wrestling him to the sand and pinning his arms behind his head. Then he leaned down, not bothering to check who might be looking as he pressed his lips gently to the rabbit's. Moaning at the warmth of Jay's lips and the sweet taste of his breath, feeling his blood rush through his body as his excitement began to rise.

Breaking the kiss and rolling off the rabbit the two lay side by side in the warm sand. "I'm ready, did you know that?"

"Ready for what?"

Lifting up his head Jessie gave the rabbit an emphatic look and then answered, "for you."

Brow crinkling in honest confusion the rabbit asked, "for me to what?"

Laughing in exasperation the human lay back in the warm sand, "you'll figure it out tomorrow night I'm sure."

A heartbeat or two later Jay sat up flushing with a deep gasp, "oh! You're ready!"

"Yeah, I want to, I mean if you do," Jessie said with a deep blush on his sun tanned cheeks.

"Yes oh yes, I definitely want to!" Enthused the rabbit and then paused and getting his excitement under control. "But, you are ready right, you're not just doing this for me right?"

Smiling the human couldn't help but wonder how badly disappointed the rabbit would be if he changed his mind. Loving that rabbit for his restraint he replied, "no I'm doing this because I want to. I keep thinking about it and I really want to try, tomorrow night soon as we get the tent set up... maybe before."

"That's just... awesome!" Half squealed the brown rabbit kicking up sand with all four paws. "I promise, I'll be gentle and we can take it as slow as you want."

"I know, I trust you, I lo... " Jessie's comm unit screeched at them from his wrist. "Damn, mum says 'where are you,' got to get ready for the party and she wants to give me my present before the party."

"We'd better get off then," the rabbit sighed as they both got back to their feet dusting the sand off the clothes, fur and skin as they did so. "What did she get you?"

"No idea, it's a surprise, I kinda hope it's just a big cheque we can use to pay for some fun... or maybe a new tent, I think we are wearing out your old one." The human replied and they tossed a few other potential birthday present ideas around as they walked back to Jessie's home.

Finding his mother in the kitchen with their very friendly otter neighbour Leilani. Who smiled and gave the young human a warm hug, two pert breasts, covered in silky soft brown fur, squishing against his chest as she squeezed him and kissed his cheek. "Happy birthday Jes, I will see you guys later. Hope you enjoy your gift, see you at your party."

"Your present is in your room, hope you like it sweety," his mother said giving the otter a little wink as she kissed her son on the cheek. "Love you sweety." Tess giggled a little as her son blushed deeply, as any child does when their mother treats them like a child in front of their friends.

"Hi Mrs...." Jay started and then as Tess frowned at him he continued, "I mean Tess."

"Hello Jay, how are you fathers?" The human woman asked politely her eyes straying to the door the otter had just left from.

Smiling a little the rabbit couldn't help but find it silly how the human's were hiding their relationships from each other. Still at least he and Jessie were far better at keeping it a secret. He replied politely, "they are doing find thank you, how are you?"

"I'm good just run off my feet what with the party tonight and Jessie's surprise present which arrived a few hours earlier than I expected." The human woman nodded to the stairs saying, "Why don't you two go and check it out, I'll be up in a minute?"

Excitement rising Jessie ran up the stairs with Jay hot on his heels. Despite himself the boy couldn't help but run through a thousand new cool gadgets or items that his mother could have gotten him. Although he never came close to guessing what it was and as he opened the door to his room he cried out in shock.

"DANNY!" He yelled out at the human sitting in his desk chair, lounging was the correct term laying back in the chair feet on Jessies' desk like he owned the place. Jay looked over his boyfriend's shoulder to see a grinning human looking back at both of them. Dark hair and skin a deep brown, hazel eyes and a cheeky grin. All wrapped up in a t shirt and shorts, the human had an expensive comm device in his hand that he had been trying to interface with Jessie's entertainment system.

"Hey, J 336 how do you live with this piece of crap, you can't even get a good V.I. connection going?" His voice held a good dose of humour and he chuckled as he spoke getting out of the chair to give the shocked Jessie a hug.

"Well D 338 I stopped bothering with V.I. when I moved here and found that actual reality was better than virtual." Jessie squeezed the slightly chunky boy in his arms, "it's so good to see you, how come you never wrote back?"

Wincing Danny broke the hug and looked down, "sorry about that, I just couldn't really afford to reply. Mum lost her job and all, I moved in on my own too, so bills and that. Then your mother contacted me, offered to pay to bring me here for a month or two, open return I got up to six months before I have to head back to Earth. Happy Birthday, I figured you probably ain't had one of these in a while." The human pulled a small tube out of his pocket.

"Risars! Oh man you have no idea, of all the things I miss about London those little bad boys are top of the list." Jessie practically snatched the tube out of the humans hand and tore it open, tipping a few small purple sweets out.

"Wait they come above me on that list?" The human asked holding his hand over his heart with a look of mock pain on his face.

"Hell yeah, you are like tenth, right after decent Chinese food and the good shopping," chuckled Jessie punching the other human in the shoulder playfully.

"Well that hurts, I come all the way across the galaxy to visit and you're happier to see my sweets than me." Danny's eyes fell on the silent and slightly embarrassed rabbit still standing in the doorway. "I see your manners are still as bad as I'd expect from 336. I'm Danny Soto, I used to live a couple of apartments above this reprobate."

Giving a little wave the rabbit smiled as warmly as he could, feeling ever so slightly jealous of the human who seemed to know his boyfriend so well he replied, "I'm Jay, nice to meet you."

"Well 336 you really have gone up in the world, like you're on floor 900 now, maybe higher," the ebony skinned human said looking out the window at the white sands and blue sea.

"Yeah, I was so mad when we moved here but after over a year I just love it here." Jessie couldn't help but glance at the rabbit as he said so a soft blush on his cheeks for a moment as the rabbit's eyes caught his. Two focused on each other neither of them saw the knowing smile that flashed on the other human's face.

"So you got a girl yet J 336?" Danny asked his eyes flicking to the rabbit to catch the ever so slight wince Jay gave.

"No, everyone here is pretty much gay, there's only one bisexual female in school and she ain't my type." Jessie replied trying to stop the flushing heat of a blush building up on his face.

"Damn even a boy from 336 should be getting laid on his seventeenth birthday," the dark skinned human gave Jessie a lascivious grin and a wink as he continued. "You sure there ain't anyone. How about that otter chick, I heard stories about the lutrai?"

"I'm pretty sure she and my mother are doing it," Jessie replied bluntly, hoping the revelation would distract Danny from the rather uncomfortable line of questions.

"Damn! Losing the only bi girl on the island to his mother, only a loser from 336 would be able to do that!" Snorted the human with a chuckle and as he laughed like a hyena, as Jay mounted his white charger to try and come to the rescue of his love.

"Hey, what's with all this 336 and 338 stuff?" He asked suddenly stepping closer to Danny giving Jessie a few moments of breathing space to control the blush that was now very evident on his face.

"Oh that's what floor we lived on, Kings Cross Towers floor 336 for the loser there and 338 for the higher class individual you see before you," the human gave a slightly theatrical bow as he waved to himself. "London's full of mega towers, there's like a million people living in Kings cross alone, there are so many walkways, trains, shuttles, cars, connectors and market platforms no light actually gets to the ground. The higher up the tower you go the higher the rent goes. Which is why me being two floors up from this low life is _so_important."

"Anything over floor 700 means you are rich!" Jessie explained and then went on to add. "However, two floors difference don't mean much."

"Ha! That's what a loser from floor 336 would say!" Snorted Danny and they both laughed, Jay got the feeling the two had been joking about the difference for a long time. The human looked out the window and said, "I missed you 336, the tower just hasn't been the same since you left. Your skank ex got together with some dude and lives in MaryTowers, floor 500 if you can believe. Codie and Jo... they are out of their skulls on trax most days now, I don't hang with them anymore. Craig joined the army and Paulie... took a walk in his garden."

Gasping loudly at the last comment Jessie found himself sitting down as his knees threatened to buckle, "why didn't anyone tell me?"

"It happened just a few weeks before I left, ain't nobody left who knew you but me and I couldn't afford to send the message. Especially as I knew I was coming here anyway." The cheeky smile had faded from the human's face an all that was left was an expression on honest remorse and loss. "Anyway, look we can't change that, he chose to jump and that's the end of it."

Shivering the rabbit finally caught up with the conversation, he had known that trax was a particularly addictive narcotic, but a walk in his garden had thrown him. Now he realised apartments several hundred floors up would probably not have a garden.

"Oh man, I'm like the worst birthday gift ever huh, turn up and bring the birthday boy to tears," muttered Danny as he gave Jessie a lame look. "I missed you man, things haven't been the same since you left."

Jumping to his feet Jessie gave his old friend a bear hug whispering, "glad you came, I missed you too."

Feeling slightly uncomfortable and more than a touch jealous as his boyfriend hugged another guy. A guy that had obviously meant a lot to Jessie before he left Earth, Jay slipped out of the room and tried to get his own emotions under control. It wasn't a romantic thing, he knew that or he hoped anyway. However, something about the way the visitor looked at Jessie made him think that maybe there could have been more. Heading downstairs he offered to help Tess with the setup for the party.

A few hours later on the beach in front of Jessie's house a bonfire was lit. A few dozen rabbits along with the three humans and one lutrai celebrated with good food, refreshing drinks and lively music. Danny proved himself to be a big hit, his friendly and straight forward nature allowing him to easily fit in with Jessie and his friends. In fact it was the birthday boy who felt a little jealous, as he watched his friend dancing with half his classmates and his neighbour.

A human more than happy to grind up against another male while they danced. Danny had always been a bit of a tease and he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity, especially with so many interested partners practically lining up. Jay seemed strangely quiet throughout the night as the orange sky of the setting sun turned slowly darker until the stars began to shine. The fire burned low and almost everyone had wandered home, leaving just Jessie, Jay, Danny and Taylor. Sharing a bottle of blossom wine, a rather potent drink Taylor had snuck out of his father's wine collection.

Talking about London and some of the escapades Danny and Jessie had gotten up to as they grew up. Danny cracking up as he told a rather funny story, "I swear, he was covered head to toe in ketchup right and the security guard said' just what have you been up to son?' J just pulled himself up folded his soaked arms and said 'I'm just working on my hotdog costume!'" Rolling back onto the sand the human was almost alone in his laughter, Jessie chuckled quietly at the memory and the two rabbit's tried to figure out what ketchup or a hotdog were.

"Danny, you got to remember they've never seen a hotdog before," the tanned human said as he took another swig from the bottle, his head spinning a little. He offered it to Jay who refused for the third time that night to take a drink.

"Oh right, I forgot not human, erm a hotdogs a sausage, a thick tube made of meat that you put in your mouth. You guys like that don't you, getting some nice meat in your mouth?" Six eyes stared in disbelief as the drunk human grabbed his crotch and winked with more than a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"Damn D, that is a comment I'd expect from a floor 100 not you," Jessie said shaking his head as he pushed the bottle into the blushing Taylor's paws.

"Oh come on, planet of gay bunnies and I'm not allowed to make a sausage is penis joke?" Snorted the human from his place laying back on the sand.

"Well only if you follow it up with a demonstration," the white rabbit blushed deeply as he realised he said that out loud.

"I'm going home," Jay muttered getting to his feet, as Jessie stared open mouthed in shock.

"I''m.. just going to walk with him for a bit, stretch my legs," he mumbled as he got to his shaky drunk legs and chased after his boyfriend.

Danny sat up, sand falling from his hair as he flashed the white rabbit a devious smile and took the mostly empty bottle off him, "Alone at last."

"Jay, hey Jay wait up!" Jessie called as he stumbled through the sand. "You're supposed to spend the night remember, we're going camping tomorrow."

Stopping a few hundred meters from the human's house the rabbit turned to ask, "are we?"

"Yeah, remember I wanted you to give me a special birthday gift... we talked about it earlier and you seemed really eager." Half shouted the human as he ran the last few meters to the rabbit. "Besides, it's my birthday and I was hoping to get a birthday kiss from my boyfriend and..." Jessie looked around the empty beach at night and despite being alone lowered his voice. "I kinda wanted to get my mouth around your hotdog, if you know what I mean."

"Jessie, do you really think that's a good idea, your friend is right over there and he's not going to leave you alone long enough to do that." Replied Jay waving his paw in the direction of the glowing embers where the other two could almost be made out.

Shrugging the human stepped closer putting his hands around the rabbit's slender wasit and leaned close for a kiss, only for Jay to lean back to avoid it.

"What's wrong Jay?" Asked the human as the lack of kiss sobered him up faster than a cold shower.

"I dunno, look it's stupid but I see you two so close and I felt a bit jealous," admitted the rabbit shoulders drooping and his eyes looking at the sea because he couldn't face his lover. "Plus you know we can't go camping, without bringing him along which means we need another tent and I'll end up sleeping in it while you two 'old friends' share."

Stunned the human realised the rabbit was probably right, he couldn't let his friend come all the way from Earth and then leave him behind so he could go camping and fuck his boyfriend. "Look, ok Danny and I were really close growing up, but I swear there will never be anything like that between us. I mean this boy is all about the women. You know he lost his virginity at thirteen, to a girl? He's had like eight different girl friends, he is not someone you need to feel jealous of." Pulling the rabbit firmly too him, he nuzzled into Jay's neck whispering, "He's not the one I love you are and if we have to wait a little longer it don't matter does it because sooner or later you and I will take that last step."

Gasping softly from the nuzzle, enjoying the warmth of the human, his touch and embrace making him feel special again. Special and foolish, he knew that Jessie was not going to leave him for some human, sometimes those kinds of emotions didn't come from logic. "Ok... I just hope it's soon, it's so hard being around you and knowing I can't just be with you."

Nodding his acknowledgement the human begin to nip on the rabbit's neck, targeting the sensitive spots he had found throughout their time together. His hands slipping down lower , sliding inside the rabbit's shorts and groping his furry mounds. "Believe me I know how hard it is." A sweaty hand slipped around to grope a furry sheath and then stroke up a rapidly emerging cock. "I can feel how hard it is, let me make it a little easier."

Lost in a world of warm embraces and delightful touches Jay wasn't able to respond as the human slipped to his knees in front of him. Whimpering with gratitude as his, suddenly too tight, shorts were pulled down and pooled around his feet on the sand. Knowing that the beach was public and that everyone on the island would recognise them both, the rabbit didn't care as two warm lips sealed around his cock. His paws gripped the human's head, fingers running through his hair as he started to thrust.

Gasping softly as the thick bunny maleness was thrust fully into his mouth the human sucked and licked at the meat, worming his tongue against the tender flesh. Feeling it throb in his mouth, he could trace every vein, every mark every nook on the cock he knew better than his own and he loved. His hands grabbed the rabbit's pert buttock and squeezed gently, the clear night had given rise to cold air, but the days heat was still in the sand keeping his knees warm. Thrilling at the pure brazenness of the act, knowing that his mother, Danny or anyone might find them at any moment.

One drunk on alcohol and the other drunk on pleasure the two stood bathed in starlight as the waves gently crashed a few meters away. Gasping and moaning as their passion grew, the rabbit thrusting faster and faster, the human pulling down his fly and grabbing his own needy cock stroking it as fast as he could. His tongue going wild on Jay's meaty glans, tasting the musky pre and revelling in his taste. Basking in the scent of his lover's crotch, the feel of his soft fur brushing his nose and cheeks. Feeling the need in his partner's paws as they pulled his head forward onto the thick spear.

Gasping and whimpering, trying to keep his moans quiet and failing, the rabbit knew he wouldn't last long under such a passionate assault. His balls were already beginning to tighten, part of him wanted to beg the human to slow down, so he could enjoy the feeling of the warm mouth around his cock for much longer. The rest was desperate for him to cum, to flood the human's hungry mouth with his hot seed.

"Jessie... I..." he whispered in a half warning, not that it mattered. All it did was spurn the human on, he bobbed his head faster, pressing closer and tilting his head back forcing the tip right down his throat, fighting the urge to gag he held the rabbit's cockhead in his tight throat for as long as he could, hearing the passionate cries of his lover and feeling the cock in his mouth beginning to throb, he pulled back just in time for the first jet of spunk to spray onto his tongue. Swallowing greedily the human continue to suckle bobbing slowly sucking firmly and squeezing the cock between his lips, milking his lover for every last drop.

Eventually the oozing member was pulled from his lips and he panted heavily, "oh fuck, Jay you taste so good."

Falling to his knees panting the rabbit kissed the human passionately his tongue delving into the boy's maw tasting his own cum. Breaking the kiss with a loud gasp the rabbit replied, "I love you." As the human panted the rabbit pushed him back, Jessie fell back onto the soft warm sand, his hands going behind him to stop him falling flat on his back.

Using the moment of confusion to his advantage the rabbit bent down and before Jessie knew what was happening, a warm rabbit mouth and tongue was working his hard drooling shaft. "Oh... I love you too... oh Jay...please I'm so close already..." The human's begging words were nothing but fuel to the fire of the rabbit's desire, he bobbed his muzzle faster, loving the feeling of the warm meet as it slipped between his plush lips.

With a barely contained cry the human came, his juices bubbling up into the rabbit's maw. Fertile liquid fountaining into a hungry mouth, quenching Jay's need as they both continued to writhe together. Lips were pulled from Jessie's cock and applied to his mouth as the two lay on the beach, sharing panted breaths and tender caresses. Their spend cocks pressed against one another, dripping the last of their sticky loads into the white dusty sand.

After what seemed like an eternity Jessie broke their kiss and whispered, "we should probably go back before they come looking for us."

"I said I was going home, won't they ask why I came back?" The rabbit asked, reluctant to let go his the human just yet, nuzzling the human's chest and licking at his chin.

"We'll say you went home, grabbed some stuff and decided to have a sleep over, we can ask Taylor to stay too, so that nobody suspects anything." Replied the human as he pulled away from the rabbit and pushed his cock back into his shorts.

"Ok, that works for me," truthfully Jay wasn't convinced that reason would be accepted as he didn't have anything with him. However, spending more time with the human was all he really cared about and he wasn't going to argue.

Hand in paw the two wandered back, letting go just as the got to the fire. Their ears picking up a strange sound, heavy breathing and gasping. Soft sexual moans filling the air as they got closer they found the source. Taylor naked, legs spread as he sat in Danny's lap, in the dim firelight they could both see the human's cock glistening in some lubricant as it slid in and out of the rabbit's ass.

Neither of them had spotted their audience, both were too intent on each other, lips locking in a passionate kiss, eyes closed. Jessie couldn't help but notice his friend's cock, he'd never seen it erect before, but there it was, thicker than a beercan and slamming with rapid short thrusts into the white rabbit's ass. Danny broke the kiss with a gasp laying his head on the white rabbit's chest. "Oh fuck T... I'm gonna...mmm that's it.... take it all.!"

"Oh Danny!... I please... oh give it to me... oh Danny... Danny... ahhh DANNY!" Taylor's cries left the two onlookers in no doubt the white rabbit had reached his peak. Crying out the human found his cock being massaged by the spasming rear of a lapine in orgasm. It was all that he needed to push him over the edge too, his cries of pleasure joined the rabbit's. Even in the firelight the two could see pearly white liquid dripping over two fairly large black nuts as they rested on the warm sand.

"Oh shit," panted Danny as he lay flat out in the sand, his chest heaving and he desperately tried to recover his breath. Taylor fell over next to him, the black cock pulling out of his ass, to hang in the night air dripping with cum. An impressive eight inches long and thick right to the tip, the foreskin just dripping with cum.

Reaching out a hand to grab Jay's arm Jessie started backing up, the rabbit followed him. It seemed like they would get away without being noticed until the human stepped back and put his foot on a discarded plastic cup which smashed with a loud crack. Two heads snapped off the sand immediately and the voyeurs were caught red of face and slightly tented of shorts.

"Seriously J and J, we are a bit busy, give us like ten," Danny snorted with a chuckle, not bothering to cover up as Taylor squirmed in embarrassment, his white paws cupping his own less impressive cock and balls.

Opening his mouth Jessie tried to respond, however, only unintelligible garbled words came out, "gnny onya herr."

"You do that," chuckled the naked human as he pulled the white rabbit into his arms.

Stumbling through the sand and over the next dune the two stopped and looked at each other. It was Jay who broke the silence, "not shy is he?"

"No, Danny never was," Jessie mumbled as he sat down on the sand pulling Jay down next to him and putting and arm around the rabbit's shoulders as he continued. "In fact he can be a right arse sometimes. However... he was a good friend to me, when my father died he was the one who kept coming round to play. He gave me a shoulder to cry and someone to talk to, someone who understood. He lost his father too and his mother... well she's clean now but there's a reason Danny won't ever touch anything stronger than alcohol."

A sudden chill in the air made the two pull closer together, Jessie had never talked about losing his father and Jay had never pushed figuring he would speak of it when he was ready.

"I remember this V.I game called conquer and command, you played a fighter pilot and all the kids from our three levels used to play, we formed a squadron. We were pretty good," Jessie continued softly leaning his cheek on jays head as they looked out to sea. "My dad was a fighter pilot... he died in combat and... I didn't want to play it anymore and at first everyone was cool with it. Then a few weeks went by and it was like 'ok yeah your dad's dead but you're really screwing our rankings so stop mopping you selfish bastard'. I mean no-one ever said it, but they kept asking me to play, asking asking asking. Then Danny just said 'naw screw this game I ain't playing anymore'."

Laughing a little, through a lump in his throat, he continued, "everyone was so pissed at him they kicked him out of the squadron. No-one ever actually said anything but they just assumed I wanted out too and so they booed me quietly. So we went on to play something else, just the two of us."

Squeezing the human around his stomach the rabbit leaned up to kiss his cheek and the two sat in silence watching the last vestiges of the sun dip slowly over the horizon.

It was about half an hour later that Danny and Taylor found them like that, the black human grinned and winked at his friend. While the white rabbit blinked and wondered how blind he had been not to see what had been going on under his nose all year. Dragging Taylor over the two sat down next to them it was Danny who broke the silence, "so , we're going camping tomorrow?"