The quilt

Story by Eyenoom on SoFurry

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A very short little pagraph of a story about my character Howgurai :3

He's a very rational guy and doesn't like chatting with people he doesn't think has something useful to say, which is also one of the reasons why he showed the young dragon off~

This is one of the only times he actually show any emotion, that cynical little shit <3

You can read more about him here:

"I don't care." Howgurai snarled his eyes pinned to the young dragon at his feet. "What happens to your precious home is none of my concern. Leave!" "But you have to!" the young dragon wailed. "It's your duty!" "I don't have to do anything." Howgurai cackled. "Have you done anything to help me? No, I didn't think so. Therefore I see no reason to give anything to you." "Then what do you want me to do?!" the dragon blurted. "What can I do?!" "Find Nixeu and make an end to her." Howgurai quipped. "That's all you could ever do for me." "But I can't kill her!" the dragon whimpered. "She's way too strong!" "Then that's none of my problem." Howgurai snapped before turning around. The young dragon looked at Howgurai one last time before he left; head hanging low.

It had been quite a few peaceful days before the news had reached Howgurai. "The young one actually sought her out." Howgurai murmured for himself while looking down at the small drawing of himself and the young dragon fighting off some sort of monsters. "That stupid fool..." He thought about just releasing his grasp on the drawing and go away, but for some reason he just couldn't make himself let go of it. He could just as well keep it then... It probably wouldn't hurt anyone to decorate his swamp a little...