Auntie's Special Products

Story by StrikerSA on SoFurry

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Auntie's Special Products

By: Gerhard "StrikerSA" Naudé

  • * * The skies were partly cloudly early in the morning as the sun rose over the Caribbean island of Jamaica. In a village located along a river in the centre of the country, the locals were already up and about. The air was filled with the noise and sounds of a village getting to work. Most of the villagers worked in either the large banana plantations that bordered the one side of the village or to go and work in the marketplace, where traders of all kinds hawked their wares to passersby from their shops and stalls. Phoenix was one of those who was up early. Unlike the locals, Phoenix stood out for two reasons: firstly, she was a female pomeranian canine with red/orange fur, long hair that reached halfway down her back and a short, but fluffy tail that curled inward. Secondly, she was a tourist, visiting the island with her mate, Striker, who was still asleep back at the hotel they were staying. She wore a white tank top with short sleeves and short denim jeans with brown boots that reached to just below her knees. She had a watch around her right wrist and a camera hanging from around her neck on a rubber band. Her clothing were in contrast with the locals, who all wore various kinds of brightly coloured clothing of the island. Phoenix went from shop to shop and stall to stall, inspecting the various goods while friendly shopkeepers eagerly held out their goods to her. She examined each item, then politely said "no thanks" each time. Though disappointed, the shopkeepers smiled back at her in reply to her politeness. She had sneaked out from the hotel while her mate was still asleep. Normally, she would not leave him alone during a holiday, but today was different. Striker's birthday was tomorrow, and she needed to shop for a special gift to give to him. Stopping by one stall that sell clothing, she looked at the various shirts on sale. Phoenix:"I wonder... a good t-shirt, perhaps?" She looked through the shirts. Most were of the kind that the villagers wore, though some were specially made for tourists. Some were particularly obvious, containing funny kinds of pictures and slogans on them. Phoenix giggled in particular at a shirt that showed nude women with various kinds of breasts, named after different kinds of tropical fruit. Phoenix:"A funny one, but not quite the right gift. Besides, my own breasts are good enough for him." Phoenix thought back to the previous night after they had checked in. They had settled into their hotel room, then took a shower together before going to bed to make love. Striker had given her a nice massage all over her body, focusing in particular on her rump and breasts. He loved to massage her there, and she enjoyed it greatly. Her thoughts quickly returned to the present when she felt tugging on her shorts. She quickly turned and looked down at her shorts. A young Jamaican boy, about 10 years old Phoenix guessed, tugged at her shorts. Boy:"Excuse me, Lady, but you are looking for a gift?" Phoenix smiled and turned to kneel before the young boy, who wore a white and denim jeans with worn sneakers. Phoenix:"Yes, I am. A birthday gift for my mate. Do you perhaps know of a place." The boy nodded eagerly and grabbed hold of Phoenix's paw. Boy:"Ja, I know a good place. You come with me." Phoenix:"Very well. Lead the way." The boy quickly began to walk into the marketplace, tugging Phoenix along by the paw through the crowds of villagers. Phoenix kept up with the eager young lad. Not a few minutes later the boy lead Phoenix between two stalls and pointed. Boy:"There. That is a good place, Lady." Phoenix stopped and looked at the place the boy was pointing. It was a small, square building with a porch in front. It had no roof, but rather had a ceiling of the first floor with rebars sticking out the top for future construction. The windows were all draped, but the door was open and the doorway covered with long strands of beads that reached the floor. A sign hung out in front, with the words in English saying "AUNTIE'S SHOP". Two Jamaican men lounged on chairs, smoking cigars while talking with each other. Phoenix looked at the boy. Phoenix:"A good place, you say?" Boy:"Ja, Lady. Very good place. Auntie has great things for you to give as gifts." Phoenix:"Would you care to introduce me to this 'Auntie' of yours?" The boy nodded again, then grabbed Phoenix's paw again and lead her to the shop. They stepped onto the porch and walked through the bead strands into the shop. * * * As Phoenix and the boy entered the shop, the beads rattled to indicate that someone had come in through the front door. Phoenix stopped and looked about the shop. It has a counter that made a small corner in the left hand side, while the rest of the walls were covered with shelves that groaned under the weight of many different kinds of bottles, potted plants, trinkets and small hand-crafted wooden statues. The only except was a shelf behind the counter that was completely empty and only had a small paper sign on it saying "OUT OF STOCK". From the ceiling hanged more potted plants, plenty of necklaces and beads and various kinds of clothing. In the centre of the right hand side of the shop was a short table and some chairs. The table has a small cloth on it, where a kettle with boiling water and two cups sat. Phoenix looked about the shop, while the boy went behind the counter and through a doorway. There were some voices from the room beyond it, then the boy came running out with a large stick of what appeared to be some kind of local candy. The boy quickly ran out the front, obviously to enjoy his candy, thought Phoenix. A few moments later, another individual came in and caught Phoenix's attention. It has a plump, short woman who looked very much she could be somebody grandmother. She wore a yellow dress with a white apron and had a yellow clothing tied around her head to hide her hair. The woman looked at Phoenix and smiled a bit. Woman:"You must the dog lady little Tommy said was looking for a present, is it not?" Phoenix:"Yes, I am. My name's Phoenix. Are you the Auntie?" The woman nodded and moved from behind the counter. Auntie:"That's right, my dear. Everybody in the village calls me Auntie and I don't mind it so, so you can call me that too if you wish, my dear." Phoenix nodded as Auntie moved to the chairs by the table. Auntie looked back at Phoenix and offered her a seat. Auntie:"Come, my dear. Rest your soul and enjoy some of my special tea. Then you can tell me what it is that you seek for your husband." Phoenix smiled back. She and Striker loved drinking tea, and she was feeling a little thirsty and tired from walking through the market. Auntie seemed friendly enough and if she was going to help Phoenix find a gift for Striker, so much the better. Phoenix:"I would love to, thanks." Auntie sat down one of the chairs, then took the kettle and poured in the tea. Phoenix walked up and sat down opposite Auntie. The aroma from the warm tea immediately tingled her nostrils in a pleasent manner. Auntie took the cup and saucer and held it out to Phoenix. Auntie:"Here you go, my dear." Phoenix:"Thank you." Phoenix took the cup and saucer and held them in her paws. She lifted the cup and took a cautious sip, not sure of what to expect from the taste. The tea tasted sweet, with a hint of a fine plant aftertaste. Phoenix liked it and took a bit bigger sip, careful not to burn her mouth on the warm tea. Auntie leaded forward a bit, her arms rested on her legs. Auntie:"Now tell me, my dear. What is it that you seek?" Phoenix lowered the cup onto the saucer, having drank at least half of the tea in it. Phoenix:"The birthday of my mate, Striker, is tomorrow and I'm looking for something special to give to him. Something that shows that I really love him and care for him." Auntie:"Really, my dear? It sounds to me that you two are very close to one another." Phoenix:"Yes, that we are." Auntie:"And what are you two doing on the island, hmmm? You two definitely look like the overseas people who come to visit our Jamaica." Phoenix:"We're tourists. Striker and I decided on a holiday here to get away from the hustle and bustle of being members of Unit STRIKE." Unit STRIKE was an elite unit of which Striker was leader and Phoenix a member along with four other members, including a German Shepherd, an American human soldier, a human computer hacker and a robot mechanic. Their unit conducted various high risk missions in some of the world's political hot spots. Following a mission in Zimbabwe against it's leader, Robert Mugabe, everyone in their team had gone off on vacation to his or her own favourite places. Striker and Phoenix went to Jamaica, being ones who loved to travel and see the world outside of their usual missions. Auntie kept looking at Phoenix, leaning forward a bit more. Auntie:"And how long do you plan on staying here?" Phoenix:"About two weeks or so. We've only been here for two days." Auntie nodded. Auntie:"And what do you two do at night, hmmm?" The question surprised Phoenix because of the direct manner Auntie asked her. Phoenix's reply, however, surprised the pomeranian even more. Phoenix:"We made love each night ever since we arrived. We rarely had much intimate time with one another because of the work we do." Auntie nodded again, her smile a bit wider. Phoenix was blushing a bit at having revealed such a private piece of information, but she was more surprised that she actually had. Auntie:"So you two have plently of fun when the sun goes down. Tell me, do you two have a kind of fun do you like, deep inside of you?" Phoenix was even more taken aback, but for some reason she wanted to keep talking to Auntie, replying to the questions she asked. Phoenix:"Well, we do like tentacles or similar. It is rare since such creatures are hard to come by, but we enjoy it when both of us find such creatures and play with them. We also..." Auntie leaded back, raising her hand and making Phoenix stop. The female canine was blushing furiously that she spoken out like that. How could she tell so eagerly? Auntie:"No worries about telling me such things, my dear. I am a worldly woman and I understand that people do have these things floating about in their heads." Phoenix:"I see... but still, I am not comfortable..." Auntie got up and patted Phoenix on the knee, a big smile on her head. Auntie:"No need to tell you're sorry, my dear. Auntie knows just what you need to give to your hubbie. Something special, mon. Just keep sitting and enjoy my tea while I get you a gift or two." The lady turned and walked behind the counter, then disappeared through the door into the next room. Phoenix stared at her as she left, lifting the tea cup and drinking the tea. Since it had cooled a bit, she was able to drink it all up. She then set the cup and saucer back down on the table. Phoenix was still blushing from embarressment and was also feeling a little ashamed. Despite Auntie's assurance, having told her and Strikie's most secret fetish to the Jamaican lady felt to her like a break of trust. She leaned forward a bit, contemplating how she would handle the situation. Maybe she should wait and see what Auntie is going to offer her. It did not take long for Auntie to reappear from the room and from behind the counter. She carried a tray by the handles and put it down on the table in front of Phoenix. On the one side there lay a pair of bracelets, made from polished wood and studded with bright red gemstones shaped like hearts. It looked very elegant. Simple, but elegant. The other side was a pot containing a plant. It was a curious kind of plant, having only two leaves and a big green bulb. As Phoenix looked at the items while Auntie sat back down in her chair opposite Phoenix. Auntie:"You like what you see, my dear?" Phoenix was looking at the bracelets and had nearly forgotten about her shame. The bracelets looked to her as great gifts she could give to Striker. She picked it up and examined them closely. She noticed a name on each of the hearts. Phoenix:"There are names on these little hearts." Auntie:"That's right, my dear. We put your name on one bracelet and your lover's name on the other. He wears the one with your name, and you with his name. A little piece of you he carries with him, and ditto with you." Phoenix looked at the braceletes again. The idea of wearing bracelets with each other's names on them felt like the perfect gift to her. She looked back at Auntie, smiling. Phoenix:"I would love a pair of these. How much?" Auntie:"No need to worry about that now, my dear. Let me first get your names on a pair of bracelets, then you come back tomorrow to get them." Phoenix:"Oh, okay. Well, my name is Phoenix. And my mate's name is Striker." Auntie nodded, then got up and went to the counter. She took a pencil and paper and wrote down the names, repeating them to Phoenix to make sure of the spelling. Auntie:"It's lovely names you have, my dear. They will look good on those little hearts." Phoenix nodded and smiled. Then her attention focused on the plant on the tray. She looked curiously at it, reaching out to touch the bulb. As she touched the bulb, it opened up a bit to reveal a small vine coming out of it, wiggling like a worm. She yipped a bit in surprise at the un-plantlike behaviour. As this happened, Auntie sat down again opposite her with a smile on her face. Auntie:"Nice little plant, isn't it?" Phoenix looked up at the lady, feeling very curious about the plant. Phoenix:"What kind of plant is it?" Auntie:"Ah, it is a very special plant that I sell only to certain customers. Customers like you, my dear." Phoenix:"Like me? What do you mean, Auntie?" Auntie:"You and your lover. You two seem to like the tentacles, like you said. And you said that it is hard to find such company. Well, Auntie provides you with just such company." Auntie winked at Phoenix. Phoenix glanced back down at the plant. If what the lady was telling her and hinting at was true, the plant on the tray was capable of yiffing both her and Striker. It seemed almost like a fantasy, but the plant's behaviour held great promise. In fact, Phoenix's tail was wagging slightly at the thought of what would happen. She looked back at Auntie, her smile a bit wider. Phoenix:"How much for the plant, Auntie?" Auntie's smile was very wide. She took the potted plant in both hands and held it out to Phoenix. Auntie:"Take it as a gift, my dear. A reminder of your visit to your Auntie today." Phoenix:"For free? Oh, I couldn't, Auntie. I want to give you something in return." Auntie:"Your visit here today is more than enough pay for this little one. Go ahead and take it home and enjoy it with your Striker, my dear." Phoenix reached out and took the plant in her paws. She stood up and looked gratefully at Auntie, no longer feeling ashamed or embarressed. Phoenix:"Thank you so much, Auntie. You say can come tomorrow to pick up the bracelets?" Auntie:"That's right, my dear. Tomorrow you can come get your gifts, just in time for your lover's birthday. Now go and enjoy the rest of the day, mon. I see you tomorrow." Phoenix:"Thank you again, Auntie. Take care and goodbye." Auntie:"Good day to you, my dear." Phoenix nodded with a smile, then turned and walked through the beads out of the door. Auntie watched her go, then took the tea cups, saucers and kettle and put them on the tray with the bracelets. As Auntie stood up with the tray in her hands, one of the men who had smoking outside leaded his head through the beads and looked at her. Man:"Hey, Auntie. We just saw that dog lady come out with that plant of yours. Does that mean you'll soon have more of the voodoo in stock again, mon?" Auntie:"That's right, my dear. She was very eager about it, and it seems her husband will also soon. You two should go and follow her, see where she stays. You know what do when our little friend does his thing." The man nodded, blowing out some smoke from the cigar he was smoking. Man:"Ja, mon. Me and my friend will go now and check her out and we'll bring the sac back if it makes it again." Auntie:"Good. Soon the landlords will be back here to buy the special products, yes? Now go, my dear, before the tourist disappears." The man nodded again and pulled his head back. The next moment there were the sounds of footsteps going away from the shop. Auntie carried the tray to the back room, with only Phoenix's cup that had contained any tea in it. * * * Phoenix unlocked the door of their hotel room with the spare key she had taken, then turned the handle and pushed the door open. She went inside, then closed the door by pushing it with her rump. The hotel room in which they stayed was not 5-star luxury, but it was all right and clean. The floors were covered with wood panels with the occasional carpet on them. The walls were bare for the most part except for some paintings by local Jamaican artists, while simple white curtains hung in front of windows that had burglar bars installed. In the centre of the room were some chairs and table. Though they weren't luxurious, they looked fine and were comfortable enough. Two doorways lead to other rooms: the bathroom and the bedroom. The bathroom held a porcelin bath with shower head, the toilet and a washbasin with a mirror. The bedroom was the same as the main room, only having a dress, closets and a queen-sized bed with decent covers. Seated at the table was Striker, Phoenix's mate. He was a male cocker spaniel canine who had light orange fur covering most of his body, except for white fur that ran from between his eyes, his muzzle, down his neck and chest all the way down to his groin. He had green eyes, floppy, fluffy ears and a short, fluffy tail. At the moment he wore a white shirt, denim jeans going halfway down his upper legs and brown hiking boots. Striker looked up from the newspaper he was reading and looked at Phoenix with a smile. Striker:"Goeie dag, Firefly. Had a good walk?" Firefly was the nick-name Striker sometimes used to describe Phoenix, which was not far from the truth: she had the ability to create balls of fire in her paws, as well as other pryo-related powers. And Striker's greeting revealed his use of Afrikaans, the langauge of the white Afrikaners in South Africa. She smiled back at him and nodded as she walked to the table. Phoenix:"Very good walk, Strikie. I made some interesting discoveries too." Striker:"Wonderful. I've been here reading the local Jamaican national newspaper, the Gleaner. They had an interesting report about how a young American tourist couple were found naked along a remote road. They were both missing for weeks, but neither of them remembered what happened during that time. The police have issued a notice to tourists coming to Jamaica to be on guard for suspicious activities or individuals." Phoenix listened with interest, setting the potted plant on the table as she pulled up a chair. Striker looked at the strange plant on the table with curiousity. Striker:"And what is this plant you brought? I've never seen it before." Phoenix smiled mischeviously. Phoenix:"Touch the bulb, Strikie. You'll see." Striker raised one eyebrow, then reached out and poked at the bulb with one finger. Once again the bulb reacted by opening up a bit with two vines coming out and wiggling about. Striker pulled his paw back in surprise, while Phoenix giggled. He looked over at her. Striker:"What kind of plant is this? And where did you get it?" Phoenix:"It's quite a story. Let me tell you." Phoenix then began to recount the story to Striker about the boy taking her to the shop, her meeting with Auntie and of how she got the plant from her as a gift. She did not mention the bracelets, for she did not want to spoil his birthday surprise just now. Striker listened to her, a look of curiousity on his face while he leaned on the table with his arms folded in front of him. Striker:"So what is it that this plant does?" Phoenix:"Well, you know how you and I both like tentacle yiffing, right?" Striker nodded, not very much surprised about having that kind of discussing with his mate. They did trust each other a great deal about their sexual habits. Striker:"Ja. What about it?" Phoenix:"Well, this plant is apparently one of those that can provide us with some tentacle yiffing." Striker raised both his eyebrows and leaned forward even more. Striker:"Really?" Phoenix:"Really. Auntie told me about it, then gave the plant to me as a gift. I didn't have to pay for it." Striker rubbed the fur on his chin, then looked at the plant again. The vines had disappeared and the bulb had closed up again, leaving the plant as it was before. Striker:"Does it really do that?" Phoenix:"That's what she told me, and the plant does behave as if it can. Should we give it a try?" Striker thought it over for a moment. It has been a while since they both had some tentacle fun, and they were on vacation after all. And there would be no harm in trying out to see if this plant can really do what that women Phoenix met had said. He looked back up at her, a slight smile on his face. Striker:"Why not? We have nothing to lose. And you did not pay for it." Phoenix smiled back at Striker, her tail beginning to wag behind her in anticipation. Phoenix:"Okay. I'll take it and put in our bedroom right now." Striker:"I will lock the door and drape the windows, then I will join you and see what this plant is capable of." Phoenix grinned, her tail now wagging even faster. She got up from her seat, took the potted plant in both paws and headed into the bedroom. Striker watched her go, looking at her rump, for he always loved her soft behind. He then got up and when over to the windows and began closing the drapes. He did not notice the two men from Auntie's shop standing across the street, smoking and looking specifically at their hotel room windows. * * * It was a quarter of an hour later when Striker and Phoenix sat down cross-legged on the carpet in front of their bed with the potted plant in the middle. All their clothes lay on the bed, leaving the furry couple completely naked. Striker revealed a furry body that was muscular more due to the rigours of their missions than any form of bodybuilding. Phoenix's furry body was well-shaped and rounded. While not supermodel level, the pomeranian still had a female body that was definitely many a male's dreams. The couple looked at the plant before them for a few moments before Striker glanced up at Phoenix. Striker:"So... how does this plant work?" Phoenix:"Not sure. Maybe we need to coax it out. I'll try poking it." Phoenix reached out and again gently prodded the pod of the plant. Again it opened up and several vines reached out of it. This time she kept her finger by the pod. The vines felt her paw, then slowly coiled around it for a few moments. Then they began to retreat. A flash of disappointment came to Phoenix's face. Phoenix:"Oh dear. It doesn't seems to be interested..." Striker watched as the vines let go of Phoenix's paw, also feeling somewhat dissappointed. Then he had an idea. He moved over to sit next to Phoenix, then reached his paw down to between her legs. Before Phoenix could ask, she yiped as Striker slid two fingers into her pussy and began to rub around inside. Phoenix gasped and murred, while Striker could feel the moistness of her love tunnel on his fingers. He rubbed his fingers a few times against the flesh of her inner vaginal muscles, covering them with the moist juices that acted as lubricant. Once he was satisfied he had gotten enough of her fluid, Striker pulled his fingers out of her body. Phoenix felt somewhat disappointed at this, the sensation having aroused her and left her wanting a bit. But curiousity won over her need and she looked at Striker. Phoenix:"Why did you do that, Strikie?" Striker:"I want to try something..." Phoenix watched curiously as Striker rubbed his two moist fingers over the pod of the plant. As it did, the pod opened again. This time, though, it opened its petals completely to expose a small hole in the centre from which several vines were coming out of. One them quickly coiled and wrapped tightly around Striker's paw, holding on with a strong grip. The couple looked at each other, grins forming on both their faces. Phoenix:"Nice work, Strikie." Striker:"Dankie, Firefly. Now all we need to..." Striker was suddenly cut short by a sudden feeling on his arm. He quickly looked down and saw that the vine that had coiled around his paw was slithering up his arm, while expanding in thickness. He tried to tug a bit, but found the vine was holding on tightly to his arm. Phoenix then gasped and looked down at her legs. Two of the vines had slithered up to her feet and were coiling up her legs, also expanding and coiling like the one on Striker's arm. She sat back a bit, stretching her legs out in front of her to make it easier for both her and the vines. Striker, who had watched her, then followed suit and also stretched his legs out, putting his feet by the plant. More vines started to come out of the pod, growing in thickness as they grew in length. A pair of vines each slithered over to Striker and Phoenix's feet, then wrapped around their ankles. Then, like snakes, they coiled upward, holding tightly on to the furry couple's legs. Both of their tails started wagging, while Striker could feel his penis beginning to poke out from its protective sheath between his legs. The pod released more vines from itself. Striker was somewhat surprised at how much vines the plant was able to grow, given its small size. He watched curiously as one vine began to wrap and coil around his free arm, while two others did the same with Phoenix's arms. He could feel it tighten against his muscles, moving up to just below his shoulders. With surprising strength, the vines hoisted both Striker and Phoenix up into the air, then spread their legs a bit wider to make their more private spots more visible. The couple breathed more deeply and quicker, knowing from past experience that the plant was preparing them. Their tails were swishing quickly in anticipation as they were moved into opposite sides of the pod, facing one another. Phoenix giggled and looked at Striker with a mischeviously twinkle in her eyes. Phoenix:"Oooo. Looks like our little friend is giving us a good view too." Striker could only look back at Phoenix with a smile and nod. Looking at the female pomeranian's nude body being held up by the vines make his cock grow even more out its sheath to almost its full length. As they looked at each other, three vines came out of the pod and started to slither around the furry couple's waists. Two of them went around Phoenix, while the third one wrapped around Striker. They could feel them tighten around their tummies, though not so much as to restrict their breathing. The vines then grew up over their chests. With Phoenix, however, each of the vines began to wrap around the outer regions of her breasts, coiling inward. Phoenix breathed deeply, her breasts rising and falling with each breath. Striker looked down and saw his vine move on over his chest, then started to go around his neck. Again, the vine's grip was tight but not enough to choke the cocker spaniel. The vines around Phoenix's melons had covered her globes to the point were only her erect tits were still visible. The tips of those vines then opened up, revealing what appeared to Phoenix to be some kind of mouth. She did not have long to study them further in detail, for the open mouths latched themselves onto her tits. Phoenix took a deep breath as she felt the strong suction from the vines as they attached themselves firmly to her breasts. Striker felt two vines, thinner than the others, wrapping their way up each of his legs. He glanced down as much the vine around his neck would allow. The vines went over his knees, then up his upper legs towards his thigh. Finally, they moved towards his two furry eggsacs and opened up in the same way as those that attached themselves to Phoenix's breasts.Striker's grin widened, then he yipped as each of those vines sucked onto his balls. He shivered, feeling the vines cover his testicles and suckle hard on them. As both furries murred in delight at the suckling of their pleasure spots, two vines went up and slid between their buttocks. Striker and Phoenix looked up at each, feeling the vines and knowing what is coming next. Striker:"You ready, Firefly?" Phoenix giggled, her tail swishing eagerly behind her. Phoenix:"Oh, I'm as ready as I can....Aaaaaaahh!" The couple gasped out as the tips of the vines pressed and wiggled against their tailholes, looking to get in. Their anal rings tigthened from the touch, but then both furries began to relax their muscles as much as they could. Having done so, the vines were finally able to squeeze in part their rings and go into their asses. Striker and Phoenix gasped again, this time much louder. Their anal muscles clenched tightly around their intruders, but by now the vines had gotten in enough to slide deeper into the couple's bowels with ease. Phoenix yelped each time the vine pushed a bit deeper, going deeper than what Striker is able to do when he yiffs her in her tailhole. She closed her eyes, imaging that it was her Striker's cock going into her backdoor. Smiling, yelping and murring, the female pomeranian did not see the other vine that was heading for the lips of her vagina, already moist with anticipation. The vine came up and pressed against her femalehood, making it register in Phoenix's mind. The vine was more easily able to find its way into her pussy, squirming and wiggling only a little to get inside. Striker watched Phoenix becoming double penetrated, his tail wagging and brushing over the vine that had gone into his own ass. Between his legs another vine appeared, drawing the cocker spaniel's attention from Phoenix to it. It moved until its tip was by the head of his cock. The tip then opened in the much same way as those that attached themselves to his balls. Striker immediately knew what was going to happen next, grinning widely as his length throbbed in anticipation. Striker:"Ai yai yai..." His head bent back and his eyes closed tightly as he felt the open vine slide over his length. The vine expanded and stretched to fit over the cocker spaniel's rod, fitting like a tight condom over it and moving downward until it had it all inside. A yelp from Striker indicated he felt the suction on his cock from inside the vine. He panted, tongue lolling outside of his muzzle and tail swishing left and right. Having both Striker and Phoenix firmly in its grasp, the plant began to yiff the two of them. The vines in their tailholes and inside Phoenix's love tunnel slid up and down, going slowly at first and going faster with each thrust. The couple yipped each time they got pumped into, their bodies bouncing upward. The vines attached to Striker's balls and cock and on Phoenix's tits greatly increased the strength of their suckling. Striker moaned out, his cock visibly throbbing inside the vine. Phoenix closed her eyes, murring loudly as she felt the first drops of her breast milk become a steady stream, being greedily swallowed up by the plant. Even as the two furries swam in the wonderful pulses of pleasure being sent to their brains, neither of them saw the plant begin to carry their bodies closer together and pulling their arms and legs straight. The pod in the pot also began to grow out of its container, small vines crawling down onto the floor. Phoenix clenched her vaginal and anal muscles tightly around the two vines, trying to get more out of the feeling of plant fibres rubbing against her sensitive flesh. Striker began to push his hips forward instinctively in a humping motion. His penis started leaking out the first drops of precum, which were immediately sucked into the depths of the plant. The pod crawled onto the floor, using the small vines as legs as it moved like an octopus. The other vines that held up the couple began to move them closer to the floor while turning them to a horizontal positon, facing one another. Striker howled out as he reached his pleasure peak first. His body shuddered violently as his throbbing length squirted out his white jizm into the vine over it. The vine's suction increased in strength and grew even tightly around his cock, milking the canine for his seed. The vine up in his rear pushed up hard, then inflated its tip, causing Striker's orgasm to be even more powerful. The male nearly passed out as he panted heavily, exhausted and almost out of breath. A few minutes later, Phoenix screamed out in orgasm as well. Like Striker she shuddered violently in pleasure, closing her eyes and clenching her pussy and ass tightly around her plant lover. Her vagina's moisture were being absorbed through the plant's fibres, while her breast milk were still being drank by the one latched to the melons. The vines in both her holes, like in Striker's tail, also began to inflate their tips to lodge themselves inside the furries. Exhausted and panting heavily, Striker and Phoenix relaxed their muscles and bodies while they came down from the top of the orgasms they got. The plant, meanwhile, laid them down on the floor, side by side facing one another. The pod crawled towards their feet. As it did this, a number of new vines began to grew from its pod, nourished by the juices it had harvested from the couple. Striker looked over at Phoenix, smiling at her. Striker:"Go... good gift you got... my Firefly..." Phoenix opened her eyes and looked at Striker, giggling while she panted. Phoenix:"It's great to... to share gifts... with you, Strikie..." Striker, feeling he is able to move amid the vines holding his body, wrapped his arms around Phoenix and pulled her closer. Phoenix put her arms around his shoulders, then gently kissed him on the lips. He returned the kiss with a deep, passionate kiss, locking their muzzles together and playing with each other's tongues. They hugged their bodies against themselves, feeling each other along with the vines. At this point the plant began to use the vines around the couple to hug them closer, pulling their legs and arms tightly to each other. The fresh vines coming the pod wrapped around their feet and began to snake around the furries like a boa. They kept growing around the couple until they reached around their heads. One of them slipped around their muzzles and hugged them together, locking the two in the kiss from which they could not release. Neither Striker nor Phoenix cared much about what the plant was doing, focusing too much on enjoying the loving feeling between each other and the plant inside and attached to their bodies. Thus, they did not see the vines around their bodies sprout numerous small branches that began to grow over them. The small branches split and multiplied as they grew into a withering mass that covered the bodies of the furry couple within a matter of seconds. The pod went onto its side and attached itself to the tip of the plant mass, forming a kind of tip. Though the plant has ceased movement, the movement of the buldges indicated that Striker and Phoenix were still very much alive and enjoying themselves inside. Suddenly the plant mass began to secrete a greenish liquid from every vine and branch, squeezed out like juice squeezed out of a lemon. The goo flowed over the plant fibres until it covered virtunally the entire mass, then it hardened to form a kind of rubber-like skin. Auntie's little plant has captured its prey. * * * Back outside opposite the hotel where Striker and Phoenix stayed, the two men kept their watch of their hotel room window. Stubs of used cigarettes lay at their feet, while they were smoking a brand new pair. Men and women passed by them in the street, not paying much attention to them. One man, who was thinner and taller than his shorter and chubbier friend, rolled up his sleeve to look at his watch. Man 1:"I think we can go in now." The second man looked at his friend, taking a draw from his cigarette before speaking. Man 2:"You thinking da Auntie's plant got them by now?" Man 1:"Ja. We can go get them now, mon." They each took a finally draw and puff from their cigarettes, then tossed them on the ground and crushed out the burning stubs. They walked across the street to the hotel and went in. The reception room wasn't much by western standards, but it was clean and sported some well-kept potted plants and colourful tapestries. At the end of the room was the reception table and room key holder, where the manager was busy going through some letters. The two men went up and hit the bell that was on the table. The manager turned to them, a smile on his face as he expected customers. Manager:"Good mor..." He stopped mid-sentence and lost his smile, instantly recognizing the two in front of him. He knew immediately what was going on and what in on what they were doing. Manager:"You here for another, mon?" Man 1:"Ja. You gonna help?" The manager looked around the reception room to make sure no one was about, then leaned forward and whispered. Manager:"You have it?" The chubby man dug in his pocket and pulled out a roll of American dollars held together by a rubber band. He put in on the table, which the manager immediately took and stuffed into one of his pockets. He went under the desk, then reappeared with the key ring holding all the spares to his hotel rooms. Manager:"Follow me." The manager lead the way up a flight of stairs, followed closely behind by the two men. * * * The sound of a key turning in the lock of the door leading into Striker and Phoenix's hotel room could be heard, followed by an audible click. The handle turned and the door swung open. The manager remained standing in the hallway while the two men entered the room and looked around. At first they did not see what they were looking for in the initial room they entered the bedroom. There they found the giant green pod lying on the floor not far from the now-empty pot. Despite the tight skin of the plant, occasional buldges appearing on the sides of it told of the two furries trapped inside. Neither man was shocked at the sight of what was in front of them. They had seen worse and had done this routine many times before anyway. Man 1:"Ja, mon. Auntie's thing still works." Man 2:"Let's pick them up and get the cash so we can get more smoke." The two men walked over to the pod and knelt on either end of it. They slid their hands under each end, then hoisted the pod up, the fibres that had gotten stuck to the floor coming loose like masking tape being peeled from a wall. They then began to carry the pod out of the bedroom and towards the exit. The manager stepped back as they came out. The taller man stopped and looked at the manager. Man 1:"Is the back door open, mon?" Manager:"Ja, ja. It is always open during the day." The man nodded. Man 1:"And you will take care of the guests' luggage? Auntie will not happy if they get lost or stolen, you know that." The manager nodded his head quickly, still remembering what Auntie did to him with a voodoo doll. Manager:"Ja ja ja! They will be kept in the storage room." The taller man nodded one last time before leading his friend off down the hallway, carrying the pod. The manager quickly took the handle of the door and closed it. He then locked the door with the spare key, then walked into the opposite direction to go and get his servants. * * * Back in her shop, Auntie was busy hanging up some new beads she had threated earlier. She was humming to herself as she hooked the beads with the ones that were already there. Just as she finished, the taller man came walking into the shop. Auntie checked the beads one more time, then turned to the man. Auntie:"You got them, my dearie?" Man 1:"Ja, Auntie. We got it out back." Auntie:"Good. Wait there. I'll come and open up for you." The man nodded and walked out the door. Auntie went over to her counter and reached for a key that hung on a hook under it. She then got up and went through the door towards her greenhouse. The greenhouse stood right up the back of her shop. The walls were made of corrugated iron sheets, while the roof was covered with corrugated green plastic that let in the sunlight. Inside the greenhouse was a riot of various kinds of plants native to the island, as well as a few exotic ones and small vegetable gardens. Many of the plants were in pots that hung from the ceiling or stood on the ground. Amongst the potted plants and gardens was a small but deep hole, with a heap of dirt and two shovels next to it. Auntie came walking in through the backdoor of her shop and went over to the single door at the back. She slid the key into the lock and turned until she heard the click. She opened the door and swung it open before stepping back. The two men came in carrying the pod. Once they were inside, Auntie closed the door and locked it again. The men carried the pod to the hole and put it down on the ground next to it. They then stepped back a bit to take a rest while Auntie stepped forward. She looked down at the pod, smiling and knowing who was inside of it. Auntie:"Well, Phoenix my dearie, seemed you and your Striker had enjoyed my little present. Ah, but I did forget to tell you about it's little secret, no? Now it has gotten you both." She bent down and patted the giant pod. Auntie:"But you and your mate need not worry, my dear. You won't suffer in there, far from it. You'll enjoy it, and you will also be helping your Auntie here." She stood up and looked back at the two men. Auntie:"Put them in the ground and I'll give your rewards, my dears." Men:"Ja, Auntie." Auntie stepped back as the two men came up to the pod. They picked it up again, but this time they lifted it into a vertical position with the pod at the bottom. Moving to either side of the hole, they lowered the plant into the ground until the pod touched the bottom. The hole was just deep enough for the top of the plant to be just below the surface level of the ground. The men each took a shovel and began to fill the hole up with scoops of earth. It did not take them long to completely fill the hole and smooth out the ground where the hole was, leaving no clearly visible signs of the plant under the ground. Auntie examined the hole with satisfaction, then turned back to the men. Auntie:"Good work, my dears. Let go back into my shop for some tea and your payment." The men nodded and followed Auntie to the door. They stopped to lean their shovels against the wall before heading back into the shop. * * * Inside the pod Striker and Phoenix were only vaguely aware of their circumstances, their bodies held tightly together while the plant had its way with them. They played with each other's tongues while being held in the kiss by the numerous vines, while they were pumped into and sucked upon. They were thus only mildly aware of the vines' smaller branches growing into their muzzles, wiggling their way past their lips and teeth. The branches did not grow any further, but they were firmly lodged inside the two canines' mouths. At that moment the couple began to taste something. Something very sweet and tasty. Using their tongues, they started to lick against the plant fibres in curiousity. They felt the plant secreting a strange fluid through the branches' skin and lapped at it. It was tasted really good and made their experiences inside the plant all the more enjoyable. Greedily they began to drink as the plant provided them the nourishment to keep the canine couple alive inside of it while it held them prisoner. * * * The plant, nourished by the juices it was extracting from the canines it held inside its pod, began to grow. A small stem started to form on the top tip of the pod, pushing through the earth until it broke the surface. From there, the stem grew taller and wider, sprouting the occasional leaf or sidebranch. From time to time Auntie came in to inspect the growth of the plant. She was pleased that it was growing healthy and quickly to maturity. She only did a few pruning of dead leaves and branches as it became necessary. About 5 days after being planted the plant had grown to the height of a man and had many branches and leaves. Buds began to form, growing bigger and going from green to a more milk-like colour. It was at this point Auntie inspected the bulbs that now hung from the branches of plant, rubbing one in the palm of her hands. Auntie:"Perfect. Now I can restock my supply." She chose the ripest bulbs amongst the lot and picked them off the branches. Once she had gathered a few, she went back into her shop and began to squeeze the white juices inside of the bulbs like she would sometimes do with the oranges to get orange juice. She eventually had a tub of the white liquid, while she then poured through a sift into several jars. She cleaned the jars up a bit before screwing the lids on tightly. She took the jars back to the shop proper and began to set them on the empty shelf that had the "OUT OF STOCK" sign. Once she had put them all up neatly, she took the sign and put it under the counter. Auntie:"There we go, mon." As Auntie put up more and more of the jars on the shelf, it did not take long for the word to get around amongst the area's farmers. They knew all about how good Auntie's special juices in those jars were. Just a spoonful added to the water they gave the tropical fruits gave them very good bumper crops even in bad weather. It smelled rather funny, but the farmers didn't care as long as their crops came out good. For more than two weeks Auntie made good business, the jars flying off the shelves almost as soon as she put them up. During that time she also cut off several small buds that the plant grew alongside the white fruit and placed them into several small pots. These buds grew until they looked like the potted pod plant that Auntie had given to Phoenix earlier. Nearing the third week, however, the plant began to shrivel at the tips of the branches while its leaves started to turn brown and fall off. The white fruit were becoming small and out of shape. At this point Auntie knew the plant was reaching the end of its life expectancy. She also knew that it was time for the plant's hosts to be released. Late at night she called in her two assistants and lead them back into the greenhouse to the plant. By then all of its leaves had fallen off and its branches were discoloured and wilting. She turned towards them. Auntie:"Get them out." Men:"Ja, Auntie." Grabbing the shovels, the two men began to dig the earth around the plant. It did not take them long to expose the pod, which was still green but was covered in brown blotches. Once the ground had been cleared, the men took hold of the pod and dragged back out of the hole. Even though there was no movement, the sounds of the canine couple's breathing could be heard faintly from inside. Auntie knelt down next to the pod and took out a pair of pruning shears. She then began to cut a slit along the side of the pod, careful not to accidently cut either dog. Once done, she reached in and dug around, feeling with her hands for what she was looking for. She quickly find it and pulled it out: it was Phoenix's right arm, still limp but with a strong pulse and covered in dead vines. Auntie reached into one of her pockets and pulled a bracelet similar to the one Phoenix saw earlier in her shop. The only difference now was that Striker's name was carved onto each of the ruby hearts studding it. She carefully slipped the bracelet onto Phoenix's arm until it fitted securely. Auntie looked it over, feeling very pleased. Auntie:"There you go, my dear. Your special gift, just like Auntie promised." Gently lowering Phoenix's arm, Auntie reached into the pod again to pull out Striker's arm. Again she took out a bracelet with Phoenix's name on the hearts. She put it around wrist, making sure it fitted well. She then put his arm down and stood up, wiping herself clean of the dirt. She then looked at the two men. Auntie:"You two can now drop our two friends here off." Man 1:"The usual place, Auntie?" Auntie:"No, the police are patrolling area too much for Auntie's sake. Leave them somewhere else, but not too far from here. We need to let come back and get their luggage, mon." The men nodded. Auntie dug into her pockets and pulled out two rolls of dollar notes. She handed one to each of the men, who were looking very pleased. She then took out a small bottle with a rubber stopper on it. Auntie:"And be sure to use this too, mon." Man 2:"We know what to do, Auntie. No problem." The man took the bottle and put it in his pocket. Auntie nodded approvingly and turned to head back into her shop. The two men then picked up the pod and began to carry it out the back of the greenhouse. * * * The road than ran between two large plantations of banana trees was mostly dirt with the occasional pebble pile used to fill potholes. The headlights of an old pickup truck appeared at the far end of the road. It drove along the road until it came to a stop halfway. The doors swung open and the two men climbed out. They went over to the back and unlatched the rear ramp, then climbed onto the back. Lying on a blanket was the pod. The two men reaches into it and began to remove the vines covering Striker and Phoenix. Once they had sufficiently cleared enough to free the canines, they picked up Striker by his arms and legs and lifted him out of the pod. They then proceeded to carry him off the back of the truck and then setting him down alongside the road at the edge of the plantation. The proceeded to do the same with Phoenix. As they carried Phoenix off the pickup, the shorter man looked her naked body over and grinned at his friend. Man 2:"How about we fun this one before leaving?" Man 1:"You crazy, mon? Auntie would curse us if we messed around. Remember what happened to poor Bobby?" The shorter man shuddered, immediately forgetting any ideas of doing things with Phoenix. They proceeded to lie her gently on her back next to Phoenix. Once done, the shorter man took out the bottle and pulled the stopper out with his teeth. He knelt down and carefully poured several drops of the liquid into the canine's noses. Once done, he got up and joined his friend, who had already gotten back into the pickup. Once the door slammed shut, the pickup drove off, leaving behind the nude Striker and Phoenix lying along the road. It did not take long for the couple to begin stirring towards awakening. Striker was first, murring and groaning while he rubbed his eyes. When he opened them he saw the night sky above him, though it did immediately register in his mind. Once it did, and he saw the plantations around him, Striker immediately sat up straight and looked around. Striker:"Wat de? Where am I?" He then looked down at himself. Except for the bracelet that was mysteriously on his right arm, the cocker spaniel realizes he was completely nude. Striker:"Ai yai yai! What the hell happened?" Startled, Striker looked around and saw Phoenix lying calmly next to him, her body a soft blue colour from the moonlight above. She was also naked except for the bracelet on her wrist. As much as he wanted to admire the beauty of his mate's lovely body, Striker was far more concerned about their present situation. He reached for her shoulder and begin to shake her gently. Striker:"Phoenix. Phoenix!" Phoenix murred, rolling onto her side facing towards Striker. He shooked her again, harder this time. She finally opened her eyes, still looking very sleepy. Phoenix:"Hmmm... Strikie, it's the middle of the night..." Striker:"Ja, but we're not in our hotel room, Phoenix." Phoenix:"Hmmm? What do you...?" As she became more awake, Phoenix quickly realized she wasn't lying on a bed. Her eyes sprung up and she sat up, looking about alarmed. Phoenix:"Striker! Where are we?" Striker:"I don't know, Phoenix. I just woke up and found ourselves lying here completely naked except for these bracelets on our wrists." Phoenix looked down at herself. She wasn't ashamed of her body, but even so she blushed furiously and wrapped her arms around her to cover her breasts while crossing her legs together. She then noticed the bracelet and lifted her arm up a bit. It was made of polished wood with ruby hearts laid into it. There was some writing on it, but she could not see it. She couldn't remember where she first saw these, even though something deep in the back of her mind told her it looked familiar. Striker looked at his bracelet as well. He tried to make out the writing in the moonlight, but it was hard for him to make it out properly. He rubbed his fingers over one of the ruby hearts and felt the writing under his fingertips. Striker:"I might be wrong, but it feels to me as if your name is written on these hearts, Phoenix." Phoenix:"It is?" Striker:"Ja. I don't remember where we got hold of these." Phoenix:"Me neither, though they are very beautiful." Striker:"I agree, but I think we should try and find out where we and get back to our hotel as quickly as possible." Phoenix:"And find some clothes, too!" Striker nodded and got up onto his feet. He then helped Phoenix up as well, who was standing with one arm over her breasts and the other covering her femalehood. They looked around for any possible vehicles as well as to get their bearings. Striker looked at the banana trees in the plantation next to the road. Striker:"Maybe we can get some leaves to cover ourselves while we look for help at a nearby farm." Phoenix imagined the sight of her and Striker wearing nothing but leaves to cover the essentials. She could not help but to giggle. Phoenix:"Like Adam and Eve, Strikie?" Striker also could not prevent himself from chuckling a bit at the sight. He then took Phoenix under his arm before the couple headed in amongst the banana trees. * * * A few days later Auntie was sitting at the counter of her shop, wiping clean some plates while reading the local newspaper. In particular she was reading an article about how a canine couple was found along a road wearing only banana leaves for clothing. They had been questioned by the police for possible information about how they were the seventeenth pair of foreign tourists to be found wandering nude in the Jamaican countryside. Once again, like those before them and much to the police's frustration, they had suffered amnesia and could not remember what had happened. Auntie nodded approvingly, feeling glad that Phoenix and her mate had recovered in good health from their experience and that they had done a good job for her. She continued reading the next article when she heard the beads by her shop entrance rattle. She looked up and saw a couple walk into the shop, their arms around each other. The male was an Alaskian malamute canine humanoid and the female a timber wolf humanoid. Auntie put the plates down and smiled at the couple. Auntie:"Welcome to my shops, my dears. What may I do for you, mon?" The couple smiled at Auntie and shook their heads. Male:"Oh, we're just looking around." Female:"Actually, we're on vacation in Jamaica and we're looking for a souvernir to take back home to the United States." Auntie:"Really, my dear? How about we have some tea and talk about?" The female looked at the male. Female:"What do you think, dear?" Male:"Why not? I am a bit thristy." Auntie:"Then make yourselves at home while Auntie gets some tea." The couple nodded and sat down by the table while Auntie went into the back of the shop to go and make some of her own special tea... THE END Story by: Gerhard Naudé Striker & Phoenix copyright to Gerhard Naudé

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