Surgimorphs Chapter Two: The Wolf

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#3 of Surgimorphs

Chapter two from my mate's perscpetive enjoy. The pic is from his facebook and I am using it with his permission it is his exclusive property and If i see the pic has been stolen I will report you to the mods.



I looked in the mirror and sighed turning this way and that looking at my furry body. I had Black fur and green eyes and on my paws my fingers and my toes were purple. My tail was solid black with a purple tip, and the insides of my ears and my head fur were green. I wagged my tail happy with the results of the surgery and then glanced down at my sheath. Nothing was out of place and I was so happy that I had the body that I always wanted. I was also grateful to Luxray for letting me stay with him while I adjusted to my new body and life.

I heard paws on the stairs and checked to make sure my door was locked before slowly beginning to dress. On top of my dresser was a photo of what I looked like before the operation. I wanted to be able to remember what I once was like and so as I saw it I couldn't help but look between the old body and my current one. As a whole I felt better now that I was a living breathing furry instead of having to imagine it.

I began to dress and then I paused when I heard voices outside my door. "This will be your room Sukura." said Luxray and a much quieter voice responded "Thank you Luxray for being so nice. The room is perfect. Do you or the landlord have anything against me taking a paintbrush to the walls?" "I don't have any problems with it and as for the Landlord your looking at him." "No way!" Luxray laughed and I heard his foot paws retreat down the hall to the kitchen. " Want some Tea?" "Sure what kind?" "Green Tea" "OK sure I would love some."

I stepped out of my room at that point to see a fox in a dark blue T-shirt that almost blended with his fur and some jeans. The thing that attracted my attention the most however was the number of tails he had. I counted them silently and he was still poking around in the bedroom oblivious to my presence.

When Luxray came back around the corner he motioned me over and handed me a cup of tea as well. "Here its good for you and it should help you relax some." Then Luxray turned to the Fox when he came out. "Sukura this is Pengu. Pengu this is Sukura" Sukura offered me his paw to shake and so I did. I released it quickly and hastily took a sip of tea.

An explosion of jasmine and dragon fruit made my tongue beg for more and I hastily downed my entire cup. I looked up to see Luxray had raised his eyebrows at me smirking and I blushed looking down. A phone rang and Sukura's paw went to his pocket and he stepped towards his room after checking the Caller ID.

"Yes I'm satisfied with the surgery. I don't know I haven't had the chance to test that out yet." The conversation was one sided and thought Luxray attempted to ignore it I knew that both He and I heard every word. I looked back at Sukura when he rejoined us. "So what was that about?" I asked curiously. "Oh just the post surgery check up" I sensed that he had evaded my question and while it definitely sparked my curiosity I decided to leave it.

Luxray however questioned him again "Your hiding something." "Your right I am. However what I am hiding will not be a danger to anyone within this household." "Does it have to do with those unusual tattoos?" "How do you know that?" his tone was cautious. Luxray gave him an appraising look. "I'm not stupid. I can smell cherry blossoms on you and so far as I know scent tattoos don't last this long."

Sukura blushed and now that I thought about it I could smell it too. I sniffed deeply and my tail slowly wagged behind me as it was the best scent I had smelled in a long time. "OK I had a little modification done during the surgery. The doctor approached me with the idea and I though about it. It seemed like a good decision."

Luxray made a "come on" gesture and Sukura sighed before saying "I have the ability to summon cherry blossoms made with sentient organic metal at the expense of my own blood." Sukura had hid his face as he spoke and when he peeked he saw that Luxray's jaw had dropped. I'm sure mine was on the floor too.

"What? You both hear of Surgimorphs being attacked throughout the community. Very few people are going to care about us. I would much rather have an edge to protect myself or others when the time comes instead of being another victim." His voice was strong and within it's depths I sensed a deep pain. He spoke through experience and from what I could tell that experience was very similar to mine.

Before the surgery I had let some people get close to me and they had treated me all the wrong ways. I don't think I could ever trust someone again. Sukura had the same feel about him. I didn't know his story but I found myself wanting to know more about this nine tailed fox. I finally spoke " I can understand how you feel but I hope that your never forced into a situation where you have to use that ability."

Sukura nodded "Yeah. I'm not afraid to fight, but the past year has been hard. I really don't think I want to fight anymore, I will if I have to but for now I would rather just enjoy the peace." his tone was sad and he seemed to shrink in size.

In an effort to lighten the mood Luxray asked. "So what are your hobbies?" that made his ears perk up. "I like to read and write. Most of my stories are digital thought. I like to meditate it helps relieve the stress and I love listening to music if it has a good feel to it.I'm glad the room u gave me has a computer because I have a Hyper connect Drive. " ( A hyper connect Drive allowed the wearer to dive into virtual reality and play the game based on their actual body. So it was more real than just a regular connect Drive)

He turned to me "What about you Pengu? What are your hobbies?" I thought for a few seconds. "I have been going to school for 3D modeling and VRP. I was planning on designing my own VRG in a few months." (VRG= Virtual Reality Game. VRP= Virtual Reality Physics) "That sounds cool. Do you have the software and stuff that you would need to support the game?" "Well no I haven't really thought about the servers or anything. Why do you ask?" "Because that is what I'm studying. I am going to school to be a network Administrator and we are learning about a lot of servers. I'm better with software then hardware at the moment though."

During out conversation Luxray had been moving his head to focus on each speaker in turn like he was watching a highly entertaining ping pong ball match. Then he spoke up "Well it seems you would both benefit from working on this game together. Sukura your skills as a Writer would be beneficial in creating a storyline. Pengu your work with 3D modeling and VRP will help you design the character system. I can help you out with the actual look of the characters because I paint as a side hobby and I enjoy it very much."

Sukura spoke up "Then we are missing one thing, we need a programer." "That's true" I agreed. Luxray gave a polite little cough "Let me guess your a programmer too?" Luxray blushed but nodded and Sukura laughed. He must have been in a good mood because his tails were a blur behind him as they wagged.

"I'll be right back" said Sukura and he trotted over to his room. I heard some rustling and he came back with a piece of paper, a pencil, and an eraser. On the top he wrote:

Game Title:

Then he proceeded down the paper listing various things:








He passed the paper around to us and asked "How does that look?" It seemed to be the basic RPG character Skeleton. "It looks good but shouldn't we tweak it a bit?" I asked. He passed the paper to me. "Show me" so I did.








Married/ Single:


e-mail address:


I passed it back and explained "I think we need to give the option to show and hide the things I just listed. By Species I mean Human or Surgimorph. We can customize it to make it optional. However they must put in their birthday and e-mail address so we know they are legit. The user may choose to either hide it or show it on their profile."

Both of them agreed that the idea sounded good and then Sukura suggested "How about we create a marriage system in game with both gay and straight marriage?" Luxray nodded and I did too. "Sounds good"

The rest of the evenning was spent discussing the game. Tommorrow would be when Sukura and Pengu reveal themselves to their former classmates and friends. Wish them luck dear reader.

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