The Garif 6 - Need

Story by Team Allara on SoFurry

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Drakken: I know the wait was unduly long. We faced a lot of problems through these last months (things like one of us under life-threatening risks, a family member who also nearly died, and things not so depressing, like a new work, old work, studies, etc, etc...), and the story went to a terribly long hiatus. Now I give you at least one more chapter (as usual, lacking the proper revision. I did this one by myself this time, and my English is, well... ^.-.^' Also, I was constantly distracted these days. Be careful, or the typos will glomp you!), asking you to forgive me for it's taking so long. I'll finish The Garif at my rhythm, but I don't want to give up!

Like the others, I've tried to explore different things and kinks in this chapter. I've also decided to add more plot, and the story will keep growing somewhat deeper. I don't like when everything you get is a long set up for the sex. Because our heroes were not in proper condition for doing the do, and not in the best mood for it, we have a different pairing, a story inside the story. If this works fine, guest appearances can come here and there. And about the character Qarinelu, be sure he will appear again in the future!

I hope you like it guys! Once again, forgive me for the wait and possible mistakes. I'm the king of good (and second...) intentions!

I don't own anything related to the Original Story of Final Fantasy or the Universe from the games

The journey to Tehena was merely a blur in Trenn's memory; an exhaustive succession of steps, the hours of an entire day passing too quickly to look normal. They arrived during the night, seeing the fire across the hills in a landscape of terror.

The hume soon discovered the situation was far worse than he imagined. Firstly, because the garif villages were rather small, so despite their bulky structure and incredible skills to fight, there were not many soldiers to fight any menace. At least one more village already arrived with their reinforcements, yet the struggle was terrible to see.

Secondly, because the garif had poor weapons. As part of their culture, very few things in nature should be transformed in their hands, while most of if, including their houses, clothes and domestic artifacts, were almost as natural as everything else in the environment. They lacked forges and blacksmiths to work with metal, and their few blades came from the explorers, permutation and barter with the travelers from different people. Instead, they used staffs, maces, clubs, bows and small axes with sharpened stones or crystals. They were still deadly in their ferocious hands, and undoubtedly would make fierce opponents in a war.

Finally, the main problem was pretty obvious:

There were hundreds of creatures there.

Huge groups of scared and frenzied creatures attacking everything in sight, including each other, but focusing mostly towards the garif. It was not natural. Something was behind their strange behavior, the vicious fury, the panic, but they had no time to discover it.

  • ~* ~-

The screams. Wild roars. Blood, feathers, moveless bodies.

The smell was a torture for a hume; for the garif, it was nightmarish.

Trenn used his magick, shooting ice at the enemies. His blade worked all the time, until his arms couldn't hold them anymore. He heard the deafening shriek from behind him, turning only to face a half-blind creature with its sharp beak an inch away from his face. He saw the purple tongue, and thought about death.

The creature was killed, spilling blood at his head. A small axe was sticking out its back. His savior was already lost among the fight, remaining anonymous.

He couldn't find Kayamu or Hatani. Frequently surrounded by strange garif, yelling at each other in their native tongue, he was not able to understand the words: if they were orders, orientations, the need of help...

But he could understand the pain.

And it grew more vivid when he was, too, taking his share of wounds, receiving sharp claws in his back and neck. His response was intuitive, and the warm blood in his arms told the story of his futile victory.

He was surviving.

  • ~ * ~ -

A body was lying not far from where he was. It was lacking a leg to the knee, the blood drying in the dark brown fur. His opponent, an immense Wu, was dead just a few feet away.

The vision was giving Trenn the most terrible sensation until the moment, but he couldn't understand why; it was something worse than death.

When he noticed what was wrong, his whole body convulsed and trembled.

From there, he couldn't see the garifs head, yet, it was so clear, for the object was on the other side, closer to the Wu than to its rightful owner.

The garif had no mask.

Trenn quickly got a big shredded piece from a destroyed tent. He approached the body, slowly; attentive to any other enemy, but the place was silent.

He already knew what to do. He was not a traitor.

He used the piece of cloth to cover the body, like a shroud. His hands searched for the mask, and tied it to the dead head, to help the others recognize him.

His eyes were closed all the time, and he had not even a glimpse of the others face.

  • ~ * ~ -

Finally, he saw the familiar silhouette of Hatani running in front of him, and he followed the best he could. A group of four garif was facing at least a dozen vipers. Kayamu was among them, and Trenn just wished all the blood was not his. At the center of the group, another male was fallen, unconscious, but probably not dead, as the others tried to protect him.

The agile female opened her path killing three beasts with her long staff with a large crystal at the end, but they couldn't fight back. None of them had enough energy to cast neither magick nor technicks to help them.

Trenn was at the same situation. But his legs were carrying him there before his brain could protest.

He couldn't do it. Yet, he had to.

The ice ran through his hands, paralyzing the many serpents in their place, for merely half a second. The surprised garif soon recovered to start their attacks.

But with the magick and mana, all his energy left the hume's body, now just as cold as a stone. He fell to his knees, completely spent.

Kayamu's eyes were shinning behind his mask, like two stars.

  • ~ * ~ -

"I don't want to go!"

"You must! You're exhausted and wounded! Wait there and recover!"

"But I want to be with you!"

"I won't be able to protect you from danger!"

"I want to protect you too...!"

The two stopped. Silence between them. Deafening war around them.

But I can't protect him. And it would be unrighteous to hold him with me, instead of protecting his people.

A chilling cry echoed, and they exchanged scared looks.

"It was..."


The hume stopped fighting against the garif trying to carry him to a hut, where the others were being treated. His lover waited one more moment, staring at him.

"Please, come back safe...!" the tears made two little trails in his cheeks, covered in dust and dry blood.

The garif turned his back, running like the wind.

  • ~ * ~ -

For the first time, Trenn discovered a scenario that could be scarier under the daylight, than during nighttime. With the sun, there were no secrets.

All the last monsters were chased away. The screams of battle ended, and the painful voices became only occasional murmurs. Yet, a new heart-breaking sound would fill the village, something resembling the voice of a big stricken bird.

Hearing it for the first time, Trenn exited the hut to find its source, even fighting against the guardian responsible for the protection of everyone inside. He saw a male garif with smaller body over his lap, a very young female similar to his own look. The father caressed her limp form, his mask very close to hers; from his throat that sound echoed. Trenn felt his heart leap one beat. He was crying.

To his relief, Kayamu was safe, with no severe injuries. His skin was covered in little cuts and hematomas, and one foot was perforated, making him limp, using a staff to keep balance. He hugged his lover for a long time, not caring if the hairy body was still filthy from battle.

He helped the other reach the tent, where he was treated with the fighters.

"How is she?" the hume asked, afraid of the possible answers.

"She will be fine. Nothing serious."

Trenn sighed in relief, but soon he noticed Kayamu was not in peace.

"But... someone else is not well, right?"

"Yes. I know he won't make it."

The hume remembered the fallen garif among the group surrounded by vipers.

"He was empoisoned, and too weak to fight back."

Kayamu was right. By the end of the day, he expired. In the general circumstances, it was just another simple funeral, a body buried and covered in stones like all the others. Trenn could feel it was a hard hit to his lover, though.

"I know him from his birth, and saw his first mask. I was not much taller than my own knee, now."

Kayamu didn't cry like the others, with that sad sound, and only Trenn noticed how the fur of his chin, just under the mask, was slightly humid.

Tahani was sitting by a hut entrance, her left hand covered in bandages slowly turning red. She was breathing slowly, seeming calm and self-centered, distant from the recent battle.

"I'm glad you're safe, young Trenn." She said, inclining her mask.

"I was afraid things could go worse." He confessed. "How is your hand?"

"I've lost almost two fingers." She answered, calmer than a few women would talk about a broken nail.

"But Kayamu said you had nothing serious!" the hume exclaimed, startled.

"It's not. It was only the smaller ones." The gestured with her little finger from the right hand. "And I use this hand more than the other, anyway."

Trenn had no words to answer.

"Please, wait here, rest and recover for a few days." Kayamu talked to his old mate "I know you probably want to be with Kaytani, but it's not safe to travel like this yet. We will do the same." He continued, and she nodded, in silence.

"Does anyone know what caused all this trouble?" Trenn asked the two.

"Not yet. But it seemed all animals were acting weird and trying to escape from somewhere. These monsters were only the most violent ones. Probably thought the people were also a menace." Hatani said. "The elders will organize small groups for exploration, when they are sure the village won't suffer another attack."

"I understand. It's wise."

"Yes. Being wise is the essence of an elder." Hatani agreed. "They are also very grateful for what you have done, young Trenn. Your help was priceless in the battle."

"I was just helping all the others." He said, embarrassed. "I couldn't cross my arms while all the others were being attacked!"

"We were defending our own kind. You had no obligations to this or any other village, yet you were here, and fought with courage. We respect such act of generosity."

Trenn blushed, but felt glad, not for the recognition of his acts, but merely because he could still be worth of something, be useful. It gave him some of the inner peace Hatani seemed have all the time.

"I'm glad I was here, doing what my heart had told me to do, and honored to fight beside your people."

With the intimacy, Trenn already knew the garif could smile through their eyes behind their masks.

  • ~ * ~ -

Days passed in constant vigilance around the village, and intense activity inside, with all the work necessary to assist the injured, gather supplies for everyone, herbs for curing and constant exchange of messages between the other camps.

"I'm hungry..." Trenn arrived at where a small group was talking around a fire, and Kayamu was waiting for him. He passed a gourd full of cooked grains, spicy roots and a big slice of cheese. Despite the appearance too-healthy-to-be-tasty, the food was incredible, or at least that was what starving Trenn could judge.

"What are they talking about?" he asked, a spoonful and another.

"Their families and loved ones." Kayamu answered.

"Did they... lose someone dear in the battle?"

"Yes. But that was not the subject. We were talking about old stories, memories, or our current mates."

"So, have you talked about me already?" Trenn grinned, teasing.

"Of course."

"What were you saying?"

"That you can dance and move very gracefully, you can't cook, you like flowers, have skilled hands to create little objects and tools, you always find a good way to explore my knot, and that you managed to be penetrated in the..."


Trenn was finding the little observations about him pretty cute, until things got really weird. Now, all garif nearby stopped their own conversations and looked at him, after his exclamation. He was terribly red, but at least he could blame the firelight.

"Sorry..." he mumbled, unsure if they could understand him. He turned back to Kayamu. "You talk about these things with each other?" his face was priceless.

"Yes. Don't you, humes?"

"Ah... not with such details, usually."

"Your people sometimes pretend it never happens, right?"


"I'm sorry. I won't talk about it anymore. I didn't mean to expose you against your will."

"It's fine... I think." Trenn scratched his neck. "If you people usually do this and won't think I'm some kind of freak."

"Surely not. They in fact think you're pretty brave."

Trenn was not sure if he was glad with the compliment. He tried to be, at least.

"You also, uh... give tips or ideas to each other?"

"Yes. Some here are still talking about it. Sometimes we also show how it was done."

Trenn had a hard time finishing his meal.

Sometime after the improvised dinner, an immense garif approached the group, being greeted by all the others with much enthusiasm. He was the biggest sentient being Trenn saw in his entire life. Kayamu could only pass his stomach.

"Who's this?" Trenn asked, sincerely surprised.

"He's called Qarinelu." The garif replied, while the others adjusted their seats to accommodate the colossus in the group.

"Is he a leader of some sorts?"

"He's too young to be an elder. He's only a great fighter, and also a skilled miner and geomancer."

"I bet he can beat anyone in a fight."

"Wisdom can overpower strength. He's impressive, I must admit."

"I can't remember him among the fight, and he's hard to miss."

"He only arrived after you were already inside the hut, restoring your energies. After the fight, he kept guard outside the village almost anyday."

The titan garif started to talk with the others, touching their arms and shoulders. His voice was hoarse and deep, and had a very specific cadence. His fur was very grayish, but not due to advanced age. Each arm and leg was like a trunk, and his immense mask, with wide horns, only enhanced this 'tree' impression.

Qarinelu surprised Trenn studying his figure, and the hume worried he could be seen as someone very rude. That was not the case.

"You're the hume warrior. The ice warrior. We thank you." The titan said, with his thundering tone. He paused every phrase, taking a moment to think how to translate it, in a clear effort to remember the hume tongue. "I... I..." he hesitated, before giving up and using the garif language. "Na'y mana 'qu daiat."

"He says he respects you." Kayamu translated to Trenn, who once more was deeply embarrassed.

"How can I thank him, and said I was more than glad to help? I mean, I'm not happy with what happened, but that I was here to do something too..."

"I can tell him that." Kayamu answered, before passing the message. Qarinelu inclined his big mask in a sign of comprehension.

"I know a hume warrior. From past. Fire warrior." He continued, and repeated the same phrase in his native tongue, surprising a few garif, and making others chuckle, including Kayamu.

"Some of us know this story. But I bet he will tell it anyway." Kayamu whispered to Trenn. He raised his brows.

"I believe this story will end in sex, right?"

Kayamu laughed. "Indeed." He looked at Qarinelu, starting his story in their native tongue. "Would you like to hear it?"

"Yes. It sounds interesting, to know how you see us, humes. Also, if that's an episode of another hume/garif pairing, it can give us some ideas, right? I mean, when things are better, and we're healed. I'm not pushing it or disrespecting the mourning..."

"You think too much." Kayamu pressed Trenn agains his body with one arm. "It's not necessary to forbid one feeling because we're experiencing another. It's true that we're not in form to do anything now, and that my friend is still in my mind and heart. But the subject does not offend me. My love for you is also real, as was his friendship. So, don't worry."

Trenn cuddled against the strong body close to him. "Sometimes, I think you're not real."

Kayamu only held him tight, and started to translate Qarinelu's story...

  • ~ * ~ -

Qarinelu always preferred the nomad life, only passing by the villages a few days once in a while. He could find shelter among the mountains pretty easily, and his needs were few, except for food; but this was easy to get considering his skills. He was known everywhere by the garifs, and would constantly accomplish tasks for the elders, easily making friends.

But his fame was growing beyond the garif's lands; the others would always hear about the giant traveling through the hills, a creature that seemed a fantastic game for bounty hunters.

Most of them would return disappointed as soon as they'd discovered that said giant was a garif, without even bothering him. Others, ignorant of the existence of the garif, and impressed by the wild look of Qarinelu, would attack him with all their might, only to fail miserably. The titan knocked them out without serious injury, leaving their unconscious bodies somewhere safe from real dangers and monsters. Very few dared a second attack, and no one tried a third.

So, all these failed bounty hunters would leave him alone in the same day, cursing in frustration. Except for one.

_ _

The boy tried to surprise him during his sleep. Qarinelu had a copious dinner by himself, and had fallen in deep slumber; the man could be absolutely silent when moving, and his dark clothes blended his silhouette with the surroundings, and not even the small fire could delate his presence. He hesitated, realizing the garif was not a beast like the ones he was used to hunt. And this moment of hesitation was what saved Qarinelu.

A soft breeze started, carrying his scent to the other. Qarinelu was instantly awake, getting up with a speed unexpected for his size. The hume soon made his move, casting fire against the other, but only managing a small tuft of burnt fur on his left shoulder. Magick was something problematic to deal with.

The hume was ridiculously small to Qarinelu, even when compared to other hume hunters. He could barely reach his waist. But what he lacked in strength and reach, he compensated in agility and long shots of his magick. They kept this intense struggle for many minutes, trying a safe approach, until the garif had the opportunity to interpose.

"Why-you-do-this?" he asked, with his more than poor knowledge of the other's language.

The brief moment of astonishment was enough to give him the chance to jump over his adversary, immobilizing him against the ground. His short blade was launched many feet away, and he could not use fire without being hurt in the same blow.

"Why-you-do-this?" the garif repeated.

The hume seemed too confused to answer, his fear clear in his dark eyes, staring at the darkness behind the mask holes. Qarinelu had the time to study him, looking at his tanned skin, black and short hair, a small scar over the bridge of his nose, very white teeth shinning with the firelight. He smelled like grass, sweat and hume, something common for a hunter. For some reason, he had not even a trace of blood.

"I need to defeat you." The hume said, trying to bring back his courage. "And I will."

"Why? I want no fight." Qarinelu insisted.

"I'll be a member of elite of hunters. I must bring something impressive."

"I am no prey."

"Not yet." The hume answered, trying to free himself, but Qarinelu only held him tighter with his own weight.

"I am someone. Like you."

The eyes of the hume showed the deep anger he had within himself.

"I am nobody."

_ _

- ~ * ~ -

_ _

The two agreed with a truce, but Qarinelu kept the sword out of the hume's reach. His name was Reus, or at least that was what the garif understood. The two had a hard time trying to communicate, but at least his reasons were clear after some time.

Reus was despised for being poor, foreigner and, well, small, in Old Archades. He joined a group of bounty hunters to show he was skilled as a fighter, improving in stealth moves. He was just another youngling trying too hard to fit somewhere.

["Hey, I've heard about this Reus from Archades! He was really a pretty famous fighter, and became a teacher for young soldiers. It seems he also managed to get some interesting alliances through his travels."

"Qarinelu will be glad to hear this. Tell him when he finished his story. Also, one of the alliances was with our people."]

"I-want-help-you. But not-be-prey." Qarinelu sympathized with his situation, but not with his methods.

"How can you do this?" Reus asked, still behind his own defenses.

"You prove we are friends. You prove the others we are allies."

"How? You won't travel so far to the North, will you?"

Qarinelu thought for a long time ["probably he was trying to pretend he understood the whole message"] before saying. "This." And with a clawed finger he poked his mask.

"Really?" Reus was surprised. "Will you give me your mask?"

_ Qarinelu shook his hand. "No. This is mine. I make one for you."_

"People won't believe in my story. They will think the mask will be a fake."

"Only garif know make garif mask." Qarinelu nodded.

"And... what should I do in return?" the hume asked, wary and insecure.

"Now, nothing. Later..." and he shrugged his large shoulders, as to say 'we see it'. "Just wait. Some days."

_ _

- ~ * ~ -

_ _

Reus would constantly visit Qarinelu to be sure if he would keep his promise, but only sometimes would really show himself. The garif could easily identify his presence by the smell. He kept his promise, and slowly a mask was taking form, a smaller version of his own.

They were getting closer, and soon it became an unlikely friendship. The two were understanding little by little their differences, and creating a funny language on their own, somewhere between their native ones. Someday, Qarinelu surprised Reus with the sudden affirmation.

"You need ahrgh."

"What?" Reus replied, returning from his daydreams, frowning at the garif.

"Ahrgh." He repeated, making a growling sound. "You need. You are young. Normal."

"I still don't understand you..."

Qarinelu seemed frustrated, and instead of repeating himself, he approached the other sitting beside him, groping his crotch with his titanic hand. Reus was terrified.

"It's kahns't." Qarinelu said, and Reus recognized the word he used to say 'hard', 'rigid', and even 'sharp'. "You need ahrgh. It help."

Reus had, in fact, a painful erection; his daydreams were the source of the problem, for he was alone far too long. He had no idea how the other could tell, as his clothes were perfectly covering him, and not even a bulge was visible from behind his leg.

["It was the smell, right?"


"You call it 'ahrgh' because you go 'ahrgh' every time you fuck?"


Before Reus could think of a proper answer, Qarinelu started to stroke him firmly, trying to help.

"No! Stop it!"

"You no like it?"

"No! Not with a stranger! With a 'fraiser!"

"I am no 'fraiser'."

"But we can't just... fuck!" the last word came as a moan, for the caresses were growing more intense.

"You like it."

"That's not... right..."

"You no tell the others..." Qarinelu replied, and started undressing the hume.

Soon, Reus was squirming under the enormous hands, each finger almost the size of his cock. It was his first time with a male, too, but he had no time to be ashamed. Qarinelu was firm, but cautious, moving with experience and confidence.

When the large palms started to caress his balls, he had to hold the large arm in front of him to firm his own legs.

"You 'ballah'." Qarinelu said, chuckling. 'Ballah' meaning 'delicate', 'fragile'.

"I'm sensitive, that's all." Reus bit his lip. "And you're very good with your hands."

The garif showed no signs of understanding, but continued, unconcerned.

"This feels good. No move."

"What are you...?"

"No move." The order was beyond questioning.

A clawed thumb stroked his glans in gentle moves, the rough skin exciting the sensitive member. Then, it started to fold very cautiously, inserting the claw inside his piss hole. Reus was terrified: even though Qarinelu's claws were not so sharp - he noticed his constant manual work had made them pretty blunt, with a round edge - it was still very long, and probably strong enough to cut his dick from inside in a single move.

But it only entered half an inch, and started to go up and down. His legs trembled once more, and he moaned in a mix of pleasure and discomfort. It was just as delightful as it was scary, but the confidence returned to him after a minute. The claw started to move deeper, and also grew his affliction.

"How can you do this...?" he moaned, trying his best to stay static.

"I do it too." the claw and thumb was getting covered in hume pre.

Yet, Reus was a little worried with how he was the only one feeling any good with the situation.

"You don't... need to... to do this." He tried to catch his breath.

"I like too." Qarinelu said, simply.

"It doesn't look like it." The hume said, looking at the others pants, seeing no signs of his arousal. "I could... do it too. Do something." He offered, before he could change his mind.

Qarinelu just nodded. The idea pleased him. He was lonely for a long time, too. He removed the claw very gently, making Reus shiver entirely. Soon, he removed his heavy clothes, getting naked in front of the hume, bearing only his impressive mask.

"You're... very different." Reus commented, looking at the anatomy nearly in his eye level. He noticed the immense balls, at the size of his fists, and the firm pouch that was the sheath. It seemed a bit beastly, and he was starting to regret his proposal. "Can I..."

Qarinelu approved. He got closer, examining the pattern of fur and bare skin, the muscles, the sizable testes, getting one in his hand. It was heavy and warm, and the fur was harsh under his fingers.

His other hand explored the sheath, feeling the member inside it, still not enough rigid, but easy to fumble, and with a bizarre anatomy. Qarinelu continued moveless, with long breaths. The fingers reached the opening, big enough for all his tips enter, and that was what he did; he explored the hot and slightly humid skin, not so different from a female sex, feeling the rich smell coming from it, not completely unpleasant.

"Ah..." the garif sighed. The fingers went down, reaching the very tip of his member, and the tickle made his huge body shake, like an earthquake. Reus tried to touch it again and Qarinelu kind of humped on his arms.

The titan took him by his arm and approached the base of a great stonewall. He rested his arms on the rocks, while Reus stayed under him, in the arch between the wall and the powerful body in front of him. Under Qarinelu's large shadow, Reus felt a bit oppressed, but knew he was probably safe. The scent of arousal of growing around him, and his hands traveled in curiosity through the body curved over him, feeling the large pectorals, the wide sides, the ribs, the abs. It also seemed to tickle a little the other, who trembled under his hands and made strange hisses under the mask, but made no move to stop him.

Quite the opposite: the pink tip of the member was poking from the entrance, and Reus felt obliged to continue his explorations, now with more firm moves. He massaged the garif, stroking both the dark skin and the grayish fur, making pressure in the muscles, and dancing his fingers where it seemed more sensitive. Qarinelu made appreciative sounds, squirming under his touch, body tensing and looking even more muscular. Reus reached for his armpits, and he finally gave in, chuckling and adjusting his position.

Now, a good portion of the member was outside, yet, the hume descended his hands very slowly, passing them over the furless stomach and the underbelly, reaching for the sheath, and massaging it. The cock inside it jolted in his hands, like a snake, and finally exited completely.

"You must be kidding me..." he mumbled while looking, in astonishment, at a cock longer than his shins, and probably just as thick. The tip was huge, flat at the very end and big enough to fill his palm, with a pisshole where he could probably put a coin. He could see every vein crossing under the thin skin, adding an irregular texture to it, and the whole pack was covered in a sticky lubricant.

His hands rested on the member with respect, and it pulsed slightly, delivering a single drop of pre. Reus eyes went wide when the hole opened for a moment, delivering the fluid. He caressed the dick, feeling its weight, and Qarinelu, trembled. He explored the surface, the underside, and the tip, where his touch seemed to trigger the biggest responses.

His thumbs pressed and massaged gently, and it started to flare, getting turgid and darker like an obese flower. He could hear the heavy breathing coming from above his head. The hume was getting used to the scent, and that his hands were now completely sticky. In fact, it was kind of enjoyable to bring pleasure to another one, even another male, and the short man was kind of proud of having such huge creature at his complete mercy. His hands squeezed a bit harder, hands enveloping the whole tip. Qarinelu snarled like a beast, unable to hold a thrust with his legs, but the main accident was...

"Argh! Wha-what the hell?" Reus dropped the cock in his hands, while trying to clean his chest and neck, hit by an immense jet of fluids. "You could have warned you were close! My shirt will be trash now..."

"Close?" mumbled the voice above him, like someone returning from a good dream.

"You know... finishing."

"Finishing?" Qarinelu thought for a few moments, then snorted. Chuckled and finally laughed like a thunder, his cock jumping and nearly smearing Reus clothes again. "No finishing yet. I just like it. It is just beginning."

"Man, you have a cannon in there."

"You can stop and be clean. You are little, hume."

What irritated Reus was more the sardonic tone than the words themselves. He grabbed the cock again, rubbing the sensitive glans with all his fingers. Qarinelu was cut in his laugh, that easily turned into a roar, while another shot from his 'cannon' hit the stones beside the hume. The stroking got really wild, and he had no chance to stay moveless anymore.

The hume agile fingers traveled through the entire length, one hand going up and down, stopping only to collect a bit more of lubricant and continue its hard work; the other would alternate, sometimes fondling the immense balls - already wet like everything else - or teasing the tip again, now a furious dark red, so swollen the skin was rugged, dripping constantly. The garif was helping him, thrusting with his hips, arms still resting on the wall, grunting, moaning and snarling. His body was emanating heat, and soon the two were puffing and sweating profusely.

Reus, by his side, was getting really excited; maybe the garif had some kind of pheromone, or he was just loving the feeling of power... He was not really gay, was he? Being gay for one day is not a decision for the whole life. Yet, his hard cock was more a weight in his conscience than in his groins, for he was liking it too much...

When he thought no more surprises would get him off-guard - he was already in a safe distance to the constant firing tip - he noticed the swollen area at the very base of the penis, still inside the sheath. It was already as big as the tip, or something close to his both hands together.

"Hey, big guy... is that good or bad?" he asked, slowing a bit his ministrations.

Qarinelu breathed deeply, his body still convulsing a bit. "Good when you touch it. But it's 'ballah'" He added. Reus was curious, and touched the area, pleased with the intense reaction he got from the garif, the cock jumping upwards, covering the rocks in another layer of his precome. He squeezed the bulge harder, and heard the nearly painful cry.

With his finger, he tested elasticity of the sheath, stretching it very gently: inside, the hot and wet meat was hiding, pulsing. More fingers got together, passing through the entrance, and caressing the upper part of the lump, dancing under the furry layer of skin, also very sensitive from inside. Qarinelu trembled, somewhere between bliss and torture.

"Woah, things here work pretty fast. You like it, don't you?" animalistic sounds. "Let's free this thing to take a better look on it..."

Both hands worked to remove the sheath from the knot, stretching it slowly, the entrance almost too tight to let it pass. The garif marked the stone with his claws, hissing, feeling his own skin squeezing his too-sensitive knot, while it finally slipped free from its prison.

["Fuck! This is madness! Does Qarinelu have the same problem you do?"

"I don't think so. But all my people have a very delicate knot, and it's very hard to make it return to normal size when held from behind..."

"The guy was really worried about staying clean?"

"Unwise, isn't he?"]

The garif humped the air with all might when the sheath locked his knot outside, spraying his fluids on the wall. The bulge itself was reaching full size, making the hume more and more scared. It only stopped when reaching the size of his head.

"This is... I mean... What kind of... creature can take this? It never goes inside someone, does it? It's bigger than a chocobo's egg!"

"Never... a mate... my size..." Qarinelu stammered, his sexual arousal too intense and reducing his ability of talking in hume language close to zero.

Reus studied the knot, the thicker veins, the almost round form and how it was smooth on the upper part, while ridged at the other. His finger traveled here and there, to prove his suspicions: the underside was the more sensitive. And it was!

"Now... close...!" Qarinelu managed to mutter, between his groans.

Smiling at himself, Reus attacked the cock in front of him, stroking firmly the underside of the entire length, while squeezing behind the knot, determinate to give the other an unforgettable orgasm. And he was achieving it, not exactly how he intended. The garif was lost in a sex berserk mode, thrusting against his hands with enough force to make him fall... at the wrong moment.

Suddenly falling, Reus had only the cock on his hand to hold and keep balance. The grasp behind the knot was unbearable, and Qarinelu came, with an ear-splitting roar, right over the little hume in front of him. His mammoth member spasmed, every pulse starting at the very base and traveling to the tip, delivering buckets of watery cum over the other, too confused to get away. In a desperate motion to protect himself, Reus reached for the tip, in an effort of jamming it, but the firm contact had the contrary effect, intensifying the stimulation.

It lasted for half a minute, before the cock finally stopped the jets of cum, ending in a continuous dripping. Reus tried to clean at least his eyes, to contemplate the sticky tragedy he was at; from his hair to his toes, he was completely soaked in garif's seed. Instead of being furious, he laughed, so hard a bit of cum got inside his mouth and he was forced to gulp it.

Meanwhile, Qarinelu was returning to himself, legs shaking a bit, but not completely satisfied. "It not... over."

"I know, big guy. I'm still hard as these rocks. And for giving you all this, I think I deserve a prize of some sorts." The boy teased. Then he finally noticed. The cock a few inches from his face was still erect. "I can't believe it... What should I do to finally finish this?"

Instead of talking, Qarinelu used his hand to guide Reus', resting them at his tip. His pisshole was pulsing, big enough for him to insert a finger... he played inside, teasing his partner in his most private areas, and the garif squirmed once more, his face and mask turning upwards.

"Get to your knees, your legs are trembling too much." Reus gave the advice, one that the colossus accepted. Now, Reus was reaching his neck, and both groins were at the same level. The dirty idea was born on his mind.

With his finger, he teased the urethra hole again. "You really like it, don't you?" The garif just nodded. "So, we can try to make it good for us both."

He had plenty of lubricant covering his own body, and used it to cover his hume cock; changing his position, he adjusted both cock so that they were aligned. "If this hurt you, tell me and I'll stop."

His tip touched the other, and even this kind contact made the garif spit more of his pre, helping the next moves. The gaping hole started to give some resistance, but the slippery surface could ease it little by little. It was entering... half an inch... the whole head...

Reus was in lost in pleasure, fucking this tight and wet hole. Qarinelu was not behind, hissing and snarling, not giving signs of pain. When more than a half cock was inside there, the hume felt more confident, and started recede, always gently, before getting deeper again and again... at least that was his plan.

But it had a few flaws. Firstly, because Qarinelu could not hold his moves for that long, too aroused to stay still, completely guided by his instincts. Secondly, because the stimulation was making the other expel more of his pre, and it had nowhere to go with such a block on its way.

They had little time to end this.

Fortunately, it was not so difficult.

Reus was reaching a constant rhythm; he was deeply aroused from the whole situation, no more worried about questioning himself. He was just loving it! He was being massaged by each spasm in Qarinelus cock, reaching his peak much quicker than he thought he would. His hands traveled through the red skin, covered in fluids, tracing the surface with lust. The garif was pretty much an animal, respecting the hume in front of him because he felt obliged to, and because he knew how to bring lots of pleasure. Any false move could be more painful than pleasant.

The snarls were growing in intensity. Reus could feel his pre mixing with the immense quantity inside the others cock, always pulsing, so alive. He was nearing his edge, only needing one last touch...

It was cruel, but he had to do it.

He grabbed the huge knot, pulling it towards his body, dancing his fingers around it, pressing and contorting. Qarinelu bellowed like a wyvern, his cock restarting the constant pulse he had minutes before. The contractions caught Reus, setting him off just at the same moment.

His own dick exploded inside the other, in the best ejaculations he ever had. Fucking the hole with abandon in the excessive lubricants and biting his lip, the boy was proportioning incitement both outside and inside the massive dong.

["Hold yourselves! It's gonna explode!"]

Qarinelu reached his second peak, literally expulsing Reus from inside him, and covering the other in another coating of his semen. Now aware of what was happening, Reus continued his explorations, massaging the huge knot beating between his hands like a second heart. The rhythm got really intense, and the watery ejaculation suddenly stopped, giving place to a thick and creamy one, like glue in huge globs.

Reus continued, and continued, and continued. His hands milked every drop from Qarinelu, until the member started to get flaccid on his hands, and the garif grabbed his hands, making him halt his ministrations.

Completely exhausted, spent and ridiculously mucky, the two found support on each other, in an awkward hug. The two rested together, until they had enough energy to head to the river, where they got clean, still helping each other.

Qarinelu finished the mask, and Reus returned to his mates, the other bounty hunters. Almost one month later, the garif received the unexpected visit of his new friend, and also received a gift: an adorned axe. The two got together for a few days, before the hume left again.

Since then, they would meet from time to time, through the next five years. Always exchanging gifts... and body fluids.

_ _

- ~ * ~ -

_ _

When Qarinelu finished his story, the bulge on his pants was astonishingly. Being fair, almost all the other garif sported their own arousal, ones a bit more than others, but usually the younger ones had the biggest enthusiasm, still asking him about details. Even Trenn was incited by the narration he just heard from both the titan garif and his lover.

"Well, I'm not feeling so guilty because you also seem a bit 'influenced', isn't it?" Trenn chuckled, poking Kayamu's groins, more stuffed than before.


"We will never be able to try that... you're smaller than Qarinelu, and I'm bigger than Reus. "

"Yes. Qarinelu is really huge."

"You're talking about his height, right?"

"Height, too."

"Have you already seen his dick?"

"Yes. But we never had sex."


"Why? Would you like to know him?"

"What do you mean?" the hume asked, suspicious.

"Know him, or have sex with him." Kayamu replied with his serious tone.

"I know you're not joking, but I can't believe you."

"What's wrong?"

"Well... You have no idea what it means to feel jealousy? The need of being the only partner, the only..."

"You say it like we own each other."

"No, but..."

"Listen: do you feel bad when I hear someone else's voice?"


"Or when I'm touched, like Hatani and my daughter always do?"


"We're in constant contact with others. By touch, sounds, smells, vision. Even when far apart, our bodies have a link. We can't prevent that. Our bodies simply... exist, and we have contacts with these bodies through all our senses. But we're more than our bodies."

Trenn couldn't find a good answer. Kayamu continued.

"I love when we have sex. But we're more than that. To me, what you feel here-" the garif groped Trenn's member "-is nothing compared to what you feel here." His hand touched his chest "Or here" he touched his front, between his eyebrows. "I won't be jealous if you sleep with another one. I'll be jealous if you say you love someone else."

After a long silence, the hume whispered. "I can't say I see things exactly the same, even if I see logic in your words. Maybe it's cultural. I won't try to find the right and wrong in this question, so please... if you want to sleep with someone else... could you tell me?"

"Yes. I won't do anything if you disapprove it like that."

"Thank you. Maybe, in the future... we can plan a visit of Qarinelu." Trenn said, playfully. "But I prefer trying things with you, for now."

"It felt really good when you used that feather."

"Are you giving me tips?" Trenn nuzzled the wide chest close to him.

"Why not?" Kayamu embraced him.

"We will have our time."

"Many times."