5. Her Turn

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#5 of Slave Child


*Note: Anhell is not actually Kaia's father, he abducted her from an airport and forces her to call him daddy for his own pleasure.

"Anhell... Daddy please..." Kaia looked up at Anhell trembling. He chuckled and smiled down at her as he unbuttoned his business shirt. He couldn't get over how much he loved watching those pretty blue eyes look up at him pleadingly. She was dressed in one of his t shirts and her hair was messy.

"Shhhhhhh lil one," he reached down and scratched behind her pinned ears. He knew how afraid she was, and it made him smile as he dropped his shirt to the floor and began unbuckling his belt. He paused as she emitted an audible whimper, and sat down next to her on the silk sheets of the bondage bed. She shied away from him slightly but he let her misbehavior slide as he pulled her into his lap. Once he got her settled he ran his hand down her arm lightly and leaned into her ear to rumble, "are you still sore lil one?" Her answer was a choked back sob and crossing her legs. He laughed; "good" then began kissing her neck.

A full week with his new cub had passed and things for Anhell had gone from good, to even better. She was the best fuck he had ever had, supple, sweet, enticing. He imagined that his primitive animal wolf cousins experienced the same need and hunger when they chased prey as he did when he defiled this innocent little flower. He kissed her neck and breathed in her scent, feeling his suit pants begin to tighten.

Kaia whimpered as she began to feel his growing erection press against her rump. "Daddy..." Her voice was pleading and it shook, as did her paws.

But Anhell only laughed softly at her again. "Shhh Kaia, Daddy's been at work all day." He ground his stiffening member against her soft round ass, "it's been a long... hard day..." He licked her ear and slipped his paw under the shirt to gently pinch one of her nipples. She yipped and arched her back, squirming in his lap and rubbing her butt into his groin. Anhell's eyes rolled in his head and he groaned hotly into her ear, "Now that's a good girl..." He let go of her nipple and slid his paws between her thighs, spreading them and ridding the bottom of the shirt up to her belly. The sight of her pussy drew another groan out of him "such a pretty little cunny Kaia" He brushed his paw pads over her lips lightly and murred in her ear "I can't wait to fuck you little one."

Kaia whined "Daddy please... don't, please..." She trembled in his lap and he grabbed her shirt, pulling it over her head. As he tossed it to the side she pressed her knees together and crossed her arms over her chest.

Anhell shook his head in response. "ah ah ah lil one, I want to see that pretty body of yours." He picked her up and held her to his bare chest, smiling to himself as he formulated his plan and made his way to the other side of the basement. He crossed the threshold from carpet to tile and took a few more strides before stopping before a leather exam table, equipped with adjustable leather restraints. Kaia turned a bit to peek over her shoulder and whined again when she saw the table, gripping his shoulders.

He had to peel her off of himself but he sat her down on the side of the table and fastened one paw in a restraint. Then he reached up to stroke the side of her face, "You have to let Daddy touch you after he's worked hard all day. He's very stressed and needs you to help him... unwind." Anhell then smiled at her "but don't worry lil one, I'm going to teach you how to take care of Daddy." He reached down and slid his unbuckled belt from his waist, then opened the fly, watching her eyes. She stared at him, her eyes bright with the shine of tears, and he murred "It's alright lil one, your going to be such a good girl."

Before pushing his pants to the floor he headed over to one of his cabinets and got out a vibrator a little smaller than his own shaft, then returned to the table. He then let his pants drop to reveal his partially erect cock and set the vibrator on the table. Before she had a chance to prepare herself, Anhell had swiftly pounced halfway on the table and had pinned her on her back beneath him. He leaned forward and hungrily kissed her neck as he spoke, "Daddy likes it when you lay back for him little one." He reached up and placed her other hand in restraint so they rested crooked, her wrists level with the top of her head, she whined and he kissed her throat as he darkly whispered, "Shhh Kaia, be a good girl for Daddy. Let him touch you..."

Kaia whimpered again and relaxed her body, but still was very nervous. She once more turned those pleading eyes on him and tried not to cry as she whispered back "Don't make it hurt... Daddy..."

Anhell pulled back his head and smiled warmly "Be a good girl Kaia" he then leaned back into her ear and dropped his voice to a dark rumble "and it wont hurt." He brought a paw up and ran it down the center of her chest, bringing it down to her belly, then her chest, and then lightly over the lips of her pussy. She whimpered and squirmed just a bit again, and he paused, then glanced back at the vibrator on the edge of the table and got a wonderful idea.

He got off the table and made his way over again to his cabinets, leaving Kaia strapped to the table. She watched after him, her face still twisted in worry. He opened up a cupboard and began to look through the bottles and tubs of different gels and lubes he had. "What would my little girl like?" he whispered to himself as he picked up a tub of warming gel. He shook his head and set it down, then picked up a bottle of flavored lube, shook his head again and put it back. "Ah, this will do..." he read the label grinning, a tub of ultra sensitizing gel that left behind a wonderful tingling sensation. He shut the cupboard and made his way back to the table.

When he got to her he twisted the lid of the tub and set it down on the far end of the table, out of range of any kicking she may do, and smiled down at her. "You don't want it to hurt do you lil one?" He leaned forward and rather than kiss her, nuzzled her forehead gently. Then he licked the top of her head, then over her ears, then her cheek, and pulled back to look into her pretty blue eyes, "this time it won't."

Anhell mounted the table slowly as he began again to kiss her neck, her chest, her belly. She squirmed under him nervously, he sounded different than before, and the gentle voice he had first used to lure her to him in the airport was once again falling sweet and comforting from between his teeth like molten chocolate. He got to his knees on the table and sat back so her small legs went under his muscular thighs on either side of his rump, and places his weight firmly on the table. Then he reached back and dipped his fingers into the tub of gel behind him and grinned, he would get her to whimper for him tonight, but this time not in pain.

He brought his paw pads gently to the lips of her pussy and began rubbing them and the gel slowly into the folds. Kaia tensed visibly at first, obviously expecting pain rather than pleasure, but as the gel began to take effect she relaxed slightly, a look of confusion touching her eyes. "Daddy what is-" she began to ask but Anhell interrupted her.

"Shhhhh lil one," He rose on his knees and leaned forward to nip gently at her neck, then to nuzzle almost lovingly at her, "You've been such a good girl for Daddy..." He rubbed deeper, beginning to draw circles around her clit, and she again squirmed, trying her hardest not to make any noise. He licked her cheek and rumbled into her ear "Whimper for me lil one. Does it feel good?"

Kaia arched her back as his paw pads slid over her clit and a whine bubbled from her. Then as he began to make his circles slightly faster, she collapsed back onto the table and let loose a quiet but passionate moan. Anhell chuckled and kissed her throat, resisting the urge to take it in his jaws and ram himself into her. He wanted to wait. She whined again beneath him and he repeated his question "Does it feel good lil one?"

Kaia closed her eyes and squirmed a bit again "Yes.... Daddy it does." She began to pant a bit and almost involuntarily, whispered "Please..."

Anhell smiled "Now that's a good girl..." He arched his back over her and angled his paw so he could slide two fingers into her and still use his thumb on her clit. He smiled as, for once, she did not tense and shy away from the penetration. He began to pump in and out of her with those two fingers, and leaned forward for a true kiss.

To Anhell's surprise, Kaia didn't shy away from the kiss either. As he slid the tip of his tongue into her mouth she actually groaned into the kiss, making him twice as hard as he had been. It was going to take everything he had to not give up on pleasuring her and just fuck the living hell out of her. But as he broke the kiss and leaned back to see the normal fear, but this time laced with pants and groans of pleasure, he decided he had to wait until she came, but that didn't mean he couldn't help her climax a little faster. He smiled to himself and pulled his fingers from her.

Kaia's eyes opened a bit to stare in confusion up at the ceiling, why had he stopped? Fear began to creep into her belly, replacing the warmth, as she turned over in her mind what he could be doing next. Memories of pain washed over her and the pleasure would have totally left her, if warm electric tingles hadn't exploded between her legs where he touched her again. She whimpered "Daddy..." and her head fell back against the padded leather as lavish attention once again began raining down on her.

Anhell rumbled quietly "Look at me Kaia." And she obediently angled her head to see him kissing her pussy, and then drawing his soft tongue between the lips and over her clit. She whined loudly, the sight still unnerving to her, but she couldn't ignore the tingles that filled her belly with warmth. She whined again "Daddy please..."

Anhell chuckled, "Please what lil one?"

She paused, but when his attention on her wavered, she feared it was punishment for not responding so she gasped "Don't stop! Please Daddy don't stop..."

He groaned hotly and licked her clit before rumbling to her "I won't lil one, I won't... not until you cum for me..." He slid his tongue into her next, eliciting a squeak from her before she returned to panting and squirming beneath him. He could feel her start to escalate, and it drove him to rain even more attention on her. He lapped into her, then over her clit, then slid his two fingers back into her and pumped slowly and gently as he drew his tongue over her clit.

Kaia arched her back and whimpered and moaned, a steady stream of squeaks and pleased murmurs flowing from her. Anhell laughed quietly as her body began to tense, and increased the speed but not the pressure of his actions. She hovered on the edge of climax for a moment more, and then Anhell felt her fall.

Kaia yipped and gasped, squeaked and cried out as her body flew into spasms, pulling against the leather straps that held her wrists and ankles. "Daddy!" She panted and held tense as a board for about thirty seconds as Anhell continued to lap at her cunny.

Finally, she collapsed back onto the table and he slowed his licks until he stopped and looked up into her exhausted face "Good girl..." He stood slowly from the table and picked up the tub of sensitizing gel before making his way back over to his cupboard. He replaced the tub he was holding and picked up a tube of numbing gel, same strength and grade as dentists used on their patients gums. He smiled as he read the label and said loud enough for the panting little cub to hear "Now it's my turn..."