Overstretched Pt.1

Story by karabiner on SoFurry

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The story of Oliver the fennec developing his affinity for dildos... Perhaps a little too far!

If you like this, I'd recommend you come and find me on FA: I'll be uploading more stories as I write them! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/karathefox/

It had all started when he was younger; in his late teens. Like most boys his age the fennec was experimenting and getting to know his body, which, naturally for a bi-curious guy, involved seeing into which orifices he could fit various objects.

It had started off small, at first. He didn't have much money, so he was trying whatever came to hand, even stationery; pencils, pens which had conveniently smoothed-off ends. Eventually he moved up to bigger and better things, more phallic shapes like deodorant cans and drinks bottles. Every single time he had to be careful to keep his grip firmly fastened around the base of whatever he was using, for fear of losing it to the depths of his body and having to take a particularly embarrassing trip to the emergency room!

Soon, though, his interests had developed. Having been given a small dildo by his migrating friend some months ago he had discovered just how much smoother and more enjoyable those latex toys could be, and when his student loans came in, the realization struck him that he could actually begin to build up a proper collection of his own. Then, hoo boy... Rarely a day went past that he wasn't sat staring at Bad Dragon's website, wistfully gazing at the toy he wanted to buy next, his finger twitching over the 'Order Now!' button as he mentally re-worked his finances for the month over and over again, to see if he could even _possibly_afford the next size up of his favourite toy at the time.

Of course, eventually his twitchy finger did click the mouse button. And then again, and again... His collection moving from one or two toys up to six, then more. He was insatiable, constantly stretching himself past his limits and challenging himself to go further! And ultimately, this brings us to the present day. Oliver had a line of toys on his windowsill, arranged from smallest to largest along it, his blinds kept closed behind them so that nobody outside would see the sheer volume of shaped latex he had acquired.

"Who wants a go today, then?" He mumbled to himself as he touched the air above his toys with anxious fingers, moving from left to right and casting a selective eye over them all. He was kneeling on his bed, which was set against the wall underneath his windowsill, which made playing with his dildos even more tempting and easy!

Which one, though... He had been playing with the largest in his set for a good week solid now, a horse dong which sat at a full two and a half feet in length. It was so big that it couldn't hold its own weight; it just sagged down to the side when placed down, before losing its balance and just falling over. It was this toy which his eyes deliberately avoided as he peered over the rest of them, because he figured stretching himself that much for a whole week was going to start causing him problems. His doggy dildo, though... He hadn't felt a knot pop up inside him for a fair while... Nor had he felt the firm ridges of his large uncut dragon! But the ridges were so intense that he could never last long against them, and the knot, he woefully reminded himself, wasn't as thick around as his horse toy...

"Ah, fuck it." He announced to nobody, taking the huge mass of horsedick-shaped latex in one paw and dragging it down onto his bed, the thing dangling from his grip and wobbling lewdly. He'd already throbbed himself up to a full erection, the thing having pushed out of the rim of his pants and underneath his shirt, the head of the two foot dick now pulsing against his chest. "Hang on, hang on..." he said to calm his insistent dick, hurriedly undoing his belt with a metallic 'clink' and disrobing his lower half to relieve his cockbase from all the strained pressure of being so enclosed before lifting his shirt off and tossing it across the room. Finally, he threw his weight back onto his bedsheets and grinned to himself as his torso-length erection looked him right in the face.

The whole humanoid-shaped dong was as deep a black as a penis might hope to be, just like the majority of his body. All except for the uncut head of it, that is, which through some unusual mutation was a perfect white, a contrast which he had hated as a younger kid, but that he'd come to love as he grew up. He kissed himself right on the dick, barely even having to lean forwards, suckling and smooching over the head whilst tonguing his cum-slit, having to push his foreskin out of the way a little with his lips so that he could directly apply himself to the fat glans it contained. Getting a little carried away with his make-out session his dick twitched particularly hard, proceeding to wretch a huge burst of clear fluid into his lips, making him gasp and giggle to himself.

"Alright, alright, I know you're eager..." The fennec purred, releasing his cock from the French kiss and gripping his horse toy with both paws. At this point, anybody watching would have expected Oliver to get onto his knees and squat, but no... This fox knew what he was doing. He lifted the blue toy, having to use both his paws to maneuver it for fear that it would fall from his grip, kissed the head of it against his white cockhead, smeared it around to smother the end in fluid, and then pushed.

His dick opened effortlessly around it. All those months of training had loosened him considerably, and now his elastic cock could take down the horse dick with ease, the urethral bulge along the underside fattening up as he smoothly guided his favourite dildo right down into the depths of his penis! His body quivered in delight and he found his hips undulating upwards, greedily sucking down more dick until those artificial balls smushed themselves into the head of his bloated erection, preventing it from travelling further.

He exhaled the trapped sigh that had gathered in his lungs as he stuffed himself, the unflared dildo having lodged its head behind his balls. Shakily, both paws moved into action again, fitting themselves around the girth of himself and squeezing experimentally, the fox adoring how his endowment was firmed and stretched from the inside. He grabbed on firmly, then wobbled the entire ensemble, groaning into the air as the latex ground against every nerve ending inside his dick! Quickly developing a need for more definite motion inside his spunk channel he grasped onto the balls of the toy and yanked upwards, sliding six inches of it out of his erection and beginning to thrust upwards, fucking himself in the dick, pumping around the dildo.

"Ffffuuuhck yeah..." he moaned incoherently, the damp squelch of latex sliding into uncut cock repeating over and over. Soon he was bringing his paws up higher and higher, looking like a guy churning butter with each downwards stroke, his legs having gone limp on the bed as his dick's underside bulged out from head to crotch. Oliver had never really been one for anal play, and this was the reason... Fucking his dick felt fucking good. In a way that getting his ass pounded just never had. But all that fucking, grinding and stretching had started to take its toll. As he pumped away he started to move from enamored and ecstatic to frustrated, the toy burying itself behind his balls, but never quite going as deep as he wanted it to, and despite the two and a half feet of fat horse cock jammed into his urethra, he couldn't stave off the feeling of emptiness.

The fennec had always had one rule, since the early days of his experimentation; "don't lose sight of anything". By which, of course, he meant the toys he put into himself. He liked to know exactly where they were such that he wasn't in danger of harming himself by accidentally jamming something too far up his erection. But, fuck, he had nothing bigger to jam down there, there wasn't even a bigger toy he could order to stuff himself further!

His mad thrusting came to a stop as he looked himself over. The thought made him uncomfortable, but he was so horny, and his dick was aching for more... He was going to have to do it. The base was already smeared over with slick fluid, as were his fingers, and with the mental image of what he was about to do putting him somewhere inbetween mad arousal and fear for his health, he gripped the toy's balls with a whole fist, and pushed downwards again. Except this time, he pushed the latex testicles around the lip of his glans, and suddenly, with unnerving ease, his dick swallowed the whole toy along with his hand! The fennec pulled the most awkward expression as he struggled to quite release the moan attempting to leave his throat, and he found himself sinking deeper and deeper, his entire forearm following after the horse dick that had disappeared inside him.

"Ooooh fuuuuck...!" He groaned shakily, starting to explore himself to levels of depth that he'd never gone to before! Thoughts of pulling back kept making him pause, but he decided to keep going, having a good grip on those horse balls. He came to a split tunnel inside him, and he wasn't really sure how to guide the dildo either way, so he just pushed. Immediately it slithered down towards his balls, having to make something of a U-turn inside him, and as the rest of his arm followed the horse dick down, he saw a gentle bulge appear in his nutsack. This immediately proved to scare him off, and without thinking first he yanked his arm back in one long motion, shivering and tensing up on the spot as the entire passage from his cock's opening into his nuts had something so huge surge through it all at once!

Immediately the same emptiness returned, and with his confidence now a little boosted he plunged back inside, only burying his forearm with the toy this time. He gasped, delighting in how easily his dick was swallowing things down, and began to resume his thrusting, pulling his hand right up to the entrance of his cock and then diving it back inside. This wasn't the first time he had ever fisted his cock, in fact; he would do it quite casually in the shower each morning... But never had he gone so deep with anything quite this wide! Everything inside was slick and messy, and after pumping himself silly for an amount of time that he completely lost track of, he dared to bury his arm completely once more.

He immediately wished he hadn't. As he plunged as deep as he could possibly go before his shoulder became an obstruction he felt a surge of pre-spunk rise up around his fingers, which immediately slickened them and the toy's base, and in a moment of paling realisation, the friction between him and his prized dildo was lost. It slipped free of his fingers, the body of it wedged between his dick's channel and the rest of his tubing, and with nothing else to tell it where to go all that potential energy in the latex made it attempt to spring back into its regular, straight shape, dragging itself away from his hand!

"AH! NO! FFFFFFHHH!" His eyes shot open as his innards were intensely stretched into an awkward position, grabbing deeper, blindly reaching for a toy that simply was not within range. "Fuck, fuck... AaaahFUCK!" He rolled onto his side, then put his legs over the edge of his bed, standing up to try and make the dildo move inside him! He didn't want to slip it any deeper, but he simply couldn't leave it in its awkward position, thrusting and jostling his torso as he felt the massive bulge move through his innards.

"Nearly... Nearly... There!" He shuddered and arched his back, one of his testicles physically sagging down towards the ground, an audible 'plop' as his balls' new passenger fell in, curving itself around the inside wall of the chamber. "Oh, shit..." The fennec raised a paw to his mouth reflexively in a refrained gasp, his deep-set fear of losing things inside himself still insisting that he should be in pain; that his innards should be warped in such a way by the toy as to have damaged him. But it didn't hurt. That sudden flash of agony never came, and to the contrary, he found a pleasant warmth seeping through his sagging, swollen nut. Could he really have toyed so much that his body, even this far in, had adjusted itself to accommodate his repetitive dick-stuffing? He couldn't spend that much thought on it right now, his left ball feeling more wonderful than he dared admit to himself, the bulge in its edges having subtly softened since appearing. That wasn't what he was noticing, however.

It felt good. His apparently hollow testicle was being gently pressed open from the inside by all of that rubber, and it made it feel plentiful and firm, like a full stomach. The diminuitive little vulpine ended up slipping his hands down to feel it, he simply had to, those radar-ears that were so typical of fennecs having flattened down against his head. He lifted his hefty nut after exploring around the sides of it, gently rolling it around in his palms and feeling the latex flop about inside, even hearing a gentle 'splat' as it smacked against the surface of what he could only assume to be a pool of spunk.

Oliver's dick twitched as he fondled himself, his cheeks having reddened through his black fur. One of those nimble hands ended up wrapped around his cock's head again, stroking the dense foreskin over it, and as he had become accustomed to doing even before this little mishap he hooked his fingertips around the edge of his cumslit and slithered his whole forearm into the slippery channel. He had gotten used to fisting his dickhole as a casual addition to masturbation, and today it felt just as good, but there was something fundamental he wasn't quite getting from it. His shaft was loose around his arm. Loose enough, in fact, that he could bend and re-angle his extremity inside it through a good few angular degrees. Having just swallowed the biggest dildo money could buy into one testicle, was his body really going to do this to him? He felt... Empty. More than that, in a strange way he felt hungry. The other arm soon abandoned his swollen ball and jammed itself down his urethral passage, and he found himself double-fisting his dick, the poor white glans stretched hugely around both limbs.

"Please... Nnh... Come on..." He moaned out, getting so, so close to scratching the sexual itch he'd developed. One paw grabbed deeper, finding itself lodged behind his nuts, but he soon realised that he'd have to pull back out again, which only worsened things. He was becoming desperate, his groin needed something deeper inside him than he was physically capable of providing it, or so he thought... Until his ears flicked up, and he turned his head towards the line of dildos standing on his windowsill. He couldn't quite believe he was thinking it.

But he turned, and took a step forwards. Then another, his paw reaching out for that fat-knotted doggy dick which jutted proudly above the tiles of his windowledge, the fox kneeling over his bed to get to it, grabbing it with tremoring hands and trying to restrain himself for a little longer. Was there anything else he could use in the house? His mental query came up blank, short of a few objects which had inconveniently sharp edges to them... And in that same instant he lined up his dildo, spread his dick open with the head, and pushed downwards. It went in effortlessly; the thinner shaft barely even touching the sides, the knot just sauntering in past his cock's entrance, and then in an unnatural display of elasticity, the base was devoured too! His fears of losing things inside him were still there, but in a strange way they only served to buffer his hunger. He had to have that toy as deep inside him as possible, NOW. For a split second he revelled at the fact that he was able to take it so easily, as only a few months ago he was struggling with the bulb of latex at the base, but now... It just vanished!

This time his paws didn't follow the toy down, because he didn't want the disappointing sensation of having to pull back out afterwards. Instead he followed the bulge in his dick, the distension which marked where the toy had gotten to inside him, with both paws; squeezing and grabbing just behind it to force it deeper, like squeezing toothpaste out of a tube in reverse! He couldn't believe he was doing it, but his paws kept moving, the bulge disappearing into his groin and his paws following around to his taint. His back arched, he pushed the knot through his inner workings, and then...

"Aaaah, yes! Yes, in!" he fell onto his side on the bed as the dog dildo splashed into the testicle opposite the horse-filled one, the fennec writhing around and rolling his hips towards nothing as he basked in the bliss of finally sating his gonads' hunger! He grabbed and kneaded his balls, mashing them into one another and squirming in delight, feeling like he'd just been fed a good meal, albeit in a rather more peculiar fashion. That fulfilling bliss felt like it would last forever, in those few seconds after he'd 'swallowed'.

After rolling his stuffed orbs together for a good few moments, he couldn't help but feel something was off. He felt positively grand, like a lion that had just gorged itself, but he had just swallowed two of the largest sex toys money could buy into his nuts... Where was all the bulging and deformation from within? He could still feel the doggy dildo, it flopped around and sploshed into the liquid his nuts contained whenever he moved his testicle, but the opposing chamber, the one which was playing host to the pride of his collection, seemed to be filled with nothing but liquid. At that point it was nothing more than a fleeting thought; how could he possibly bring himself to worry when he felt that good? But soon enough he felt himself... Churning.

That was the only way he could think to describe it. Listening carefully, he could hear the insides of his melon-sized balls gurgling and growling, in much the same way as his stomach might after being fed. It was certainly not unpleasant, but he had to wonder what was happening to his toy inside him, the 'splap, splosh' of the dildo sounding quieter and quieter each time he rolled his balls over. It took a few minutes, but finally he couldn't even discern the Bad Dragon toy's edges or form any more. Both of those orbs seemed to have equalised in size, too, with the liquid drifting in them having balanced out. He had no idea how he'd done it, but Oliver had managed to reduce his dildos down to gloop.

"Rrnfh... Weren't big enough, anyway..." He spoke out loud, finding it peculiarly easy to accept the fact that his balls had just digested something. At that moment he was being flooded with testosterone, his genitals using the good meal they'd just been given to work overtime for their owner, who couldn't help but reach up to the length of himself and begin stroking in long, slow movements. His contentedness was parting way for sheer arousal, and soon the other paw got involved as well, the fennec jerking off the whole length of his dick whilst grabbing it firmly with both fists. Soon he was drooling from the head of it, using his fingers to smear pre-spunk along the length of himself, slowly pumping his hips upwards to glide the great rod of a cock through his slickened palms. His movements became steadier, his breaths deeper and longer, and after closing his eyes the fennec found a gentle moan leaking through his lips, his paws teasing and sliding around over his glistening glans... He could feel his body _willing_him to do it, to ease even a couple of fingers into the pre-spunk-oozing slit, and suddenly he found himself buried elbow-deep up his erection once more!

Jerking off was proving to be inadequate. He opened his eyes to watch himself fist-fuck the oversized dong that jutted up from his groin, balling his paw up tightly, drawing it back to the entrance and then plunging it right back down. He was going deeper every time, twisting and schlorking as far inside himself as he could reach, finding himself less and less willing to pull back every time he buried himself up there, until finally... That twinge. His content moment had ended, and like a stomach which had finished processing its last meal his balls were telling him to give them something else to digest, this time with extra insistence.

"Nnnh-no... Already? Agh, let me jerk off at least!" He complained, yanking his entire arm out of his schlong as though trying to discipline a needy pet, and proceeding with a stubborn attempt to work one out. His thrusts resumed, his grip slid along the length of himself just like before, and he grinned to himself as though to say "Yeah, I've got this. I'm in control."

As you might expect, however, he soon became increasingly frustrated. The enjoyment of jerking himself off was becoming inadequate to cover the hungry cry of his gonads, and Oliver's paws moved with increasing determination; no longer enjoying himself so much as trying to override his body's urges. He grit his teeth, his paws fumbling slightly as he found it more and more impossible to sustain his arousal, before he sat up with an angry squeal and cast his paws away from his dick.

"For fuck's sake!"

This time he didn't even have to think about it. With a growling huff he thrust himself out of his sitting position and kneeled along the bed, making a grab at the two nearest dildos in his collection and stuffing them into the hungry, white head of his erection, squeezing them down into his body just like he had before. They felt miniscule compared to the previous toys, though, and he barely got any kind of satisfaction out of them... So he kept grabbing and stuffing. His old favourite toy, a Tailstretcher, disappeared down his dick never to be seen again, along with seven others, including the pathetically tiny Doberman dildo he'd first started off with. "Get... IN there...!" He growled, making another grab at the windowsill.

His paw just collided with dusty tiles. Oliver's head snapped from left to right, and in a flash of realization he found that he had eaten every single one. All of those several hundred dollars of latex having splashed into his ravenous nutsack, the fennec's balls now sagging towards the bed rather heavily. But it had still barely dented his hunger; why oh _why_did he have to start with the biggest toy? At least beginning with a smaller one would have given him more to work up towards! But as it was, he had been left with the equivalent of a small plate of cocktail sausages to satisfy a hunger that could devour a full buffet.

With his sagging nuts knocking against his thighs and his dick slapping his chest he leapt off the bed, looking around in a hunger-crazed panic, far more concerned about stuffing something down his dong than the toys he'd lost! By now he was just hunting for objects; anything that could fill him up enough. Awkward edges weren't an issue, but there was nothing that he could easily fit into himself in sight; shampoo bottles were too small, and his lamp wouldn't work because of the shade. He was getting desperate.

Until, that is, his eyes settled on his phone. The thing was far too tiny to satisfy him, but he had recently been given the phone number of a guy who he was fairly certain could help him... Even if the idea of asking what he was going to ask felt unnatural for him. With no other options, he stepped over, lifted the little cell phone off the desk, and shakily tapped in his contact's name. Moments later, the dial tone was buzzing into his ears.

"Hey; who's this?" came a voice after the tell-tale click of the call being taken.

"Um, it's Oliver, we met recently... Look man, I know we haven't really talked, but I gotta be frank... I need someone who is... Big... In the way you are." Oliver could not have sounded more sex-starved if that had been his intention.

A chuckle was his response. "Give me your address, man. I've got nothing else to do today."


End of Part 1

Change me before bedtime?

\<\<\<-READ BEFORE CONTINUING-\>\>\> The following content is explicit on a number of levels, given that it involves a feral fox being transformed in a very unusual way. It includes cock-transformation, dominance and submission, zoophilia/bestiality...

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A New Life

It had been something of an uneventful day. As I remember it, the highlight of the day was someone spilling their coffee into the photocopier and interrupting the sacred flow of work known as 'office life'. It seemed as soon as something got tipped...

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