15. Long Walk Home

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#15 of Iron Author

Iron Author submission for Suel

After his encounters in the story "Feral Lust" Suel, still infected by the berry that makes him alluring to all sorts of animals continues his misadventure on his way home, encountering snakes and other beasts alike, he has to decide if this is torture or pleasure as he makes his way back across Sholazar Basin

"Long Walk Home"

"Ow... ahh... I can't believe that happened to me." Suel winced, placing a hand on his backside as he began the long walk back to his den.

He was caught on the far side of Sholazar Basin and the wolvar had just managed to walk away from at least a dozen animals after they'd had their way with him. His balls hurt from a few too many ejaculations and he was hobbling as best as he could to try and recover, especially from his last encounters with a Wyvern and a mighty stallion. His hair was a mess and tumbled over his eyes as he tried to make the best of his walk, but the feeling of stickiness between his cheeks was beginning to tug at his fur. He sighed as he stopped and looked out over the lake he was passing. He'd barely even noticed the sound of the waterfall pouring down into the water, sending heavy currents off in every direction. "I really need to clean up." He admitted as he looked around and stripped off his loincloth and garb, setting them to the side of the lake on the sandy bank he stepped into the water.

Suel's balls and ass dipped into the cool water and he winced. He knew he was going to need a little recovery, but at least for the moment this felt nice. Swimming in a long breaststroke out into the water he sighed as his feet fell away from the sand bar and he was floating in the deeper part of the pool. Running his hand back between his cheeks he slowly and carefully poked at his hole, using the water's natural lubrication to clean the rough, sticky edges. He sighed in relief as he floated back toward the sand bar and seated himself, his shoulders and neck just barely escaping the waters' surface. It was a peaceful afternoon, he could have sworn before leaving the forbidden forest that it would be close to dusk by now, but it was as if he hadn't left all of a sudden. He sighed and leaned back, dipping his hair into the water. He closed his eyes and breathed in, looking up at the crystal blue sky above him. The berries he'd eaten in the woods were probably the best or the worst thing to happen to him, it made the animals unbearably attracted to him. They all wanted to have a rut at him, he marveled at how he survived even bears and horse cocks in those--

"What was that?" He asked aloud as he sat up suddenly, feeling something strange slide against his fuzzy ankle. He shuddered at the idea of something still hunting him for his scent, he didn't want to have anything to do with it at all. He curled his legs up and tried to ignore the feeling he had, but the more he thought about it, being taken by all these beasts, the more the idea interested him and rather suddenly, he started to feel the hint of arousal.

Another slow, smooth movement passed around his legs. He decided against staying in the lake if something was coming after him, and carefully he started to rise to his feet again.

Suddenly, a tightening occurred around his ankles and pulled. Suel lost whatever balance he had already and was suddenly dragged into the water completely. "MMPH! MRRRGH!" He tried to speak, he tried to scream, but whatever it was that had him quickly bound itself around his wrists, his ankles were suddenly snapped together and his body was pulled straight.

Eels, they were eels." Suel gurgled as he tried to pull away. His lungs, only half filled with oxygen as he was dragged down and down were quickly running out. But these creatures had some plan, some purpose for doing this. Whether it was some fitting punishment for eating the berries, or some greater power was in place here, he just didn't really understand. He only felt cold, the water around him grew darker and darker until he saw a small cave-like entrance at the bottom of the lake. It had a strong pull and from his legs first, it sucked him up into it. As he ascended quickly, the last of his air power pushed out of his lungs and he could feel himself blacking out. Suddenly his feet exploded into the cool air of some underground cavern and he came flying into it. Landing hard on the stone floor he coughed and gagged, spitting out water before a blanket of unconsciousness caved in on him and he saw nothing as he blacked out.

Suel's consciousness came back to him slowly, his fingers were clutching the stone floor as he opened his eyes and craned his neck up to look. The room was dark, but some phosphorous rock still littered the cavern with a small amount of light. He cringed a bit and realized he was still naked. His clothing still lying out on the lake's bank outside in the warm sunlight. He had dried off considerably, he'd been unconscious for some time, but his hair was still dripping.


The sound made Suel's blood freeze as he looked around to see movement in the darkness. He quickly started to get up. He felt his legs get swarmed though with several slithering bodies. He inhaled sharply but didn't scream, he didn't want to give himself any undue attention. The very weight of the snakes was enough to send him back to the floor. He sat down and trembled as he inhaled again, the snakes were feeling wet and slick as they ran across his fur. Going up his body he couldn't stop them, he could feel their tongues sliding in and out of his ass as they slid along it. They pulled his tail aside and continued to pervertedly assault him. He inhaled through his nose and soon the feeling of the snakes came over his body completely and began to wrap around his head. More, and more they piled on him. He could soon not see anything outside of this massive pile of reptiles, he couldn't mutter or cry out. He could feel their phallic formations roaming over his face. They were slipping past his face, some even letting loose with wet shots of their seed that coated his lips and made him cringe at first. Oddly enough he was feeling aroused, the snakes started warming over his erection and making it even harder to resist. These berries were a trouble to deal with, but it definitely had its good sides it seemed.

"Mmmph...mmmph!" He cried out in a muffled tone as he felt the snakes slide along his rear and over his hole. Their cocks felt like bristles against his tail which seemed to drum against his prostate. Their heads poking in where they shouldn't and coming back out again as their slickened underbellies rolled over his shaft, pushing him closer and closer to the edge. "NNNGHHH!" He huffed as he felt himself climax. His cum shot vanished into the ball, his legs pulled back slightly as the ball tightened, the small snakes going into a frenzy now, coating the wolvar's fur in their seed. He inhaled and exhaled loudly through his snout as they squeezed every drop from him and didn't give any back but their own. They were male, all of the snakes were male and wanted him desperately.

Finally, the ball that surround him dispersed and he spilled out onto the stone floor. He'd warmed up significantly, but he was coated again and did his best to stagger to his feet as the smaller serpents slipped off again into the darkness. But where was Suel going to find an exit to this place? He stepped across the floor and found a wall nearby. He began to grope along the length of it while slowly making his way into the darkness. He noticed a slight slope as he stepped, but didn't think about it until he took another step, and found no floor. Crying out in terror, Suel felt a blast of air as gravity took him downward. A shade of green light surrounded him, which tinted to a more bluish tone before he found a pool of water that softened his fall. Coming back to the surface, Suel wiped his eyes clear and crawled from the pool, soaked again from head to toe. "Blech... what a day this is turning out to be." He said as he crawled out onto the surface and looked up to see a massive king sized cobra looming over him. His tongue flicking out and tasting the aroma coming off of the wolvar. Almost immediately a pair of black colored shafts emerged from a hidden chamber near the mid-level of his tail. Suel's ears drooped, his throat went dry. "Oh, man, what a day."

In a flash, the cobra slung forward and wrapped himself around the wolvar. Binding himself tight as his scaled skin coiled around and around the length of his body, pulling Suel's legs apart as he did so. How he was able to do this in his length astounded the warrior who felt himself roll over and the sudden sting of penetration as the cobra's shaft punched into his hole. "AHAH!" Suel cried out passionately, instantly growing hard again as the snake hissed and slipped into him again. "Nnngh... hnnngh..." He grunted as the snake's coils grew tighter and tighter, almost choking him as he did. Deeper and thicker the cobra's cock seemed to go, he could feel the awkwardness of it as a second phallus began to prod and poke at his hole and slip in to help with the breeding process. Several seconds passed, and Suel felt the slick shot of cum filling his ass, then a second volley shooting from his other shaft. Suel was still exhausted from cumming for the snake ball or he would have cum again. Instead his cock dripped a stream onto the ground as the snake uncoiled and released him, letting him fall to the ground and roll into the water.

The water had a current to it, Suel barely felt himself as he started moving through the cave, moving faster and faster the further along he went. Suddenly there was another drop as the daylight flooded the wolvar's senses. He didn't go nearly as far down as he had from his last drop and he spilled out onto the bank next to the small pool he'd dropped into. Gasping and panting, he couldn't possibly move after all that.

"Roar!" The sound made Suel jump as he spotted a sabre toothed cat standing at the edge of the lake, staring at the creature that had obviously interrupted his cool drink of water. He snarled and moved toward Suel, already he could see a small bit of pink sliding into view. Suel knew he'd need to let his ass recover a bit and taking a bit of initiative he placed his head between the beast's legs and the feline rather eagerly allowed it, letting his swelling shaft slide into the waiting muzzle.

It was thick and warm, beads of precum were already trying to lubricate the wolvar's muzzle. He muffled out a moan as his tail began to sway back and forth. His tongue ran along the small fleshy bumps on the cat's cock until he reached the musky hunk of flesh and fur that made up his balls. Sliding back a bit he felt the cat drive his weight onto his back and Suel found himself pushed down onto the dirt. The bumps quickly flayed out a bit, turning into the fleshy barbs that squished under his tongue while the feline began to hump into the warm muzzle. Suel kept his mouth mostly closed, providing resistance to keep the barbs from slipping out and he moaned, enjoying the forceful humps from the cat. His tongue slathered the offered cock and the cat's claws stuck and dug into the fur on his back, but never penetrated too deeply. Almost like a humanoid though, the cat soon wrapped one paw around Suel's stomach and made a powerful thrust, letting out a roar that echoed through the area.

The cum explosion in Suel's mouth made him almost gag in surprise. It completely coated the back of his throat and his tongue as it shot into the depths of his esophagus. He grunted and swallowed, taking every gooey drop that was offered until the cat released him and withdrew himself.

As he walked away, Suel stared at the sabre. They weren't such big toughies after all, but the idea of being knotted made him grow hard. But apparently this guy liked the muzzle work. He ran a pinky tip across his cheek and licked off a spot of cum he'd missed before before moving on toward the road.

Apparently the effects of the berries he'd eaten hadn't worn off yet. He was full of cum and he had a feeling that more would find its way to him by the time he'd returned to the hill. It was still half a day's journey away and it had already gone well past mid day. He was walking naked, but he could care less, he wasn't even sure where the pool was that he'd left his clothing at. He would just have to gather more materials when he had returned to his own den in order to make himself a new loincloth and outfit. He yawned and stretched his back, which popped, giving him a bit of relief, though now he had a rather stern erection.

The wolvar's arousal lasted a good hour or so, dripping precum with the anticipation of attracting whatever it was in the area that he could lure in. Suel found himself pausing at moments and looking around, thinking he had heard a noise or saw a shadow moving, and then he continued onward, his pace quickening as he passed one of the large plateaus that towered hundreds of feet above the basin floor. His claw running along the solid rock that formed one of the pillars echoed and when he lifted his fingers from then, a long growling noise followed, sending a chill down Suel's spine. He turned slowly and looked up to see a white canid standing not too far from him.

The beast stood on a rock not less than six feet over the warrior's head. He gasped and turned as its single golden eye stared him down. His other eye was a milky silver, and there was evidence of a claw mark out to its side. He had been blinded, likely by a Roc or other large bird. He didn't look friendly at first, though an arousal was quite obviously hanging between his legs. He'd picked up the scent of the berries that Suel's body was giving off, likely fermenting in the heat of the day. The wolf's jaw twitched and he snarled as Suel slowly started to back away. He wanted to be knotted, but he wasn't exactly sure if this would be the right creature to do it. The beast turned and readied a jump, and Suel bolted.

There was a flash of fur and white that streaked into the wolvar's vision as he was suddenly pinned down under the beast. Sharp fangs bit down on Suel's neck as he tried to struggle and get away, his backside lifting and striking something hard which pressed into the canine's underbelly. Suel froze a bit as the teeth came down harder on him. "Tssshh! AHH!" He grunted as he wagged his backside a bit. The wolf was obviously hungry for attention as his cock tip pressed and slid along every square inch of Suel's butt, trying to find its mark. He clawed at the ground, but it was more than obvious that Suel suddenly felt the need to be fucked by this beast, he wanted to feel his knot swell in him and tie them together for the day.

As if on demand, at that moment the wolf found his mark and thrust into Suel's well worn ass. Suel cried out a bit, but muffled his scream as he grabbed at the ground and laid his muzzle down along it. The wolf hugged at his hips and stood on his hind legs as he shoved Suel's tail and ass into the air. It growled and grasped at him, his claws digging into Suel's hips a bit, causing a slight bit of blood to flow. Suel cried out each time the dog thrust, the wolvar's tongue continually flopping out of his mouth as he tried on his end to push down against the canid's impassioned grunts and snarls. The wolf was hitting him right in that sweet spot as the thickness of his shaft began to expand within him. Precum could be felt shooting deep into him already and right now, he was so hard that it hurt to not orgasm. He buried his muzzle into his arm, just wanting, pleading for the beast to take him. The knot was forming nicely, there was already considerable resistance in him pulling himself free, after several more thrusts it couldn't be pulled out. That alone pushed Suel over the edge.

"AHHH! Ffffff!" He cried out, suddenly cumming with a great shaking of his body as he cursed into his arm. The knot did the trick and he felt full even before the wolf came. The beast picked up his pace and soon wrapped its forelegs tightly around the wolvar's hips; at least, as much as a wolf could grasp.

The wolf's orgasm was amazing, a sudden surge of warmth and a thick flooding that Suel could feel as the wolf bayed out a long, satisfied howl. As they joined hard, the wolf leaned into the wolvar, biting his neck, then licking him, as if to claim him for his own.

Soon, the wolf collapsed beside Suel, breathing heavily as he entered a deep slumber beside his claimed mate, the beast's paws still in place around the wolvar's hips who slowly drifted off himself. He'd be home by nightfall, most likely... but for now, he would just get some rest with the wolf planted deep inside of him.