Jim Chronicles 3 : Cianwood City

Story by MrWoofles on SoFurry

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#3 of Jim Chronicles

Chapter 3 of Jim's Chronicles. This time the party is in Cianwood city, an unexpected guest arrives and Jim finds out that there is consequences to every action.

The morning was nice and warm in Cianwood city, Jim sat on the beach watching as his pokemon played out on the beach. His Feraligatr growled and played a particularly rough game of dodge ball with Walt. Dust, A female houndoom, stretched out on the beach and snored lightly. Jim watched other trainers on the beach, his eyes narrowed as he saw a Kadabra and a human female building a house sized sandcastle with just their minds. Jim could not help but look at the bikini that trainer was wearing, she turned to him and smirked and he noticed that this was the same trainer from Ecruteak City, Jacki.

Jacki gave a wink and Jim could hear her voice in his head, not as smooth or as strong as his gardevoir but still clear enough to understand.'So you've had sex with Dust and Walt? Awww Walt was your first gay experience.' Jim face flushed with embarrassment and anger as Jacki picked through his memories causally.

"Out of my head, Jacki." Jim commented as the psychic trainer blushed a bit, smiling from her sandcastle, 'Well I would but I kinda needed your help for a moment. I wanted to see if your right guy for the job. I think you are." Jim sighed, "Arceus! What do I have a reputation as a pokemon fuc-" He looked to his side and noticed a few kids playing a little close to him.

'Funny you should mention that. Check your trainer card.' Jacki grin became even more unsettling than before with her blank eyes. Jim sighed and pulled out his pokedex and toggled the options till he got to the his trainer card listing his badge count for each region of the world but what caught his eye was his listed occupation. Every Trainer ID lists its user as a trainer but with enough experience or a certain roster many trainers get names like psychic or bug catcher. Jim groan as his pokedex flashed brightly with the word 'Breeder (Specialist)', Jim knew what the name meant, it was the Pokemon Leagues way of saying pokephiliac.

"MOTHERFUCKER. HOW DID THEY EVEN KNOW?!" The kids shied away from him as he stood up screaming. 'Well, you know when you use a pokeball to return your pokemon, to check the status of the pokemon, read their mind, check their level. How did you think soon as you captured your pokemon the dex can tell you what their personality is without a scan?' Jim groaned.

Walt walked over to the pair, the embrace pokemon gave Jacki a powerful hug and blushed. _'Thanks for everything you did.'_Jacki smiled and looked over the Gardevoir and chuckled, "Oh you're welcome, I checked your trainers mind and he really enjoyed that experience regardless of what he says." Jacki teased and looked over the gardevoir. "You look stunning, ever thought of getting your hair done in cornrows? I've seen a few trainers at beauty contests get their Pokemon unique hair styles." Walt blushed and started to stroke his green hair.

Jim anger subsided as his pokemon crowded around him. His Feraligatr was covered in wet sand, Dust was as clean as she was when they got there, Walt glided back to his trainer from the psychic trainer. Jim faced them all snorted, "Sorry 'bout that. Just some trainer mess that annoyed me." Jacki chuckled from her sand castle and slowly walked up to the group, her kadabra following silently behind.

"Since you're the only 'specialist' breeder around you are in a perfect position to help me. I'll make it worth your while." Jacki said with a small smirk on her face, her blank eyes just as unsettling as ever. Jim groaned and placed a hand on his face. "I'm serious. I'm willing to offer you a pokemon that I caught just for this deal and the down payment of 15,000, that twice as much as the next gym in this area is going to pay you." Jacki placed a hand on her Kadabra's head as she spoke giving him an affection scratch behind the ears.

Jim eyes slowly widened at the amount, a trainer made a good amount if he was winning but between feeding, cleaning, training, camping and many other expenses, a trainer rarely held a lot of money. That much money he could probably get that pokemon that was so popular in the Celadon City Game corner, Jim wasn't feeling particular fond of the psychic since he was threatened with being neutered by her mind the last time they met. "Alright.... What's the job?"

Jacki smiled and opened her pokedex with a moment quick flick of her fingers she sent a message to Jim's pokedex. "I've marked the location of my brothers house. He lives off the common trainer routes. Since you are tagged as a Breeder specialist, you can help him out." Jim thought about if Jacki's brother was a psychic just like her. "I just ask be gentle with my brother, he is family and he is a good man just not good with his pokemon." She said softly with a somber look gracing her face.

Walt glided behind his trainer and tilted his head, the gardevoir's bright green arms wrapped around his trainer as he nuzzled his trainer he whispered in a soft voice to avoid his thoughts being picked up by the other trainer or her pokemon. "Take the deal... The kadabra just told me that the pokemon she has for you is a gabite. We've been looking for a good dragon and as your co-captain I think a gabite would mesh well with what we have." Jim nodded at the whisper.

"Alright. I'll head out right away." Jim's pokedex gave a loud bing as the money was deposited into his account. "I might as well make this stigma work for me." Jim said trying not to sound to excited about the sudden wealth in his account. After putting all his pokemon with the exception of Walt into their ball.

The journey was pretty quiet till they reached the woods that surrounded a small mountain. In the distance there was a small house, Jim noted how nice the house looked tucked away in the area. Jim looked at the mountain when a voice called out to him.

"Hey, Poke-fucker! I challenge you." A trainer called out to him as his Jim closed his eyes and counted back from ten. "You heard me. Get ready to get your ass handed to you!" As Jim turned around a woman ran out of the bushes behind him and drew a poke ball. "Go! Fifi!" The light shimmered for a minute before Jim was face to face with a Patrat stood staring at him, Walt smiled and stood in front of his trainer. The woman had a smug look on her face, and was dressed in gaudy jewelry and a hat that looked like a Patrat. Walt chuckled as Jim scanned the pokemon and learned that he was fighting a level six pokemon.

'I don't think this pokemon could hurt me on his best day.' Walt grinned and started to flex his psychic muscle causing the ground around him to hum from the pressure he was exerting around himself. The Patrat looked a little nervous but stood his ground and gave a soft growl. Walt smiled even wider looking at the pitiful pokemon before him, _'This woman insulted you, I don't appreciate that one bit. Permission to show my displeasure.' Walt's_eyes narrowed on the Patrat, which caused the pokemon to step back.

"Walt. Long as you don't kill that pokemon you have my permission to do what you feel is satisfactory." Walt smiled as Jim's words, he hasn't has a chance to let loose since he evolved. He crossed distance between them within the span of a few seconds. He grabbed the pokemon with his mind and kept it suspended in the air. Walt eyes narrowed on the trainer and he spoke to her and Jim at the same time, 'Miss, You pokemon is in poor shape. You've been a trainer for only a few weeks yet you have the nerve to judge my trainer. I could really hurt your pokemon and I know your other pokemon is a trade that refuses to listen to you.'

Walt walked around the pokemon and placed a hand on the Patrats rump, 'You aren't allowed to surrender a battle you initiated with a trainer. You've put this poor pokemon at risk against an unknown trainer in a dangerous region of this world. You deserve a spanking. Apologize and I won't take it out on your Patrats poor fluffy butt.' Walt spoke in a way that gave Jim chills but he could tell that the gardevoir was channeling his frustration in the battle, one of the dangers of having a gardevoir is that they matched their trainers emotions in the heat of battle.

"What do you know slut? Patrat use tackle!" The pokemon wiggled in the air but couldn't get the traction to move anywhere while floating. Walt grinned and moved his hand to the back delivering a painful swat to the pokemon's butt causing the Patrat to squeak and squirm. "Patrat use substitute!" The pokemon shimmered and Walt grinned using his mind to send the blank-eyed pokemon's substitute into the dirt with enough force to leave a small crater as the true Patrat gripped his head behind the Embrace Pokemon.

Fifi ran as fast as he could to tackle the Gardevoir who just floated out the way. Walt held out a green hand that glowed with yellow light and fired it at the rodent lazily. The force of the charge canon sent the Patrat skidding across the ground, Fifi didn't get back up as a he was bathed in a bright light. The woman tossed out another pokemon and a pawniard appeared and looked around, she glared at the gardevoir then back to her trainer. The pawniard promptly sat on the ground and yawn, "Pawny, use dark pulse." The Pawniard ignored her trainer request and started clawing shapes into the ground.

"Walt. Return." Jim called out and used his ball to recall Walt. "Go Dust." The houndoom growled loudly and looked to the various sharp parts of the strange pokemon in front of her. "Dust..... Flame Blast. Let see if that TM was worth the money!" The houndoom started to glow red as she opened her mouth and a small fireball gathered in her jaws, the flame continued to glow until it became like a miniature sun. She fired the orb at the pokemon who stood up and opened her arms to receive the blast in open defiance to her trainer. The orb spread out into a five pronged star that caused the pawniard to give a pained squeal and slump to her knees as her eye rolled in the back of her head.

"I can't believe a gross poke-fucker like you beat me." Both of the dexes gave a soft ping as they exchanged prize money. "This is over you sick fuck!" She growled and pointed to Jim as he recalled Dust and sent out Walt. The embrace pokemon glared at the woman, Walt's eyes glowed as he smiled a bit, his mind linking with the woman and extracting the information as easily as a human reading a book.

'Your name is Sarah. Let me tell you something, Sarah. Your Patrat feels the same about you as I feel about my trainer. As I held him I looked through his memories, he struggles to not act on those feeling but every time you masturbate, fuck some guy or bathe him. He is driven to the edge, you are far crueler to your pokemon than my trainer is. Since it's illegal for me to hurt another trainer with my abilities. I leave you with this!' Sarah eyes glowed softly as she saw something Jim couldn't see, Sarah snapped out of her vision and faced Walt. Her eyes burning with both hatred and confusion, as she departed to the nearest poke-center to heal her pokemon.

"Walt. What did you do?" The pokemon smiled and shook his head as they continued into the woods off the well worn path of the route. Walt glided over the sticks and stone of the mountain path as Jim struggled through it. "Must be nice to float." Walt smirked floating even higher, he began to make exaggerated movements revealing his genital slit and his puckered hole.

'I can think of nicer things. Most of which happened in a hotel in Ecruteak City. ' The embrace pokemon winked as they both passed through the densest part of the woods and stood before a small house. The house was surround with a wooden fence, on each post was a bottle of repel and a candle, Rangers use this method to keep pokemon away from campsites. Jim gazed around and noticed that there was a buneary sitting on the porch and eating on berries.

"A buneary?" Jim said as he walked into the fencing and up the stairs, the buneary stood up and walked to the door, pulling a few keys from its fluff. The buneary open the door and gave a polite bow, as the pair entered the house the buneary walked around them and lead them to another door. The bunny opened the large oak door and there was a man sitting their by a fire. "Oh we have guests? Thank you, Bridget." The pokemon walked up to the man and gave him a light peck on the cheek before sitting on a smaller chair that seemed to be made just for her.

The man looked as if he was in his mid thirties, his left eye was obscured by an eye path and there was serious burns on the left side of his face. "I take it your the breeding specialist my sister recommended?" As he rasped out the words in a quiet voice, Jim noticed that the man was in a wheel chair and rolled closer to pair. "She didn't use that spooky shit to get you to come did she?"

Jim smirked and could already tell he was going to like the man, "Well I'm unlike my sister, I'm not a trainer, I'm a retired ranger as such I'm a civilian and only allowed to have two pokemon. You've met Bridget, she is my nurse, my friend, and one of the best cooks when she isn't setting her fur on fire with the wood stove. My name is Grant. My other pokemon is the sullen lucario behind you." Jim turned to see a lucario standing in the doorway with his arm crossed and a snarl on his face. "Don't mind Fang, he is just pissed about what you've come here to do."

The lucario glowed slightly and with a great strain he pushed his thought at Jim. _'Don't like you. Be mean to Bri Bri.'_He growled out each word attempting to speak in pokemon and use his mind to translate. Walt stood between his trainer and the lucario, both pokemon sized each other up and held a powerful glare. The Fighting pokemon gave a sneer as Walt sized him up, the entire area was engulfed in a blue light as Jim took out his dex and scanned the pokemon. Jim shivered as he saw that the level scanned showed up with a gold colored number 100.

Shaking the fear out of his mind Jim put a hand on Walt shoulder and showed him the pokedex, Walt paled and gave a curt bow. "Forgive any slight that we have made, we are not here to hurt anyone in fact we have not been informed what we are here to do." Walt was brave but not a fool, this pokemon could kill him without any effort and he did not want to get on the powerful creature's bad side. Fang snorted and looked away from the embrace pokemon.

Grant shook his head, "You are a specialist breeder, which is the leagues nice way of saying you fuck pokemon. I think it's gross and I think your kind are weird but I need an expert that isn't going to cost me a fortune. Since my sister didn't have the Acreus damned foresight to tell you, I need you to help my buneary, She is older than she looks. She has not fought in many battles but she is a little too old to have to need a step stool to cook," As the man spoke the buneary's ear flick out a few times in irritation, "I want you to evolve her, I've tried being nice, I've tried getting her in a few battles. I've been as much of a friend to her as I have been with Fang. My sister thinks it because this little bunny is a harlot who has a 'hot for trainer' complex."

Jim paled as the next words came out of the man mouth, "I want you to evolve her, I don't care how you do it long as she isn't hurt." He pulled out a blue pokedex, it only kept track of two pokemon, had a map, and a messaging system. Grant pressed a few buttons and Jim's pokedex pinged as a buneary was added to his pokedex listing and his party roster. The buneary looked at the trainer curious, she walked up and tugged on Jim's legs. "Arou?" The bunny pokemon cooed softly, "What am I supposed to do to evolve her?"

The lucario grumbled, 'Love bri bri, make bri bri into big bri.' The lucario sighed and made a short pelvic thrust to emphasize his point. Jim sighed and looked at Grant for help but all the man did was give a little smirk and point to the lucario.

"Old sourpuss here is upset because he likes Bridget and has consummated his love to the point that I think they probably half the buneary and lucario living in these mountains are probably their descendants." Grant chuckled as both of his pokemon blushed and found the floor very interesting all of a sudden. Jim looked at the buneary and at the lucario as Grant continued to speak. "For the most part pokemon aren't to picky about who they mate with but Fang is in love. I don't have a problem with it, I even gave them a room to themselves far away from were my poor ears can hear it." Jim noticed that the buneary looked hurt from Grant's words.

"I don't know what I can do but I'll attempt to help since the league decided that this is my new career path." He looked at his best friend and co-captain for help. "Walt, what is your take on this?" Walt grinned and rubbed a hand over the pokemon stroking the fluff on her ears, Bridget cooed softly and leaned into the scratching. Walt touched his trainer while holding on to the buneary, Jim shudder as he felt her emotion on full display, he felt her love for the lucario which was strong as steel and a loyalty to the dual-type pokemon that rivaled his own loyalty to his pokemon's wellbeing.

Jim was taken aback when he felt the emotion that the buneary had for her human, these were far more vivid. Jim felt as if it was his own emotions where screaming at him, the amount of lust and love she felt for her human was almost fanatical. He could feel that she wanted to care for him, keep him company, play with him and love him as a human would a husband, Jim pulled his hand away from the psychic pokemon.

The buneary blushed a bit and smirked, "Eh heh heh." She gave a very human like chuckle before looking at Jim and she lacked the admiration for him that she had for her master. Grant smiled and placed a hand on Bridget's lightly furred head, she cooed nervously as the lucario looked on with sadness in his eyes. Jim sighed and thought about what to do, he looked to the group.

"Grant. Mind if I take the Fang and Bridget on a trip?" Jim asked as Grant raised and eyebrow, "Hey Walt. Mind watching him and taking over their duties till I get back. I'll leave Dust with you." Jim opened his pokeball as the shimmering light revealed a strong looking houndoom with a smile on her face, Dust quickly took stock of the area before facing her trainer and sitting down on her haunches. "Dust. I want you to look out for this man and help Walt with the chores, while I'm gone Walt is in charge." Dust nodded and wagged her spade tipped tail happily.

Jim turned and beckoned for the pokemon lovers to follow him. The lucario tilted his head curiously and picked up his female companion, the buneary cooed happily in his grip rubbed her fuzzy ears against his muzzle. "Now Fang just so we don't have any problems, I'm asking you to help me, not as a trainer, not as a human to pokemon but as a person that want to help out Bridget as much as you do." Jim said softly as the steel and fighting type pokemon followed him out the house.

Jim smiled as the sun was starting to settle and the bug type pokemon of the area, with the exception of some small spinarak's,had turned in for the night. Jim walked until there was small clearing near a large pool of water. Jim set down his bag and smiled, "Fang, your a ranger pokemon, mind helping me with the tent?" Fang snorted and with a single finger pushed the trainer down to the ground, the canine pokemon pointed at the buneary, the canine pokemon began fixing up the tent on his own. "I get it. Do my job and you'll do yours...." The lucario nodded as Bridget started gathering sticks and stones to make a fire pit.

After a few hours a well made camping site was created, Jim looked over it with a approval. He noticed that the buneary and lucario sat on a large rock looking at him intently. Jim stared at the pair and blushed, "I guess your both wanting me to do something amazing. I'm a trainer, I collect badges, I fight pokemon and I raise pokemon on the side. My new status as a breeder is only because I evolved a pokemon..... while having sex." The lucario looked at the trainer with a smirk while the buneary tilted her head with a big smile.

'We know. Jack Jack tell Bri Bri. Bri Bri happy, want love, Big man say no. Fang try, fang can't.' The lucario's speech and rough mental abilities gave Jim a slight headache as he tried to think of how to help. The lucario crossed his arms and looked at Jim as if he was a weedle in the way, he sighed and shook his head before pressing his paw against his muzzle. 'Why bring Fang?' The lucario asked pointedly.

Jim smiled as the right question was finally asked, "You love her, not lust but love. Even among humans that rare but among pokemon that aren't luvdisc or ralts' that pretty rare. If I'm going to do my job as a specialist then I want you there." Jim walked over to the pair while speaking, "This is going to be awkward, uncomfortable and possibly weird but we will all do our best." Jim squatted near the buneary and pulled out a small brush. "Lets start with a little grooming.." Jim began to bush the various leaves, burrs and dirt from their journey out of Bridget's fur, the bunny pokemon cooed happily, one of her long ears resting against Fang.

Fang nodded and placed a paw on each of the smaller pokemon's shoulders, she gasped from the touch and started to coo even louder from the slow massaging the lucario was giving her. Fang leaned down and licked Bridget's ear causing her to coo softly in pleasure. A feral looked crossed his face, Jim noticed that Fang leaned down and gave a tender bite along the edge of Bridget's ears, the expression on the buneary face changed from one of comfort to one of bliss.

Jim watched while Fang continued to run his canine tongue over the softly cooing female pokemon. Jim walked away from the pair to his bag, he reached inside and pulled out a bottle of thick liquid yellow liquid, "This should do the trick...." Jim muttered to himself. "Fang. Come here for a second."

The canine pokemon paused for a moment, his mind buzzed with arousal but years of discipline won out to animal instincts as he walked over to the trainer. "Can I get you to lay down on your back, I have an idea to speed up to the process." Jim said with the most confident smile he could muster. "Trust me, you'll like it." The canine pokemon hesitantly complied, "Alright. Now I'm going to need you to trust me, Fang." Jim reached down and rubbed between Fang's legs eliciting a shiver from the canine, the aura pokemon looked at Jim nervously as he felt his sheath being grabbed.

'Fang not funny...' Jim nodded and focused on his task at hand, Jim continued to play with Fang's sheath until a small purple canine-like penis appeared. Jim eyes widened as he realized that the veins were glowing softly, opened the bottle and poured the yellow liquid on to the glowing penis, the words Hondew Extract written on the side of the bottle, the buneary looked at the display curiously and cooed nervously.

"Bridget, I want you to suck the juice off of lucario." Jim said feeling more like a porn director than a trainer. Bridget nodded and walked over to the penis taking a look at the liquid, her noise gave the liquid a curious sniff before she cooed loudly. The buneary placed her lips against the lucario's cock and began to suck softly, Fang moaned in tandem with the new sensation. Jim moved behind the buneary and began to touch beneath her fur feeling for her pussy.

The buneary gave a muffled cooed around the glowing penis in her mouth, Jim mind thought of all the human girls he had fingered in his time as a trainer, Jim leaned in and began to gently suckle on Bridget's ears while his fingers teased outside of her puffy mound. Bridget cooed loudly pushing lucario closer and closer to orgasm. Jim used both his hands to gently lift the female pokemon by the hips, he was careful not to pull her off of the cock that was pulsing close to orgasm, he placed her hips against his mouth. The buneary tail twitched against Jim's nose as his tongue began to explore her femininity, he noticed that she tasted almost sweet with a little bit of a hazelnut aftertaste. Jim noted this was the best tasting pussy he ever put in his mouth, he pushed his tongue deeper feeling tasting her juices and feeling the heat of her fur.

Fang gave a powerful roar as his aura fanned out as he orgasmed, buneary squeaked as she couldn't swallow his load fast enough, semen sputtered on Fang's lap while Bridget pulled off and started sputtering from the semen overload. Fang's laid back gasping softly and his cock stopped glowing as it slowly retracted back into his hidden sheath.

Jim noticed that his partner was spent and lifted the lightweight female into the air. Cum dribbled from the fur around her mouth as Jim turned her upright and placed his lips against hers, he tasted both the lucario's seed, the hondew extract and the berries that seem to be most of the rabbit pokemon's diet. He kissed her not like a pokemon to trainer but as one lover to another. Bright's ears lean back and she moaned softly into Jim's kisses.

Not to be outdone by the human, Fang leaned under the buneary being held in Jim's grasp, his long tongue buried itself between the buneary legs. Bridget legs dangled but her large toes curled from the treatment. Fang licked like a canine possessed as he got a powerful whiff of her feminine scent that drove him wild with lust even after his recent orgasm.

The buneary moaned as she broke the kiss and gave a powerful twitch of her legs, her fur looked a little matted as she soaked her fur from the force of her orgasm. Jim broke the kiss and put the pokemon down, "Bridget, You are a lovely pokemon. I know and Fang knows it, I have one last surprise for you." He looked at Fang. "Fang, could you check to make sure the water is safe?"

Fang nodded before walking to the water and putting his finger into it, his aura spread out from his finger to the pool, A large blastoise stood up and growled. Fang snorted and with speed that Jim could barely track darted from the shallow end to the deep end delivering a blinding series of kicks and punches that would make a hitmonchan envious. The blastoise was sent flying across the clearing and into the forest, several trees were destroyed as the pokemon crashed into them and was unconscious at in a small crater. "Damn...." Jim commented softly in awe of the power the pokemon displayed.

Fang snorted and walked back to the shallow end with a smug grin. 'Still alive, no kill weaklings. Finish Job, Bri Bri happy, keep going. Fang happy too...' He admitted the last part with a little growl and a blush. Jim noticed that Fang had a stud in his ear that held a gem of Lucarionite. Jim knew he would never cross this lucario and live.

The buneary clapped at the display as Jim started to take off his clothes, he finished getting undressed he noticed that both pokemon were staring at him intently. "Bridget... I'm a trainer and I have a job to do but I care about pokemon so I wanted to ask you before we continue. Do you want me to be your first human or do you want Grant?" Jim asked softly while brushing her fur with his hand. The buneary looked to the lucario and gave a small series of coos and chirps.

'Bri Bri say : Bri bri won't get Big man, Bri Bri might not get other chance.' The fighting pokemon strained with the effort to deliver that message to the trainer as Bridget nodded next to him. She place her paws together nervously and looked at the nude trainer before Jim sat at the edge of the water just as a few inches as the cool water covered his legs.

Jim took to the paw of Bridget and put her on his lap, the water dancing over her fur as balanced on each of the trainers thighs and leaned over to grab his half hard cock. She began to gently stroke Jim , she leaned down and licked the tip of his penis. Jim gave a pleasurable sigh, Bridget gave a soft coo and spread her leg placing the Trainers cock at her entrance. She groaned and slid down on to his cock, she gave a soft squeal as she bottomed out with only a third of Jim's length in her.

Jim grunted, the tightness of the pokemon was almost painful, she continued to ride him cooing every few seconds as her body gently lubricated his cock. Bridget leaned in and licked on Jim's chest, her tongue moving around in a slow and sensuous way as she continued to grind her hips on the cock inside of her. Jim looked at her expression and could see the happy glow to her face, he smiled and rubbed his hands along her fuzzy ass. "Fang. Reach into my bag and pull out the little candy in the front....ahhhhh... pouch."

Fang was sitting in the water watching the pair intently, he nodded and returned with the small candy. Jim smiled and opened the wrapper, he popped the candy in his mouth and leaned down. His lips touched Bridget's as he tongue kissed her, he used his tongue to push the candy into her mouth and broke the kiss. "Swallow it." Jim said with a kiss to her cheek, Bridget complied nosily swallowing the candy. Bridget gave a confused squeal and held her stomach, "Arou?" She said in concern as her body felt odd, she felt a sudden rush of strength caused her to clench her muscles that cause Jim to moan from the further increased tightness.

Bridget opened her eyes and noticed that she was staring Jim in the face, she felt the tips of her ears were wet and far warmer than normal, she raised her hands and noticed that her wrist were covered in tan puffs of fur. Bridget leaned over to and wrapped her hands around Jim, a loud squealing cry came from her muzzle as she cried into Jim's chest, she cling to him tightly as she let our her pent up emotions. She had finally become a lopunny and she couldn't be happier.

Jim reached around around and patted her back, he felt her far less fuzzy behind in his hand, she sobbed for a few more minutes. Bridget stood up out of the water and walked to the campsite as both of the males followed her, she stood near the fire looking at her three clawed hands and long fingers. She ran her hands around her curved hips and her long legs, she blushed as she noticed the intense gaze that Fang was giving to her. Bridget cooed and spoke to the lucario, Jim tilted his head as the lucario chuckled and nodded.

'Big Bri Bri say lay down. Bri Bri want thank you.' Fang eyes locked on to Jim's eyes as a sign of respect, 'Fang, thank too.' Fang pointed to the ground and nodded to Jim. Jim smiled at the pair of them while he laid on his back and looked up to the pair of pokemon. "So what do we do now?"

The lopunny smiled as she lowered herself on his shaft, she leaned in now much taller than before and able to easily kiss Jim on the lips. Jim moaned as he felt her pussy around his dick, she was tight but even more than that was the muscle control that seem to milk his cock. Her tongue danced around in his mouth as he felt her need, his arm reached behind her embraced her tightly. Jim felt strong paw brush past his arms as Fang mounted the lopunny from behind and entered her anally, she squealed angrily and puffed out her cheeks before turning her attention to the Jim once again and rocking her hips harder and harder.

No longer was the the sensual small pokemon that Jim helped evolve just moments ago, Bridget gave a soft growl as she licked her lips, Jim felt her womanhood squeeze on him harder than before as she rocked in tempo with the lucario in her asshole. Jim moaned loudly as her actions became faster and faster, she leaned into his neck and he gave a soft cry as he felt her blunt teeth bite into his flesh.

Jim whimpered and felt his stamina draining as he struggled to keep pace with the pokemon, he gave pained whimper as he felt another love bite on his neck. The night wore on as Jim was drained by climax after climax, the lopunny had no intention of letting him rest easily.

The next morning Jim awoke to a gentle rocking motion as he was being carried by Fang, he glanced to the side and noticed that Bridget had his bag on her bag and the tent rolled up under her arm. They arrived at the house as Grant sat on the porch with a female who was floating in a mediative state. "Let me down, Fang." Jim asked as Fang grunted and dropped the trainer to the ground without a pause. "Thanks.....jerk." Jim grunted and noticed that his clothes were inside out, apparently the pair decided to dress him the best they could.

The woman looked at Jim on the floor and smiled, "Well if it isn't my favorite pokephiliac!" She giggled as her blank eyes glowed softly. "Ooooh! Bridget is such a vixen." She chuckled, tossing a pokeball to the prone trainer, "As agreed there is your pokemon, she a female gabite and very friendly." Jacki smiled and looked at the Jim. "She was recovered after I took a short walk through a Team Aqua base." She smiled innocently as Walt walked over to Jim and helped him up.

"You've done my brother a great deal of service, I wanted to thank you personally but I also wanted to offer some information. Your work with Bridget has been recorded since she was your pokemon temporarily." Jacki smiled and brushed a bit of grass from Jim's clothes, "There is another job about being a specialist Breeder but its not my place to tell since I'm outside of the organization. I can tell you where to go. In Johto there is a professor by the name of Elm, he lives in New Bark Town, a good man and also someone who can help you get settled into your new league career. " She spoke softly for a moment her normally blank eyes had a soft expression.

Jim nodded and gazed curiously at Jacki, "I'll check him out when I get over there but for now I'm a trainer and my pokemon come first. I've yet to finished a league in any of the countries I've traveled through but eventually I want my pokemon to be recognized for their strength and power." Jim smiled a bit, "I need a hot bath and a good meal for now."

Jacki's kadabra walked up to the pair and placed a hand on his trainer, there was a shimmering of light and the pair vanished. Grant looked over his lopunny who kissed him on the cheek and gave him a hug before walking into the building. "Hey! Thanks, she seems so much better. I told her to prepare you a bath and get a room ready for you if you want to stay the night." Grant called out as Jim opened his pokedex and transfered ownership back to Grant, Jim walked up the stair slowly as Walt and Fang followed behind. Grant placed his hand on the trainer and looked at him square in the eye, "I don't approve of it but I'm curious. Did you enjoy yourself?"

Jim smiled, "I still don't consider myself a pokemon lover but I've learned something yesterday. Pokemon are more than just creatures of violence and training, your lopunny loves you. I don't mean that she just want to screw you, she loves you deeply. The only reason she even wanted to have sex with me is because she doesn't want to upset you." Jim leaned against the doorway as he spoke, "I've had my own experience that was just as awkward and difficult, one of my pokemon is currently in love with me. He looks to me for leadership, he looks to me for care, he trust my every word, I need him just as much as he wants me. I'm not gay but I am a trainer, I have to think about more than just myself, I look at him and I think of how long he suffered in the state and I feel like a terrible trainer for it." Jim leaned down and kissed Walt on the cheek, the embrace pokemon blushed heavily and quickly excused himself to the inside of the house.

Grant looked at the Trainer for a moment and snorted, "I see... You've got stones. I'm not ready to cross that step in my life. I'll think on your words through, I've got nothing but time here. Anyway get inside and get some rest, you smell like a brothel." Grant snorted and chuckled. "You're alright, Jim. Feel free to stop by anytime after you leave here, if you don't get to carried away and attempt to pleasure a voltorb." Grant said as he leaned back in his wheelchair.

Jim smirked and continued inside his thoughts sluggish and tired as he stepped into the bathroom. He undressed himself, giving a small gasp as he had dozens of little purple bruises, bite marks and scratches over his body. "Lesson learned, lopunny have vicious bites." He eased himself into the bath and let his mind relax, there would be more struggles in the future.