Lucky Husky 8 - Giving the Dog a Bone

Story by Experiment626 on SoFurry

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#8 of The Lucky Husky

Luke goes to find Ellen after getting a distressed voice mail only to find her in the aftermath of a very interesting encounter.

Ellen was lying on the couch, staring up at the ceiling, when she heard him softly tread by. She looked across the dark room and saw Cain, the large German Shepard, settle with a thud in front of the chair on the far side of the room, near the closed door to Karen's bedroom. Karen let Ellen stay for the night and had passed out pretty early, leaving Ellen lying in the living room by herself with the dog.

Ellen crept over and started to pet Cain back. "You're a good boy" she said absent-mindedly "but I guess I don't have to tell anything to you; you're just a regular dog." She looked at him for a moment, half expecting a reply of some sort. When Cain rolled onto his side so she could pet his belly she just laughed to herself and started to pet his softer underfur.

As she was petting Cain Ellen started to think about Luke. That morning was very weird waking up the way she had, but in a weird way she found him very attractive. He looked muscular and had a good, slim cut and she knew his fur was actually soft and fluffy which she found to be oddly pleasant. Her thoughts were drifting when she accidentally bumped her hand against something unusual. She stopped and looked down to see that she had been petting a little too low without knowing it and the dog was starting to get aroused. She quickly pulled her hand away and gasped a little, before being mindful of her new friend sleeping. She whispered "Sorry, puppy. I didn't mean to do that." And then went back over to the couch where she was gonna sleep that night.

She turned away from the dog and faced the cushions after settling on the couch but after a minute she felt something cold and wet on her back and heard a low whine. She turned over to see the dog nuzzling her with his nose. She sighed and started petting his back again but he almost instantly lay down next to the couch. She let her arm droop over the side and started rubbing his belly again, this time being very mindful of her hand. But, she ventured a peek over the edge of the couch and saw that despite her keeping her hand away, the dog still had a glowing red erection exposed from his sheath.

"I can't..." she started. 'He doesn't know what I'm saying, I can just ignore him' Ellen thought to herself but as if to disagree with her, Cain looked up at her and again whined softly. Ellen looked at the dog and his soft pleading eyes and while trying to block out her thoughts and the part of her brain screaming not to, she slowly started to move her hand down. At first she just brushed the top of her hand against his member as she continued to rub his underside but soon she stopped pretending it wasn't going where it was and just took a firm grasp of his slimy rod. She started to slowly pump it with her hand. She could feel the warmth burning in it and felt the dog trying to thrust into her fist while lying on his back. Her arm started to get uncomfortable in this position so she climbed off the couch and knelt in front of the dog as she once again started to work at him with her hand. As she did, she watched him grow longer in her grasp. She found herself just staring at him as she continued to slowly work her hand back and forth along the length of him.

She wasn't even really meaning to do it, but she was leaning in slightly as she worked at it and before long his large erection was only about a foot in front of her face and she gazed at him. She hesitated for a moment but then closed her eyes, took a deep breath to clear her mind, and then bent over further and took him in her mouth.

Cain was just a regular dog but with her eyes closed and his large red thing inside her mouth, she thought of Luke and soon found herself beginning to get very exciting as she tried to take as much of him as she could, running her tongue across as much of his slippery member as she could. The dog was panting but was still trying, unsuccessfully, to thrust against her from his back and couldn't quite get into the rhythm he wanted so Ellen continued working at her own pace. She brought her other hand down between her legs and moved aside the panties she was sleeping in and began to rub her now damp slit, teasing herself as she continued to also tease the dog.

Soon she found herself aching for some release and didn't want to waste it on her fingers. Without hesitating at all she took her mouth and hand off the dog who quickly got upon all fours. He jumped up, putting his paws on her back and started trying to mount her face. She laughed quietly and took him back in her mouth for a moment but them pushed him down and wriggled around so that her rear was now facing the dog. He quickly mounted her again, and she reached back between her legs to push her panties aside again and help guide his very eager rod. As soon as she lined him up with her hole, Cain pushed deep inside of her and it was all she could do to keep from screaming out. He was hard and hot and feeling him inside her was incredible. The dog was a bit rough, thrusting wildly into Ellen, but as she pictured Luke, she rubbed furiously at her clit as the dog ravaged her. She heard a tear as his claws caught the edge of her shirt and ripped a hole in the side. She tried to pull it off entirely but it was stuck on his paw and she gave up, not wanting to waste any more time when she could be pleasuring herself.

Soon, something she hadn't expected happened and Cain grew inside her. His knot swelled up against her inner walls and this new bulge surprised her. As it rubbed against her insides, this new source of friction felt amazing and a few times a small squeak escaped her mouth as she tried to deny her own orgasm for as long as possible. Just when she couldn't wait any longer she felt a warm jet erupt from the large beast on top of her and instantly that pushed her over the edge and she came hard. He continued to fill her with his seed and their combined mess ran down her legs steadily as she began to quiver beneath the dog.

She was in the thrall of ecstasy but it was abruptly cut short as Karen opened her door and flipped on the light switch. "What is that noi- AHHHHH!" she yelled. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

Ellen quickly pulled herself out from under the dog, his knot falling out of her with a tight pop that sent involuntary shivers through her body. "I-" Ellen started.

"Get out of my house!" Karen yelled.

Before Ellen could say anything, Karen started pushing her toward the door and being unable to even argue or think straight at the moment, Ellen soon found herself locked out in the hallway in her soaking wet panties and a ripped shirt. She grabbed her pants, just barely, as Karen shoved her past the couch and she pulled out her phone. Without knowing anyone else to call she dialed Luke's number and while crying, she asked him for help and to come get her.

"And that's what happened." Ellen said, looking down at the floor, unable to look at Luke. She was still crying and now overwhelmed with shame and regret. Her ripped shirt left her chest mostly exposed on the one side and her underwear were all but ruined, stained with slight amounts of blood from when the dog's swollen member was suddenly ripped from inside her.

Without saying anything Luke tried to open the door and found it locked. He snarled slightly and kicked the door open.

Cain started to bark protectively but Luke issued a much louder bark followed by a menacing throaty growl and the Shepard instantly backed down and cowered away with his ears flattened and his tail between his legs. Karen started with "What the hell-" but was unable to finish her question.

"Give Ellen the rest of her stuff now!" Luke said in more of a bark than a yell. Karen cringed slightly and then looked as if she was going to try and argue before Luke said "You will not say a word to anyone about this."

"Oh really?" she rebutted, trying to sound brave while obviously frightened by the very angry canine morph standing in front of her. "I am going to tell everyone what that freak did! Cain's not a morph; he's a real freaking dog. She's fucking sick!"

"NO!" Luke shouted loudly, causing Karen to stumble backward and fall into the chair she was standing near. "You will not say anything or I will let the whole company know about how you convinced the Hyena from security to fuck you in the ass." Her eyes widened at the realization that what was supposed to be a secret was not. "And I happen to know that after he fucked you, you basically begged to have him shit in your mouth and then you licked his tail hole clean."

Karen dejectedly gathered Ellen's shoes and her bag and gave them to Luke. He took them and started to walk out of the apartment.

"Freak." He muttered to her before slamming the door shut behind himself. He handed everything to Ellen and breathed deeply for a second before saying in a suddenly calm voice "let's go back to my place."

After a long, silent car ride they were sitting in Luke's driveway. The car was off but Ellen hadn't said anything or moved to get out of the car yet. "Ellen, I know you probably don't want to talk about it and you don't have to tell me, but why did you do that? Didn't you know she'd hear you and catch you?"

Ellen cringed at his voice at first, obviously lost in her own thoughts up to that point. She turned her head as if to look at him but then immediately dropped her gaze so that her head was facing his direction but she was looking at his arm. "I-" she started. She was silent for another minute and Luke waited patiently before she finally blurted out "I was thinking of you! I'm sorry! I'm so disgusting; I know you hate me now!"

Before Luke could respond she pushed open the car door and ran up to the house. Luckily it was unlocked so she didn't have to struggle awkwardly on the doorstep and she rushed inside, leaving Luke still sitting quietly and stunned in the car. He slowly got out and walked around to close the passenger door. He slowly went inside and found Ellen sobbing while face down on the couch. He walked over and softly put his hand on her shoulder. She flinched and pulled away but his moved his hand to her shoulder again and this time she stayed still.

He sat on the edge of the couch. "I don't think you're disgusting at all, Ellen." He reassured her.

She continued to lay quietly for a second, her sobbing slowly stopping, before turning over and actually facing him. Her eyes were red from crying and she looked scared and confused.

Before letting her doubt herself any more, Luke leaned in and kissed her. He stopped after a second and lifted his head a little so he could say "you didn't have to pretend or guess what it would be like with me; I'm right here."

She softly said something but it was too quiet to understand the words and then she grabbed Luke's face and slowly pulled him back down, kissing him back. After a minute of a slow and sensual kiss, Luke grabbed her ripped shirt and pushed it up over her head. He then stood up and pulled off his own clothes hurriedly. When he was done, he looked at her lying there, noticing that she had already pulled off her ruined underwear.

He lay back down on the couch on top of her and began to kiss her again. He could fell her soft skin beneath him. She began to run her hands slowly along his back, burying her fingers in his fur. He moved his hands down her body as well, softly caressing her slender, smooth body. He was careful with his claws as she had no fur to protect her. When his hands found her chest, he gently massaged her breasts, feeling them so firm yet smooth in his grasp.

She moved her hands down and grabbed his rump with her hands, softly but eagerly pulling him toward her. He kissed her more passionately as he continued moving his hands at her urging until they were at her hips. She spread her legs a bit more, allowing him to move his legs and lower himself down a bit more. He finished coaxing out his already partially protruding penis with one hand while he gently began to explore her wet spot with his other hand. When he was fully erect, he leaned in and positioned himself at her opening. She gently tugged on him again, pulling him toward her and he took that as a sign and began slowly pushing into her.

She moaned slightly, without breaking the kiss and he pulled out slightly to give her a chance to get a little wetter, and then pushed into her again, getting a little further.

After a few more slow movements, he was able to bury all of himself into her and she tilted her head back with a gasp as his full length pressed inside her. He moved slowly and sensuously as he began to thrust deep into her. She began to move her head back to kiss him once more but Luke craned his neck and began to softly lick and kiss her neck. She brought her arms back up to his back and wrapped them around him in a hugging embrace as he continued to softly nibble at her neck and move deep inside her.

Soon, even at their slower pace, they both began to feel a building excitement and Luke could tell Ellen was as near her climax as he was his. He moved his mouth higher up and started to bite a little more rough, but still sensually, at the base of her skull behind her ear. She moaned more and he felt her hands curl and her fingers press against his skin as she tightened her grip. He soon couldn't stand to wait any longer and he pulled out almost entirely only to bury his entire shaft in her and release a strong burst of his seed inside her. He bit down on her ear lobe as he pumped himself inside her, releasing wave after wave deep into her.

Soon, Ellen also found the act too unbearable and she was overcome with a strong wash of sensations as her whole body shook and she came hard. She felt all her worries and thoughts of her earlier acts disappear as Luke filled her with his warmth. She felt her worries wash out as their combined fluids washed down her crevice and butt, spilling onto the couch below her.

They continued in their embrace, writhing and pawing at each other, each riding their high for as long as possible before they both collapsed together in an exhausted pile on the couch. They lay together for quite a while before Luke slowly stood up and reached out to grab Ellen's hand. "Come on" he said. She got up and started to gather her clothes to redress before Luke pulled her away from the couch and led her to the bedroom. "You don't need them." He said. "Besides, you look amazing and I want to feel your skin against me all night."

She looked at him and smiled and after they both climbed into bed, she snuggled against him, reveling in the feeling of his soft fur against her back as he wrapped his arms around her.