Chapter 31: That First Time

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#31 of The Mating Season 7: The Last Shemale Queen

The Last Shemale Queen

_A sequel to The Seduction of Seleste _

That First Time

Chapter 31

Holding Yatokya tight in her arms, Tala stepped through the gate after the others and halted in surprise. She heard Zyanya gasp and knew he was right to do so: they were faced with a calm and collected crowd of wolves, at least ten or twelve of them. The wolves were dark gray and stood gazing at them without the vaguest hint of shock - almost as if Tala and the others had been expected.

Glancing back, Tala realized with a jolt that they had just stepped out of a mirror. The mirror was gold and shaped in the wall like a bay window. All around, glass walls held the sea at bay, and fish flitted by, watching the strange land creatures curiously. Stone walls stood interchangeably with the glass walls, holding up bookshelves and small alcoves with tables and desks. There were potted plants and hanging blue lanterns that looked a great deal like the ones used by the unicorns. Paintings and tapestries, twisting corridors and endless rows of archways and doors. . . . under the sea!

All the wolves were wearing clothing: light blue garments that swept around them to form gowns and skirts. There were ten males and two females. The males carried no weapons, and many of them wore bracelets with glass beads and large blue ponchos with intricate gold designs. The ponchos were long enough that they covered the males to their thighs.

The female in the lead took a careful step forward. She was wearing a long blue gown with flared sleeves. Like the others, she was gray, but her eyes were a sparkling sapphire blue. Tala stared. Suddenly, her great aunt's eyes were everywhere! Aunt Zalia, who lived in the summer village, had sapphire blue eyes. And it was often said among the family that her mother had them as well. Looking at the blue-eyed wolves who stood before them, Tala saw King Eyrrothaz's eyes in their faces.

"Welcome," said the female, and when she spread her arms, her sleeves flared like wings, "to our home!"

"But . . ." Seleste shook her head. Her paw was tight on Achai's arm, as if she might tell the others to retreat and drag her son back through the mirror. "Who are you? And where is this?"

The female tucked her paws in her sleeves and smiled. "We are the last of the Lepuna. Ancestors of the wolves you know as . . . mountain wolves. The Eternal One sent you to us knowing we would welcome you. Come." She inclined her head.

Tala exchanged glances with her mother. In her arms, Yatokya was beginning to stir.

"Let's go with them," Seleste decided wearily at last. "For now."

Tala nodded, glancing sympathetically at her mother: Seleste was tired of suddenly finding herself in strange territory. Tala silently kicked herself that it wouldn't have been happening if she hadn't smashed all the crystals. Perhaps Aayan would have succeeded a lot faster than Tala had supposed. And Seleste would have been able to journey back to the summer village without finding herself in one dangerous magical place after another.

"I am Miniel," said the female who guided them. "Here in the Labyrinths of the Lepuna, you will find food and rest."

Tala glanced around, realizing for the first time that the underground structure was indeed a labyrinth. The corridors seemed to turn and twist forever. She strained to use the paintings and tapestries as markers to help her find her way back to the mirror. It was impossible. Glancing over at Achai, she saw him frown and pinch the flesh between his eyes, and she knew he had attempted the same feat.

The other wolves fell in behind Tala and the others, walking silently and calmly. Some of them glanced over Tala and her companions curiously, but for the most part, they seemed to remain indifferent.

"We are near the Island of Iszel and Miras Eii," Miniel informed them as they went along.

"How do you know the unicorns? And King Eyrrothaz?" Tala asked carefully. She thought she saw the hint of a smile around the sweep of Miniel's incredibly long mane.

"Those of the mountain tribe," Miniel answered slowly, "are descended from the unicorns."

"Bullshit!" Achai squeaked at once, and the wolves surrounding them laughed.

"Achai!" Seleste hissed under her breath.

Miniel was laughing with her fellow Lepuna wolves. "Oh, no, young one. It is very true. Why do you think the mountain wolves command magic in such great numbers? Because many of them are born with it. Though they pretend otherwise."

"And you survived down here all these years with magic, I take it," Seleste said, sounding very uninterested.

Miniel gave her a curious look. "With magic. And with the aid and protection of our unicorn ancestors. The king aids us a great deal, though he keeps the fact a secret from his subjects."

"Why?" Zyanya wondered suspiciously.

Tala smiled: Zyanya was suspicious of everything that moved.

"The king fears his subjects would take an interest in our world," Miniel answered patiently. "He believes they would descend from the sky, interact with the creatures here, become like them. . . . like us."

Achai snorted. "It's not _that_bad down here," he said, though Tala thought he was trying to convince himself more than Miniel.

Eventually, they were shown to a cul-de-sac at the end of a hall, where four doors stood in the round wall. Miniel announced with a gracious bow that the rooms were for the guests to use at their leisure, until it so behooved them to leave for the surface.

"Your meals will be brought to you," Miniel continued, tucking her paws in her sleeves. "And you are free to wander the halls, though I would advise against it. Unless you are familiar with the Labyrinth, you could get lost, and you do not want to wind up in the long darkness of the forgotten kingdom. When you are ready to leave, let us know, and one of us will guide you to the surface. All we ask is that you do not tell a living soul of this place."

"Not that anyone would believe us," Zyanya said with a snort.

Miniel smiled at him. "Good day," she said, and bowing again, she and her wolves quietly withdrew.

Tala watched them go a moment, letting it sink in that they were in a safe place, that they would go home soon. Realizing the others had gone into one of the rooms, Tala followed them inside.

The room had a large bed against the wall. Suddenly very tired, Tala went to it immediately and carefully deposited Yatokya on the blue sheets. He moaned and his lashes fluttered. She sat on the edge of the bed and took his paw, smoothing her other paw over the hard muscles of his chest.

"Wow," Achai whispered. The room had a round window and Tala saw her little brother perched on a chair, staring out it at a pair of distant orca with his face and paws pressed to the glass.

Zyanya, meanwhile, was poking curiously through the books on the bookshelf. Tala thought he looked like a young scholar and could very easily see him writing his memoirs for future generations to read, the way Chief Honiahaka did now. Chief Honiahaka . . . Tala looked at Yatokya and wondered what his father was doing right at that moment. He was probably worried sick for his children. And what was more, he was far away from his other children and his wife, alone with only his royal escort as he held the summer throne for Keme. Her switch with Rayen had seemed harmless at the time, but now she was seeing the cause and effect. She suddenly realized that even if she went home, Keme would not be there.

Tala closed her eyes. Daddy, I'm sorry I ran away.

"Mm . . . Tala?"

Tala's ears pricked forward when Yatokya's eyes cracked open and he looked at her.

Seleste closed her eyes and clasped her paws. "Oh, thank the gods," she breathed.

"Yato!" Achai looked over his shoulder and his face brightened. "Yato! Hey, Zy, Yato's up! Finally! Finally!" He scrambled off the chair and ran for the bed.

"Calmly, Achai," Seleste laughed.

Achai ignored his mother. He threw himself on the bed and on Yatokya, who laughed as he caught him to his chest. Tala watched happily as Yatokya ruffled the boy's pale mane. He looked from face to face, then his eyes fell on Tala and he smiled.

"You're alright," Yatokya said hoarsely. He took her paw in his, and when he examined her fingers, she remembered that they had been cut and broken when last he saw her. Nizhoni had healed them. . . .

"Yes," Tala answered, swallowing the sob in her voice. Their eyes connected, and it was as if no one else was in the room.

"Yato! Yato!" Achai squeaked. "You'll never guess what went on while you were dead!"

Yatokya's eyes widened. "While I was . . . what?"

Seleste cleared her throat and came forward. "Alright, Achai, that's enough. Let's leave Tala and Yatokya alone for the time being." She touched her son's mane affectionately, and he reluctantly climbed off Yatokya and up from the bed.

"But why?" Achai complained. "I wanna see Yato too!"

"Don't be stupid, Achai," Zyanya said and rolled his eyes. "They're married. Of course they wanna be alone for a while!"

Achai made a stubborn face. He glanced at Yatokya, as if he was considering whether or not he could get away with jumping on him again.

Yatokya laughed. "We'll talk later, Achai," he said, smiling. "I promise."

"We'll be in the room next door," Seleste told Tala. Her warm gray eyes went to Yatokya and she smiled. "Glad to have you back, my son."

"Glad to be back, Mom," Yatokya said playfully.

Seleste laughed girlishly, then led Achai firmly from the room by the arm. Zyanya hung back to exchange silent nods of greeting with Yatokya, then he left as well, quietly shutting the door behind him.

Tala and Yatokya looked at each other again. Yatokya massaged her fingers and her lashes fanned down to look at their touching paws.

"I was dead?" Yatokya said at length.

Tala winced when she looked at him. "Technically." Her face fell. "It was terrible." She tried to keep her lip from trembling but failed.

Yatokya frowned and cupped her cheek. "Hey . . . Tala, I'm alive. I'm here."

Tala suddenly sobbed hard and fell on him. She hugged his neck tight and made him promise never to die again. He did so with laughter in his voice. She closed her eyes and smiled, loving the soothing feel of his paws rubbing her back.

"So . . . where'd you get this dress?" he wondered.

"It's a long story."

"Can I take it off? You can tell me the story naked."

Tala laughed through her tears.

Hearing her sniffling, Yatokya caught her eye. "Look at me, Tala. I'm alive! Please, stop crying . . ."

"I was so scared . . ."

"Oh, Tala . . ." he said sadly and kissed her chin.

Tala laughed. "A little higher."

They fell to kissing as Yatokya's paws explored her, and as his fingers squeezed and caressed, she realized with a fluttering heart that he was touching her as if he had not seen her in weeks. He couldn't know that he, in fact, had not.

As they were moaning through a kiss, Yatokya gently pushed Tala over on her back. She could feel his paws pushing her skirts up her thighs as he continued to kiss her, and her heart started beating hard.

"Tala, you're already hard," he whispered, trailing kisses down her neck. His paws were fumbling with the back of her dress. He wanted her breasts.

"You're hard too," Tala whispered when she felt his erection slap her thigh.

He smiled between kisses and moaned. "Mmm, I feel like I've been hard for a month. It's taking my every ounce of strength . . . not to put it in you . . . now."

"Why don't you?" she whispered.

He finally got the back of her dress unlaced. Her breasts heaved as he pulled the dress off, and when he saw them shivering and rigid, a hungry fire lit his eye. Tala cried out when he practically snatched her tits. He massaged them and suckled them with a reckless abandon. She curled her fingers in his mane and whispered his name. One of his paws let her tit go and smoothed down her hip to her cock. He fondled her cock a moment, and then, his fingers glided in her sex.

Yatokya pulled his mouth from her nipple, startled. "Tala! You're so wet . . ."

Tala put his paw back on her sex. "Don't stop touching me!"

Yatokya obeyed. In a breathless frenzy he suckled and touched her. In a breathless frenzy, she arched her back and writhed and moaned, closing her warm thighs around him, rubbing her hard cock against his.

"Put it in me . . . Yatokya . . ."

"I wanted to lick you . . ."

"Please . . ."

"And taste you . . ."

The room was growing dark. Up on the surface, night was falling, and the light that reached down through the sea was fading away. In the gentle starlight that reached the bottom of the ocean, Tala could see Yatokya's eyes warm with love as he hovered over her. She laughed: he was trying to decide whether or not to lick her.

"You can lick me later!"

"Alright . . ." He started to move but he stopped again, frowning.

"What is it?"

"I don't want to hurt you, Tala."

She touched his face. "I trust you, Yatokya."

He looked at her happily and kissed her. As they moaned through the kiss, Tala suddenly felt Yatokya filling her. Hard and strong, he plunged slowly through her juices, and she felt her innocence, her maidenhead tear around him. The sudden pain made her eyes flutter open wide. She tore her lips away and arched her back.


Yatokya stopped at once. "Tala? I'll stop --"

"No!" She clung to him and whispered, "Don't stop!"

Yatokya still looked worried, but he plunged deeper. She heard his sigh of delight and tingled all over as his lips kissed her ear. He held her lovingly, kissed her, nuzzled her, as his cock made its slow intrusion. Tala held on, reminding herself that she was shemale, that she could endure worse than this! And then, as Yatokya pushed deeper, she pushed past the pain . . . and felt the pleasure. Her first pleasure.

"Oh . . ." Tala's eyes hooded. "Yatokya." She wrapped her legs tighter around him and squirmed in an attempt to admit him further.

Yatokya frowned with pleasure when she started wriggling under him. "Oh, Tala . . . it's so wet and deep . . . your pussy is clenching on me . . ."

Tala smiled and clenched on him again. Hard. He grimaced and his cock flinched inside, and she realized her shemale strength was not in her arms alone. She looked into his eyes and smiled to see him panting, helpless against her ability to wring that pleasure from him. She stroked his mane and kissed his cheek . . . then clenched her pussy on him again in a slow and precise massage. A tremor went through Yatokya, right down to the tip of his tail. Tala rubbed her paws down his muscular back and kissed his cheek again.

"Kiss me, Tala," he whispered in the dark.

Tala kissed him. He choked against her lips, and she knew what was going to happen. Grimacing, he dropped his face in her neck. Tala watched the tight muscles of his back hunch as he suddenly started humping to get in, slowly and deeply. He was so thick and strong inside, she felt her cock flinching and dripping.

"Oh . . . Yatokya, yes!" Tala whispered breathlessly. She reached down and slipped a finger in the tight knot under his tail.

He grunted with pleasure as her fingering continued. She felt him fumbling to get at her cock, and then he was stroking it as they made love.

"You're coming," he whispered, smoothing his paw down her shaft. He was right: she could feel her cock heaving in his paw.

"You are too . . ."

"What should I do? Do you want . . .?"

Tala smiled. "Yes!"

Yatokya grimace and choked, and Tala gasped as it happened: her husband's thick hot fluids rushed to fill her. Her cock flinched and she came in his paw, so hard that when he pulled his paw away, his fingers were plastered.

They sagged in the silence that followed, weak and panting. Tala smiled when Yatokya showered her with lazy kisses, and as she held him tight, she squeezed her eyes shut and silently thanked the unicorns of Vi'sune for giving her love back to her.

"T-Tala . . ." Yatokya panted into the silence.

"Y-Yes?" she panted back.

"Can we . . . do it again?"

Tala laughed girlishly. They rubbed noses, and he peered warm into her eyes.

"I'm just kidding," he said, climbing off her. He frowned and rubbed her thigh, but his eyes were on her sex. "You're probably sore there after that. If we'd been at home, I could have greased myself up . . ." His eyes glanced around the room. "Where the hell are we?"

Tala laughed softly at his confusion.

"Tala . . . we're under the sea!"

"Yes . . ."

He sat up and stared at the round window, through which a dolphin was staring back. Tala had to wonder if the creature had not watched them having sex. It grinned mischievously with its small white teeth before looping away in a flurry of bubbles.

Horrified, Yatokya pulled the sheet up over them and stared at the window long after the dolphin had gone. When he was certain it wasn't coming back, he reached past Tala for the washing basin on the bedside table, but it was empty.

"There's a pitcher on the floor," Tala whispered, "if you want to wash."

"No." Yatokya smiled at her and licked his paw clean of her juices. "I prefer the old fashioned way."

Tala watched breathlessly as he disappeared under the sheets. A second later and his tongue lapped at her sex. He licked her wet pussy and soft cock gently but just as hungrily.

"Yato . . ." Tala begged. "Don't make me hard again - please."

Yatokya's head poked from under the sheet, and he licked his lips. "Alright, alright. I wish I could have said the same thing to you, all that time you were walking around with your penis hanging out . . ."

Tala blinked. It had never occurred to her that the sight of her cock aroused him.

Yatokya snuggled against her, holding her close in his strong arms, and with their heads touching, Tala explained everything to him, beginning with his technical death out on the ice and ending with their arrival in the lost underground kingdoms of the ancient Lepuna. When she had finished, she could see him blinking at her, stunned, in the darkness.

"So . . . Nizhoni was left to marry a unicorn king . . . I died . . . and you are some . . . ultimate being?"

Tala laughed sadly. "You missed a lot in the last few weeks, my husband."

"No kidding. I missed unicorns!" he said a bit angrily. She saw him push his mane back from his face. "Can you imagine what opportunity - living legends healed me, were in my face for weeks, and I couldn't see them! I could have written memoirs to surpass my father's!" He smiled. "Dad will be so jealous."

Tala watched him in amazement. He didn't seem to care at all that she had slept with King Eyrrothaz, that his servants had given her pleasure. Her. Who was married. And belonged only with him!

"Yatokya . . . the king and I . . . had sex. Multiple times."

Yatokya was still staring in amazement at the wall. "Unicorns!" he repeated happily.

Tala laughed. Maybe it was better this way.

Hearing her laughter, Yatokya looked at her and smiled. "I'm sorry. It's just - all I've ever wanted was to write a book like my father's . . . and then there was you. But I've got you now."

"Oh, Yatokya . . ."

His brown eyes smiling, Yatokya leaned close and their lips touched in a slow kiss. They were continuing to kiss when someone burst through the door.

"Mom!" Tala squeaked, so startled that she fell to the floor with the sheets wrapped around her.

Seleste flew into the room, looking terrified. A terrified Achai and Zyanya followed her. She shut the door, and Tala didn't understand it when she ran to the window and peered out. Outside the window, one could see other glass tunnels and structures stretching away across the fathomless bottom of the sea. Seleste peered at those structures anxiously.

"Seleste," Yatokya said in confusion. "What's going . . .?"

Achai and Zyanya were huddled in a corner holding paws.

"Someone broke into the Labyrinth!" Achai squeaked.

"The Lepuna wolves think we're in danger," Zyanya said hoarsely. "Whoever it is, they want Tala."

Sitting on the floor still, Tala stiffened. Not this crap again!

Yatokya scooted across the bed. "I need a weapon! And you two," he barked at the boys, "hide under the bed - and Seleste, you and Tala --" His eyes darted around the room for a suitable hiding spot for his mother-in-law and wife.

Tala scoffed at Yatokya's coddling. "I'm not going to hide, Yato! I'm going to help you defend my mother!"

"The hell you will," Yatokya told her.

Tala opened her mouth to argue but didn't get a chance: the door tore from its hinges with an almighty crack and floated into the room, held before the intruder like a shield. Achai and Zyanya shouted and ducked behind the furniture, while Seleste whipped around, her eyes wide in alarm. Crumbling and cracked, the door was set aside, and Tala's mouth fell open: it was her father!

Keme stepped into the room, and he didn't seem to notice anyone there. He only had eyes for Tala. He marched toward her, tight-lipped and fuming, and Tala froze when he grabbed her by the shoulders, yanked her up, and set her on her feet. She clutched the sheet to her naked breasts and bowed her head as he began to yell.

"Do you know," Keme began loudly, "what I went through to find you! I thought you were raped or hurt or dead - or maybe all three! I thought the arrow wolves had killed you! But now that I've found you, I can kill you myself!"

"Daddy . . ." Tala bit her lip, and her eyes slid to Seleste, who was standing beside the window, her paws clasped, watching Keme in amusement.

"No!" Keme shouted over her. "You are going to sit down so I can yell at you! I plan to do a lot of that yelling thing!"

Tala obediently sat down on the edge of the bed. She saw Yatokya take Achai and Zyanya by their shoulders and quietly guide them from the room.

Keme began again, his furious green gaze fixed on Tala. "Did you think it was a game when you switched places with Rayen? Did you not understand the severe consequences - had things gone differently, the winter wolves might have slit our throats in our sleep! Such a betrayal of their trust could have stirred up a war. And for what and why? So you could avoid a marriage to Yatokya? Why? Why, for god's sake, when it is so clear that you love . . ." Keme's voice trailed off. He had finally noticed Seleste. ". . . love him," he finished breathlessly and swallowed. "Seleste?"

A sudden veil of tears made Seleste's gray eyes shine. She came to Keme and touched his face. "Seleste," she confirmed.

Keme pulled her close and held her tight. Peering over his shoulder, Seleste gestured for Tala to slip out. Tala hugged the sheet tight to her breasts and started to go, but as if he'd felt Seleste's discreet gesture, Keme's ears pricked forward.

"Whoa -- stop right there!" he said at once.

"Keme," Seleste scolded.

Keme frowned. "I'm not finished yelling!" he protested.

Seleste gestured again for Tala to go, and this time Tala obeyed faster.

"Seleste!" His eyes followed Tala out of the room, as if he would leap after her.

"Keme," Seleste said and guided his chin with the tips of her slender fingers. His eyes connected with hers and they softened. "Kiss me."

Looking down at her, he swallowed hard and whispered weakly, "Okay."