Loneliness -Wolf TF-

Story by TimidTabby on SoFurry

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UPDATE 6-26-14

I have made some changes to the wording of some text in the middle and near the end mainly in regards to some explicit sexual writings. I wanted to do my best to write certain scenes more passionately with less bodily function terms than vagina or sex or penis or seed and sperm. My goal is to regain the ability to write better erotic without going down the porn route. Anywho; hope this doesn't ruin the flow of the narrative for you guysEND UPDATE

I'm back...from outer space!

duh...du-du-du-duh du-duh....

I don't know the lyrics after that :P

Just posting a new story before I go back to gaming and hanging at a friends place for a bit. I actually had started this story two years ago and was near the end but never finished it. I did proofread most of it fixing some grammatical errors and changing some scenes around, but the bulk of the plot remained the same.

Simply just another take on another lonely wolf heart dealing with loneliness of being someone who has grown to love his werewolf side, but fear its beastly nature around others. And the obvious lone wandering female shows up to bring good cheer and arousing excitement to our wayward dog.

Anyways; hope someone gets a kick out of this. Back to rewriting Wolfhood again :P

Lonliness -Erotic Wolf TF Story-

by (C) TimidTabby

The serenity quiet forest saved for the faint chatter of nocturnal wildlife orchestrating their nightly performance soothed my weary soul if only temporary, the reflection of myself upon the surface of the placid lake that stretched and widened beyond this bank I now rest and contemplate at reminding me of my plight. Luminous golden yellow eyes, one of a wolf not human, gazed back at me with a ting of gloom deriving from the current emotions that swell in my heart and conscious. A heavy sigh escapes its maw, the fur and mane of its muzzle and neck stained with dry blood from its earlier kill. Despite its frightening animal appearance, this wolf expressed an uncanny human sorrow.

That is because the monster in the lake's reflection is me, a seemingly normal man that had been cursed to live a not so normal life all from the bite of a wayward werewolf. Surprisingly; I did not completely blame the beast that bit me knowing from the horrid look in its eyes that it was an accident. It had mistaken me for whatever game it had been hunting, ensnaring its jaws into my shoulder one moment and releasing me quickly the next. I remembered the terror and its eyes as it realized what it had done, staring back with regret before dashing off into the woods it had sprung from. I didn't want to believe what I had seen that night, wishing it had been an illusion of sight; that the adrenaline rush from the fright had distorted my perspective. But by the next full moon my suspicious had be proven correct; experiencing my own changes in body and mind until I became a lupine beast as well.

My only relief from this curse was the fact I hadn't become a true blood-thirsty monster as the horror stories and movies commonly depicted. When I change into a wolf my mind and personality, my memories and conscious remains attached. Essentially; I still become an animal, easily swayed to act out primal instincts and to slate my wolfish urges, but when I do I have some say in my actions. I am still me even as a wolf.

But there are some aspects of the Hollywood myth that is maintained to a point. My first transformation was indeed painful and agonizing, praying that my suffering would end with death if need be. And in my first night as a werewolf, even if I was aware and conscious of my actions, I still fell victim to its beastly urges. I remember vividly prowling the suburban streets of my town, stalking the nearest source of food; realizing my lupine sights was on a female human jogger. I was only thankful she was just as fast and agile as I was, evading me until she was lucky to have stopped a patrol car. Either I or the wolf wasn't ready to test if normal bullets could kill a Werewolf or not, retreating somewhere safe and hidden.

That was five months ago.

Since then I've been more cautious and safe coming out to the wilderness far away from human civilization. I would kill myself before I ever let the animal inside me mutilate or curse any other innocent human being. My travels eventually took me to an off-road abandoned campsite where I could park my car and pitch a tent for the next three days to settle; discovering the moon's effects before and after the official full moon still held as much sway to bring out the wolf. I found no issues with being caught or disturbed, alone to let the wolf come out when it wishes and indulge in its...in my urges without restraint. It had become my safe haven, a second home fitting for a creature like me.

But it may as well be my home now.

In the three months since my first transformation I have been learning more about myself and the wolf within me. The first months out in the woods I endured my transformation and let my inhibitions go, allowing the wolf to freely do with my body as it wished. I experienced the thrill and pleasures of the hunt; the act of killing my prey of deer and rabbit and other woodland creatures, and became accustomed to the delectable taste of raw flesh and warm blood. The morning after I would cringe from my endeavors, puking at the sight of the skeletal remains of a devoured caress I had woken up next to; shivering naked in utter embarrassment.

The second month forward, I started experimenting throughout back home in the city. Through concentration and deliberate willpower I could force parts of my body to shift, unsheathing deadly claws and fangs or allowing tail to sprout adding efficient balance or misshapen my hands and feet to form padded soles to traverse more comfortably on all fours if I so desired. That desire began to grow by the end of that month, admittedly feeling a sense of jubilation when I returned to the woods to hide away, pushing the wolf to surface as much as I could on my own; a head start in unleashing my primal nature before the full moon arose to release it completely.

By the end of the third month I had become too eager and anxious. My concentration at my job flattered because of my increased need for the night of the full moon to come and set me free, nearly snapping at my own boss for noting reasonable doubt in my commitment and patience; showing him a small portion of what was now underneath the metaphoric mask hiding my animal nature. I cared less if my employment was threatened once my monthly vacation time came, leaving the town that had been my home since birth far behind in the rearview mirrors and howling in joy as I returned to the wild.

As the end of the fourth month approached I began to take in stock in changes to my personality and being. I realized I had grown to love what I have become; welcoming any chance I could get to willingly change back into my werewolf self. I began to push myself further trying to force the wolf out whenever the desire came, feeling no qualms or hesitation from neither me nor the animal anymore. My changes have grown smoother and faster, taking less time for my being to reshape into the wolf as I no longer struggled to hold it back, wanting the sensation of wild energy and strength to course my veins and ripple throughout my muscles. There was no denying the fact anymore; I didn't simply want to become the wolf, I am the wolf.

This truth and my bond to the wild were never more apparent until only a short time ago after committing an innocent mistake. I had decided to remain in town after one of my last excursions, wishing to catch up with my friends and family. But even one night away from the wild had become too much to bear; waiting to hear back from my friends for a night on the town I admittedly felt trapped keeping myself cooped up in the confides of my home. It became hard to breath, feeling enraged as every fiber of my being screamed to go outside and fulfill my natural instincts as a wolf, and wanting to roam and hunt out in the open like I should as a wild animal. I had sworn to never venture within the city limits as a wolf, not wanting to repeat the near fatal mistake I made chasing that scared woman.

But the temptation was too great, recalling only bits and pieces of my tirade throughout my home as I gave in to the urge to transform, clawing and tearing up the walls and carpets, destroying nearly all of my belongings until I managed to escape and run off howling in exhilaration free again. When I came to the next morning I found myself again bloodied as usually, tasting luckily (but solemnly) the flavor of cats and raccoons in my mouth. Though I was sorry that I may had eaten someone's pet, I no longer felt disgusted or sick; I spent the first few minutes licking the remainder of my kill savoring the delicious meat as if I was finishing a fine cooked meal. It was harder still not to want to change back into a wolf immediately, frustrated when I stopped myself midway forcing my fur and tail to recede back into my human shell.

This is the fifth month as my life as Werewolf, and even though I now possess more control of my actions I come to a dual epiphany. I can see and sense it in my own beastly reflection seeing pass the grimace and remorse I display. I say a dual epiphany because I've come to realize my fate is double-edged.

I love being a wolf. It's no longer a mystery in this case. The fact that I have integrated new regiments and lifestyles to compensate for my curse; willingly forcing transformations and feeling bitterness towards humanity favoring my primal urges is proof of it.

More to it is my transformations itself. I no longer need the full moon to change, but I still crave its presence; the moon makes my transition much more rapturous under its pale light. I relish at the moment where I return to the wild and naturally let myself succumb to my animal nature, modesty a moot issue when I strip bare to my nudity and briskly run through the woods even in my human form. That quickly changes when parts of my wolfish appearance comes to the surface, claws and fangs and patches of fur shifting effortlessly barely needing any concentration or focus; it is as if my being knows I am free to return to a shape that feels more natural.

I have also found a bizarre and twisted pleasure in it, an exhilarating rush that disturbingly mimics the sensation of sexual arousal. I've found that parts of my body no longer wish to reform to their human standards; even in my original normal form my ears now retain points as if elvish, short canine claws have become my finger and toenails itching to lengthening and curve longer, and my lower back aches with the presence of a small fleshy lump that wags and tugs at my expressions, the beginnings of my tail. My manhood; however, remains altered now no matter what form I take, having formed a furry sheath attached under the naval of my belly; the sensitive rod completely red and canine. And every time I transform; every time I become so anxious and excited wishing to give into my lupine identity it effortlessly peeks out, erect and hot aching to be touched.

And now I can't help but desire carnal release whenever I change, howling for any courageous female that would willingly accept my need for relief; howling whenever the change was intense and satisfying enough to achieve release, unabashed that my seed stained the earth. I was proud to be a wolf; I enjoyed this pleasure in my true form, in exploring my home and hunting my kill. When morning comes and I awake to find I have returned to my human form I am immediately appalled, growling as I quickly force my wolf back out without argument, repeating the pleasure of becoming feral and animal again.

It is true; I love being a wolf. But this curse I could now call a gift still came with a price. I was reminded of it only moments ago.

In the middle of a meal I had hunted and slain ravenously devouring a delicious buck, my ears caught the sharp cry of someone screaming, a young woman. My first instinct was fear, standing alert and horrid at the thought that someone was actually out here in these woods, out of all the nights. My second instinct was to hunt, the meal I had made of the buck having been satisfying but the thought of another chase tantalized my urges. I caught my thoughts and whimpered, preparing to sprint away from the shrill scream so I wouldn't chance breaking my number one rule, "Never harm a human being." It did have me curious why a random feminine scream had sounded in the night until a gruffer, deep roar followed shortly. The human was already being chased by something else. My instinct, one I didn't think I could muster even when I was human myself, took hold and coursed strength through my limbs, baring my fangs as I rushed forward towards the cry and roar.

The instinct to protect.

Having not heard further cries but the animal pursuing the female human I hurried faster, hoping the woman hadn't already become the victim of a vicious animal attack. My pursuit came to my favor as I could see the silhouettes of two figures past the trees; a petite and slender outline crawling by a large tree and a large and hulky creature walking towards the smaller one. I acted quickly and without fear, snarling wildly as I lunged into action, swiping at the hulking creature's head fiercely knocking it down to the ground with a heavy thud. It groaned and prattled on in beastly tones, my sights adjusting to make out the vestige of a bear before I pounced onto its chest and buried my maw into its neck, shaking madly as blood gushed and splayed onto my face and shoulders ending the bear's life.

The taste of another kill had me nearly indulging myself to a second larger meal, but I was keen enough to maintain my concern for the bear's prey looking back to see if the person was safe and unharmed. The moonlight shined brilliantly through the thicket of the tree's branches that moment, revealing the female human in her entirety. A thought crossed my head as I took notice at the lack of warm clothing for a chilly night, having come out all this way in a short sleeve mid-riff top and beige denim cut-off shorts, not even wearing shoes. Her top had been torn at the center, marked by the bear's claws. She appeared unharmed though.

It was her expression that shook my bones. Her eyes were stunned in terrifying awe, her back hugging the large tree behind. My heart sunk seeing the hiking woman look upon me with such fear, seeing me for what I am; a monster. I look down to my forepaws, my claws dripping blood, and then to the dead bear I hunched over gazing into its lifeless eyes.

And then there was this smell, a fragrance that aroused my senses but I couldn't identify it. I turned my gaze slowly back to the cowering woman, her demeanor becoming looser than before as if her fear was fading. But mine was just growing, realizing that smell was coming from her and eliciting a baser response. I didn't understand why this human, out of others I had to endure smelling back home with my heightened senses, smelled the way it did. All I knew was I no longer worried of gazing upon her as my next meal. I was seeing her as a conquest to relieve my sexual frustrations. Primal thoughts swirled in my mind as fantasies of attacking her, ripping her clothes off to her nudity, committing sensual acts against her will and eventually mating bombarded me.

The fantasy was almost played out, dropping to all fours and walking away from the dead bear watching the startled female human lustfully. I sensed my face went blank and wide-eyed, panting as her smell got stronger suddenly beckoning my instincts to pursue my desires and take the defenseless victim, my wolfhood stirring from my sheath in preparation. My snout and panting tongue was inches from her waist and belly, staring back to her with the same wild and earnest lustful expression. My hindpaws readied to leap up and help me pin the woman against the tree; my body feverish to perform and have my way.

What came next I strongly believe was a delusion playing out in my mind, most likely under the trance of my sexual desires. My forepaws swiped away the remnants of her shirt, no bra having supporting her supple breasts free and staring back at me. My ears appeared affected by this delusional trance, mistaking what must have been a gasp of fright for a sharp moan of arousal. My face must be numb to pain that moment as I was certain I should have received punches or slaps of denial for my tongue bathing her sweet warm skin nuzzling her mounds, not the coos and pants of excitement that was returned to me. I know I was seeing it wrong, my lustful state showing me what I wanted to believe instead of what I was truly committing; the wolf was making me believe this woman wanted me to make out with her, undoing her own shorts as she pulled them down and revealed her swollen sex in my presence. The smell...I wanted more, my panting maw hovering over her bushy gates as I greedily coated them with my tongue, believing I was hearing her howl in pleasure instead of fright.

I wanted to savor her flesh, wanting to make her ready. I was nudging her to roll onto her hands and knees, and my delusions once more made me believe she was willingly presenting herself, her rear held high whining to be mounted. I wanted to mount, wanted to penetrate her flower and fill her with my feral essence; I wanted to make her howl with ecstasy, make her a wolf; make her mine!

When I was ready to leap I did so away from the woman, staggering in place as I looked upon her with the same horrid expression the wolf that bit me had given me. My mind was still a haze with baser lust, but seeing the poor woman turn her head to me seeing tears streaming from her eyes was all the proof I needed. I tried to talk, apparently able to even as a wolf, but my words failed me unable to convey my regret for what I nearly did. Instead; I whimpered shamefully as I hastily vacated the area creating distance between me and her.

My mind became clear again the farther I got, realizing what I had almost done to the poor woman, what my bestial urges had wished me to do. I nearly committed rape! Was this a personality trait of the wolf inside of me? Would accepting the wolf and its desire eventually lead me to seek out any living body to satisfy my sexual lust even if it meant forcing it upon an innocent soul? Did I now see the true meaning of being cursed?

That incident moment ago lead me to the second side of my epiphany, the reason I sit beside the bank of the woodland lake and gaze upon my melancholy monstrous reflection. It is still true that I have grown fond of living as an animal; of being a werewolf, but it comes with the heavy burden of loneliness. I couldn't share my stories or problems with anyone else lest I scare them off and be outcast by my friends and family; by human society if my affliction became known to the public. I've barred myself for so long since being bitten, becoming transparent to others and reluctant to mingle with the fear of viewing them as a future snack. And now after what I nearly did to that frightened woman in the woods, what I wanted to do to her; I can no longer trust myself to be around anyone ever again.

Perhaps this was my fate from the beginning. Perhaps I was meant to escape and hide into the wild forever, a slave to my animal instincts. I did feel a peace and pleasure as a wolf; only pain when I think about what I am leaving behind from my human life. Perhaps if I were to forget about humanity altogether I would no longer feel this remorse, content living an animal's life. But then we come back to the same depressing epiphany; the loneliness. I know there must be others like me; my attack by another werewolf proves that. But if there are they are hiding themselves real well...or I am simply not looking correctly. Either way, I feel I am doomed to wander alone for the rest of my life; to spend the rest of my day's content but empty in my new life.

I finally gather the strength to pick myself up onto all fours, still gazing at the beast in the lakes surface. I am the wolf, and the wolf is me. My old life is over and it was high time I accepted my fate as living as another beast of burden. I would start by continuing to find other werewolves like me, join a pack or make one of my own, anything to end these lonely nights. I raise my head high and take a deep breath, howling my melancholy song to those that would listen, thrilled yet depressed of my new life.

My lupine ears suddenly become erect, a rustling sound distracting me from my morbid ponderings. I turn my head away from the lake, staring into the shadows of the woods beyond the trees where the moonlight could not shine through. My nostrils flare and sniff carefully about, picking up a familiar scent approaching towards me. I finally see the outlines of something petite and voluptuous cautiously stepping out of the darkness into view.

I'm surprised to find the woman from before, the victim of a bear attack, standing outside the wall of trees gazing upon me with curious and sympathetic eyes. In the light of the moon; with my mood calmer and mind clear, I take notice of the woman's appearance. She had walked this entire way remaining nude, her exposure to the moonlight complementing her voluptuous figure. The pale light nearly masked her dark tan, long black hair shimmering under the lunar curtain. Her eyes, a dazzling hazel with a hint of gold, twinkled and fluttered as she bore the most puzzling expression; she appeared happy to see me.

Questions still buzzed in my head as we went into a stare down. Why did she come out all this way to track me down? Why was she even out here in the first place?

Her bodily scent carried the familiar fragrance that had sparked my sexual desires earlier, feeling those urges beginning to surface once more. Immediately I began to panic, wishing to not cause any harm and searching desperately for a clear path to run off too.

"Don't run!" The woman shouted, holding out a flat hand motioning me to stop. I froze up, again stunned at the female's persistence to keep me around. Whatever her intentions were she better make it fast; the arousing smell was getting stronger and I was having trouble concealing my exposed wolfhood.

"Please," the woman spoke softly taking a few steps forward cautiously, "Don't run again. I know what you must be feeling, I do. You don't have to be afraid...I'm not."

She knows how I'm feeling I wonder staring back at the woman astonishingly. How the hell can she know what I'm going through? I nearly tried to rape her for heaven sakes.

"My name's Celeste," the woman announced, flashing a warm grin as she took another step, only a few feet between us now. "What's your name, wolf?"

I kept silent as I lowered my muzzle back to my chest facing away from Celeste, finding it strange she thought werewolves could talk. I could actually, after training myself during these past months, but I never really found a use to do so being alone all the time. I worried that my voice would crack and strain trying to do so now if I could.

"I know you can talk," Celeste persisted, feeling a stern stare pierce behind me. That feeling faded as I looked back sheepishly to her seeing she looked ashamed. "Or...can't you? I'm sorry; you must be new to this. Were you born or bitten?"

I kept shut another moment longer, astounded at how much she believed she knew about lycanthrope. Then again, how would I know if I knew everything up to this point?

"Bitten," I finally managed to whimper, my voice not as poor as I thought in my werewolf form. "And if it's not too rude, I'd prefer to keep my name to myself. How is it you think you know what I'm going through?"

Celeste looked at me with an innocent and cheerfully baffled expression, giggling lightly as she stood inches behind me. "You mean you can't tell?" She smiled, "I guess you haven't gotten use to identifying scents yet. That's ok."

Celeste placed a gentle hand over the back of my shoulders combing through my fur. My shoulders flinched at first, not used to being touched this affectionately while like this. But I eventually loosened up, feeling relaxed and content as she continued to pet and caressing. She soon playfully wrapped her arms around me, feeling her head brush and nuzzles affectionately against my neck. I let out a pleasant whine, my tongue lolling into a steady pant as my head urged to meet Celeste's gesture.

When the sexual urges returned, aching to push her onto her back and have my way again; I pulled away stumbling back, creating space between me and Celeste.

"What are you doing?" I barked, confused at the woman's behavior. "It's not safe being around me."

"Really?" Celeste giggled. "I think I am safer with you than with that bear that tried to kill me. After all, you did come to my rescue, didn't you?" She began to walk towards me once more, her motivations bewildering as she ran her hands behind her head brushing back the length of her hair, moaning softly. "Of course," Celeste continued, boggling me further as her hands idly began to play with her breasts and thighs, "I could have taken care of it myself."

"I...uh..." My maw was speechless to comment, shocked at how sultry Celeste's behavior had become around me and the continuing puzzlement of her wording. "You're making a mistake," I managed to blurt out, keeping my head down and my tail between my legs as I backed away slowly. "I _was_trying to help, but then something happened to me and I almost decided to rape you. You shouldn't be doing this; I don't want to hurt you. And...what do you mean you could have taken care of the bear yourself?"

Celeste stood still and smiled, her eyes suddenly glowing in the same haunting wolfish yellows as mine, letting out a deep exhilarating growl as her head cocked back and her body stretched. Before my eyes I watched bedazzled as Celeste's fingernails cracked and fell off with claws sprouting forward, the palms stretching slightly to give her hands more of a forepaw shape like mine. The same shift took form at her feet as she stood on the balls, toes swelling and shaping into hindpaws as the arches lengthened, claws replacing toenails. A faint shroud of black fur blossomed over her skin leaving portions untouched while parts like her shoulders and cheeks thickened the most. Her head cocked back down snarling wildly as her fangs settled in, her upper mouth protruding with her darkened nose, her ears grown out into short points, and her eyes feral and lupine.

I gradually got up to my hindpaws studying Celeste's current changes and appearance, transfixed and aroused by the sudden increase of attraction I felt towards her this moment. My breathing grew heavy as before tongue wishing to fall out into a wild pant; body aching to approach and again consider giving into my sexual urges.

"You...you're a werewolf?" I asked as Celeste approached me once more, seeing how bewildered and eager I have become.

"Surprised?" Celeste said, flashing her fangs in her smile as she continued her approach. I didn't try to run this time, entranced at the fact I was in the presence of a female werewolf and at her voluptuous nude hybrid form, the attraction somehow increasing due to her changing lupine appearance.

"I...I didn't..." My words dangled from my panting maw, shuddering in delight as Celeste's clawed hands groped the top of my muzzle planting an affectionate lick over the tip of my leathery canine nose.

"You haven't gotten use to your senses yet," Celeste cooed, her right clawed-hand trailing over my shoulders and back as she started to circle behind. I whined in shock and pleasure feeling her nose sniff against rump and under my tail. When she came back around to my sight she seemed very pleased, her left clawed-hand caressing the top of her breasts fondly. "You should know that you have a very pleasant and musky scent. Do you already have a mate?"

I couldn't sound a word through my heavy panting, simply shaking my head in response.

Celeste smiled, giggling softly. "I'm glad. With a scent and physique like yours I would have believed you had been snatched up quickly, shewolf or human. Have you ever mated before?"

I was reluctant to answer her question, dodging her eyes. "I...uh...never had sex before in my life."

Celeste grinned widely. "A virgin? No wonder you've been acting so weird. But don't worry; even virgin wolves perform just fine their first time. I would know."

My body flinched again, my psyche completely unprepared for what was happening. Celeste; though, seemed to know what she was doing, her arms wrapping around my neck as she kissed me intimately across my muzzle and cheeks.

"You...want me?" I sheepishly asked, knowing the answer already in Celeste's feral eyes.

"I do have to repay you for protecting me from the bear earlier," Celeste said, her jaw dropping as a long canine tongue ran up the bridge of my muzzle and to my forehead. "Plus, you looked so lonely I thought you might enjoy the company of another wolf for once."

I did enjoy it, immensely. This was the first time since I was cursed as a werewolf that I could feel pleasure and excitement other than from hunting and killing. I was already familiar with sexual arousal through my transformation, but it wasn't enough. This was what my instincts had been pushing me for, my need to satisfy the burning lust the animal craved. There was little hiding my desires at this point, elated to find Celeste sought the same thing.

I wanted to fuck her.

The memory of my earlier attempt within the woods; my behavior that nearly prompted me to rape Celeste before I knew she was a werewolf like me sprung back into my mind and rekindled a fear I felt since then. I broke away from Celeste, whimpering as I lowered my head and tail in shame.

"I'm...afraid," I admitted, glancing away towards the placid lake.

"Trust me, you won't be that bad," Celeste assured, dropping to all fours getting closer once more.

"Not that," I growled back, though I did worry a bit about how well I could perform my first time. "I wanted to rape you before back in the woods. My animal side was persisted to do so; I nearly lost control. What if I give in like this; what if the next time I run into another woman I'm not as lucky that she happens to be a werewolf too. I don't want to hurt anyone."

Celeste seemed to understand my concern, smiling sympathetically. She leaned forward and brushed her cheeks against my muzzle; nuzzling.

"True," she agreed, not helping ease my woe. "I can't help myself sometimes when I look at certain men. Even if they aren't werewolves like us their physique and scent can still cause some intense attraction. I'm not proud of it, but that's one of the reasons why I'm not a virgin myself anymore. But I promise you that it's not necessarily rape your feeling when you're around me. In truth; I'm causing your horny mood in a way I don't think you fully understand.

"For instance..." Celeste paused, standing back up on her wolfish hindpaws, her hands running around my cheeks and mane as I felt her pull and position my head gently, my snout pressed against her sex. "Most animals produce pheromones to attract mates and signal when they are ready for sex. Wolves are one of them. This month I have been in heat; my cycle urges me to mate almost desperately. That's what you smell right now; what's causing you to behave the way you are. When I realized I was in the presence of another werewolf, a male one at that, I let my guard down. Smelling your musk and the pheromones you were emitting; mine increased, signally to you I was very much attracted and aroused by you. You smell that now, don't you?"

I did. That fragrance I had trouble identifying on Celeste had to be this, her heat. Every inhale I take her heat courses through me playing with my head, making my erection throb ever more begging to mount and penetrate. I had to taste again while she still offered her sex to me, lapping the fur and folds of her vulva. I could only describe the taste like sweet nectar.

I hear Celeste howling softly, her clawed hands scratching and caressing the back of my shoulders. "Good boy," she moaned, grinding her hips against my muzzle sporadically, her body language showing how horny she felt. "So...go-o-o-d..."

Celeste's moans shifted into wild snarling, letting out frustrated barks before falling into a heavy pant. Her tongue bathed my head and neck, her body pushing me until I was knocked back onto my rump. Our panting became synchronized booming in unified pitch as Celeste dropped onto my lap straddling as she made herself comfortable. Her hot and swollen sex began to grind zealously against my throbbing erection, my body quivering blissfully from the erotic stimulation.

"Oh wolfy," Celeste moaned licking her blackening lips, "I've waited for so long for a wolf like you. I may not have been as much alone as you might have felt, but I longed to finally meet another male wolf to share these woods and the night; to hunt and run with, and to mate. I can satisfy my heat with normal humans but I'm never full. I need a real man, a real wolf to satisfy me...but not just sexually."

She paused, growling pleasantly as she helped herself slip my wolfhood into her sex, the two of us yelping in unison from the sudden incline of sexual pleasure.

"It might be too soon to say I love you," she continued, her growling coming off almost like a cat purring as her skin began to darken more with the growth of black fur. "I won't ask you to be my mate for life...not just yet. But I do hope, after tonight, we can be great companions. You don't have to hunt alone ever again. You don't have to fear keeping your instincts at bay. As long as we are together, you can be as free as you want."

Celeste resumed her rocking, gliding up and down massage my canine shaft and her sweltering temple. My head cocked back, overwhelmed at what was being done to me, at the experience of sex in such a primal manner. Trying to lift my head back forward my golden eyes gazed upon Celeste's form with the full moon cascading behind her. A faint shadow came and went hastily over my legs, a lupine tail growing from Celeste wagging excitedly and flagged. Her petite build soon gain some extra muscle as her human shape slowly became as bestially as mine, more of the shape of wolf. Her panting maw expanded ever so slightly, mouth and nose protruding out into a furless proto-muzzle. The pointed tips of her ears grow longer and furrier until they took the true appearance of a wolf.

My horny shewolf changed in front of me, becoming closer to the true form of a werewolf, and I was overcome with the astounding fact that I saw her as something beautiful and majestic, a creature I had to keep for myself; to make my mate.

Celeste slowed her rocking rhythm long enough to alter her position on my lap, turning around so her back met my chest, her forepaws reaching around my neck as she nuzzled and licked passionately. "Remember; it's not rape if I consent to it. Fuck me all night long if you wish. Make me howl."

My body was quick to accept her offer before I could think, my lower body working to raise and push into Celeste in such an awkward laying position. My being burned to mesh into the black furred shewolf with such sensual vigor, growling irritably that my member could not plunge deep enough into her dwelling.

"Stop fighting...what you want..." Celeste snarled in garbled speech, her human voice fading among animal grunts and cries. "Mate...me..."

My mind finally caught up with my body, ceasing the various loud chattering bellowing inside my head in regards to what I should do or what I shouldn't do and how this would change me or not. I realized it was no longer time to speculate the consequences of this moment or how giving into my primal nature would taint what shred of humanity I still clung to.

I just wanted to mate.

Baring my fangs and sounding a vicious snarl; I shoved Celeste off my body rolling with her until I lay on top behind. Celeste yelped, barking in brief anger in the sudden treatment I presented. Her angst slowly but surely changed as she watched and felt what I was doing, panting excitedly as she postured herself on all fours and waited to feel my wolfhood reenter.

There was more of a beast controlling my body and actions now than me, and my conscious had grown weary of fighting my animal instincts. I shared similar elation as I mounted Celeste and prodded my lupine phallus back into her sex, my forepaws hugging the sides of the shewolf's upper body firmly for balance as my pelvis went into auto-pilot pumping and humping ravenously. I can see Celeste's head raising as she continues to howl softly, her tone growing higher in pitch the more her arousal climbed above the plateau. Her muzzle stretches out to its fullest extent; her black fur covering what naked skin remained. Her blackened canine lips curled back into a blissful smile, tongue lolled and lazy.

Seeing the pleased expression over her lupine face; feeling the push of her rump pressing against my incoming thrusts, the last remnants of chivalry and innocence drifted away ridding my inhibitions. I shamelessly began to quicken my pace, wanting to slide deeper and hasten my moment to climax and feel carnal euphoria.

"So good!" Celeste growled through her panting, her body tensing as I can feel our beings ready to burst, preparing for the climax. "Fill me, stud. Make me yours; be my mate."

Make her mine I thought aggressively, my fangs seeking the nape of her neck as I bit down hard, claiming her as my prize. She yelped in both pain and pleasure, becoming submissive as her body lowered to the ground, still expressing primal content as I thrust faster and wildly.

"Kn-knot...ing..." Celeste muffled through her beastly voice, uncertain what she was saying as I suddenly began to feel our sexes grow tight and entrapped, feeling the base of my canine loins swollen and engorged inside her constricting walls. We were locked together; tied, making the need to fuck her escalate to new heights. My eyes, having been shut tight since ensnaring her neck, cracked open in a daze as I could feel my loins quivering and pulsate, grunting as I felt my wolfhood spilling fluids into her. But my true orgasm finally came after, my maw gawking at the sheer euphoria of my seed erupting inside Celeste, ropes of my potency gushing for nearly a minute until the intensity ebbed back to the pleasure of my less potent fluids.

Our voices matched our jubilation howling together in a harmonious song of our union, singing a second chorus shortly after as we remained together connected.

"Thank you," Celeste whined pleasantly, collapsing onto her belly following the drop, staying on top of her as I found I could not remove myself from her body so easily.

"I'm...I'm stuck," I embarrassingly say, trying to pull out gently not to hurt each other.

"We're knotted," Celeste informed me, turning back to greet my exhausted eyes with her newly changed lupine face. "It's a natural event for mating wolves and dogs. I won't lie; you may have just made me a mother."

"A mother?" I whine, ears flattened and eyes widen as I realize what I may have done.

Celeste chuckles, licking my face to calm my nerves affectionately. "Don't worry, wolfy. I won't hold you responsible if I'm pregnant after this. I needed a mate to fill me and give me pups; it's in our instincts. I'm not ashamed of it, and I think my pups will be born strong and virile because of you. If anything; thank you for fulfilling my needs."

I gazed upon her reluctantly at first, believing she must be out of her mind to willingly want a stranger to mate with her and impregnate. But her intimate expression appeared to speak the truth; she was happy with the results and showed no ill-will towards me. She was prepared to live out the next few years of her life as a wolf and a mother.

"What will you do after we part, wolfy," she suddenly spoke to me softly, not breaking her intimate gaze.

"I.." I paused, thinking about the struggles and experiences I've gone through since becoming a Werewolf, and for the first time feeling truly happy as well. "Could I stay with you? I don't know how well of a parent I can be, but..."

An animal kiss pressed between my muzzled lips, holding for what felt like an eternity before Celeste parted, staying in inch close though. "You're welcome to stay with me," she answered. "I told you, I wanted to be mates with you. I just wanted the choice to be yours. We can be lonely together now."

A growlish laugh escapes me as I think back to my early plight, realizing that I wasn't alone anymore. In one night I had gone from contemplating the end of my existence to finding love in the strangest ways. But it was one I was thankful to hold onto, holding my mate in my forelimbs as I cuddled and nuzzled, rocking my knot deep into her making certain I was giving all of me.

"I'm glad," Celeste cooed, understanding my commitment to her. "There's just one thing I like to know before we are officially mates. Can you now tell me your name?"

I looked to her grinning, sighing peacefully as I opened my maw to tell her my name.