After the Storm - Part 3 [Familiar Faces]

Story by umbratenebris on SoFurry

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#5 of After the Storm

K, I feel like this is a few days overdue so here it is, the next chapter to After the Storm.

NOTE: Again, I made several edits to this including lines and scenes. If ever I fail to fix the flow of events, please inform me so I can work on it.

The halls of the academy were bustling with activity. Recruits roamed from hall to hall. Most of them travelled in groups and were jogging or training or... whatever it is they were doing. The halls were made of reinforced concrete with steel doors running along the hall. The sounds of fighting and yelling can be heard from the rooms, muffled by the concrete and steel that made the wall. All were hard at

Jason and Charlie walked side-by-side with General Jackson following behind. The machoke still had his hands on their backs, he was still making sure the two would report in without causing another fight.

"Hey, is that Jason?" Jason would hear some of the students mumbling to each other as they watched the riolu pass by.

"Hey, Jason's back." Some of the women whispered among themselves accompanied by squeals of excitement.

'What, since when did I have fan women?' Jason thought to himself as they passed by.

"Yo, Jason!" Leaf, a treecko, approached with his hand stretched out for a high five... one which Jason responded to awkwardly. "Still the shy type now are we?"

"Well, locking yourself up in your room does have its downsides." Jason sarcastically answered.

"Right..." Leaf's gaze turned to the roof as he scratched the back of his head in discomfort. "I'm... uh... sorry about your loss."

Jason felt like his throat was constricting itself as the thought popped up. He barely managed to get the voice to respond to it. "It's... thanks... I uh... I gotta go report in."

"Well, good luck." Leaf held out his hand for a hand shake, one which Jason happily accepted. "You missed an entire week's worth of training. I doubt you're the best among us now." He grinned enthusiastically as the two let go.

"Aw, you know how much of a fast learner I am." Jason responded, a weak but evident grin on his face. "Besides, I hear Charlie's the best now."

"Yeah, he's incredible!" Leaf exclaimed sarcastically, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"Uh, I'm right here!" Charlie scowled but was completely ignored.

"He didn't put up much of a fight a while ago." Jason pointed out with a shrug.

"Ooh, got in a fight on the first day." Leaf cooed, giving Jason a friendly nudge on the shoulder. "And with the head's son."

"Meh, I think it should've been public knowledge that Charlie and I are rivals." Jason leaned against the wall causing both the machoke and the charmander to stop as well. "I think his dad motivates him to get stronger because of me."

"Dude, I'm right here!" Charlie complained, waving his hand in front of the riolu's face. "Stop talking as if I'm not here."

"Public knowledge? More like petty rivalry." Leaf chuckled, seeing the very concept as amusing.

"Leaf, I'm over here!" Charlie exclaimed, frantically waving his hand in front of the treecko's face.

"Hey, cut it out you two." The machoke chuckled, placing his hands on the treecko's and the riolu's shoulder. "Jason still has to show up on time."

"Oh, right." Leaf sighed and turned to leave. "Anyway, it's good to see you again Jason. Good luck."

The three continued to their destination once the treecko had left, Charlie was still bitter about the cold shoulder he was given a while ago. They passed by several students. Most paid them no attention, except the general who they greeted with respect, while some greeted Jason's return.

"We missed you Jason." The machoke chuckled, trying to start a conversation. "It's been a while since we last had you here."

Jason remained silent, but appreciated the comment. He certainly felt awkward about it all, it's been some time since he's walked these halls and he doubted that anyone actually remembered him. He clenched his fists in anticipation, but made sure to show no sign of insecurity. Leaf's appearance made him feel good about himself though, as if he's found the courage he's lost.

Charlie on the other hadn't done his best to hide his anger. He always did his very best to get himself to the top. He pushed himself to the limit to be better than the rest, to make his father, the head of the academy, proud of him. And here he is, standing in the presence of one of the most commendable generals while he compliments his only competition. He grit his teeth and tried to supress the growl that was forming in his throat.

"Charlie, are you alright?" the machoke asked, patting the charmander's shoulder with concern. "You seem... tense."

"It's nothing sir." Charlie somehow managed to switch from furious to cheerful in mere seconds. "Just itching for a good crime busting time, that's all."

"Well, don't get too excited." The machoke patted Charlie's head with a smile and hurried the two through the halls. "Well, here's the assembly hall, good luck now kids and enjoy your day." Without another word, he pushed the two through the double-doors and left them be.

"Jason, is that you?" a female voice called out from the crowd of babbling recruits.

Jason tried his best not to look like an idiot. The voice sounded so familiar yet he can't figure out who was calling.

"Jason, can you find me?" the voice called out once more. "Can you see me?"

He can tell that the voice REALLY was from someone he knew. He can remember playing "hide and seek" with a misdreavus. She was one of Damion's friends. Jason could still remember how Damion would grab him and drag him around the district showing him what it is that he found amusing. Jason could remember how the misdreavus used to taunt Damion, how she would bully him over the pettiest of things. Damion however felt insecure about her, so Jason naturally stood up for him. Turns out Rebecca was the "playful type" and that everything was a game to her. Soon enough, Rebecca and Damion did make peace and became great friends. Jason could almost see the bright smile on Damion's face as he told the riolu the good news, it was the first time Jason saw someone THAT happy.

"Rebecca, I don't think he sees you." A male voice pointed out as the two ghost pokemon materialized before him, a haunter and a misdreavus.

"I don't think he remembers us..." Rebecca, the misdreavus mumbled. "Hello, anyone home?"

"What happened to you, Jason?" the haunter asked, Jason still had no idea who he was. "I just heard that you stayed at home after the attack... but I know you aren't the type to just back out of a fight."

"I... I don't like looking back to what happened." Jason mumbled, doing his best to avoid eye contact to hide his sorrow (it wasn't hidden at all). "And no, I didn't forget about you." Jason answered the misdreavus. "I don't know the haunter though, are you two related or something?"

Though Jason didn't say anything about it but the haunter realized what happened. Damion the zigzagoon was reported KIA during the attack. There has also been rumors that Jason and Damion were in a relationship... he wasn't one to believe in rumors but it seems those had some truth to it. "I see... I'm sorry for making you think about it."

"It's alright." Jason mumbled. "The rumors are false though, Damion and I are definitely not in a relationship."

"Guess we can't blame you." The misdreavus nodded with a smile. "The two of you made the cutest of friends. The haunter's John by the way, and no, we aren't related."

"We didn't really hang out much." John added. "But well, turns out Rebecca and I had a lot in common."

"I guess now's a good of a time as any to start." Jason chuckled. "... you didn't mean that you two were in a relationship... did you?"

"Ha, as if!" Rebecca said with a squeaky laugh. "You could say we're like you and Damion, just friends."

Jason smiled softly and nodded. "Yeah... don't push it."

"Aw, cute little doggie all making a fuss about his relationships." The haunter coed, his shadowy hands moving to tease and tickle the riolu which Jason quickly repels but setting himself ablaze, shrouding his body with his flaming aura.

"Don't touch." Jason jokingly said with a nasal voice as his flames died away.

"That's a neat trick you got there." The haunter said, rubbing his sore hands. "Nobody ever told me you could do that."

Jason stood up and headed towards the center of the crowd, the two ghost types following close behind. "Neither did I." the riolu could proudly. "It happened not too long ago where I almost set fire to my bed. I then spent the remaining days trying to control it."

"And the nights dreaming of your Damion." Rebecca jokingly added, although it was true.

"ATTENTION!" the thundering voice echoed through the halls causing all the recruits to stop what they were doing and fall in line. As the students silenced, the double-doors swung open and out came a large, bulky charizard, Charlie's dad.

The charizard was a massive seven feet in height. His build was large, bulky and very powerful. The massive dragon loomed over the students, studying them and making decisions. His bulky arms were crossed, disappointed by what he saw in the others but gave the others a nod of consideration... until he went over and saw Jason. 'Oh, so you're back.' He thought to himself with disappointment.

"Everyone, gather up!" he ordered as everyone approached to the center to hear what he had to say. "I have observed everyone's progress with last week's exercises..." he gave Jason a slight leer of disapproval for a brief moment. "and I believe it's time that I send you all out on your own missions."

The room was then filled with cheer at the sound of the good news. The students began mumbling amongst themselves in excitement, babbling about what their first mission will be and whatnot. Ignatius, Charlie's dad, didn't seem to mind the immaturity. In fact, he seemed pleased to see that his recruits were just about ready to kill people. He gave them a full minute before he raised his hand to silence the crowd. "Now, everyone line up. You'll all be grouped in pairs, you will be sent on your assignments in pairs and you'll come back home IN PAIRS. I don't want to hear any more shit about losing recruits, you got that? Once the situation gets too hairy for you, don't act like a hero! Get your ass out of there and call for help. You will each be given your set of equipment. Mainly a vest, some teargas, a couple of cuffs, a communicator and lastly, a handgun for emergencies."

"Sir, yes sir!" everyone exclaimed in unison, stomping their foot and saluting in response. Even Jason managed to fake his enthusiasm.

Ignatius turned and produced documents from his pack. The students were all anxious and excited to hear who would be their partners.

"Rebecca and John, approach!" Ignatius exclaimed as a misdreavus and a haunter stepped forward, the two ghost pokemon looked pleased with their pairing and ready for duty.

"Your duties are to protect the northern watchtower." Ignatius said, flipping through the documents and reading their assignments. "Any trouble within your line of sight and a distance of half a mile are your responsibility."

"Sir, yes sir!" the two said in unison with a salute and left once the charizard had dismissed them.

Ignatius planned on pairing the students to support their type advantages... and in his definition, the same types were usually paired together. Charlie seemed quite pleased with this, the other fire types of their division were talented and capable. He didn't mind if he was paired with any of them, but he had his eyes on the female vulpix, Vex, and was disappointed when she was paired with the treecko, Leaf.

The pairing went on and on, each of the hundreds of recruits were paired and sent on their assigned posts. Charlie stood there, his enthusiasm slowly fading as the time ticked by. He was furious that it took long... so long... for his name to be mentioned. And when it was... he couldn't believe what his father had done.

"Charlie and Jason, approach!" Ignatius barked out the command to Charlie's disbelief.

The two were reluctant, both didn't like who they were paired with but neither wanted to get Ignatius mad at them.

"The two of you will patrol the north eastern area of the market district. You will keep an eye on the businesses starting from the Union Bank to the radius of half a mile." He eyed to two recruits, to his son with expectation and to Jason with disgust. "Don't fail me, you two."

"Sir, yes sir!" the two saluted and made their exit.

After the Storm - Part 4 [The Patrol - Part 1]

"Ugh... why must I get stuck with YOU of all people?" Charlie complained as the two made their way to their assigned location. They passed through the academy's steel gates and through the residential area of the military district. Jason paid no...

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After the Storm - Part 2 [Parental Guidance]

All was silent at the Alexander residence, the simple wooden house that stood atop the hill overlooking the military district or Avalon, with only the chirping of the birds and the rustling of the leaves that made the place alive. The house was...

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After the Storm - Part 1 [Back to work]

Jason grabbed the door knob and twisted, allowing the door to slide open and let in the morning breeze. Jason stared at the outside, his heart heavy and his eyes even heavier. It's been a while since he's actually left his house and now that he has, he...

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