A Series of Moments 3

Story by wingedtora on SoFurry

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#3 of Darkwing Duck fics

Drake Mallard x Elmo Sputterspark. (aka: Darkwing Duck x Megavolt) A series of moments inspired by the Darkwing Duck comic "The Duck Knight Returns" and DarkPenguin's amazing fanart (y!Gallery). Slash.

Ch 3: A Very Pleasant Morning

Elmo's pleasant dreams began to melt away as he became aware of the tingling sensation coming from the lower half of his body. Cracking his eyes open, the rat was greeted to the sight of his lover's tongue drifting up and down his shaft. A playful spark lit up the duck's dark eyes as he noticed that Elmo was now fully awake.

'Good morning,' Drake purred, giving the cock in his fingers one last lick before sitting up straight, straddling the rodent's tanned legs.

'Good morning to you too. Maybe I should hire you to be my new alarm clock,' Elmo grinned, reaching out to stroke the duck's soft cheek.

'Now that's a tempting job offer,' Drake agreed, lifting his lower body up and coming down slowly onto his lover's slick shaft. Elmo tossed his head back with a groan, tanned hands immediately settling on the duck's hips as they began to flow into a steady rhythm.

Drake crooned as the other man's rough fingers stroked the sensitive spot under his tail. Sparks flew across his eyelids as he arched back and reached completion. Elmo was mere seconds behind him.

Exhausted, the duck slipped off his lover and curled close, smiling as the rodent swept the blankets back over their bodies with a sated smile of his own.

{I wish I'd know about this side of Drake Mallard in high school}

Elmo wrapped a protective arm around his lover and pulled him close as they drifted back to sleep.


The scent of bacon drifted through the air, stirring the rat from his restful nap. A half-glance to the side showed the absence of his bed partner as Elmo sat up and stretched, his tail lazily swinging back and forth as he finally got to his feet.

A silky tune filled the room, drawing the rat's attention to a vibrating purple cellphone lying innocently on the floor. Swooping to pick it up, Elmo held it to his ear and said, 'Hello?'

'... You're not my dad.'

'Um, no. Oh, you must be Drake's daughter. Hang on, I'll get him for you.' Sifting through the nearest dresser drawer, the rat quickly pulled on boxers and jeans, then stumbled out of the room and into the kitchen. Drake looked over his shoulder and smiled at him, making the ex-villain's heart skip a beat.

'Morning, sweetie. I thought you might be hungry, so I made breakfast,' the duck announced, gesturing to the bacon and eggs frying on the stove.

'It smells delicious. Oh, and you have a phone call,' the rat pressed the phone into his lover's free hand and gave in to the urge to give the duck a quick hug from behind, before taking a seat at the small table nearby.

'Morning, Gosalyn. No, I'll be home in a little while. Elmo and I are just having breakfast... Yes, he's the friend I was telling you about. Yes, Gos, you will get a chance to meet him... Well, that depends on if you cleaned your room like I asked you too. Just tell Binkie that I said you could go home and I'll be there soon. Bye, honey,' Drake set a plate in front of his boyfriend and tucked his cell phone into his pocket. Turning back to the stove, he quickly filled his own plate and joined Elmo at the table.

'Your daughter seems nice,' Elmo resisted the urge to groan aloud at the delicious taste spreading through his mouth with every bite. This was definitely better than fast food.

'I have to admit, she's quite a handful. But I wouldn't change her for anything in the world,' the duck answered.


'Well, I guess this is goodbye,' Elmo whispered, watching his new lover pull back from their embrace. The slightly dazed look on Drake's face brought a smile to the rodent's lips.

'Yeah, guess so. See you at work on Monday, Elmo,' Drake sighed, slipping out the door after giving his boyfriend one last hug.

'See you soon, Drake,' the rat closed the door and headed to the window. Under his watchful gaze, the ivory-feathered man slipped into his car and drove off down the road. The apartment felt so empty now, leaving Elmo wishing for the comfort of his light bulb friends. Unfortunately, the shrink at Quackwerks had silenced their voices around the same time as he'd met his old school friend Drake again. And for once in his life, he'd take a hot-blooded duck over a cold-sparked light bulb any day of the week.


A Series of Moments 4

**Chapter 4: First Visit** It had been a month since they had officially started dating and Drake was finally ready to take the next step. The only problem was that Elmo was due to arrive any minute and the duck was still vacuuming the living-room....

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A Series of Moments 2

_ **Chapter 2: A Stormy Surprise** _ 'Ugh, I hate rain,' Elmo grumbled as he unlocked his apartment door and stepped inside. 'It's really coming down out there,' Drake whistled as he looked out the window at the lightning streaking the sky. His...

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A Series of Moments 1

Ch 1: Kiss It all started with a kiss. A wonderful, magical, electrifying kiss. Elmo's arms wrapped around him, lips pressed firmly against his bill. It was high school all over again. Except this wasn't high school, it was real life. Standing in the...

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