A Series of Moments 4

Story by wingedtora on SoFurry

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#4 of Darkwing Duck fics

Meeting the family.

Chapter 4: First Visit

It had been a month since they had officially started dating and Drake was finally ready to take the next step. The only problem was that Elmo was due to arrive any minute and the duck was still vacuuming the living-room. Thank goodness he'd had the foresight to take his crime-fighting apparel to the tower ahead of time. Trying to explain having Darkwing Duck's outfit in his closet (not that they were getting that far with his daughter around) would have been next to impossible.

'Move your feet, sweetie.'

Gosalyn lifted her feet and watched her father rush to finish the cleaning before his new boyfriend showed up for dinner. She really didn't have anything against him dating a guy, but it still weirded her out that he was dating an ex-villain like Megavolt.

'Geesh, dad. Relax already. It's just Megavolt,' the little girl commented, rolling her eyes at her father's stern look.

Drake shook his head and sat down on the sofa next to his daughter, so that he could wrap his arm around her and pull her close. 'I know this change will be difficult for you, Gos, but I've moved on with my life and so has Elmo. I'm not Darkwing Duck anymore and he isn't Megavolt. That's all in the past now.'

'Have you told him yet?' Gosalyn asked, narrowing her eyes at her adopted father.

'Not yet. Someday I will... but not today,' Drake sighed, shoulders hunched at the reminder of the rather big secret he was keeping from the man in his life.

'It's okay, dad. I promise I won't tell him,' the red-head stated with a smile, hugging her beloved parent tightly.

'Aw, thanks Gos. And I don't have to remind you to be on your best behaviour tonight, do I?' Drake narrowed his eyes at the little girl.

'Of course not,' Gosalyn batted her eyelashes and crossed her fingers behind her back as her father rushed into the kitchen at the sound of the fire alarm going off.

'My meatloaf!'



'I'll get it!' Gosalyn was off the couch and at the front door before her father even had a chance to reply.

Opening the door, the little girl looked up at the rat-man standing nervously on the front step with a small bouquet of flowers. Gosalyn was torn between breaking her promise not to drive the ex-con crazy (and out of her father's life) and giggling over how adorable the man was, all dressed up for his big date... with her father (ewwww, they were probably going to kiss too).

'You must be Elmo. Do come in,' Gosalyn stepped aside to let the man into her house, taking the flowers from him.

'Hmm... you look familiar. Have we met before?' the rodent asked, slipping off his shoes.

'Nope, never. Definitely not. Sooo, you want to date my dad,' the little girl commented, giving the man her most innocent smile.

'Actually, we've been dating for a month...' Elmo recalled.

'Well, there are some ground rules, mister,' the duckling announced, dropping the innocent look completely.

'Ground rules?' the rodent found himself stepping back until he was flat against the door. The little red-head closed in on him, green eyes flaring.

'Yep. You have to make sure he's home by 9 o'clock, since that's my bedtime. If I have to go to bed that early, he has to be there to make me. And no mushy stuff when I'm in the room. Oh, and you'd better not break his heart or I will break your...' the girl's rant was cut off by a rather unimpressed figure standing in the kitchen doorway.

'Gosalyn! What have I told you about threatening the guests?' Drake marched over to the duckling, his arms crossed over his chest.

Elmo's nervousness disappeared, replaced by amusement at the sight of his boyfriend in a frilly pink apron. How adorable!

'But dad, he's not really a guest. He's your boyfriend,' the pigtailed girl argued, stomping her foot and glaring back at her father.

'Who you WILL treat with the same respect you give me, young lady,' the older duck announced, refusing to break eye-contact as they stared each other down.

'Ok,' Gosalyn suddenly agreed, slipping around her father and into the kitchen with the flowers still in her arms.

'Hmmm... something about that conversation seemed too easy,' Drake mumbled aloud, before focusing on his boyfriend. The playful glint in the rodent's eyes sent a wave of heat and embarrassment through the bird's body.

'Sorry about that. She's a very spirited child,' the duck admitted, looking away from the rat's suave smirk. Oh, how he'd just like to kiss it off him... if his daughter wasn't in the next room.

'She seems sweet. Not to mention, rather overprotective of you,' Elmo replied, stepping closer to his boyfriend.

'Yeah, well... it's been a while since I've dated anyone, much less brought them home to meet her. Oh, here, let me get your coat,' the duck offered, hanging the garment on the coat-stand at the base of the stairs.

'By the way, I think that apron looks nice on you, Drake,' Elmo observed, although the words "Adorably domesticated" kept running through his mind. To the rodent's amusement, his boyfriend's cheeks went bright red at his comment.

Unable to resist, the rat let his hands settle on the duck's shoulders as he leaned down to kiss him.

'Dinner's getting cold!' Gosalyn's voice from the kitchen broke the moment before their lips could even touch.

Drake pulled back first, reaching out to clasp hands with his lover, their fingers threading together intimately. With a tug, he pulled the rodent down the hall and into the kitchen, where his daughter was impatiently waiting to eat.


Dinner was thankfully uneventful... except for the moments when dear little Gosalyn decided to interrogate her daddy's new boyfriend. Eventually, the duckling settled down with a satisfied smirk and batted her eyes innocently at the adults in her life.

'Can I be excused before the kissing starts,' the red-head asked, her voice sweet as sugar.


'Aw, come on, dad. You're both grown adults. Don't tell me you haven't even kissed yet,' the duckling admonished, rolling her eyes.

'Of course we've... what I mean is... Yes, you can be excused,' Drake rubbed his eyes and sighed, trying his hardest not to blush.

Elmo couldn't help giving the pair an amused smile. It was adorable to watch the two banter back and forth. Who would have thought that he'd give up his life as a super-villain and end up dating a single father? The others would likely be rolling around on the ground in fits of laughter if they found out.

'So, are you ready to run out the door screaming yet?' Drake's voice pulled him back to reality and Elmo just laughed at the question.

'Do I get a kiss if I do?' the rodent asked, his whiskers twitching at the thought. He watched his lover clear the table, then grinned as two downy arms wrapped around his shoulders from behind.

'Well... I'd say you deserve a kiss for remaining sane after all that,' the duck purred, pressing their lips together in a delectable sideways embrace.

'Ewww! At least wait until I'm out of the house.'

Elmo pulled back quickly, staring at the little cock-blocker in shock. Oh yeah... he was dating a single PARENT.

'Gosalyn, why don't you and Elmo go pick out a movie to watch tonight,' Drake suggested, rolling up his sleeves at the sight of the dishes on the counter.

'Fine. But only if you both promise not to make out on the couch while I'm in the room. On second thought, don't make out on the couch at all! Ewww,' the little girl announced, hands on her hips.

'Don't worry, she used to act the same way when I was dating Morgana,' Drake assured his boyfriend, before ushering the pair out of the kitchen.

'That's cause kissing is gross,' Gosalyn stated, stomping down the hallway to the living-room.

Elmo shook his head with a smile and followed the duckling, leaving his lover to finish the dishes in peace.


_ Extra: Movie Fun _

'I don't know about you, Elmo, but dad and I love monster movies. Especially ones with lots of blood, violence and people getting their heads chopped off,' Gosalyn announced, digging through her video tapes and showing off her favourite titles.

'That sounds scary. I didn't think Drake would be in to those types of movies,' Elmo admitted.

They finally settled on a classic monster movie when Drake appeared in the doorway with a bowl of popcorn.

'Another monster movie, Gosalyn? Just once, it would be nice to watch something different,' the elder duck sighed, taking a seat on the couch next to his lover.

'You said that I could pick the movie if I didn't torment your boyfriend too much,' the duckling shot back, already laying on her stomach on the rug in front of the TV screen.

'You're right. I did promise. But after this, it will be straight to bed, young lady,' Drake stated, leaning into his companion's warm body.

For the first time in his life, Elmo felt truly content. If only this moment could last forever.

...end of the extra scene...

A Series of Moments 5

_ **1. Movie Night** _ Movie nights at the Mallard household had been more regular since Elmo's first visit. Gosalyn had been pleasantly surprised to find out that the ex-villain shared her love of classic horror movies, and it was now two against one...

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A Series of Moments 3

Ch 3: A Very Pleasant Morning Elmo's pleasant dreams began to melt away as he became aware of the tingling sensation coming from the lower half of his body. Cracking his eyes open, the rat was greeted to the sight of his lover's tongue drifting up and...

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A Series of Moments 2

_ **Chapter 2: A Stormy Surprise** _ 'Ugh, I hate rain,' Elmo grumbled as he unlocked his apartment door and stepped inside. 'It's really coming down out there,' Drake whistled as he looked out the window at the lightning streaking the sky. His...

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