A Series of Moments 7

Story by wingedtora on SoFurry

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#7 of Darkwing Duck fics

Ch 7: The Joys of Packing

Gosalyn burst through the front door, dragging her best friend behind her.

'Do you think your dad asked him yet?' Honker questioned, letting the female duckling pull him into the living-room.

'Ewwww! Adults kissing! Avert your eyes, Honker,' Gosalyn slapped her hand over her friend's eyes, almost knocking his glasses off his beak in her haste.

'Gee, Gos, it's not really that big of a deal. It's just your dad and his boyfriend,' Honker sighed, waving blindly at the adults in the room.

'You can let him go now, Gosalyn. Elmo, this is Honker. He's Gosalyn's friend who lives next door,' Drake explained, after untangling himself from his lover's warm embrace.

'Hello,' the rodent smiled brightly at the children in the entranceway.

'Hello, Mr. Sputterspark. Gosalyn talks about you all the time,' the boy stated.

'I do not. And his name is Elmo. Well, pretty soon he's going to be Mr. Mallard-Sputterspark... or maybe Mr. Sputterspark-Mallard. Or maybe...' the duckling was cut off by her father's annoyed look.

'Gosalyn, let's give him a chance to move in first, before anything else. Honestly,' Drake sighed, patting his boyfriend on the leg as he stood up from the couch.

'You said yes?' the duckling raced across the room and threw herself into the rat's arms without delay.

To say that Elmo was overwhelmed by the girl's enthusiasm would have been an understatement. Drake could see the tears gathering in his lover's eyes as he returned Gosalyn's hug. Shaking his head, the duck shooed his daughter's friend into the kitchen with the offer of a snack, leaving his boyfriend and daughter to chat in private.


'Elmo and I are going to go to his apartment to pack up. You play at the Muddlefoots until we get back with his things,' Drake announced, locking up once everyone was out of the house.

'Okay,' Gosalyn sighed, despite wanting to talk her way into going with them. After all, her dad normally would have dragged her along to help, but he probably wanted some alone-time to make-out with Megavolt... Elmo. Oh well.

'See you later, dads,' the duckling raced off with her friend.

'She called me dad,' Elmo mused aloud, overwhelmed at the loving gesture from his boyfriend's daughter.

'Yes, she did,' Drake smiled, taking his lover's hand and pulling him to the car.


Elmo stepped out of the bedroom with the last box fully packed. He held it tighter than the rest, but that wasn't strange considering that his old super-villain outfit was packed inside. Even now, he couldn't quite build up the strength to get rid of it. How could anyone just throw away more than ten years of their life without another thought?

Stepping into the kitchen, the rodent's dark thoughts took an immediate detour at the sight of his lover packing a box on the kitchen table, his white tail gently swaying from where it was poking through a hole in his jeans.

It was strange to think that he'd never appreciated the view of a duck's tail until he'd met up with his old classmate again. Working together at Quackwerks, Elmo hadn't even realized how hard he'd fallen for Drake until he discovered that he was finding opportunities to catch a glimpse of the duck's elusive appendage. At that point, his interest had quickly shifted to studying his cubicle-mate's entire body, and he definitely liked what he saw.

After several months of casual conversation, Elmo had walked into the break-room one day to find Drake bending over, his ivory tail taunting the rat to make a move. Without much thought, he'd kissed the duck the moment the avian male had turned around. Rather than shove him away, as the rodent feared he would, Drake had all but melted into the embrace. Despite later protests from the duck, it hadn't taken much to convince him that the rat was serious about starting a relationship.

And now, here they were, packing up his small apartment so that he could move in with the single-parent and his daughter. Yeah, his old super villain buddies would so be laughing at him for falling in love with a regular person, and another male at that.

Smirking, the rodent quietly set down the box he was carrying and slipped closer to his lover. Unlike a duck's tail, a rat's tail was extremely flexible. It didn't take much effort to flick the tanned appendage toward his lover, allowing it to slide sensually along the bottom of the duck's feathery tail.

'Elmo, we're suppose to be packing,' Drake turned to shove his boyfriend playfully, but didn't stop his advances.

'It's hard to concentrate when you're bent over like that. Your tail loves to taunt me, you know,' Elmo declared, stepping closer so he could wrap his arms around his boyfriend's waist.

'My tail likes to taunt you? This coming from the rat whose tail is always stroking me whenever we make love,' Drake shot back, allowing the rodent to push him down onto the cleared portion of the table.

'What can I say? It has a mind of it's own,' the taller male stated, his hands already working to unbutton the duck's jeans and slip them down his hips. Underwear was next, leaving the duck half naked in the middle of the kitchen.

'I can see that,' Drake stroked the tail that was now wrapped around one of his legs as Elmo released himself from his own jeans. Without even bothering to do more than shove the pants and boxers down to his thighs, the rodent hooked his lover's legs over his shoulders and pushed into his waiting body.

So warm, so tight... all his. Elmo felt a surge of electricity run through his veins as he stared down at his panting lover, sprawled out on the table like a gift from the gods. Damn, he couldn't believe how lucky he was. Even Darkwing Duck couldn't spoil this moment. The rat paused as the thought of his former arch-nemesis and his new lover chatting over tea about him... Now that was a scary thought.

'Elmo,' Drake's groan brought him back to the moment and Elmo wasn't going to waste it. If he had the stamina, he'd fuck his boyfriend in every room of the apartment. Drake could ride him on the couch, suck him off in the shower, they could even do it doggy-style in front of the mirror that was once in the bedroom... Actually, that was too good of a mental picture to resist. But since they'd already packed everything up, perhaps he could convince Drake to put the mirror in their soon-to-be shared bedroom back at the Mallard house.

Sharp cries filled the apartment as the pair finally reached completion. And there, panting in the afterglow, Drake wrapped his arms around the rodent's neck and dragged him down into a deep kiss. 'Love you, Elmo,' the duck finally said, gazing up at the rat with a satisfied smile.

'Love you too, Drake,' Elmo slowly withdrew from his lover's warm body and helped him off the table.

'Elmo... I think I'm going to need to borrow a spare shirt,' Drake commented, staring down at the mess on his t-shirt.

The rodent nodded and began to go through his clothing box, feeling a surge of satisfaction at the sight of his lover pulling off his shirt and using it clean his thighs before he put on his pants again. Without really looking, Elmo thrust out the first shirt he found toward his boyfriend.

Dark eyes widened, staring at the offered item in shock. The rodent noticed the look and glanced down, his whiskers vibrating at the sight of a very familiar, tattered yellow shirt.

'Um, it's... I just... I'll find you something else,' Elmo turned away quickly, shoving the shirt back into the box. A soft chuckle caught his attention, moments before his lover's bare upper-body pressed against his back.

'Has anyone ever told you that you're cute when you're embarrassed?' Drake purred into his ears, nuzzling his bill against the rodent's cheek.

'Has anyone ever told you that you shouldn't taunt a super villain?' Elmo shot back, turning to meet his lover's amused eyes.

'Ex-super villain, and besides, I know your weakness,' the duck whispered, nipping at the rat's ear.

'Oh really?' the rodent smirked, waiting for his boyfriend to continue.

'Mmm hmm. You, Megavolt, are all about electricity. Water and electricity don't mix. I'm feeling rather dirty right now, so I think I'm going to take advantage of your shower. It's a good thing that a certain ex-super villain won't be able to get his hands on me while I'm in there,' Drake slipped away from the rodent and waved as he left the room.

{Ah, but I haven't charged in months, my not-so-innocent little duck. And there's no way I'm going to resist an invitation like that}

Elmo took a moment to grab a black shirt out of the box before following the sound of water to where his lover was waiting.


Hours later, the pair finally managed to finish packing and stacking Elmo's boxes on the curb as they waited for Launchpad to arrive to help with the move. Relaxed as he was (multiple orgasms will do that to you), the rodent still felt a surge of apprehension as a white van swerved around the corner and came to a screeching stop in front of his apartment building.

'Thanks for coming to help us, Launchpad,' Drake commented, as the pilot got out of the vehicle and approached them.

'No problem, DW... I mean, Drake. Anything for a friend.'

Elmo felt the urge to run back up to the apartment and hide. Everyone knew that when you saw Launchpad, Darkwing Duck was close behind.

'Launchpad, this is Elmo. Elmo, my good friend, Launchpad,' Drake suddenly announced, catching his lover's attention.

'Nice to meet you. Not that we haven't met before, but it's nice to officially meet you when you're not, you know, evil,' the pilot commented, reaching out to shake the rodent's hand firmly.

'Um, thanks,' Elmo couldn't think of anything more to say. Letting the two birds chat, he began to load boxes into the van.


'Oh boy. I can't believe you two are actually dating. I mean, I knew you were dating, but it still came as quite a shock,' Launchpad rambled as they carried the boxes out of the van and into the house. Drake had insisted on Elmo riding with Launchpad, so he could drive ahead of them to make sure the pilot didn't get lost.

'So... what does Darkwing think about it?' Elmo finally asked, setting a box down on the kitchen table.

'What does Darkwing think about it? You mean he hasn't...' Launchpad mumbled the last bit into the ivory hand now pressed firmly against his mouth.

'He's fine with it. In fact, I think he's happy that you're happy. And, of course, he's glad that you're no longer a criminal,' Drake announced quickly, pulling away from his friend.

'Oh, that's good to know. He's not going to suddenly show up to meet me too, is he?' Elmo cast a frantic look around the room and couldn't hide his tail's nervous twitch.

'I can assure you that he isn't going to suddenly drop by unannounced, Elmo,' Drake reached out to take his lover's hand into his own and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

'Okay,' the rodent smiled, leaning down to nuzzle the shorter duck's beak.

'Aw, that's so sweet,' Launchpad sighed, effectively reminding them that they had company.

'I guess we should go unpack the rest of the boxes,' Elmo resisted the urge to chuckle nervously at the attention the pilot was giving them.

'Oh, I also wanted to let you two know that I'd be more than willing to babysit Gosalyn at my place anytime you wanted a night to yourselves,' Launchpad stated.

'Thanks,' Elmo answered.

'You know, when you want a night alone for some personal time,' Launchpad winked at the pair.

'Yes, LP, we get it,' Drake rolled his eyes and pulled his blushing lover out of the room.


A Series of Moments 6

**Chapter 6: The Question** Elmo jolted awake to the sound of his cell phone playing a sappy little tune. A touch of annoyance crossed the rat's thoughts at being woken so early on a Saturday morning, but the sound of his lover's voice inviting him...

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A Series of Moments 5

_ **1. Movie Night** _ Movie nights at the Mallard household had been more regular since Elmo's first visit. Gosalyn had been pleasantly surprised to find out that the ex-villain shared her love of classic horror movies, and it was now two against one...

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A Series of Moments 4

**Chapter 4: First Visit** It had been a month since they had officially started dating and Drake was finally ready to take the next step. The only problem was that Elmo was due to arrive any minute and the duck was still vacuuming the living-room....

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