The Meeting of Coincidence

Story by Michael J. Simmons on SoFurry

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The Meeting of Coincidences

(ADULT SITUATIONS: Male on Female, Male on Male or Female on Female. If you happen to be offended by sexually explicit situations or language between, Peoples then please do not read further. Also any Resemblance's between this work of Fiction and any person's living or dead, is not intentional.)

Michael J. Simmons Page 1 09/26/05.

Victoria waddled into her bedroom, feeling all seven and half months of her pregnancy. As she made her way to her desk, she slowly and gingerly sat down. Her face stared back at her from the small mirror she kept at her teak wooden desk. Slowly she set things straight on her desk including her cup of Chamomile tea. Which had went onto the small heater to keep it warm, as she started her computer and slowly sipped at her tea, while her computer did it's diagnostic start up. Her hair, which had grown in the past three months, had taken on a lustrous shine all its own and was equally unimaginable. As she placed it into a bun to keep it off the back of her neck. This fall had been brutal in its unending heat wave. Besides Cassias liked her hair up, said it allowed him better access to her neck with out getting any hair in his throat. She smiled as she started up the journal function on her computer to log another day in her Baby journal. As she started she moved her right hand down to the large swell of her belly in which the twins resided and thought once again how it was that these children came to be...

'Come on Vicki, lets get a move on... We can still make the club before it becomes too crowded.' Called out her friend Jessica. Vicki was still not feeling up to this, but still Jessica best friend that she is could not be denied. Besides with Harvey out of town on his business trip and with her heat just starting she was not really in the mood for clubbing, still a clubbing she would go. Since her marriage to Harvey she had not really been out and then there was the fact that neither she nor Harvey wanted to have children, which is why he normally took his trips out of town during her heat cycles.

Jessica had finally talked her into going out even this early in her cycle. In fact it had been Jessica who showed up at her home and proceeded to badger her earlier this afternoon, in fact they would have been there sooner, had Vicki been allowed to go in what she wanted in the first place. Something that Jessica had declared 'Olde Maid' clothes, a long shirt and trousers with which Vicki thought was nice. But no that was not 'sexy' enough claimed Jessica so now she was in a one piece short dress which just covered barely over her thighs. Her hair feeling silky and dropping over her shoulder, she felt slightly self-conscious about the whole thing.

'So where are we going again' Vicki asked timidly.

'Club Pred' said Jessica. Excited to have her friend with her in several long months. 'Lets go'. They drove off to the club.

Vicki could still remember that day clearly and smiled a semi sad smile at the results of that day a bittersweet day in which she lost her husband gained a lover and two children that would be born in several months time.


She stood stock-still feeling her self rooted into place, feeling herself going weak in the knees. As he held her gaze, her hazel eyes being locked in place by his Ice Grey eyes. As he slowly moved his way through the crowd to her. She felt a jolt of attraction going through her body, a pulse that was now generating a pulse of need between them. She even amazed herself to feel wetness between her legs as his predatory gaze bore into her. The feeling that she was dinner tonight made her almost want to swoon in place. She felt her body kick itself into overdrive making her even more then willing to accept his caress.

Vicki watched his canine body slowly move through the crowd and come into view; she eyed the swing in his arms to the tightness in his chest, not exactly muscle builder but one who stayed in shape. The easy sway of his hips as if he was in no rush to get to her and the light swish of his big bushy tail. His fur was a light Grey in color and ending at his hands, as they became white. His shirt, black in color offset the Grey coloring and the white splotch on his chest. His jeans where a deep blue in color and fitted him snug in all the right places. As she watched him approach. Vicki breathed for the first time in what seemed like ages, she never, never felt this way about any one not even her husband. She watched him walk through the crowd, she watched him watching her. "I'm being stalked" she thought "I am being stalked and hunted." Her mind was screaming at her to move and get out of there, but somehow she knew, knew that not only would she not move, but that he was coming for her, and he would take her for his.

Her mind worked frantically as he walked up to her. "Your Husband, think about him, think about Harvey." Queried a voice in her mind.

"Why" answered her body rebelliously, "Do you know how long we have waited for this moment to be just taken." Her body thrilled to the idea of feeling this predator between her legs and from there on in cumming in gallons into her, filling her.

"But he is our Mate, not this creature who will only bed us and leave us. Harvey is our Stag he is our mate, we love him..."

"Screw love..." her body replied.

Her mind attempted to ply her with images of Harvey her husband and mate, tried to show whom it was that would provide security and protection. These items that she had come to know and cherish. Her bodies' response was to wonder what this Mel would feel like, "Definitely different than Harvey." Her body affirmed as she felt the lust rising in her.

Her mind finally managed to rip some semblance of control back from her yearning body, when he was cut off by a group of lapines.

" Girl move your tail, Now... Just what the hell made you think coming out here with Jessica was such a great Idea" She looked for Jessica and found her on the dance floor, gyrating with a pair of Leopards. "Jeez, what a slut, she is and you had to come along."

She had just gotten to her feet, her hand clasping over her purse. When she felt his presence, she turned and ran right into him face to face. She felt his hands go out and clasp her steadying her before she fell. 'Hi' he said his voice barely audible over the pulsing rhythm of the music. ' I noticed you come in with your friend and left you here all alone.' His voice sounds smooth with a nice tenor to it. 'I thought you might like to dance.' His eyes that held initially predatory intent, where now filled with compassion and caring, her indecision clears in her hazel eyes. ' My name is Cassias' he said gently ' and I promise I don't bite... well unless you ask me too." His smile coming readily at the little joke.

"Oh Gods!" both her mind and body cried in unison, and both for totally different reasons. But before any resistance could be made, she felt her hand in his outstretched hand and being lead to the dance floor. She felt even before reaching the floor the sub-harmonics of the music as it pounded into everyone's bodies. The pounding and pulsing of the music and the lights, she could feel the press of bodies around her and a thousand mired smells of various furs from Predators to Prey, Carnivores and Herbivores. A cumulation of bodies and smells all making her dizzy and light headed. She did not even notice at first when he had started to dance with her, his chest and front touching her back his hands caressing her body from her hips to her head.

"This is wrong..." her mind screamed to be heard, but her body was through with this nonsense, and carrying. She felt her hips grind backwards into his hips, feeling his pelvis and the his own hardness against her. His left hand snaked across her firm flat belly as they proceeded to gyrate there on the dance floor. His right hand caressing her breast slowly as they danced. She felt his heated breath against her skin, hot and intent as he inhaled her scent, the feel of his muzzle burying itself in her neck and nuzzles her.

She felt her self going weak in the knees as he ministered to her most primal instinct, there gyrations where soon in synch with one another and with the music, she soon lost fact of where she was and what she was doing. She turned slightly to gaze at him, and nearly came unglued as his gaze seemed to have stripped her of her garments and he was in her and making love to her right there, her heart skipped a beat at this intense predatory gaze. She felt that current again as she lifted her muzzle to his and parted her lips to accept his probing tongue, her right hand going up to his face to ruffle through the fur and hair. His kiss making her even weaker in her knees, her mind which was still trying to not to do this, gave up its screaming as the fire of her need burned away any more reservations she may have had.

Slowly she turned around and faced him directly, the feel of his right hand on her lower back and ass, caressing her through her dress, and the fell of his predatory need for her through his own pants. She swooned as he started to nuzzle her again and then nibble her neck as his left hand turned up to caress her face, his Grey eyes penetrating into her hazel eyes, as she was slowly tilted backwards, showing off her cleavage to him. She felt her self pulled back up right and his left hand now on the back of her head, bringing her closer to his muzzle till there lips touched again further inflaming her need. She felt her own self respond as her hands, grasp his hips and thrusted herself closer to her hips. His hands slowly closed over her ass and squeeze tightly, making her jump up slightly, with that she found that she had wrapped one leg around his waist, then her other leg locking them both in place on his lower back. While they swayed gently and tightly to each other and to the music. Closing her eyes, she felt more the saw him nuzzling one breast then another, he then lifted her up, his hand on her hips as her legs slipped on each side of his head, His muzzle deep in her crotch she groaned as he inhaled her scent.

She was dizzy with excitement when she was placed back on her feet, she felt him pull her closer to him his head on her shoulder and vice versa, then she heard him, his voice low and throaty, ' You need something from me, Now don't you.' His voice low and sexually dangerous, as he guided her hand down first on his shirt. The feel of silk under hand soon gave way to his jeans and a growing bulge in the jeans. He left her hand there as her hand of its own accord started to knead his hardness feeling it getting stiffer and harder. She mured gently into his neck as she felt his hands caressing her neither regions, stroking the heat that was already in her...

'I live upstairs, if you wish to...'

Vicki sat back in her chair not even really glancing at her journal as her mind traced over that night, 'Hmmm that night was wonderful and in the end worth it.' As her hand caressed her growing abdomen. 'I just really wish it where with Harvey that this had happened with at least at the start, Now, now I know I would not want any one but Cassias.' She felt her mind go back to that night.

His words where cut short as she moved her head up and kissed him deeply and passionately giving him all the response he would need. They stood still for the next few moments kissing, she felt herself get lifted up and her legs wrapping around him again as he walked her off the dance floor. They moved through the lobby with her still on his front, she had started to nuzzle him like some toothless vampyre. They had arrived at the private elevator with out incident, with the exception of when he tried to pull out the passkey to the elevator, which he managed while still holding her against the wall and himself. The elevator rose slowly and gently as they proceeded to kiss and fondle one another, one shoulder she felt go bare as he untied her strap and proceeded to lick and nuzzle her breast, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her. They stepped off the elevator and into his apartment. She then felt the remainder of her dress drop off leaving her top exposed, she then felt a new substance against her skin, and satin bed spreads. The pressure of his weight on her as she saw that his shirt was unbuttoned and his pants where no where to be seen and his fully aroused member there in front of her.

She watched as his hands pushed her dress up in breathless anticipation, and then felt his weight shifted as his head went down between her legs. The feel of his cold nose against her groin as he smelled her heat, then the ripping of her underwear as he tore it off with his teeth.

She then felt him hovering just outside of her and then she felt his thrust into her. She felt his hardness deep in her as he thrusted almost brutally, hungrily. She felt a gasp escape her lips, then a moan which built up into a primal cry of passion as she came. Her juices flooding her and drenching him, as he thrusted deep into her, her body clenching around his shaft as her orgasm raced through her body arching her back under him.

She lay panting and writhing on the silk sheets as he lay in her frozen, not moving; she could her his panting for air. The feel of him deep in her poised to thrust deeper or pull out caused her to whimper in sexual frustration. She attempted to coax him in her deeper by thrusting her hips against his, but he moved himself out of her, causing her to gasp in sexual need and frustration at the vacancy she felt. Gently she felt her body turned around and propped up on some pillows as she felt his hardness goes against her again sliding in from behind her. Vicki's face caressed the satin fabric of the pillow. His thrusting was now centered over her g-spot, causing her to really start to loose her sense of self, then a new feeling came over her as she felt something large and bobulous mass enter into her, and her own vaginal muscles clamping down and not letting it go. She felt it rest and giggle right on her G-spot, 'Oh...' she gasped 'mhhhhh spirits... its... so... huge, Oh GODS! Fuck me baby... baby in me... OH BABY!' As her head swam as his knot pushed even deeper into her locking their bodies in place. She could hear her voice through the pillow she was screaming in as he finally released himself exploding deep in her, his seed flooding and filling her womb leaving her feeling deliriously woozy. The feeling of her heat temporarily being abated for now, her mind now tried to insert what may be the result of this indecent carnal union would produce. Her body was far beyond caring as she felt her wolf's love muscle flex and grow stronger in her again as his thrusting started up again...

She smiled sadly at the computer screen, remembering the conversation a few after the fact with Harvey how he screamed and shouted and called her names, then had, had her thrown out of their home. She had made her way unhappily to Jessica's house where she stayed for a few weeks till; she mustered the courage to go see Cassias. Slowly she stood up and waddled to bed, where Cassias lay, a lazy grin across his muzzle, as she slipped into bed.

'Are you alright, Love' he asked his voice filled with concern.

'Yea, I was just thinking' she said, ' Cassias, you love me?... right!'

Instead of answering her he slowly bent down to her and kissed her on the lips as his hand snaked around her belly to feel the movement of their children.

-The End-