Pain Series: Story 2: Busted

Story by Mitsozuka on SoFurry

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A nosy little brother follows his nose, only to wind up neck deep in WAY more trouble than he bargained for...

_ Pain Series: Story 2: Busted _

(Warning; contains Cubs, lesbianism, F/F, incest, Ballbusting/CBT, spanking, Semi-N/C, M/F, and light bondage.)

"Go outside, Trevor. Go find your sister and play."

Mom was busy again, and Trevor was being bored in the house, so she sent him outside, into the wooded area behind their home to play, as usual. The young wolf trotted outside, clad only in shorts and a t-shirt, the early fall air still plenty warm in the midmorning. Trevor had just recently turned 9 years old, and his sister, Nina, was 12. He didn't really like playing with her too much, but there weren't any boys his age anywhere close by, so he had little choice. He sniffed the air, following the scent of his sister out into the trees. He followed it for several minutes, out to the fence of their property. He blinked a little, but then just shrugged and hopped over the fence, and kept going.

He kept going for a while more, a couple of minutes for sure, until her scent got closer... and a little different. He didn't recognize it really, but something was different, and he moved towards its source a little more slowly. It led him to the bushes at the edge of a glen, and then he heard voices, and didn't recognize one. He froze, listening for a moment, then tiptoed up to the edge and peeked through the bushes.

In the glen, he saw his sister all right, but with a girl he'd never seen. She was a dragon, she had to be, her smooth green scales, long powerful tail, and pretty green-gold wings on her back. She also had her muzzle buried between Nina's legs, and Nina's was between hers. The young wolf wanted to get a closer look, but didn't want to give himself away. He could tell easily from his position that they were both nude, as there was a pile of clothing not 10 feet from them.

He saw the girls writhing, their heated scents hanging heavily all around, and could hear them moaning lightly even from where he was. He dropped to one knee, just watching, not sure what the hell he was witnessing, and just watched in rapt silence until they apparently finished and separated. They sat up, holding each other close and talking quietly between themselves, and suddenly Trevor felt his calf cramping up, so he quietly stood up. When he turned his gaze back to the glen, he didn't see the young dragon anywhere.

"Hey you perv!" A voice came from Trevor's right side, and as he turned to look, he saw the dragon, glaring at him as she charged at him. He backed himself away a step or two, until his back hit a tree, and then the older girl was on top of him. Her left hand had him by the shirt collar, and her right hand swung up from below, hitting him in the front of his shorts. She didn't realize it, but she'd missed hitting his balls, and had hit him more in the top of the sheath and pubic area, which still sort of hurt, but all Trevor did was grunt a little. "How long have you been spying on us, jerk?!"

"Ow! Please, don't! I wasn't spying, I just got here!" Trevor whined, looking up at the dragon who towered head and shoulders above him. "I-I was just looking for my sister! I followed her scent here!" He whimpered a bit, his tail curling between his knees.

"Sharla, who are you talking to?" Nina's voice came from the glen.

"What's your name, punk? Sing out or I'll clobber you!"

"N-nina! It's Trevor!" The young boy half whined to his sister, who gasped audibly and ran over to them.

"Trevor! You little brat, where the hell did you come from?!" Nina was furious, and blushing, but oddly didn't bother covering herself up.

"M-mom sent me to find you!"

"This little pervert is your brother, Nina?" Sharla sounded amused, grinning at the young boy a little. Oddly, this only scared Trevor more.

"Well yeah. Was he spying on us?"

"He says he wasn't, but I don't believe him. I think we need to torture the information out of him!"

"Oooh, good idea! Drag him to the stump!" Nina giggled, and walked off.

"H-hey, lemme go!" Trevor tried to struggle a bit as Sharla shoved him along, until she pushed him over the tree stump where they had been lying earlier.

"Hold him, Nina." Sharla commanded, and Nina did so. "This little spy saw us naked, so I think it's only fair we return the favor!" She grabbed his shirt, and before he could struggle, it was off of him, and his sister was holding his shoulders down while Sharla stole his shorts and undies. She giggled at the sight of Trevor's prepubescent sheath and his small, fuzzy orbs, while Trevor whined and blushed furiously. "Not much to look at, is he?"

"Leave me alone! You girls are gonna get in big trouble!" Trevor whimpered and tried to cover his boy bits with his tail and knees.

"Oh no we're not." Said Nina.

"Yeah, if we get in trouble, you'll get in trouble now too!" Sharla wrestled his hands together, and out of nowhere, Trevor found himself in handcuffs. "Hah, now you're helpless to resist us! Roll him over, Nina!" The young wolf did so, and then Sharla busied herself finding a good, sturdy stick from nearby. She came back over and grabbed Trevor's tail, hoisting it up to expose his bare rump, and giggling a little as she spoke. "See, if you don't do as we say, you're gonna get in HUGE trouble, and then you'll also get your butt kicked by my older brothers! We'll tell everyone you made me and Nina do bad things, and then you'll be in for it forever!" She laughed a bit and brought the switch down across Trevor's rear, making him grunt and kick his feet a little, as they couldn't reach the ground with him bent over the huge tree stump. "Struggle all you like, wimp! You're not going anywhere." Sharla brought the switch down again, over and over, until it started to make the boy yelp a little with every stroke. At first his fur and baby fat made the strokes not hurt much, but eventually Sharla's insistent switching broke through, and every time the switch hit his exposed tailhole it made Trevor's vision flash white. He continued to struggle, until one stroke landed a bit off-target, and laid a painful stripe across the backs of his poor, young, developing testicles.

"OWWEEE!" Trevor's body contracted quickly, his hands, still cuffed, shooting down to his groin, covering his injured balls as he fell to the cold, moist grass. He whimpered and a tear fell from his eye as he lay there, unsure where the pain had come from, but unsure if it would ever end.

"Wow!" Nina laughed, pointing at her brother on the ground. "What happened to him?"

"Huh, I must have hit him in the balls." Sharla shrugged. "Whoops, my bad." She moved over, and reached down to grab the handcuffs, trying to get Trevor to his feet.

"GRRRAH!" Trevor lashed out at the dragon, leaping up at her, his bound hands reaching up to try to choke her, pushing her back a bit as he startled her. His vision red for a moment, his claws dug into Sharla's neck hard, and he growled angrily and pushed at her.

"NNNGH!" Sharla was caught off guard, but only for a bit, as her neck started to hurt, she planted her feet, stopping their movement, and then reared back, swinging her leg up again, and kicking the young wolf right in the balls, much harder than she had swatted them previously, hard enough to lift him off his feet from the impact a little.

"AWWROOOOO!" The boy crumpled again, his legs buckling and his hands gluing themselves to his injured, aching little testicles. "OOOOOOOH, MY BAAAAAAAAALLLLS!" He whined, his voice high and breathy, his stomach churning from the pain to his groin, his eyes watering freely from the pain.

"Whoa! Sh-sharla are you okay?!" Nina sounded more worried for her girlfriend than her possibly neutered brother.

"Little psycho tried to choke me, did you see that?!" Sharla moved over, and kicked Trevor's hands covering his groin, causing him to yelp again, and growled at him menacingly. "I didn't mean to hit your stupid balls the first time, punk! You're lucky I didn't get them in my hand this time! Just ask my oldest brother, he's still got marks from the time I nearly crushed his!" Sharla sat down on the stump, huffing a little.

"Uuuugh, my baaaaaalls..." Trevor whimpered, his whole world reduced to his hands, and the painful, throbbing orbs inside them. He wanted to puke, he wanted to die... anything to stop the pain in his groin right then. He was so lost in the pain that he didn't feel himself being moved, until he opened his eyes and realized he was on his feet, sort of, his back against a tree, and his arms stretched up above his head. "P-please... stop... let me go..." He cried, his whole body shivering and shuddering from pain. What he didn't notice at first was the little bit of red poking forth from the tip of his sheath. He didn't notice but Sharla sure did.

"Oh man, look Nina! His little thingy is showing!" She giggled, leaning down and poking at it lightly, making the boy squirm and moan a little. "Now listen here boy... you're going to do as your sister and I say from now on, got it? If you don't, not only will you get in trouble, I'll turn your poor little balls here into fuzzy paste!" At that, she gave Trevor's aching nuts a hard slap, making him squeak a little in pain. "Dig me?"

"OWWW! My Balls! Please, I'll do anything you say, just don't hurt me anymore!" Even as Trevor said this, his terror, embarrassment and pounding heart combined to give the poor young wolf his first ever full-on erection, right in front of his sister and her girlfriend, which made them both laugh a lot.

"Yknow, I haven't seen Trev's little willy since he was in diapers, he's actually gotten bigger I think!" His sister tormented him further, reaching over and brushing her brother's hard, smooth boner with a fingertip. "Still all weird and smoothish. And look, you can see his little knot trying to swell up!"

"Yknow babe..." Sharla said, looking devious. "I think I have an idea that would get me off immensely..." She leaned over and whispered to her girlfriend, who blushed, but silently nodded in agreement. Without hesitating, Sharla climbed up onto Trevor's lap, and with some measure of practiced ease, slipped the entirety of his cute little boner into her wet, tight entrance. Then, to trevors shock and somewhat disgust, his sister did the same thing, only to his face! She lowered herself to where his nose couldn't help poking at her lower lips, the light, soft fur tickling his nostrils.

"EW! What the heck are you doing Nina?! Get your foofer out of my face!"

"HEY!" Sharla snapped. "I said you'd do what you were told, and I say you're going to lick your sister's beautiful, delicious puss until I tell you to stop!" She reached behind her and mercilessly socked Trevor right in his helpless testicles, making him squeal into Nina's crotch.

"BALLLS! PLEEEASE STOP, I'LL BE GOOD!" He squirmed and hollered pitifully.

"Then get licking, slave! Because that's what you are now, our slave!"

Trevor did as he was told, and hurriedly pushed his tongue out of his muzzle as far as it would go, unintentionally thrusting it deep into Nina's tight little puss, causing her to gasp at first, then moan whorishly. She wordlessly reached down to rub slowly and teasingly at her clit, and pressed down as far as she could manage without stuffing trev's muzzle into her 'foofer'.

Sharla just sat there, grinding on the boy's seemingly concrete erection, rubbing her own clit in idle bliss as she watched the object of her affection be pleased by their new slave. Occasionally she'd reach back and sock poor Trev right in his slightly swollen nuts again, just to tell him to focus and please her more. She also started rocking very rhythmically on his buried little shaft, which at one point started to spasm, and swelled up, pressing right against her young g-spot with the upper part of his slightly impressive knot. Nothing came out then, but the poor boy stayed hard, and Sharla kept riding. She came at some point, but didn't let that stop her, and even after Nina came, and then came AGAIN, Sharla's dominance in their relationship was obvious, because she simply said "One more." And Nina's puss was settled atop her brother's face again.

"Hey, slave!" Another fierce slap to his aching balls drew him out of his near-pleasure-coma, making him squeak piteously. "I'm gonna milk your stupid little balls until something comes out of them, you hear me?" He whimpered in reply. Sharla did just that, reaching down and wrapping her hand around his aching balls, squeezing painfully, and tugging them away from his body. She also redoubled her movements, riding the poor boy like their lives depended on it.

Of course, the boy knew nothing of holding back, poor body confused and tormented, so when his climax arrived, and the first Real climax of his life, he shot off, painting the inside of Sharla's vaginal tunnel with a few short, hot spurts of his newly found lupine seed. Sharla and Nina didn't last much longer after that, and eventually, they all wound up, lying there in the clearing, panting, naked, and full of hormones.

A few short goodbyes and a promise to do this again soon, and they were all dressed again and off to their homes.

When Nina and Trevor got there though, their parents had something of a surprise for them.

Mom was pregnant again, with another girl this time, and Trev and Nina would be moving into Trev's room (the bigger of the two) so they could make Nina's room into a nursery for the baby. They also asked if them sharing a bed for the time being was going to be a problem.

"Oh I don't think so, mama..." Nina replied, giving her brother a warm, loving, but especially meaningful hug real close. "...I think we'll get along just fine..."