Another Perfect Night with Feathers.

Story by FoxxyKattFur on SoFurry

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A couple days had passed since me and Feathers had spent "quality" time together, and a that we had talked... I missed him so much... He was the only person I thought about... I couldn't get him out of my mind! It was great...

After a long day studying, I decided to go straight home today. Not what I usually do, but I really didn't want to do anything, besides... Well... I bet you can use your imagination, for now. Hehe... So... I got to my dorm, walking inside, the scent of the great time I had with Feathers still lingered, it was the main reason I loved my house so much more...

I layed down on my couch, and watched TV, setting my phone on the table near me. Minutes went by, I then thought about taking a shower.

I got up and walked to my room and started to strip down, getting ready for a shower, I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the shower, and got in. Thoughts ran wild throughout my mind... I realised that I missed Feathers more then ever... I had to be patient... I grabbed a bar of soap, and started to clean my fur, rubbing my entire body... the excruciating pleasure as I rubbed my paws accross my sheath, I moaned loud, dropping the bar of soap. I reached down for it, accidently leaning back too far and rubbing my tailhole against the slick metal pole behind me, I closed my eyes and dropped to my knees, my paw on my sheath, rubbing more, starting to get aroused... my paws were so soft... it reminded me of Feathers... My cock started to slowly slide out of my sheath, I groan in pleasure. I lifted up my tail, putting my paw behind me, and rubbing my tailhole, the pleasure from it driving me mad... I couldn't stop... the eccentric desire I had for pleasure tonight was only going to continue...

I then gripped my cock, starting to slowly stroke it, pressing on my tailhole gently, my finger slowly penetrating my tailhole... my moans were so loud, I wouldn't doubt if my neighbor could hear me... But I didn't care... I was in so much pleasure... I just wished that Feathers could be here enjoying it with me... but unfortunatly, he wasn't, although, him being in my mind just got me to continue, my thoughts going wild, memories from days ago getting me to go on, I then lay on my back, thrusting my finger in and out of my tailhole, stroking my cock faster, tightening my grip. My moans ringing out through all of my dorm. I started to get so close, pushing another finger into my tailhole, groaning from the extreme pleasure. I was so close to my very desired orgasm, I heard a loud knock at the door, and a muffled voice... I had no choice but to get out of the shower...

I turned off the shower, and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around my waist, I started to make my way towards the door, I let out a sigh, and then heard another knock, and another muffled voice. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't place a name... I got to the door, and opened the door, it was my friend from next door, Teal, the wolf. I had known him for quite some time, now... I asked him what he needed. I noticed that he was looking up and down my body, and was saying nothing, I blushed, and crossed my arms, trying to cover up some of my body, still dripping from the shower. I then asked him what he needed, again. "Teal... what do you want? I just got out of the shower..." he continued to look up and down my body, I sighed, and then started to close the door, he put his paw in the way, and said, "I just want to talk with you."

I then replied quickly, saying "Alright, well come back later... I need to get dressed, i'll go ov-" he interjected by walking in, saying "Nah, just go get dressed, i'll sit on your couch."

I knew not to argue with him, his muscles clearly stated that I was no match for him... So I held out my paw, showing him where my couch was, he smiled and sat down. I then sighed, walking back to my room, straightening my hair by running my paw through it. I got to my room, and closed my door. I dropped my towel, and walked to my dresser, pulling out some shorts, and a shirt. I then heard footsteps, I thought they were from upstairs... but it turned out to be Teal.

Time seemed to stop, the horrifying thought that my wolf friend would walk into my room without even a knock.

He opened my door, and walked in, closing the door behind him. I then quickly turned to him, putting my paws over my crotch, still erect from earlier, and throbbing from the touch. I turned away from him, using my big tail to cover up my butt. He then grinned maniacally, saying without a second thought, "Wow, you're alot sexier then I thought" he quickly started to work his way towards me.

This shocked me, I had never thought of my wolf friend would ever complement me like that... Although, it didn't seem as a complement... He didn't come in for no reason... His eyes stared at my body, moving up and down, I was afraid... I didn't know what was going to happen... the grin on his face was so maniacle, I hoped they he would reconsider, but he is a stubborn wolf... When he makes a decision, he doesn't think another way until its done.

I backed away from him, stuttering as I said, "T-Teal... g-get out, I need to get dressed..." I continued to back away from him, he was still walking towards me, as I bumped into the wall behind me. There was now nowhere to go...

He then stated, "Why get dressed? You look better without clothes." he was still walking towards me, he then put his arm next to me, his paw on the wall. He then growls at me, looking at me lustfully, clearly a smell of alcohol permeated around him...

I then turned away from him, whimpering, saying back to him, "P-please Teal... d-don't do this..."

He tilted his head to the side, "I'm not doing anything... its what you're going to be doing that you should be worried about."

I looked back at him, "Wha-" was all I got out, before I heard the sound of him unzipping his pants. I tried to move. I felt a hard pound on my shoulder. He snarled at me, saying angrily, "Hold still!" the only expression on his face was anger.

I then started to shake, closing my eyes, hoping this wasn't really happening... Unfortunatly, it was... He then dropped his pants, they were now down at his ankles. I resisted looking at him, he started to move closer, putting his paw on my muzzle, trying to turn my muzzle towards him. I tried my hardest to resist, but unfortunatly this only made him angier... he furiously yelled at me, "Little bitch!", I started to shake franticly.

His attitude almost instantaneously changing. He then said calmly, "Whatever..." he looked into my eyes lustfully, I looked away.

I thought this was the end, he backed off... but it wasn't... he pulled me over to my bed, he sat down, and forced me to my knees, then he said with an angry tone, "Time to use that cute, foxxy muzzle of yours."

I looked up at him, whimpering, "P-please Teal... I can't d-" he angrily interrupted me, stating, "You WILL! Or else!" he used his paw to pull my neck close to him. I started to tear up, sticking out my tongue, and licking his sheath, the taste was un-real... I couldn't belive this was happening... I hoped, and wished that something would happen for this to stop... he then tightened the grip on my neck, "I didn't say stop..." I nodded, and my tears started to flow, licking again. He growled loud, his canine member slididng out of his sheath, I then closed my eyes... wrapping my lips around the tip of his cock, twisting my tongue around it. I felt so shameful... I couldn't belive that this was happening...

I started to move my muzzle forward, his 10 inch cock sliding into my mouth... The taste was nothing like Feathers'... it was horrible in comparison... Even at this time, he was the only thing on my mind... The horny wolf then said, "Use those soft paws of yours." I closed my eyes tighter, reaching my paw up to his cock, stroking it back and forth, moving my muzzle forward, and backward, his moans were loud, gripping my neck even tighter, he started to howl, yelling out, "Fuh-". Was all I heard, I heard my cell-phone ring, and noticed that Teal's muzzle was moving, but I heard nothing... My phone rang again, my eye sight going dark... I hear my phone ring again.

I wake up on my couch, a dim light on my phone visible, and my TV still on. I was covered in a cold sweat... I sighed in relief, saying out loud, forgetting about my phone, "J-just a dream..." I then hear my phone ring one last time before I grab it, I ignore the Caller-Id, and just answer it. I mumble into the phone, "Hello...?" a releiving voice came from my phone, "Hey, Katt!" it was Feathers! I was so happy, his voice is very uplifting... I then wipe the sweat off my forehead, replying to Feathers, I say, "H-hey, whats up?"

A small silence, then I hear his voice again, he sounded very concerned, "Are you okay...?"

I say back to him, "I am now... I was just having a very bad dream..."

"I'm sorry, Katt..." he said lovingly, "Well, I was gonna ask if I could come over, but I gue-" I interrupted him, saying quickly, "N-no! I'd love that... P-please come over..."

He giggled, and said delightfully, "Alright. I'll be over soon."

"Great!" I said happily. "See you, in...?" he quickly replied, "Give me, about 15 minutes, okay?" I then replied, saying, "15 it is!", then he said, "See ya soon, Katt." I quickly said, not thinking about it, "I lo-..." an awkward silence... "I'll see ya...", "Y-yeah..." he said. I then hung up, quickly after, I slapped my forehead with my paw, and dragged it down my face. "Slick..." I thought to myself...

Then, I was struck with an idea. I wanted to make up my blunder to Feathers... I ran to my room, trying to change into something better, qucikly. After dressing into something else, I run to the door, after hearing a knock... I look through the peep hole, and I see Feathers. So then, I attempt at catching my breath... Slowly, opening the door, I let Feathers inside, giving him a big, tight hug, saying, "I missed you so much..."

He smiles, saying back to me, "I missed you too." he starts to rub my back, noticing that I have a shirt on that only covered the top half of my torso. My toned chest visible, he blushes and steps back. "W-wow...."

I giggled, "You like?"

He then blushed deeply, his cheeks going to a beautiful bright red. "O-of course!" he then looked down my body, seeing that I have skin tight, black leather, shorts on.

My eyes wander off, down to the crotch of his pants... A large lump starting to form, I grin and move close to him, our eyes matching up with one another's... the gaze of love we had in our eyes... I continued to move closer, I pushed up his chin, kissing him delicatly. He then pushed his tongue into my mouth, very un-expected... the delicouse taste, returning to my mouth... our tongues meeting one another for the second time, only this time, it felt so much more special... my lovely mousie friend has decided to come back for seconds, the thing I wished would happen, but I never thought would, is now coming true... wild thoughts rampaging through my mind... as I continue to kiss my beautiful mouse friend, our tongues "playing" with one another, our muffled moans loudly echoing in the room, I rub my sheathed cock against his, the bulge in his pants starting to grow larger by the second... He then grabs under my legs, lifting me up and walking over to my room, not breaking the kiss the whole time. We get to my room, and he lays me down gently, we continue to kiss each other. I put my paws on his back, we start to pull off each other's shirt, breaking the kiss only for a moment to throw them off in the distance... I then run my paws down his back, reaching the waist line of his pants, I slide my paws inside his pants, his tail wagging rapidly, I grab his soft, furry butt. He then squeeks, "Such a cute sound..." I thought to myself.

He then breaks the kiss, pulling my paws out of his pants, laying me on my back, he stood up and starting to pull down his pants... he was putting on a show, for me. He slowly pulled his pants down, reavealing his massive errection. He moved close to me, I blushed deeply as he put his paws on my waist, slowly pulling off my shorts. He grinned after he saw my pink thong, saying alloud, "Nice...", I smiled, then he then pulled it off as well, throwing them both off in the distance. After doing so, he got back on the bed, crawling slowly over to me, he stops near my waist, lowering his head toward my slightly revealed cock. He looks up at me, and smiles. I smile back, blushing xtremely, he looks back down, giving the tip of my cock a quick lick. I moan quietly, as my cock slowly starts to slide out of my sheath. Soon after, he moves up closer to me, and moves to where our cocks are pressed up against each other, my cock throbbing against his... I could hardly contain myself, as my pre-cum slightly dripped out onto our joined up cocks.

I then ask him, "W-what are you going to do...?"

He grins, then quickly brings his paw up to his mouth, licking his paw delicatly, and then he brings it back down, wrapping his paw around our throbbing members, we both moan in unisen, as he starts to stroke us. "Do you know, now...?" he giggles.

Our eyes staring into each others, "His eyes are so beautiful", I thought.

I nod, and pull him close, kissing him deeply. His soft paw, continuing to stroke us, our moans ringing out, I try to continue to kiss him, breaking the kiss accidently, my head rocking left to right, our pre-cum flowing out like never before, his paws tightly gripping us, amazingly soft, drives us to moan louder then ever before.

He then groans loud, stopping stroking us so we don't go to an early climax. Starting to move backwards, bumping into the wall behind him, speaking weakly, "P-please... Katt, I want you... to f... fuck me..." my eyes then started to glow with desire, as I slid towards him. "A-are you sure?" I ask him, lovingly.

Quickly after, he starts to whine, and beg. "Yes... p-please..." his whimpers were making my desire for him increase ever so much more.

I grin, and move very close to him, and I tease him, my paw moving up to his shoulder, my claws pricking lightly against his skin. He quickly starts to shiver, and blush wildly. I then start to murr, my muzzle next to his, and then to his neck. I then nip the sensitive side of his neck, and then I run my tongue along it, registering and liking his reactions. "Mmm... i've dreamed about this... I have always had a crush on you... I regret waiting as long as I did...", I said, before backing up a bit, and kissing the side of his muzzle. Suprisingly softly.

He remains motionless, and lets out a delightful squeek. I quickly start to smile deviously at him, and then I lift up his body slightly, sliding myself under him. I growl, pressing my cocktip against the entrance of his tailhole, before pushing slowly inside.

He starts to moan loud, as well as wrapping his legs around my waist, pulling me closer, forcing my cock to go deeper inside his tailhole. I start to nibble on his neck aggressively. I could tell he loved it, because I felt his warm pre-cum on my chest, and he started to claw at my back. I gasp as I feel his claws digging into my skin, and I press harder, until I'm hilted inside of him, then I then felt my knot starting to swell quickly, as I thrust deeply, in and out of his "oh so hot, and tight" tailhole. I then begin to pant hard, my breath coming in short gasps. I start to thrust, growling in sheer pleasure. His moans, and groans only arousing me more, as well as when he digs his claws into my skin... the pleasure we were feeling was un-believable! It was better then I had ever imagined. He then started to claw at me harder, dragging his claws against my back, our moans ringing out in unisen, so loud I couldn't hear myself think.

This night had gone from horrible, to perferct... There was nothing more that I could ask for.

I then start to pant more, and breathe deeper then before. I try my hardest to keep up with him, I quickly squeeze my paw around his cock, starting to stroke him as fast as I could... he then screams out in pleasure, the sounds like none I had ever heard, the beautiful sounds, only arousing me so much more. My knot had swollen large enough to lock inside his tight tailhole, I give a few short thrusts, before climaxing, my breath halting, as waves of pleasure wash over me. I stroke him faster then before, my knot forcing inside of him, pushing inside, my knot now locked inside of him, shooting hot cum deep into his bowels.

I then start to get dizzy, trying to stroke him as fast as possible, my paw now nothing more then a blur of orange, his moans, so beautiful, so loud... His waist jerked, he shoots his hot load upwards, I quickly move my muzzle down, sticking out my tongue, his cum flying into my muzzle, and onto my tongue, his delicious cum must be shared with him! I moved forward, kissing him deeply, my tongue forcing itself into his mouth, his own cum, now in both of our mouths, we both blush, enjoying the long kiss while it lasted...

The kiss lasting for minutes, our tongues getting raw, he breaks the kiss and stares at me, very lovingly... I look back at him, smiling tiredly, I say to him with much confidence, "I love you, Feathers..." I couldn't belive that I had finally told him... I then rested my head on his chest. Quickly after, I passed out, muffled sounds was all I could hear... shortly after, I could feel his soft paws on my head, stroking for minutes before he passed out as well.

The moonlight glimmering down onto us through my window. Once again, we had fallen asleep, huddled together, under a warm blanket... Only this time, I had told my lovely Mousey friend, my true feelings about him.