Of Legendary Proportions - Part 3

Story by BrassOtter on SoFurry

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#5 of Commissions

Test three! This time we've got something a bit more on the extreme side to play with; Electricity! Poor Lugia, scared an alone and confused, unable to do anything but endure the never-ending torture this lab is bringing him. I wonder how long it wil take before he breaks? And if he does, will eh stay broken, or will he be put back together to be broken yet again?

Part three of a commission from BlueSwallow here on SF :3

Oh god... Why? Why was he still here!? Lugia felt tears running down his face, depression fill his heart... And crushing need radiate from his stiff cock. Three days. Three god damn days of constant, never-ending stimulation and denial! He'd been put through so much in only a week that he felt like he was going to go insane before he ever saw the light of day again. First, extreme levels of milking his cock for just tiny drops of seed at a time, and then suddenly the exact opposite end of the spectrum and forcing him to endure seventy-two hours of nothing but pure, agonizing orgasm denial at the hands of two fuzzy tentacles hell-bent on making his life unbearable!

And now, as he woke, Lugia found himself still trapped, still strapped down to the padded metal table, and still no longer in control of his body. His cock wiggled and squirmed against his fluffy, round belly, the prehensile length moving of its own will and not his, only adding t the torture. God, he felt like he was going to explode! But, of course, whatever forces that controlled everything down to his breathing, as it had during the intense tickling and denial, also controlled his release, and as such he couldn't cum, no matter how unbearably imminent said release felt. It was cruel torture, on Lugia prayed would be over soon... But, of course, he knew it likely wasn't. He'd only been through two tests so far and, being one of the very few Lugia on the planet, he knew that his chances of going free after so few experiments were slim to none.

His fears were confirmed a few minutes later by the sound of mechanical parts moving. Opening his eyes, Lugia could see... Oh no... That god damn milker was back! Lugia shivered at the memory of the horrible overstimulation he was forced to endure at the hands of the machine, milking him for every drop of cum it could with the help of a prostate massager... And it was literally only drops at a time. Three solid days of being milked for tiny drops, followed by three solid days of constant, teasing simulation. You'd think they'd have done things the other way around...

Lugia sat in forced silence, only able to watch while the suction tube lowered closer and closer to his stiff, normally prehensile, erection. When it finally made contact, he groaned, his hips involuntarily bucking up in to the machine. Damn, it was just as he remembered it; perfectly warm, perfectly tight, perfectly textured... Seemingly designed to make him cum as hard and fast as possible. As it sank, it seemed to be doing a pretty good job of just that, too. Lugia clenched his eyes tight and panted hard as the machine descended lower and lower, and he grew closer and closer to orgasm without so much as an actual pump or squeeze from the machine, worked up as he was.

The Pokemon of Legend then let out a pitiful, squirming and writhing when, of course, said release did not come. He didn't know what he was hoping for really. Not once had he received anything he had silently begged for, and it seemed an orgasm was no different. The milker settled in to place, and left Lugia squirming and whining quietly. He was so incredibly close to the edge, even though the machine active! The least it could do is start pumping so he could enjoy more pleasure, even if it wasn't going to lead to a release.

But, it seemed there were other things planned. Lugia was mortified to hear more mechanical humming, this time unable to see what instrument of torture was coming to make his life miserable. It was still between his legs, which meant... Nnng! Lugia grunted and whined louder, eyes clenching tight at the feeling of something cold, hard, and well-lubed pressing at his virgin... Well, technically virgin tailhole. He didn't think that dildo that had been slid in there before constituted actual sex...

Not that it mattered, really. His tailhole was till nice and tight, and so he grunted when the large... Sphere, entered his tailhole! What a strange shape for a sex toy, he thought, unaware of what the cold device really was. It wasn't until few moments later when he felt a strange tingle against his cock and prostate that he discovered the true, sinister purpose of these 'toys'.

It was like being struck by lightning. Literally. His entire body spasmed, and he screamed in to his bound beak, unable to control the muscles in his legs. Electricity shot through his groin, causing his cock to writhe and clench as nerves and nerve endings fired off. His prostate was getting that same treatment, causing the gland to twitch, intense pain mixing with an alien form of pleasure. Lugia screamed on and on, tears streaming from his eyes, until the current stopped some unknown time later.

Lugia whimpered and sobbed, flexing against his vice-like bindings desperately. No more. NO MORE! He was done with these god-damn tests, he wanted out of this! The Lugia screamed and thrashed as hard as he possibly could, trying to use Hyper-Beam or gust or ANYTHING that could possibly help him get out of this hell! But, as if in response to his thrashing, he felt that strange tingle again. He howled, his eyes going wide in fear, as he was hit again with crippling torrents of electricity.

Despite how downright painful it was, Lugia could feel his cock throbbing, screaming to cum! This round of excruciating 'stimulation' lasted longer than the last, and when it was over, Lugia fell back to the table, crying silently and panting hard. Why!? What possible reason could there be for putting him through all this!? What was the point!? Lugia screamed, wordless and slightly distorted through his beak, thrashing in his bonds again.

And, again, he was met with another high-voltage shock of electricity, which finally pacified him. He simply laid there on the table, sobbing quietly, chest heaving from exertion and pain. He wished he could just black out again and wake up in his home, and be able to see his friends and enjoy his life... But he had no such luck. Again, he was unable to force himself to fall asleep through some strange, unseen force, the very same he suspected was controlling his cock.

The impromptu 'Shock Therapy' lasted for a few hours, making Lugia scream in agonized pleasure for a few minutes before letting him rest, and then repeat the process over and over again. Thankfully, this torment didn't last a full three days like the previous ones had, and the milker and metal ball withdrew from the sore, exhausted Avian after twelve long, long hours.

His cock throbbed, still pent up with an unreleased load, and the Avian of Legend simply sat there, shivering and sobbing quietly. He tried to hold on hope and sanity, to pray that this was all going to be over swoon or that he was going to wake up from this hellish nightmare soon... But it was getting harder and harder to do with every test. He weakly strained in his binds once again, his body sore from all his spasming and struggling, but he was no closer to escape that he had been before.

With his newest test done, Lugia could feel his eyes growing heavy, and his mind starting to shut down as he drifted off to sleep. Damn it... How much longer was this going to go on? Surely someone would notice he was missing and send help or a search party... Right? Lugia had lots of friends, and few of them were well-connected. There had to be Something one of them could do...

As Lugia drifted off to sleep, he could have sworn he heard a few faint 'clicks', and almost felt as if he was... Standing? This lead in to a dream of him being home, unaware that his body was now free of the table, and walking out of the room with a smile on It's beak...