Dewby's Purchase

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I finally wrote something!

A lonely rabbit trudged through the streets of an open market. His hips were adorned with a blue silk skirt held in place by golden facets. His green fur was a stark contrast to his gold and cobalt clothing and around his neck a single pendant hung, jade with golden inlays depicting fangs piercing an infinity sign. Most of the store owners saw only that pendant and began furiously peddling their wares towards the bunny. He looked always ahead, ears laid back as he trudged towards one store. It was commonly known among those species lucky enough to be known as predators. Snakes, wolves and other carnivorous beings had only one source of food, those they hunted, and those they bought.

To that end most places had a few stores where the purchase of other furs was not only condoned but encouraged. He strode right into the store and began looking around.

"May I interest your master in anything in particular?" the store owner asked eagerly.

"You are not selling to him, you are selling to me." the bunny replied bluntly.

"W-why yes! Of course! We have many female slaves in recently!" the weasel replied already fumbling with a drawn curtain cutting off the rest of the room. "We have plenty of rabbits. Both male and female." he said as he motioned to the various cages along the walls. The rabbit strode past the shop keep and scrutinized the inhabitants for a moment. "Something a bit more unique perhaps?" the weasel asked much to the rabbit's pleasure.

"What do you have in mind?" the bunny asked.

"One I intended solely for your master. A rodent. The body of a male..." he said as he opened a cage and stepped inside motioning the bunny closer. The mouse in the cage let out a drugged groan and shifted ever so slightly. As the store owner reached for the mouse's tail he spoke again, lifting it out of the way for the rabbit. "But with the lips of a female." he concluded.

The rabbit smirked a bit. "Perfect." he said quietly, looking between the mouse's legs.

"A rarity even among larger stores. A defect known as a cunt-boy." the weasel remarked as the mouse began to waken. "Breed-able with no offspring." the store owner explained, shoving his finger into the mouse's cunt.

"That'll be all, do you have a room for me to...'inspect' my purchase?" Dewby asked quietly.

"Sure sure! In the back you'll find accommodations for inspecting him. He's also on Shine Lotus so he should be very malleable for you." the weasel explained with a sneer, wiping his finger on the mouse's fur.

"Fine, now leave."


"Unless you want me to tell Zurui you don't trust his servants." Dew chided quietly, glaring at the store owner. "I'm sure without his family buying your wares you would quickly begin to lose profits." the bunny added.

"Y-yes! Of course." the weasel admitted, walking away without so much as another glance. The bunny meanwhile leaned down, giving the mouse a gentle rub over the shoulders.

"Stand." he ordered quietly. The mouse struggled to his feet, eyes glazed over from the drugs given to him. "Now come." Dew said quietly. He led the mouse to the back room. It had several pits lined with pillows, what a commoner might think of as a harem room. As the bunny closed the door he turned to inspect his prize. The mouse was white in fur color, no distinct markings save a brand on his hip. The brand was old and nearly outgrown so the bunny couldn't make it out clearly. As he stepped closer he rested his hands on the mouse's shoulders and pulling him back against his chest. "Tell me slave, what is your name?" the bunny asked.

"Sh-Sha....ray....el." the boy stammered, still very much under the influence of the drugs.

"Sharael?" the bunny asked, earning a small nod. "Good. Now listen to my every command and you might not make a bad slave." he said softly. His hands ran down the mouse's body, tracing gently over his catch's chest and trailing over the boy's mound lightly. the mouse tensed softly and exhaled heavily, obvious relief washing over him. "Do you know what Shine Lotus is?" he asked softly, his fingers delving between the mouse's legs, his paw pad rubbing gently between the boy's labia, feeling the mouse's nub before trailing to push gently against that all too eager hole. When the mouse shook his head the bunny smirked and whispered into his ear. "It's a drug, given to particularly stubborn slaves. An aphrodisiac." he explained, holding the mouse still as he pushed one finger inside. The mouse let out a soft moan and squeezed his legs around the bunny's hand.

"It has an added effect of hypersensitivity to touch. Just the feel of someone's hand on your chest turns into a sweet caress you can't help pushing into. When used in the right context it can even make the user so randy they work themselves into a frenzy and knock themselves out from exhaustion." he explained, lightly working that finger in and out. "Now, we'll make use of that property." he explained, pulling his hand away. He could feel the mouse begin to tense, obviously coveting the return of that digit.

"Now now, patience." the bunny said quietly, walking over to one of the pits. As he crossed the room he unclasped his garments and let them fall aside carelessly. He sat on the rim and spread his legs with a smirk. "Now come here." he motioned as he spoke, indicating the area before him. The mouse eagerly stepped into the pit and fell to his hands and knees, ears spread back as he crawled forward, eyes still glazed but becoming a bit clearer. "Let's put your muzzle to work." the bunny said calmly, his hand reaching the back of the mouse's head to pull that twitching nose down to his sheath.

The sudden intrusion of the bunny's musk slammed the mouse's head like a freight train, making the poor boy's head swim as he went limp and pressed his nose to the source. "Mmm that's right, worship it boy." the bunny said quietly, pushing down lightly to guide the mouse's nose to his balls.

The mouse could barely control himself by this point, his tongue lashing out against the bunny's sac eagerly. Every taste and smell magnified tenfold as the bunny simply let him explore. After a moment though the bunny nudged the mouse's nose below his ball and hooked his leg behind the drugged boy's head, holding him there as he sat back. Sharael was already grinding his hips against the pillows below as he lavished the bunny in licks and nuzzles. Dewby meanwhile toyed over his sheath for a moment, working himself to full mast. There was a specific oddity that brought the bunny to his owner's attention, his shaft showed the less obvious half of his heritage. A small knot growing at the base to mark his canid lineage. Once he was satisfied with his arousal he pulled the mouse up and smirked. "Now you're going to ride me. If you disappoint me you won't live long." the bunny remarked as he settled a bit, moving his hips lower.

He moved the mouse up, grasping his hips to guide the unsteady boy. He reached down between their bodies, grasping his shaft and lifting the tip up. He let the tip brush against the mouse's entrance, teasing the humid warmth lightly as he watched his catch's reaction. The mouse made no reply to his actions other than a soft moan, his tail flagging lightly as he waited patiently, obediently. Finally, content with his catch's ability to wait for an order, he let the mouse's hips fall down onto his shaft. With a soft slurp the bunny hilted up to his knot, already sopping wet with need the mouse's body easily accommodated the bunny boy's member.

"Good." he mumbled softly, pulling the mouse to his chest and biting his shoulder lightly. His hands pushed against the mouse's hips as he gave a soft grind. His knot kissed the mouse's netherlips softly before he pulled back and thrust forward once more, working into a slow rhythm. The mouse in his grip squirmed and writhed against him, soft moans forced from his lips every time the bunny thrust in.

In the other room the weasel grumbled as he looked over a few papers. "Why is he taking so long?" hissed a voice from the other side of the door leading to the market. As he entered the weasel dropped what he was doing and began lavishing praises and pawning his wares quickly. "Be silent." the cobra ordered, pointing a claw at the store owner.

"Y-yes sir!" he said softly.

"Where is my servant?" he asked the shopkeeper.

"In the back! He's er......'inspecting' a new slave for you!" the weasel retorted quietly.

"I had no intention of buying a slave." the cobra said quietly. He could see the panic washing over the weasel's face so he added to that thought. "But, I have promised him one. Tell me, what did he pick?" the cobra asked.

"O-oh! I see! He ah...well he selected a cunt-boy mouse I managed to procure!" the weasel said quickly. "He will be very expensive...."

"You will be paid, do not speak of such trivialities to me as if you're on my level though." the cobra shot back.

Back in the room the bunny had since rolled, putting the mouse on his back as he thrust deeper into his potential purchase. Finally the bunny thrust forward hard, his hips meeting the mouse's with a wet slurp. His knot found purchase in the rodent's passage, swelling out and locking them together. Letting out a contented sigh the bunny felt his balls pull closer, beginning to shoot his load into the boy beneath him. Sharael, though his eyes were still slightly glazed over, finally managed to find his voice in the throes of his orgasm, his body squeezing the bunny's knot tightly as he felt that warmth spread through him. "M-master...." the mouse moaned quietly as he dropped back into his drug induced stupor once more.

"Well now, already imprinted him have you?" a voice quipped from the door.

"I'm just awesome, what can I say?" the bunny retorted with a grin as he continued to fill his new servant with his seed.

"Well, when you're done, I've already made the necessary arrangements, I would like to take the other new slaves back before the sun falls though, so try not to be tied up too much longer." the cobra replied with a smirk.

"No promises, he's really tight." the bunny said as he rolled them onto their side to relax.

"I will leave you here if you're not ready in an hour~" Zurui spat with a chuckle. "So don't be late....bunny."

Dewby's Pet Snake (SSS)

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