Stronger Than the Moon 3

Story by KnucklePuppy on SoFurry

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#7 of Master/Pet

Thought I'd go ahead and get this off my chest.. You've been patient to wait for me.

Stronger Than the Moon

pt. 3

I was on my back, recovering from takin such an awesome fucking. My head was on my pillow with my arms spread out, my dick tall with master right above it.

"Where ya wanna put that bone boy?" he asked, and I looked down to the area in question. Master was squattin right above my dick, with little to the imagination as for the next chain of events. My dick drooled a bit, running down my balls into a puddle on the mattress under.

"Ah wanna put it inside daddy" I told him, winking and flexing my dick with pride.

"Well then, don't waste any time boy." he said, and I grinned wildly in anticipation. I grabbed his hips, looking into his eyes as I thrusted upwards, but... Master quickly flipped his tail under himself and pressed down against my first strike. I looked at him with a measure of defeat.

"You always fall for that puppy.." he said, and I blushed.

"Papa always teases me too.." I said to him and he nodded.

"I can't give it to ya right off the bat, I gotta make sure you can..handle it boy." he said.

"Ah can handle it papa!" I said, eagerly awaiting the next step.

"Well, we'll start slow anyway" he said, as he shifted back a bit to nose my running tower. I swallowed after the brief contact, anticipation eating me alive.

"Does my pup know he's gonna get to top me?" my master asked, and I nodded.

"Does my pup know how daddy likes to be bred?" he asked, I nodded again.

"Uh-huh, Ah do! Ten miles- Ah ah, four boy." he cut in. Right, time..

"Four miles, and Ah gotta steamroll ya with my dick."

"That's right. But first..." he stopped talking to me in his cool, gruff tone before he took a strong, wet lick up my shaft and teased around the blunt tip, licking my pre up to hang down in strands. I swallowed and layed there. It was all I could do.

He went further, taking the first few inches into his mouth and worked his strong tongue against me. I shivered with a grunt, whining out loud into the darkness of the room. My eyelids drooped as he thrashed his tongue against my dick and I flexed strongly for him. He chuckled in his mouth, the 'hurr hurr hurr' buzzing against me hard enough to make my eyelids droop. He pulled free for a second, looking me in the eyes while he stroked me slowly. Then he moved forward to give me a fanged kiss, placing a hand behind my head to caress his prized warmutt as our tongues met with a crash and our fangs met with sparks. I was in heaven, empassioned and enthralled to my master's lead. We slowed down, closing our lips against the other's simultaneously, our tongues poking through cutely as we gave each other short licks with the tips of them. Then Master eased away, the sturdines of my cock satisfactory and he repositioned himself, this time pressing down a little bit to spread pre on his entrance...before forcing himself down my shaft. I yelped, barked, growled, and thrust into him with force equal to his, so hard I arched off the bed. He huffed harshly, his tail up and away at an angle, gently quivering as he began to scratch my chest. The warmth of master's tailhole began to pour through me, and I relaxed into a sated grin as...

"Yes daddy, that feels.. Awrrrr..." I growled as he started to squeeze my cock with his hole. I loved it when he did that.. He began to rise and fall, his hole sucking hard against me before falling down my length.

"My mutt likes it when daddy leads?" he asked me, sitting up straight. Any faint sources of light that caught his eyes lit them up like burning orange embers. I nodded dumbly, and hard squeeze made my tongue leap from my mouth. My cock cried pre, slowly filling up his tunnel as his descent freed a drop or two. His hips worked like a machine, assisted by his tail as he raised to the the perfect height. When he didn't come back down I went into a fit.

"Four miles mutt.. Four miles.."

"Uh-huh, uh-huh!"

He s l o w l y began to lower himself, and after he took the first inch I rammed the rest through. Master winced and grunted.

"Alright mutt, alright.." he said as he let his weight settle on me, and I rolled him to his back. His legs immediately clamped around my waist and his arms around my back as I went for it, smoothly at first, delivering each hit with a grunt. Master had his eyes closed and pulled me close to him, uttering low grunts as I filled him with wolfcock. That wasn't enough for me though. Shifting to my knees I put my arms around him, holding him still as our heads were side by side and I gave a power test, a strong slam that INVADED him and I listened.

"Don't slow down boy.. Give it to daddy..."

I grinned with every tooth in my muzzle, my tail flagged (and a little messy) and I began to drill my master with real force, each stroke churning up my pre into foam. Master coached me on, and my dick hit a level of hardness only he had ever awakened.

"OhFUCKmutt..gottakeepgivinmethatCOOOOOOCKpuppydog, my sweet, fuckinwelltrained, trainedtofuckmyAAAAAAAAAAASS, tankbustin, OOOOOOOH..."

Master was doin just fine to keep up with squeezing his ass muscles to vice my dick, meeting every strong thrust with equal if not greater pressure. I whimpered to him softly.

"Yes boy, I know.." The he followed with a harder squeeze and I thrust in to the knot. I could feel jets of pre lance into his hole, and he patted the back of my head lovingly.

"That's it boy, thaaat's it.." he said, then he gave me a crushing squeeze. I tensed up and collapsed, licking his cheek in a daze.

"Oh papa, more.." I whined. He delivered another and I layed there in his arms (and legs) before I withdrew to slam my hips forward hard enough to make his head impact the headboard. Master chuckled and patted my head, urging me to keep it up. I didn't disappoint.

I went at him with speed this time, dropping my length over and over, so fast my hips only made one sound. Master pulled me into a crushing embrace. He was close. That embrace was routine when he was about to blow.

"Puuuuuuuuuuppy, oh yeeeeeeeeeeess, oh yeeeeeeeeeeah.." he wailed and I had to give it to him. He was resisting, but fucks to that! I reached under him to the base of his tail and pressed up a little, just to make sure my aim was as precise as possible. I hammered on, slowly getting to hold my breath in short bursts just to give myself that extra..little...bit...

"Mutt, mutt! Daddy's gonna cum, you did it boy! Keep goooooiiiiiiiiing...!"

I felt it. His hole was squeezing so hard, so well, and it didn't help that my furry body was massaging his cock, throbbing at the edge of his release..

I growled like thunderclouds and gave him a steel-piercing thrust, then another, then another, his cock throbbed desperately in between our bodies, then I felt it. His dick fleeeeexed, then gave up a load larger than what he gave me. It throbbed like a drumroll, squirting and drooling the contents of his balls between us that ran down his sides. OH it smelled so strong.. I whimpered to him and nosed him a little as I struggled to thrust harder. He keyed in with a rub to my neckscruff.

"That wasn't four miles mutt... That was barely two. But you got me off in record time." He smiled.

"Give daddy that boulder mutt, come on, give me that hard slam you wanna give me... I could feel it, and I could feel you hold it back... Go ahead, you've earned it.." I swallowed and gave a thrust against his tight hole, my knot bulging into its final state as I tried again, my eyes tearing up from the sensitivity. Had to...bury it...

I gave one more and Master let me enter him with a hard pop and squeezed down on my knot, securing the mass of dense flesh that locked me inside him. The squeeze he gave me gently carried me over the edge...then dropped me as I came hard, squirting erratically and powerfully into him. I whimpered long with Master holding me there, rubbing and petting me, giving me praise for my hard work.

"That's what my mutt's gotta do... That's how he's gotta handle daddy.. Good boy, very good boy."

I weakly lifted my head to lick his cheek and he stroked my ears as I flooded his tunnel with the substantial remains.

"Tomorrow, when I get home, you open the door and greet me the way you always do pup. Help me with my boots, take off my shirt and rub my shoulders, give me some head while I relax.." he said with a wink. Even though all he needed to do was say so, I would never do anything else. He was my master, and he deserved the world. And I would protect him from the worst of it.

"Yessir, yes...sir".

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