Who's the Grrreeaatest

Story by Gamblingwolf on SoFurry

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Never would have predicted that I'd end up being inspired by anything rule 34ish but who knew... breaking a very long streak of not getting any writing done, hopefully a trend all on its own

Mufasa, Zazu © Disney

Tony the Tiger © Kellog

Story and any resulting rabbit punches to the childhood... my bad

"Yeah! Who's the Grrrreeaatest of all time?"

God spare me from hyped up, drunk celebrities, thought the poor jackal behind the bar as he heard that trademark catch phrase abused by the well-dressed stud of a tiger making his way flamboyantly through the crowd towards him. Working at the casino bar he saw the type all the time, big shots that hit it big riding a roller coaster high of recent publicity and fandemonium.. He kept a practiced, welcoming smile on his face anyway and spread his hands wide on the counter, and even managed to sound sincere laughing and nodding. "You the man big tiger, what can I get for you?"

The tiger's straight from the dentist bright teeth flashed in a wide smile and he straightened the lapel of his jacket as he sidled up to the bar, bumping a couple other patron's to straddle and half sit on the seat of his choice. "Get me something twenty years old and smooth, oh and a whiskey that can match her!" His chest puffed up as he laughed at his own joke. His outfit cost more than a blue collar worker could make in a year, a silvery off white tailored Armani, set off by enough bling to overload an airport metal detector and that customary red bandanna tied about his neck completed the ensemble.

"Ha... haha... ha... One single-malt off the top shelf coming up, sir!" The bartender's polished sycophant smile stayed in place even when he turned and it hurt to hold it, but that mirror against the wall would give him away if he didn't. It did falter though and his ears perked to attention while he was getting a glass ready and he heard the deep, gravelly voice of someone else coming from behind him and his gaze went to the reflection of an old stud of a lion walking up to the bar, a blue feathered and brightly beaked assistant carefully following just behind and beside the auburn maned mountain.

"Mister Tiger, it's so good to see you here. Congratulations on all your recent success... bartender, put the man's drink on my tab." Side by side the two great cats seemed almost like alter egos. Mufasa stood just an inch shorter than the six-eight commercial star turned internet phenom, and filled out his dark suit just as heavily, with his immaculately trimmed mane and goatee matching the exact shade of Tony's scarf. "Come a long way from just hoisting cereal boxes."

The reminder of that however, rubbed the tiger the wrong way and his reply was cattier as he flashed teeth with his smile and shook his head. "Oh no need, if anything I ought to buy you a drink. I didn't think you were even still around, something about being thrown in a stampede?"

"Heh, oh don't tell me you don't know the difference between movies and reality, stripes. Though there was a little while I regretted doing that scene without a stunt double! Speaking of, I heard a rumor you needed a stand in to pose for some of those pictures that have been popping up on twitter?"

The cough of the bartender trying to choke down his response to hearing that was deafening. His eyes watering as he wanted to melt right out of sight to avoid the politely veiled hate washing over the two stars in front of him... or maybe just sneak off to get a recorder for this, but no one gave a glance towards the Jackal way as Tony snarled and stepped up to the lion, paws clenching to fists. "Shut your mouth, that's nothing but a bunch of slanderous lies... and not surprised you would be paying that much attention to photos like that!"

"Please, if I cared to I could find better just looking in the mirror in the morning! And don't know why anyone would make up stories like that, certainly never heard anything of the sort in all the years those folks have been idolizing me every chance they get."

"I didn't think twitter'd even been invented last time you were regarding as anything but somebody's grandpa! Face it, you're washed up and ready to be in a retirement home."

The bartender and the lion's assistant both gaped at that, but neither could get a word in over the way the lion's voice raised into a full throated roar. Knuckles popped as his fists clenched at his sides and when Tony didn't back away they bumped chest to chest with Mufasa stepping right into his face. "Who the hell do you think you are? I'll still be a star around here when you're gone the way of all the other forgettable, third rate, tabloid fodder one week wonders! Watch your mouth or I'll show you 'washed up'"

Tony snarled right back, not giving an inch and his fist came up pressed right into the lion's abdomen as they started shoving and growling at one another. "Please, I've already stood the test of time longer than you're going to, pussycat. Especially if you don't tuck your tail before I feed it to you!"

"Gentlemen, gentlemen please!!!" The bartender was frantic, waving towards the security people that were already trying to hurry through the gathering crowd to break up the fracas. "If you can just take a step back..."

"STAY OUT OF THIS!" Two furious cats snapped at him in stereo before turning on each other again. Mufasa bristled and baredg his teeth. "Sounds like your already on your way out the door, once you start snorting enough blow to buy that bull shit your next headlines going to be 'disappeared into rehab'!"

"Oh that's it, I'll fucking shut your old mouth you hairy Disney princess!" Tony cocked an arm back to blast the look off the lion's handsome face, but a brutish Rottweiler and Clydesdale in professional suits arrived in time to tug the two feuding stars apart.

"I'm sorry sirs, but the establishment can't allow this sort of behavior..."

Mufasa's green eyes narrowed, and he shrugged hard to pull out of the grip the stallion had on his bicep, and smoothed down his shirt as he glanced to the swallowing bartender. "Oh stop... no fists thrown, no harm done. And this is 'never' going to happen again." The security staff look confused at the too calm demeanor and Tony glared warily at the old lion who smirked straight at him even though he kept addressing the jackal. "Now, isn't there a boxing ring here for events"

"Well yes, but..."

"Excellent, get your manager... I'm going to be hiring it out this evening. Make the arrangements, I don't care if I have to buy every single ticket in the arena, but I'm going to want to do some, 'working out' tonight."

"Aah, Mr. King, sir... I don't think, I mean... I know they still won't allow any sort of altercation..."

Tony caught on fast, curling his lip in a fanged sneer, "Might as well blow what you've got left since you can't take it with you? You must have gotten some terrible news on your last doctor's visit."

Mufasa just shook his head, composed enough to give the jackal a reassuring million dollar smile. "Oh don't worry about that, I know the owner here... there won't be any problem." Glancing over his shoulder to Zazu he snapped his fingers, "Go call him and our lawyer... get any waivers or insurance issues cleared up."

"Of course, sire." The hornbill withdrew a cell phone from his jacket pocket and stepped away from the slowly dispersing crowd, already lifting it to his head after hitting the speed dial.

Both big cats sneered, voices cooled down until security looked oafish just hovering around and overprotective when Mufasa took a step towards his opponent and reached out a hand. Seeing the two just clasping hands, white knuckled trying to crush each other regardless they eased back and nobody but the two felines heard the next whispered taunts. "Show up at nine o' clock and find out... if you think you're so tough. I'll be the only one there when you get there... and I'll be the one walking out after."

"Heh, don't want anyone to see your finale fucker? Fine with me, I..."

"Oh no, I wouldn't deny all your thirty minute fans the chance to see what a frosted fake you are... there'll be cameras to record it for posterity, your last Instagram showing you put in your place. Or if need be, just me telling them all that you didn't have the balls to even show up."

"Oh no need to threaten, I'll be there. Been wanting to knock your teeth down your throat since you just waltzed in and got lucky off of 'one' fucking performance while I worked for decades before hitting it this big." Grimacing and finally releasing the deathgrip of a handshake tony reached up to loosen his scarf and chuckled, "Don't forget to have your birdie arrange your hospital stay ahead of time," and turned on his heel to stalk off towards the elevators.

Mufasa smirked, staring at the tiger's retreating backside and slowly eased into the counter, claiming the other man's forgotten whiskey and taking a slow sip when Zazu came back. The short, slender bird wringing his hands together anxiously, "Um, sire are you really sure about this? I mean..."

"Oh relax old friend, I'm just taking your advice after all these years..." The old patriarch knocked back the last of the whiskey before he stood, starting towards his own suite to change and prepare. "I'm going to turn him into a rug so I can take him out and beat him some more!"


Still fuming and furious, Tony came down from his suite at the appointed hour. He'd changed out of the over the top, money flaunting ensemble, and kept rubbing his paws together, massaging one clenched fist after the other and cracking his knuckles. Now tight, muscle displaying lycra clung to his thick chest, a bright red singlet worn under plain black jogging pants passed itself off as a tank top, with a black leather vest tossed on over it as an afterthought for its pockets. His lucky bandanna still draped down from his neck, half hiding the thick white chest fur that puffed out from above the low collar of his outfit.

A rumble of a growl reverberating through his thick chest warned off anyone he brushed past from getting in his way as he crossed from the elevators past the glitzy lights and overly loud ringing of the casino's slot rooms towards the unusually abandoned events arena. The big tiger's eyes fixated on a just one figure standing by a door and he closed on Zazu with a smirk. "What, your boss get lost somewhere... or just realized he's not cat enough to back his big mouth up."

Not rising to the bait the hornbill simply reached into a jacket pocket, drawing out a simple folder and a pen. "If you must know, he's already inside. You'll find his signature already on the contract disavowing any culpability or responsibility or liability for anything that happens. He instructed me just to make sure you agree to sign this, wave you on in, and get a not too late dinner reservation ready for when he's through with you." Even though his orange and white beak couldn't shift, he still gave the impression of wrinkling it in haughty disdain as he sniffed, "Shouldn't be longer than ten minutes I'd guess! "

Tony bristled, in no mood for the stuck up bird's attitude and Zazu flinched back as the tiger raised a fist towards him, and then snatched the contract out of his hand rather than striking. He barely skimmed the fine print, drew his own pen from his pocket and scrawled on a dotted line on the last page. "Worry more about fetching that fossil a paramedic... he's about to have fallen and won't get up!"

"Now see here! Ooof..." Zazu staggered back as the tiger shoved the signed and sealed contract against his chest and knocked the hornbill against the wall before barging past him into through the double doors. The majordomo's ruffled feathers puffed out as he recovered the contract that had fallen to the floor before walking off in a huff, sputtering under his breath, "Oh we'll see who needs a paramedic you striped menace!"


"Well, well. Seems I owe my brother a hundred bucks. I didn't think you'd actually have the nerve to show!" Mufasa's deep voice echoed through the emptied out auditorium as he smirked, already standing in the ring when the tiger stormed through the doors and stalked straight towards him. The bit lion had already stripped off his jacket, leaving it draped over a corner and taped up his big paws, looking surprisingly blue collar in a plain white tank top, jeans and boots, but that gruff face framed by his mane and his stiff, straight stance still left him a regal bearing.

"Third worst mistake you've made tonight, grandpa!" Tony shrugged off his vest on his way down the aisle, tossing it onto a seat in the front row. He barely noticed the film cameras set up at three spots amidst the audience rows just as the old lion had threatened. The tiger's lips curled in a toothy sneer as he slid into the ring beneath the bottom rope and scrambled up to his feet in an instant. "Getting in my face, and then daring to stick around are gonna cost you a hell of a lot more!" The muscular tiger's knuckles popped as he clenched his fists. A shrug of his shoulders limbered his thick arms up and he stretched his neck from side to side without breaking stride on his way right to the middle of the ring.

The powerfully built lion stepped out of his corner to face him head on, fists already coming up ready to rumble. "Tough talk coming from a no talent commercial gimmick with a fan club! When I'm done with you can join hockey has-beens advertising dental work!"

"I'm going to do you a favor... and shut that mouth up before it gets you in more trouble you overhyped one shot wonder! When I leave you laying in a heap and send your boy in to drag you out its gonna be Grrre..."

"Oh shut the fuck up!" Mufasa roared and cut Tony off with a fast right hook that the tiger barely ducked back out of the way of and the fight was on.

Both powerhouses came at each other swinging, the tiger driving the knuckles of his left hand into the side of his opponents jaw before the lion recovered from his initial miss. Mufasa staggered as his head snapped to the side but just ducked lower and kept driving forward rather than falling back. His broad shoulder crashed into Tony's chiseled wall of abdomen's and took the tiger right off his feet, crashing to the canvas hard with the lion king's powerful frame slamming down on top a fraction of a second after.

Tony groaned through clenched teeth. His chest heaved as he gulped for breath after the hard blow to his gut and he struggled to sit up, just crunching up and getting his shoulders up while cursing and flailing at his rival. The tiger clubbed with his forearms down on the back of Mufasa's neck and shoulders and squirmed to batter the lion's side. "Get off me!"

At the same time the 'king' pumped his right arm, hammering the left side of the tiger's ribs with a flurry of shots in the midst of the grappling struggle. He kept his legs from getting tangled up by wedging his knees in between the tiger's and spreading them apart and bracing himself with his left hand on the canvas to stay on the bucking feline stud. He snarled as the forearm strikes beat his head down, roaring again and pushing himself upright out of the close quarters and smashed a tape knuckled fist straight down into Tony's face, knocking the other big cat flat on his back again.

The back of the tiger's head bounced off the canvas and blood trickled from his flattened nose, and he brought his arms up in a defensive shield, warding against the rain of strikes Mufasa tried to rearrange his face with before twisting and lashing back. Tony finally heaved the lion off and rolled onto his side with the force of the haymaker he swung up landed on the side of his opponent's head and he followed it with hiking a leg up in between them and straight kicking into Mufasa belly to send the lion sprawling and rolling away several yards across the ring.

Tony panted, rolling over and scrambling to his feet, spitting blood out of his mouth and glaring daggers at the other big cat as Mufasa struggled to rise, shaking his head and clutching at his aching mid-section. Before the lion could get up beyond his hands and knees the tiger was on him, Tony drawing a leg back to punt the downed fighter in the ribs. The lion went right back down with a cracking sound and tried to scramble away but Tony stalked right after him towards the ropes.

Mufasa hugged his left arm across his chest, and reached up with his right, snagging the ring ropes trying to drag himself up and yelped as the tiger grabbed and forced his head up by a fistful of that thick mane. The lion grit his teeth, seeing Tony cock a hand back to cave his face in and Mufasa finally got a foot planted solidly under him to stand on his own. Fighting through the pain, he blocked the punch aside with his forearm before going after the tiger's face. He stiff armed Tony right on the cheek with an open palm, knocking the tiger's head back and raked his thumb against the tiger's left eye forcing the striped feline to flinch back with a scream of rage.

Tony blinked and rubbed the back of a hand at his face, vision watery for a moment as he crouched in his stance, keeping his left arm up, but before he could focus his eyes again Mufasa came at him off the ropes. A solid, crushing grip seized the tiger's wrist and pulled him forward into the path of a knee the lion drove right into his gut, knocking the wind out of Tony with a gagging cough and doubling him over. The commercial star staggered, legs shaking and giving out as he went down to his knees when Mufasa sidestepped out of his way. shielding his gut and heaving with desperate attempts to suck in air. His lips moved, mouthing expletives but all he could manage was a strangled groan.

Still winded himself, the old lion's thick chest heaved, sweat beginning to slick down his pale brown pelt and darken his tank top as he followed up. He kept his left arm close to his body still, pressed against his aching ribs but reached out with the right as he came up behind the battered tiger, grabbing Tony's bandanna and half strangling the other cat. "That all... you got you stripy fuck?" Still holding that bright red scarf like a noose about the tiger's throat, Mufasa panted right down his neck and fired away, nailing Tony with a quick trio of short armed jabs to the kidneys. The big tiger gagged, weakly scratching at his neck where the bandanna cinched tight and choked him and cut off the yowls of pain as those knuckles slammed against his lower back, staggering him as he struggled to stand and relieve the tension against his throat just in time to be heaved away towards the corner of the ring as Mufasa let go and blasted him in the back of the head with a heavy forearm.

Rubbery legs gave out immediately and the tiger went to his knees, falling forward only to smack face first on the middle turnbuckle. His broken nose smeared dark blood all over the fabric and he coughed, one arm limply supporting him on the ropes while the other went instinctively to his throat, massaging the bruised circle where his bandanna had been jerked tight, ripping it right off from about his neck to gasp and wheeze freely. The tiger flushed with rage and humiliation, his short fur barely hiding the darkening of his features and he couldn't hear a thing over the ringing in his ears/

Mufasa straightened up, rubbing his sore jaw and glaring at the downed tiger for a moment, watching for any sign of Tony getting back up but the other big cat seemed down for the count. The lion's nose wrinkled as he caught a whiff of his own musky sweat, and he peeled his shirt off, grunting as he raised his arm away from his ribs where bruising had swollen the left side of his chest. The damp cloth landed across the back of Tony's neck as the apparent victor taunted, "So much for the gggreat one, heh." His long tail flicked as he turned his back and moved to reclaim his suit jacket from the other side of the ring, readying to leave without noticing Tony finally pushing himself up to his feet in the corner.

The bright orange and black fur along the tiger's back bristled as he finally caught his breath enough for the rumble in his chest to come out as a thunderous growl as he crossed the ring in a sprint. Mufasa barely had a chance to turn halfway around to face him before the tiger had an arm wrapped about the lion's head and was kneeing him in the belly. Tony's right forearm flexed against the lion's windpipe in a standing headlock, keeping the lion bent over and almost literally feeding Mufasa a knuckle sandwich with his left fist popping him straight on in the mouth and then twisting it to grind his knuckles into the lion's face. "Oh you want to fight dirty old man, I'll wreck you once and for all!"

The old lion hollered in pain, bellowing more than roaring and stumbled to a knee as the Tiger leaned in and forced him down. His hands came up, digging his fingers into the arm about his throat, outright scratching and gouging to loosen the hold and he squinted his eyes shut as Tony's fist rearranged his face, knocking tooth loose to be spit out between just gouging knuckles against his nose and opening up a cut on Mufasa's forehead. Suddenly desperate as the fight escalated to near murderous intensity he squirmed to break free, leaning towards the rope and making it a few steps dragging the tiger with him, weakening as vision started tunneling and just blindly swinging his left arm back at the tiger trying to break free

Tony's ruthless growl cut off in a sudden yowl two octaves higher and he let go, doubling over as Mufasa's elbow struck below the belt. His eyes watered as he collapsed to his knees, an arm still draped across the Mufasa's but his chokehold lost in the split second of numbing pain before the tiger could remember to breathe again and seemingly between blinks, the lion had twisted around, slugging him across the jaw and jarring him back.

Both fighter's coughed, taking in ragged gasps of breath and squaring off down on their knees, bloodied, battered, and glaring at each other with bloodshot eyes beginning to swell and blacken. The lion reached out, grabbing Tony by the singlet and pulled him closer by that strap with his left hand as he popped him right in the mouth with the right, bloody spit flew as the tiger's head snapped and Tony slumped back for a moment sitting back on his heels before leaning back in and butting his head forward against Mufasa's face.

The lion's nose smashed flat as Tony's hard head collided with it and he sat back on his heels, eyes crossing and blinking as he tried to shake off the blow, barely realizing he still had hold of his enemy's shoulder for a moment when a weakened but still agonizing jab to his already injured ribs made him gasp out loud. He tried ducking his head to cave in the tiger's face in retaliation, but winced at meeting forehead with forehead instead. The thick muscles in his neck tensed, that collision turning into a snarling, shoving match as both brawlers tried to force the other back. Mufasa spat and snarled, managing to get a knee under him and both great cats rose to their feet as the lion reached out to lock his arms about the tiger, cutting off the steady thudding of body shots Tony was peppering him with and squeezing with all his might.

Tony groaned, arms trapped to his side as that powerful squeeze arched his spine and he started rising up on the balls of his feet as the lion tried to lift him up to add to the pressure until he feared something was going to snap when Mufasa twisted and shook, jerking him side to side. One moment the tiger was just wildly kicking with his legs, clipping the lion's hip with a knee, and the next he was flying through the air as his opponent gave one harder jerk and released, pitching Tony over the ropes and out of the ring. Something popped when he hit the hard floor shoulder first and he opened his mouth to scream but couldn't find the breath, laying there struggling just to roll over and crawl away when he heard the thud of the lion slipping out of the ring and dropping to the floor to come after him again.

Seizing the tiger by the scruff of the neck and the straps of the singlet, Mufasa growled triumphantly and half dragged the loser across the floor, fixated on one of the film cameras set up to record the duel. He limped heavily, and ran his tongue across his bloodied lips, worrying at a broken tooth but finally slowed directly in front of the lens and braced himself to haul tony upright so his whimpering face was caught on film. The lion's paw clamped down on Tony's dislocated shoulder and squeezed and the tiger gasped out loud as Mufasa leaned in to growl into his ears, "Go ahead, tell everyone just who the King is." He squeezed again, snarling, "DO IT!"

"Y... you are. You're the king! AaaHHH"

Mufasa grunted, letting go and straightening up as Tony collapsed to the floor again, spitting down on him and stalking off towards the exit, not even bothering to go back for his jacket or shirt, "And don't you forget it."