FY 11 - Misfire

Story by Kaily Spensor on SoFurry

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#11 of Coming of Age Book 1

Sean gets back in touch with Kris and he makes a decision on how to handle the Duke problem...

(Edit: It has been pointed out that the last scene in this story was rather abrupt and came out of left field. While it was supposed to do the latter, I fixed the former by making it a little more detailed and adding in a few things that should have been there to begin with.)

Kris hurried to get dressed for school, today was the last day he had to plan out what he was going to do before he ended up at the gym with his father again tomorrow. Duke was still acting like a controlling jerk and he needed to find a way to make that stop too. If only there was a way he could do both at the same time...

He had a pretty good idea for dealing with Duke, but he wasn't sure he wanted to put it into action. It was a really desperate move on his part and if it backfired he'd be in worse trouble than he was right now. Still the way that Duke was always in his face lately and trying to make him do things he didn't like, he was afraid of where this was ultimately going.

He got to school on time to slide into his swim suit and do his morning laps, shower, change and grab some breakfast from the cafeteria on the way to his first class. The rest of his morning classes passed in a fog, through which he was lucky he managed to take coherent notes. He met Kittara for lunch in the cafeteria.

"Kris, over here!" The vixen waved from the seats she'd saved for them, already working on her lunch. He smiled and carried his laden tray over to join her, not sure if he'd be able to actually eat anything due to the butterflies that seemed to have taken up residence in his stomach.

"Hey Kitt, how're you doing today?" He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek softly, making several of the older boys utter lewd comments and sharp whistles, which they both ignored.

Kitt wasn't smiling when she turned to meet his eyes. "Audio told Uncle Mythic and Kerris something last night. Something that pissed them off really badly, I've never heard Kerris swear until last night." She widened her eyes slightly to impress upon him just how angry the mild mannered fox had to be if he was swearing where she could hear it.

The raccoon paused with a loaded fork halfway to his mouth, "So? Maybe he was confessing about that dirty comic that Coach caught him and Desmond looking at in the locker room? Coach wouldn't let Desmond have it back so it must have been pretty nasty, and you know how close Coach and Kerris are." He held up his left hand with the index and middle fingers twisted together to indicate an intimate closeness.

Kittara didn't seem convinced, she shrugged and went on. "Uncle Mythic says sexual exploration is typical at our age so that wouldn't have been a big deal for them, well except getting caught with it on school property, which as you know, is against the rules." She poked at her lunch for a bit, shoving pieces of roast beef around listlessly. "I guess it could have been that. It doesn't explain why I heard Uncle Mythic asking both Coach and Mr. Mitsuda to lunch today though. Audio doesn't even have any classes with Mr. Mitsuda."

Kris made a point of slowly chewing and swallowing before he said anything else, giving himself time to think. "Well Coach did say he was looking for an Assistant Coach. I think Mr. Mitsuda would be almost perfect for that job he's easily approachable but he doesn't let anyone get away with stupid stuff you know?" The rest of their lunch conversation centered on which teacher would be the best candidate for the Assistant Coach position. They parted with another chaste kiss to a chorus of lewd comments and wolf whistles which again they both ignored.

Kris needed to know what those four men had talked about. What if Audio had overheard him and Marcus and told his parents? That could be bad that could be real bad. He knew the fennec would never come clean, he had already been to Mr. Mitsuda's class today and he didn't have a reason to go to the office where Kerris worked. That left the Coach.

He was changed and showered by the time Coach showed up for evening laps. He and Kittara were sitting on the edge of the pool having a quiet conversation when they heard the sharp sound of his whistles. They scrambled to join the rest of the team, "Alright," Coach sounded almost normal but he wouldn't look at Kris at all, "You know the drill warm up then do your laps." Without giving any of the kits a chance to talk to him he went to the big lifeguard chair and sat there watching them.

There was no way Kris was going to go talk to him where he'd have to speak loud enough for everyone in the pool to hear him so he started his warm up exercises. When swim practice was over Kris tried again, but the horse was shooing everyone into the showers with a stern look on his face so again the raccoon ducked his head and blindly went where he was told. The other three guys were chattering and goofing about when he turned off the shower and grabbed a towel, maybe he could catch the coach before he left for the day?

He scrambled, still wet, into his street clothing and knocked hesitantly on the door to O'Brien's office. A low "Come." Was his only indication that the Coach heard him but he bravely pushed the door open and walked through, to avoid any of the other guys over hearing what he was asking about he closed the door behind himself.

The horse was looking at the wall across from his desk like it held the answers to the universe so he cleared his throat in an attempt to get the larger male's attention. "Coach?"

O'Brien took in and let out a large breath before he looked at the raccoon. "Yes Kris?" There was something in the way he spoke today, he was so careful about everything that came out of his mouth like he was trying to hold something back.

Afraid of being shut out again Kris just blurted out his question the words nearly falling over each other. "I heard you went to lunch with Mr. Mitsuda and the Foxworthys today, I was just wondering..." Now that he came to say it he wasn't sure if he could even ask the horse if they talked about him!

The coach gave him a stern look and stood up slowly has hands in fists on the desk where he was leaning on them, pressing them down into the hard surface. "My personal life is none of your concern Kris."

The boy blanched and nodded quickly his eyes widening. "Yes Sir. I know that Sir, I just... well I was wondering if I came up in the conversation?" He nearly squeaked the last bit though he was trying to remain calm and adult sounding about all this.

A hand lifted and covered O'Brien's eyes for a moment then he sighed softly and said. "Now is not the time Kris. Finish getting your things and go home." He turned around and opened a file drawer dismissing the raccoon completely.

For a moment Kris thought about trying again, but he was sure that he wouldn't get anything else from the large equine so with a heavy heart he turned and headed back into the locker room.

* * * * *

His laptop connected to the internet when he got back to the apartment and as he folded the screen up it was blinking at him to get his attention. Another message from Sean was waiting in his inbox! He felt a jolt of pleasure run through him as he fell into his desk chair and pulled up the message:

"Oh thank God! I got the address right! When I ran into your mother I didn't have anything to write it down on and I was terrified that I'd forget it! How are you? I haven't seen or heard from you in months! Has your Dad calmed down any? My parents, well you know how they are, as long as I'm not stealing alcohol from their bar they don't give a shit what I do so... Hey have you got a cell phone? I really want to hear your voice again!


He sat staring at the words on the screen for sometime; the message yesterday was simply him asking if he had the right email address. It had been so little to go on that Kris didn't know what to think. He'd sent back that yes it was the right address with little more content then the cougar had put into his. This... this was so much more! Sean still wanted to be friends! He was worried because he hadn't heard from Kris in so long! Oh god that felt good! But how did he answer this without coming across like a clingy needy pain in the ass?

He settled for:

"Mom gave you my email address? Bless her heart! I've been just as worried about you but I couldn't call for obvious reasons. No Dad hasn't cooled down, if anything he's even worse. I wonder if that's why Mom wanted to give me a cell phone? Dad vetoed it of course he's still keeping track of most of my conversations so it would be hard to talk right now, but he doesn't monitor my email! At least not yet! I miss you. Boarding isn't as much fun without you here to cheer me on.


He was about to close down the computer after sending that when to his surprise a reply came in almost immediately.

"Damn Kris that sucks! I was hoping he'd give it a rest and maybe we could talk at least now that you're, where did your Mom say, some little place... Half the world away in any case. I miss you too 'Coonface. The guys here aren't half as interesting as you even if they have more time to hang out. Speaking of which how's your swimming coming? Are you famous yet?


That made him smile; it had been a long time since anyone called him Coonface.

"You mean you haven't replaced me yet? Shame on you! Every good boarder needs a spotter! I'm still swimming, but we're having trouble finding a Coach for over the summer, the local high school Coach would be perfect but he doesn't seem interested in the job. Hey do you have a muzzlebook account? What about Tweeter? Or if all else fails, Tail Talk?


He struggled out of his jacket throwing it on the floor as he waited to see if the response would be as fast this time. He was not disappointed.

"LOL Thought you'd like that! So are you telling me you found another guy to spot you already? Or have you given up on tricks? That'd be a shame I just love watching that stripy tail of yours flying through the air when you shoot the bowl! ;) Speaking of Coaches, I see the one here from time to time; he keeps asking me when I'm going to take up swimming. LOL Could you see that? Wet cat is not a pleasant sight! I think he misses you in all honesty; there isn't anyone else here who holds a candle to what you can do in the water. No muzzlebook or tweeter, and I hate Tail Talk, but for you I'll make an exception!" There followed an id for a Tail Talk account that Sean must have just made up, it was so perfect for him, Sk8rCat.

Kris took a few minutes to load the program onto his own computer and set up his own account under the id Coonface. Then it took a few more moments before he was connected and could type with shaking fingers Sk8rCat into the search tool. What seemed like a life time later the connection was made and he was looking at Sean for the first time in months. Suddenly he felt shy.

"Hey Coonface, Damn it's good to see you!"

"Shhh, not so loud I don't want Dad to over hear this!" Kris turned his volume down and hastily looked at his closed bedroom door.

The irrepressible Cougar winked at him, "What's he going to do move you half the world away? He already did that."

Kris frowned at his friend. "No but he could quit paying for the internet or take my laptop access away. God you look good Sean."

Sean laughed, lifting a cigarette to his lips and taking a long drag off it before he blew the smoke out in a slow exhale and said in a husky voice, "That's cause I'm a super star baby!"

"Sean! You're still smoking? That's so bad for you!" Kris leaned forward trying to keep his voice down but he was so startled by the revelation that he didn't manage it entirely.

Sean had just started to say something when a heavy knock sounded on his door then it was opened. "Kris? Who are you talking to?" His Dad peered around his room as if expecting to see the vixen or someone else in there with his son.

Kris slammed his laptop closed and shook his head. "No one Dad it was a video that I was watching I'm sorry I'll turn the volume down."

Edmond looked unconvinced but figured the boy was just surfing for porn. "Alright, the game's about to start are you coming out tonight?"

Remembering the Mastiff's strange behavior Kris nodded, "Sure Dad just give me a few minutes to change and I'll be right out." He couldn't afford to make the dog suspicious if he was going to make this plan work. He felt his hands trembling when his dad left and he opened the laptop to see a message that read "The person you were video chatting with is now offline." He sighed softly, sending a quick "Sorry Dad came in see you later?" Before he closed the program and set about changing into more comfortable clothing.

He emerged into the living room to find the guys all settled in various chairs and all over the couch, though Duke had saved a spot right between him and Edward. Kris gritted his teeth as he passed the large dog's legs hating the way it felt to brush against him, to settle between them. "Did I miss anything?" He played up his interest in the game as much as he could but all the while he was mulling over his plan, would it work? Could he really do what he was thinking of doing?

Duke's heavy hand came down on his shoulder pulling Kris in against his side, he felt the large dog's hot breath on his neck and shuddered as Duke whispered, "You're doing good kit, but you could be doing better. Pay attention you missed the last goal we scored." Oh yes he could do it, if it meant that this drunken lout would stop touching him and making him feel all creepy crawly.

For the rest of the game Kris paid more attention, getting up to fetch Duke and his father fresh beer when they were down to the last few swallows and making sure the ashtrays were close at hand. He'd tried smoking himself at Sean's insistence, but it wasn't something he wanted to do in the long run, it just made him feel ill not cool like Sean had claimed.

When the game was finally over Duke again whispered that he wanted Kris to walk him out, but before he could get up, the boy rose to his feet and declared. "I need to hit the head; I'll be back in a minute." To which there wasn't really anything Duke could say. Kris took the time to empty his bladder; it wouldn't do for him to piss himself if this plan was going to work. He had to look like he was serious and in control. On the way back down the hall he slipped into his father's room and let out a relieved sigh when he found the gun sitting right where he'd left it on his Dad's dresser. Carefully he tucked it into the waistband at the back of his jeans, making sure that his shirt fell down and covered if from casual observance before he took a deep breath and left the room.

His knees felt weak as he walked toward the front door. "Duke let me walk you out?" The other guys had all cleared out by now and his father just chuckled when he suggested he walk the large dog out to his car for the second night in a row.

Duke's arm fell across the boy's shoulder as they strolled down the hall and stairs on the way to the Mastiff's large Hummer. "You did alright, but like I said you need to pay more attention you're missing things that you shouldn't be. Something on your mind tonight?" The dog held the outer door open for Kris and followed hot on his heels.

Kris knew he couldn't be silent right now, he had to make the Dog think everything was the same as usual so he said, "Coach was pretty rough on us today, wouldn't give anyone a chance to slack off. I guess I'm just a little beat is all." As they approached the dog's vehicle Kris felt his heart rate skyrocket, it was now or never.

The large dog slowly turned to face his slight companion a nasty glint in his eyes. "Can you do it boy? Can you shoot someone in cold blood?" He reached out slowly and pushed the safety on the gun to the off position, then pulled it and the boy that was holding it closer to his chest until the muzzle touched his shirt.

Kris' eyes widened as he was pulled a step forward, feeling the meaty thud when the barrel of the gun connected with the Dog's chest. Panic rose in him, this wasn't going the way it was supposed to. Duke was supposed to be terrified that he had a gun pointed at him and then Kris could tell him that he wasn't going to put up with being black mailed anymore. The boy lifted his eyes from the gun to look into the dog's, the whites showing all the way around his irises.

"Safety's off now, all you have to do is pull the trigger. Now shoot!" Duke searched Kris' wild looking eyes for a moment before he lifted the .45 from the boy's nerveless grip. The boy hardly resisted at all, his hands trembling so badly that he felt like he was going to fall apart before long. It wouldn't take much for the large mastiff to turn the gun back on him and Kris didn't know what he'd do if that happened. Faint likely...

The dog reengaged the safety, then started doing all kinds of arcane things with it, first he pushed a button and the bottom of the grip fell out into his hand, exposing the bullets, then he pulled back on the top of the gun and another bullet flew out of it to bounce on the pavement somewhere, before he handed it back to Kris with a sneer, "Never point a gun at someone unless you're prepared to use it."

He left the kit standing there holding the gun in his hands as he slid into his seat and slammed the door. "Be a good boy and put that back before your father finds it missing." The Hummer started up and drove off but Kris could see the beady eyes of the dog on him until the vehicle made a turn at the end of the block.

For a moment all he could think was, 'I am so glad I went to the bathroom, I would have pissed myself for sure!' Eventually it sunk in that he was holding a disassembled gun in his hands and had no idea how to put it back together. His father was going to be livid! Instead of dealing with one of his problems he'd just made them both worse!