The Veil Ch.2

Story by Futuristicdragonman on SoFurry

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A small amount of sunlight crept up to Jeff's face. As he oponed his eyes, he thought to himself "morning already"? He sat up seeing one dragon who took the 2nd half of watch duty. He smiled knowing the dragon is faithful on watch duty. He reached into his backpack for some food. "Are you hungry kid?" he asked. This startled the dragon slightly. Then the dragon looked back at Jeff. "Yah a little", the dragon replied. "How is the other one? The sick one". Jeff asked as he pulled out an MRE She is weak, still doesn't feel well either. "She'll need more medicine". The older dragon replied. Jeff nodded, as if he expected such an answer. "Infections usually just do not go away. it takes time for the antibiotics to work. Especially mild ones such as penacillin". Jeff said as he was preparing the food. Jeff handed the dragon some food. The dragon took the food and shared it with the ill one. Jeff began eating his as well. Jeff thought of his situation. Staying in one place can wind up being dangerous if he runs out of supplies. He is still very low on food and ammo for his pistol. He only has 3 more MREs and only 9 rounds for the pistol. He finnished his breakfast, then stood up and walked to the mantle where the siringes, needles, and the penecillin he found last night. He gave a quiet sigh as he grabed them and walked to the kitchen where both dragons where. As he entered the kitchen, he saw both of them took a glance at him, but then continued eating. "Alright, I gotta give you your medicine now little one". Jeff said Both dragons where ignoring him as they ate. Jeff shugged his shoulders and walked to the ill dragon. Then nealed down next to her to give her the shot. "Hopefully she'll get better soon. It won't be long now when we'll have to leave.... Ahhhhh!!!!!!" Jeff screamed as he clutched his head. He began having a flashback, recent but painful memories of the war he fought. His best friend, Petter was lying on the ground bleeding out from gunshot wounds. He administered morphine into his friend to help the pain while another solder was applying pressure to the wounds trying to stop the bleeding. "Jeff! Jeff! Jeff!!!!" one of the dragons screaming at him. Jeff shook his head side to side, shaking off his flashback. "You ok, Jeff?" the dragon asked. "Fine, its nothing." Jeff replied as he continued to press the penacillin into the ill dragon's shoulder. Jeff stood up after that, "You know, we haven't properly introduced ourselves, as you know my name is Jeff. What may your names Be After all calling ypu two dragon would be rather confusing." The room was silent, the older healthy dragon was quite hezitent. "Galise" The younger ill one said. As if she had immediate trust for the human. The older one gave Galise a scolding look, due to the older one's lack of trust. "What? Its just a name, Besides we both know I read thoughts, and even dreams. Jeff is a good human", Galise said. The older sibling gave an audible sigh. "Dacha is my name", she finally said. You two are siblings right? "Yes", Dacha answered Jeff's question. "You two have any other family? Parents? Other siblings?" Jeff asked. Dacha gave jeff a scolding hiss, making Jeff flinch back. "Ok, ok, I suppose that's enough questions for now". Jeff said with a rather supprised look. We have an older brother who is currently up in Orgon or some place like that, Galise said seemingly in some trance state. Dacha butted in saying "Yah but he doesn't care for humans much, and for good reason too. That's all I'll tell you though". "Fair enough, then once Galise gets better, off to Oregon it is" Jeff exclaimed. "Unless if you want to be a dragon's lunch I recommend you don't do that. He's three times your size Jeff", Dacha advised. Galise has already taken a strong liking to Jeff. "No, I'd like him to come. We can actually leave now, but I need someone to carry me, Galise said. "I advise against it. The infection you got is gonna take three to five days to go away. In fact I'm not even sure if we have enough penacillin to completely get rid of it all", Jeff said to Galise "Can you find more?"Dacha asked with great concern. "Maybe, but if we go search, I'm gonna need someone to watch my six. Ever sense the veil between this world and the otherworld lifted, there are many other dangers out there than armed humans. Even some things my eyes won't see. In a way, I'd need a guide. One who knows about the Sidhe better than me", Jeff said. Dacha nodded her head, "I'd go with you, but where would we start. More importantly, who'd watch Galise?" Dacha asked. Galise would have to stay. But if we run out of Penacillen and Galise's infection is still there, she'll die for sure. If we think ahead before we run out, Galise has a chance. So it is a risk worth taking if you're thinking of her survival", Jeff said. Dacha seemed quite skeptical still. Finally she nodded her head, reasoning with herself that Jeff was right.

Jeff and Dacha left the small house they where in. Dacha noticed it was rather warm for it being the day of winter solstace. The shortest day of the year, It doesn't give Jeff and Dacha much time to find medicine. About an hour latter, The duo found an abandoned pharmacy. "If there is any more, it will be here. This is gonna be a tough find. Penacillin is a very common antibiotic. Anyone looking for meds would have taken it all by now". "Jeff said". Dacha nodded in understanding. "Well we won't know if we don't look". Dacha said. Jeff and Dacha walked inside the pharmacy store. They split up to make their search more effective. However, Jeff's concern grew more and more as he found the place totally thrashed. He gave a loud sigh and began searching. He came across a pile of several useless meds, thirty minutes latter however, he did find some pain meds, "vikodin" Jeff thought to himself. He put it in his bag knowing it may have some use in the future. Dacha was searching, even though she speaks English doesn't mean she can read. She picked up the bottle of pills and brought it to Jeff. She spat the bottle out in front of Jeff's feet with a rather sheepish look. Jeff picked up the bottle curiously and read the lable. He tried to hold back his laugh, but failed. Nor did he stop laughing. "Whats so funny?" Dacha asked. "It's you... You picked up a bottle to help old men fuck their wives, Come now dragon I'm only 26 years old. I don't need Cialis. Dacha's mouth dropped. Her cheeks began to turn red. Jeff was still laughing. Not because Dacha chose the wrong meds, its because she didn't even know what they where. Ok ok, yah its funny lets keep looking", Dacha said in an annoyed tone. "Do you even know how to read"? Jeff asked. "Of course I do, but how do I know what it is. I'm not human after all". Dasha said not wanting Jeff to know she can't read. Relax I'm just messing with you... It is still funny though, Jeff replies. Dacha now very annoyed, she walked away looking or at least trying to look for penacillin. About thirty meeters away from Jeff she was.She hatted the fact a human punked her. After a few minutes of thinking about it, a cloth with two scally hands was seen by her. Then the cloth was held tightly against her corotin arteries on her neck very tightly. For twenty long secondsshe struggled. Eventually though she lost consciousness and the creature took her away.

About an hour passed by. Jeff was still searching, finally he had some luck a bottle of injectable penacillin. It still had a year before it expires. Jeff put it in his bag and went to get Dacha. Jeff Searched for her, yet it appeared as if she left the store. Jeff continued calling for Dacha searching for her. Unfortunately he had no luck. He saw marks in the dirt. where the pavement turned to dirt. What appears to be a bipedal creature with massive claws dragging something. He observed the tracks even more. Jeff noticed it was leading into the woods away from the small abandoned town. He noticed what was being drug was not an it, but a who. "Dacha" , Jeff said to himself quietly. He quickly began to fallow the tracks with his pistol drawn. Trying to track down Dacha and her captor. Jeff fallowed the tracks deeper into the woods, Realizing the sun was beginning to set, he knew he'd have to find her quickly to have a chance at finding her alive. After a half hour of searching, he finally found a small cave in the woods where the tracks lead him too. The sun finally set over the hills, making the woods rather dark. Jeff decided to use this to his advantage. He began to slowly walk in hugging the cave walls, trying to stay clear of the center path of the cave where there what seems to be where the heavy traffic of whatever lives here walks the most. Jeff continued into the cave till he saw a light at the end. Pannic struck him as he learned he isn't comming towards the light, the light is comming twoards him. Jeff pulled out a hunting knife. He chose this over his pistol due to noise factor. If there are more, he would want to stay as low profile as possible. One humanoid reptilian was holding a makeshift torch as he kept comming Jeff's way. As the reptilian creature got within forty or fifty feet, Jeff charged the creature. With a loud grunt, both hit the ground. Jeff had it's mouth heild shut with his leff hand. With the right hand and his trusty knife, he stabbed the creature in the throat. The creature laid lifeless after a quiet gurgle from blood filling it's lungs. "See you in hell", Jeff whispered to himself. He wen't deeper in the cave, Jeff paused a moment, recalling someone once telling him caves, certain holes, and even exposed tree roots are enterences into the otherworld. He cringed when he recalled that. Without any otherworldly being to guide him, and if this cave happens to be an enterence, he'll be as vulnerable as a two year old walking in public without a parent Not having a clue what its like, and having only a very limited knowledge on who is seelie or unseelie, he knew he could wind up getting himself killed easily. but he has the sidhe's number one weaknessAn iorn knife. While his knife was actually steel, all steel is, id iorn mixed with carbon for extra strenth. Iorn hurts the sidhe the most in celtic folklore. Maybe he'll have a small chance of sucess if he goes as unnoticed as possible.