Darnlake Botany-R 05

Story by Dogger on SoFurry

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#5 of Darnlake Botany-R

Story 5 of 15.

Mrs. Tuber wasn't happy at all to greet us at the door. The vines had torn through our clothing and we were both covered in dirt and dust.

"Harold, would you like to explain to me why we have moss overtaking the basement?" She seemed especially upset with her husband, scowling when he didn't immediately answer while he carried me over to the living room couch.

"Don't worry about the greenhouse, Maps. I want you to stay put and rest until that ankle feels better. I'll take care of the mistakes I've made." He turned to his wife and let his shoulders sink, I had never seen the doctor's posture so defeated before but the two sheepdogs looked like they were on the verge of a heavy argument. "How bad is the moss?"

"Bad." Mrs. Tuber lead him down to the basement so he could see for himself. I could barley make out what they were saying from my spot on the couch. "It's everywhere. I can't even get the laundry out and who knows what else we can salvage once it stops growing."

"I'm sorry, Hun, some of plants must have grown out of the greenhouse. I'm going to gather some weedkiller from the shed and see if I can't stop anything else from growing in the house." I couldn't make out anything else the two were saying after they shut the door.

I hated the thought of every plant in the botanica being killed, but I was so afraid of being in the clutches of those vines again. My ankle felt like it was swelling and throbbed terribly. I wanted Dr. Tuber's affections but getting it through the plants was too dangerous of an option now. I might not even see him again without the greenhouse to tend to.

Quite a few uneventful hours passed while I sat on the couch and listened to Dr. Tuber moving about the house. He and his wife argued a few times in between. Dr. Tuber ended up having to make a trip into town to get the chemicals he needed. He was able to throw on some fresh clothes before heading out but everything he owned was too many sizes too large for me. I was happy enough to get an old bathrobe of his that still smelled like him, along with an icepack for my ankle.

Once it got dark outside I started to get worried. It had been at least an hour since I heard him stomping around on the hardwood floor. Maybe he was trying to salvage his notes or save some of the seeds. I wish I wasn't stuck on this couch doing nothing. I wanted to help but my ankle wasn't getting any better. I started to worry that it might be more than a simple sprain.

"How is that leg of yours feeling?" Dr. Tuber's wife spoke softly as she handed me a cup of warm coffee and took a seat across from me. I accepted the large mug with a thankful nod. By now I hadn't got much sleep from the night before and wasn't able to start now.

"Not so good. I'm worried it might be broken." I took a few careful sips, not wanting to burn myself. "What is Dr. Tuber doing now?"

The sheepdog's wife threw up her arms in exasperation. "How would I know? He never tells me anything. Maybe you want to clue me in as to why moss has been overtaking the basement."

"I'm not sure, Mrs. Tuber..." I tried to just stare at my coffee, Dr. Tuber would be furious if I told her about the plants before he did, but if Venus was already growing underneath the house then things were getting completely out of control.

"Something unusual going on with that greenhouse, I bet." She opened up a packet of sugar and began to stir her coffee. "I think he's gone overboard with those experiments of his." Mrs. Tuber took a long sip from her coffee, she didn't seem to mind the heat at all. Nearly half the cup was gone before she spoke to me again. "So, Fescue. How long have you had a crush on my husband?"

My paws shook instantly and I had to set down my coffee mug for fear of spilling it. How could she have known? "What do you mean?"

"You think it's all in my head, dear?" She took another drink from her cup as if nothing was wrong. "I suppose we need not discuss it. When the greenhouse is gone I don't think you'll have any reason to come back again."

"I guess not." The doctor and I never actually did anything directly physical with one another, even if it did feel like some intimacy was shared. I don't know what he said to his wife or what she could have saw to think what she did, but she was right. I had a horrible crush on Dr. Tuber that was enough to make my heart ache. Maybe she could see it in my eyes, now I felt too guilty to even look at her. I could never have asked her how she knew for fear of confirming anything.

"I hope you feel better, Fescue." She got up and gave me her best attempt at a forced smile. "I think I'll draw a warm bath to keep my mind on something else. I'm sure Harold will help you home when he's done working."

Neither one of us really wanted to argue about it. Dr. Tuber was her husband and that was the end of it. I had no room to argue and nothing of value to say. Before my ankle was able to heal I would already be a distant memory in both of their minds. Just some dumb otter with a crush that used to help tend to the plants. What did I ever actually bring to the project? What could Dr. Tuber ever miss about me anyway? What was it I did to let my deepest desires be exposed like this? Every thought and question just made my heart beat harder and harder until I felt it was going to break. I couldn't think of a worse time in my life than what I was experiencing right now.

As soon as the sound of Mrs. Tuber's bathwater started to flow, I heard a faint yelp off in the direction of the greenhouse. I was already worried about Dr. Tuber being gone for so long. If something happened to him I could never forgive myself. Those plants were dangerous now and he could be trapped down there. I tried to take one more sip from my coffee before carefully lifting myself up off of the couch. I don't know where I found the courage, but I knew I couldn't leave him. I began to hop my way toward the front door, resting only to tie a tighter knot on the bathrobe before I opened the front door and made my way out toward the greenhouse.

I hopped across the yard until my good leg felt like it was wrapped in thorns. I heard the doctor growl and whimper once I approached the greenhouse. His cries of anguish were coming up from the botanica. There was a giant crater with all sorts of plants writhing around below in the light of their own eerie bulbs. I let my aching legs rest for just one single moment moment, unable to tolerate agony sounds from the dog I admired for any longer. I tied the robe around me as best I could and worked my way through Dr. Tuber's office and gradually made my way down through the botanica once again.

My leg started to cramp but I bit my tongue to keep myself from making a sound. I didn't call out to Dr. Tuber either for fear that one of the plants would detect me somehow. Eventually I was crawling along the side of the botanica, somehow evading the notice of the plants and making my way closer and closer to where ever the doctor was trapped. As long as I could still hear him groaning and growling, I knew he was still alive and well.

The earth under my paws was cold and began to mat my fur and robe thick with mud. The further down I went the more dirt from above seemed to fall on my muzzle. Suddenly the foundation of the greenhouse above began to crack and a large section crashed down into the botanica. Vines were moving up into the greenhouse and gradually tearing the place apart. All I could do was squint to keep the dirt out of my eyes and push forward. Eventually I found pieces of the doctor's clothing torn near drag marks that lead to a strange sap covered tunnel. Once I had finally crawled my way into the tunnel, I found myself in a large room that the plants had carved out. The walls were covered with roots and several of the glowing bulbs, but once my eyes gazed across the object of my desire once again, everything else quickly became a blur.

"Dr. Tuber!" I exclaimed with utter joy as I finally saw the sheep dog I had come looking for, but once I was able to push the sap away my eyes and look around, I realized the sort of odd situation he was in. The doctor completely stripped bare, seated in some sort of a curved leaf with a sticky surface that was keeping him held. As if that wasn't enough, His arms, legs, and even tail were all completely coiled in vines that kept him held in place, he seemed unconscious, his white muzzle pointed down at the ground with his eyes closed. A black tube was protruding from a dark red flower and covering his sheath. I could only imagine his beautiful canine pride was somewhere inside of it. The tube looked more like a vine covered in harsh dark fur, everything was damp and smelled of fresh mud mixed with pollen.

After pulling more of the sap from my fur, I climbed out of the tunnel and quickly hobbled over to my boss and friend. Lifting his muzzle in one of my paws to search for signs of life, I watched his eyelids flicker and open as he saw my face and started to smile weakly. "Huh... Maps... you're getting that robe all dirty." It took him another moment to come to his senses before he remembered where he was again. "Maps? You shouldn't be here."

I was so relieved just to hear him speak. "Dr. Tuber you have no idea how glad I am that you're okay."

"You need to go, Maps. You need to get out of here and hope Venus still left you a way out." The doctor's voice was weak with an undertone of defeat. He looked so trapped with so many vines wrapped around his limbs and torso.

"I can't leave you here."

"You have to."

"I won't."

"YES YOU WILL!" His deep canine voice boomed loudly and seemed to shake the earth above and below us within this root entangled cavern. I fought the lump in my throat that came up from hearing him yell at me. He saw my reaction and calmed his voice but looked at me with the same serious expression. "I pushed this too far and now it's too late for me."

"I can get these off of you, we can leave together." I pulled at the vines holding his arms and had a difficult time getting a grip with the sap on my paws. After wiping my paws on the dirt underneath us I tried to part the vines on his legs and started to get enough of a grip to rip one away, bending it until it snapped, oozing a green jelly from being broken apart. "I can do this. Just a few more and we'll both be home free."

"Maps you don't understand..." His voice trailed off and I was too busy undoing vines to be concerned with his protests. The more vines I broke the better I got at it, until I had every part of him free but the fuzzy black tubing attached over his crotch. I lifted it up in an attempt to rip it off but his strong paws quickly came up and grasped mine to stop me. "Do it slowly."

I nodded in his direction and lifted the black vine up gently and gradually until I heard him whimper and force my paws back down again. "I don't understand, what's wrong?"

The doctor gave out another whimper. "There's something inside."

I had to kneel down to look, bracing my paws against his legs in order to do so. I was so focused on getting him free that I nearly forgot about my swollen ankle. Once I got the red flower lifted back up I noticed Dr. Tuber's tip was only slightly poking out of his sheath. When I pulled back the dark vine a little further, I noticed it wasn't completely hollow. There was a very thin tendril inside of it that connected somewhere inside Dr. Tuber's urethra. I looked back up at him with wide eyes and he simply shook his head, "I think it's too deep inside my body to pull out."

"Can you feel how deep it goes?"

He groaned in thought, his expression showing more exhaustion in searching his thoughts than physical discomfort. "Near my prostate, maybe? It's too hard to tell."

My eyes searched his face for some sort of an answer. "What are we going to do?"

"We do nothing. It doesn't hurt, I'm just not going anywhere." The red flower pulsed and shifted in my paws, always trying to clasp itself back on the doctor's sheath.

"Maybe I can go back up to the lab and can find something to cut you out with." I started grasping the stalk of the red flower, trying to see how difficult it would be to cut.

The sheepdog shook his head. "It's a wonder the other vines haven't got you already with your leg wounded. Maps, do you want to risk ending up like me?"

I tried to ignore his negativity and focus. All I wanted to do was get him out. "Maybe if I break one of the bulbs I can get something sharp and..."

"Listen to me, Maps." Dr. Tuber moved one of his freed arms to move his paw under my muzzle and look him in the eyes. "Do you want to end up like me, Stuck down here forever?"


"Then accept the way things have to be. This is the risk we took, I won't hate you for leaving but I need someone to explain what happened here. You were a great friend and it was nice to finally have someone to share all of this with. You'll always be my buddy, just go. Don't take anymore risks for me."

Everything was an emotional blur of feelings that rushed through me so quickly I didn't know what to do. I let the tears fall from my face and tried to get control over the adrenaline in my veins.

I could never let go of what this sheepdog meant to me. I would never forgive myself for ignoring what Dr. Tuber was feeling or what would happen to him. I could never blank out everything we did and everything he meant to me. I wouldn't live under those circumstances. Once I realized what I had to do, the tears stopped and the lump in my throat was easier to swallow. I rose to my feet again, trading the sharp pain in my ankle for a proper foothold with my paws firmly on the red flower.

Dr. Tuber gave me a look of surprise and concern as I disobeyed him. "Maps... why won't you listen..."

"...because I love you." In one sudden motion I raised up the red flower to reveal the fur covered black vine, yanking it off of the doctor's cock as quickly as I could. Nearly a fifth of a meter of long tendril followed before I had completely removed the vine from his member, the complex flower lazily curling and twisting about over the doctor's sheath while some of his cum oozed out of its opening. Dr. Tuber continued to look at me dumbfounded, but at this point so many bizarre occurrences were happening all at once that it took him another moment or two for everything to sink in. I wrapped his torso in my arms and helped pull his thick fur free from the sticky leaf.

I gave him some time to come to his senses, pulling apart the rest of the vines around him. Now quite pleased with myself that I was able to free him. "There, we're both fine. Now we can get out of here. Together."

Dr. Tuber nodded and looked into my eyes with a thankful expression. "About what you said..."

I shook my head and pointed toward the tunnel. "Later, we need to leave now, don't we?"

"Right. We should..." As soon as the doctor stood up, a cluster of green vines came from behind the big leaf, whipping around his arms and legs and pulling him back into a sitting position. The cavern quaked and shook the room and the entire tunnel doubled in length as roots and big plant pulled Dr. Tuber away from my desperate grasp. I ran over as quick as I could trying to pull him apart from the vines once again. He growled and dug his heels into the dirt to keep us from moving any farther but he was slowly being pulled back farther and farther into the elongating cavern. The plant's pull was too much and soon the vines managed to force him back to a sitting position on the large curved leaf. I went back to work, ripping the vines apart once again. I had to move behind the sheepdog to try and get more leverage this time with how tightly they were grasping him, sitting on the leaf myself with my feet against his back to try and brace him from being pulled anymore.

Once my rump touched the leaf's coating, the small vines retreated and let him go. We exchanged puzzled looks for a moment. "What do we do?"

"I think Venus is trying to force one of us to stay." Dr. Tuber scratched his chin for a moment. "One of us has to stay on the leaf and the other can find something weighted to trick it, then we can both leave. Together."

I nodded in agreement, his plan seemed to make sense. "I'll be the decoy then, my ankle is too messed up and you've already spent your share of time in here."

"I won't leave you, don't worry." Dr. Tuber ran toward the tunnel and crawled his way back to the botanica, that white furry rump of his disappearing into the darkness and beyond my sight.

The pulsing light from the bulbs drew my attention to something moving from up above and behind my back. An incredibly thick vine that was bigger around than my head was slowly creeping over in my direction. There was something at the end of it that I could only describe as a swollen flower, it looked more like four muscles parting open than any petals that belonged on a plant.

The sight of this strange new plant caused me to push away from the sticky leaf. As expected the tiny green vines grasped me harder and pulled me farther back into the room. "Wait, something is happening with the plant. Come back." I cried out for help, thrashing against the vines that held me and feeling the large leaf start to become sticky one again as it glued itself against my brown fur.

Before the doctor could come to my aid the room started to collapse into itself, dirt and mud covering everything but a small opening. The doctor's body was too thick to push through the roots that barred his way and our arms were too short to grab hold of one another between them as I was continuously dragged backwards.

"Maps I'm sorry! I don't know what to do." Dr. Tuber tried to pull apart the roots but they were too strong and the dirt was too dense for him to claw through.

I had to quickly relax in my seat in order for the plant to stop pulling me backward. As I watched more roots block him from my sight, I knew there was no way we were going to make it out alive together. "You were right before, doctor. You know these plants better than I ever could and now you know what you have to do. I'm glad it was me instead of you."

"No... you should have just left me when you had the chance. It isn't right for a young otter to sacrifice for an old sheepdog like me, you're just a pup." I could hear him giving off a soft whine in the distance.

I felt my heart ache. My only solace was in seeing him free from the plant that now had me caught. "I saved you. I got to tell you how I felt."

"Fescue... I think I love you too. You were the buddy I always wanted, I just didn't want it to come to this." Dr. Tuber so rarely used my first name.

The vines had started to wrap around me tighter now, forcing my body firmly back against the leaf. "If anyone can get me out of here one day, it'll be you, Harold."

The doctor nodded firmly. "I'll find a way. I promise you, Fescue."

I wanted to tell him that I knew he'd come back for me, but the last cave in blocked him completely from my view and we were sealed off from one another. We both know I was about to be subjected to the unknown.

Feelings of fright set in as the last remaining plant bulb light source flickered for a moment before shutting off completely. I couldn't even hear Dr. Tuber's footsteps, all I could hear was the wet noise of the thick flower above me opening wider, and the odd sounds of vines growing and stretching around me. Soon I felt the familiar wet fur of the flower's tube moving across my crotch. Its movement felt like a tongue licking my sheath, but I was too shaken with fear to become excited for the flower looking to take me.

The plant's solution to any lack of arousal was always prostate stimulation. By now I knew it was coming and soon the leaf I was sitting on arched up to rest my back and some unseen slippery tentacle-like vine worked it's way into my ass. Still, the situation was too tense for my malehood to leave my sheath. Gradually I noticed the scent of the room begin to change, though it was pitch black, my nose could detect the scent of a new more dull pollen smell that started to fill my breathing bit by bit. My arousal didn't change but I could feel my fears subsiding the more I breathed in and by the time I felt the flower's furry tubing 'licking' wetly at my sheath again, the harder it was to fight back the growing excitement in my loins when my otter cock was forced to full mast once again.

The fur along my arms and legs felt shifted as my limbs became coiled and wrapped to hold me in place the same way they had done to the doctor earlier. Without being able to see and my fears subsiding with each breath, all I could do was feel the sensations of what was happening to me. The vine inside my tailhole was hitting my insides just right, throbbing more than the previous vines I had experienced inside me. Then gently I felt the flower shift to take my shaft fully into its grasp, the inner tubing seemed to drool with a sort of slimy and slick fluid that allowed it to encase my member instantly. The whole experience felt like giant tongues all licking in unison on my cock in a way that was so synchronized that it felt more like a strong suckling than independent licking. All I could do was let my mind wander as the strange feeler continued to slobber it's fluids over my cock. It's rhythm began to change as I felt it push harder into my crotch and take me deeper into the inner licking folds.

Finally one of the glowing plant's blubs resurfaced and I could finally see the monstrous muscle looking flower up close up above me. While the smaller one was suckling on my cock, this larger one was lowering itself near the back of my head. Behind the petals that attached to the vine were a swirling of root-like growths mixed in yellow balls that were covered in pollen. Each time my shaft throbbed from spurting a bit of pre the petals would throb back and I could watch more of the pollen puff from the flower, it's gentle scent putting me at ease and the pure sexual talent from the strong suckling kept my sensitive member aching for more attention. I soon felt one of the feeder vines poking at my muzzle and without a fight I allowed it's nurturing fluid to enter my throat. This is what I was now, trapped sexually to feed the plants of the botanica.

Soon I felt the Dr. Tuber must have experienced in his howling. That long tendril that I had pulled out of his cock moments ago was now probing its way inside of my own urethra, the sensation forcing me to bite down hard on the vine that was spurting a familiar bitter tasting nourishment. To my surprise the tendril actually worked its way into me very slowly and gently, the inner tubing providing so much lubricant that everything actually slipped in nicely, causing my cock to throb harder. Was I actually enjoying this now? The plants must have learned from Dr. Tuber and my biting response, it wasn't enough to stop the tendril from probing deeper and deeper, but it did seem to want to keep from damaging my precious insides.

All the while the furry vine continued to suck against my soft flesh in more expert ways than I could measure in thought. I couldn't even think of using my own paw again after what this flower was doing to me. With the tendril probing and thickening I felt like I was being massaged on both the inside and outside simultaneously. It seemed to swell inside of me the more precum I created, still pushing deeper and deeper until it hit something that made my legs shake and filled my body with a warm soothing sensation. I couldn't tell how deep things were but it started to feel like the tendril was splitting in two and searching for something inside of me. I shuddered in gross delight, breathing more of the pollen filled air and ready to embrace unknown delights.

The dark furry vine twisted against me so the strong and slippery insides could swirl around my shaft to massage my malehood to the root. In my drunk pleasure I noticed a small Venus Flytrap tangled in the yellow pollen encased with roots. Without any marginal teeth just as Dr. Tuber had described. I was looking directly at the source of the mutated plants, Venus was planning on taking my sperm directly to the source. I should have been alarmed but my thoughts were drugged with pollen until all I could think about was the wet suckling on my shaft, wondering how big of a meal I was about to provide. The more the flower turned against my crotch and the deeper the tendril probed, the closer I felt my orgasm build and a strange part of me only lusted to learn what it would feel like to feed my essence into Venus directly. As soon as a single jet of my cum spurt forth, the inside of the flower became hot and I was able to empty myself inside a suckling moisture that felt like a warm lover. The sensation forcing my body to shudder as I surrendered my seed and the flower's insides gulped the food down eagerly. Once all of my sticky fluid was absorbed, the flower remained connected and ready for the next meal.

Venus' pollen covered large flower slowly moved its way completely behind me until all I could feel was something wet against the back of my neck. Something was happening to my body and my spine felt like it was made of ice. Cool and refreshing, soothing and comforting. I couldn't see what was happening to me but the more it went on the less I cared. Odd as the situation was, even more unusual was that my desire to struggle and leave was gone just as my fears had been earlier. I felt eager to feed the flower when it became hungry. As I breathe I am restrained but happy to stay. We are now symbiotic with one another.

Darnlake Botany-R 04

A phone call in the middle of the night is never a good sign. "Come into work right this instant. We have a big problem." My boss' voice was even more stern and serious than usual. "Dr. Tuber?" My thoughts were still in a fog from whatever dream...

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Darnlake Botany-R 03

Dr. Tuber let me take a day off after what had happened between myself and the sundew. When he told me the next day we'd be working a night shift I could only imagine he wanted to spend more quality time with his wife. Probably enjoying a nice brunch...

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Darnlake Botany-R 02

A few weeks passed and I was having a hard time finding the right way to ask Dr. Tuber the specifics of what was happening at the greenhouse. I had more than a good peek of things with his potted plant and it had proven to be a wonderful distraction...

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