Tales of Shadowheart chapter 8

Story by DarkPrinceRiku on SoFurry

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Didn't think I'd ever finish this one.

I've got the block again, so sorry if this isn't as good as it should be.:/

Chapter VIII: Family Secrets

Morning came in the dragon empire. A guard rushed through the main castle into the throne room in a state of panic. He approached the Heirarch and bowed.

"My Lord, Leinheart has escaped, and there are two servants missing from the holding area. Some guards report seeing Jade enter the prison late last night. We suspect that she has freed them and joined their ranks."

"I did not expect much from her," the Heirarch stated.

"Your orders?"

"They are all enemies of the empire now. Summon Kyetsu. I have a special task for him."

"At once, sir."

Leinheart followed the dragoness for hours. The trip was non-stop. Eventually, they came across a river, and followed it upstream, finally coming across a waterfall. Surrounding both sides of the river were a few small houses, large enough for a single person, made of logs and a haystack roof. A larger tent stood out among them. Jade pointed towards the tent.

"Head on inside. There's someone waiting for you." Leinheart looked at her for a moment, then at the tent. Before he could say anything, the dragoness had already left him alone. He decided to listen and head inside. He entered the tent, and took immediate note of the surroundings inside. Several ferns hanging up and a few potted plants really added to the atmosphere.

"I've been waiting for the day when you would finally come home to me, Leinheart." The voice was feminine, and familiar. He glimpsed in it's direction, and saw the familiar face. A dragoness with blue scales and brown eyes. A pair of small gems hung off of her horns like earrings, the braces gold, and the gemstones made of sapphire to match her skin. She wore a white robe that seemed fit for an elder of sorts. Leinheart felt joy in his heart, and found himself hugging her in a tight embrace.

"Aunt Celia," he said out of joy.

"I'm so glad your safe. When Jade told me what had happened, I just had to do something. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you to the likes of that Heirarch."

"You know Jade?"

"She found me and explained the situation. I asked her to bring you here, so I could tell you something I probably should have a long time ago."

"What do you mean?" Celia took his hand and guided him to the back of the tent. There was a hammock. She sat down, and him as well.

"I'm sorry I've kept you in the dark for so long. But there's a reason the Heirarch treats you so roughly. You are a serious threat to him."

"How so? I'm no different from anyone else."

"There's a reason you carry the name of Valleshire's last king. Leinheart, you are the king's grandson. The Heirarch didn't realize this until much later after you joined the empire, and so he did everything he could to keep you down." He was shocked by the sudden news, but it didn't feel true to him. He shook his head in disbelief.

"How long have you known this?"

"Since the day you were born," she answered lowly."Your father made me promise not to tell you until I thought you were ready." He was still in disbelief, but he wasn't angry with his aunt. How could he? "So now you know. I'm sorry about all of this."

"But why now? Why tell me at this point? Even if I wanted to overthrow the empire, I'm powerless to do so."

"For now. Do you even know where you are?" she asked, then continued when he gave no answer,"You are in a resistance camp, or as the empire would call us, rebels. And now there's something I would like to ask of you. Would you take over?"

"What?" he was confused.

"These people need someone to guide them. To give them hope, a reason to fight, and a future."

"A leader?"

"A visionary. I have guided the resistance for years now, but I have made no progress. But you are a born leader. Surely you can make a difference. So I ask you, will you lead us, and help us overthrow the empire?" Leinheart thought about it for a moment, then sighed.

"There's no one else?"

"I'm afraid not. You and I are all that's left of our family. If not you, then no one. And I know you want the suffering to stop more than anyone." He thought more about it, then finally came to a decision.

"If it will bring peace, then I'll do it." Celia smiled, and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, Leinheart. You have no idea what a relief this is for me. Now come. I'm sure everyone will want to meet their new leader."

Tales of Shadowheart chapter 9

Chapter IX: Issues Celia guided him out. Leinheart was having trouble processing the news. He still had a hard time believing he was a royal. "I'm truly sorry for throwing all of this on you like this, but you must understand our position here," the...

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Tales of Shadowheart chapter 7

Chapter VII: Break Free A day went by. Leinheart had been put in a cell of his own, strapped to the wall by his wrists with iron chains, forced to stand. He hung his head low, never looking up. Shadows covered his face. He would occasionally hear a...

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Tales of Shadowheart chapter 6

Chapter VI: Conviction Early the next morning, moments before the sun began to rise, Leinheart was already up and about. He was careful not to move Shadow. She continued to sleep peacefully. He was getting ready to leave, but before he left, he took...

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