The Other Side of the Mirror

Story by TheLionWriter on SoFurry

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#3 of (NSFW) The Mirror (Series - Finished - Man+Lioness)

I had to delete the original story because I was not able to edit it. I couldn't change tags, correct grammar errors...etc.

So I uploaded it again.

If you favorite the other one, please do the same with this one.

The other side of the Mirror

Spin off for "The First Love" story

The human arrogance is endless. We thought we rule the world. We believed there is no power could equal to ours. We were wrong! We were very wrong!

They came and showed that we are only small, powerless creatures. We are only preys to the grater predators... toys for the superior races. They were many, and they knew nothing about mercy or forgiveness.

They destroyed our biggest cities within an hour. There was no escape, there was no hope... we were a dying race sentenced to death, to extinction.

Then they showed up from the dust, our friends, our soul mates.... La'ans... filled us with hope, filled us with courage and we fought together. We won, and we destroyed the enemy.

Now we live together with this species. The funniest thing is that they were here all the time, hiding in shadows, covering their talents from us. But this is the past. It was almost twenty years ago. I was only an infant so I couldn't remember the war.

  • Sir! May I have your attention? - I heard a weak voice nearby me. I was on a bus about to going home.

  • Sorry I was just thinking. How can I help you? - I asked from this strange looking La'an. Her fur was brighter than it should be. But the weirdest thing was her eyes. They were blue like a deep lake, like the clearest sky. She was beautiful.

  • I need some money to have a diner. If you would... - She blushed.

  • Why don't you hunting? - I was surprised. La'ans were the greatest hunters on Earth.

  • I can't. I'm... - She bowed her head. - I'm sick... My paws are slow and weak. - She almost started to crying. I felt commiserate to her.

  • Look. I do not have money in my wallet. But if you come with me, I will give you food. I have some meat in my refrigerator. - I offered this solution. I didn't want to drive her away but I told the truth. I didn't have more than a few coins.

  • It's not necessary... I... -

  • I insist! - I interrupted. She was so miserable and fallen. I couldn't let her starve to death.

  • I can't hunt but I can kill. - She told me with a suspicious look on her face, maybe she thought I was up to something?

  • I see. I do not want to hurt you or something. I just don't want to let you in this situation. When you ate your meal you can go wherever you want. Or you can stay for a few hours, days. I will feed you. No strings attached. - I told her and she looked surprised.

  • It would be fantastic... sir. -

  • Come on! Just call me Reg. - I smiled.

  • This is a big house. - She told me when she walked around my apartment. It was not big for me. There was a bedroom, a living room and the bathroom. I was pride of my kitchen. It was huge indeed compared to the ordinary kitchens in this district.

  • You told me you are hungry. - I went to the refrigerator and hooked up a big frozen beef. Ok it was not big, just a few slice that I bought on Monday. But I had a chicken and a turkey also.

  • Do you want to eat it now or... -

  • It is good to me in this way. - She said so I gave her the meat. She could be hungry indeed because she eat it like a... like a starving lion. After this weak diner she looked better.

  • How was it? -

  • It was delicious, thank you. - She let a purr out. I was on my couch and she was in front of me on the carpet.

  • You can stay here. You can sleep on the couch. -

  • Really? - She was surprised. Maybe I was too kind. - Why are you so nice to me? - She asked me but it was a hard question.

  • A few years ago... - I started. - I was in trouble. I almost died because of my stupidity. Then a La'an came and saved my life. From that moment I feel sympathy to your kind. This is why I want to help you. - I admitted.

  • Do you like my kind? - She asked but didn't let me answer. - But I'm different. You can see. I'm a... a... a freak. A monster. -

  • No you don't! You are beautiful. - I smiled just to confirm my proposition.

  • Don't dare you lie to me! I'm disgusting! - She shouted.

  • Your eyes... I never saw something so fantastic before. I could lost in it. And your fur is shiny and soft looking. You are beautiful. -

  • You are just trying to be nice with me. -

  • I'm trying to convince you that you are different indeed, but this gives you the beauty that you have. - I said to her and she bowed her head. - What is the problem? - I was worried about I hurt her feelings.

  • You are so kind. - She looked at me and her eyes were watered. - Thank you! - She said. She stood up and come to me rubbed her head to my face. I hugged her neck and caressed her head and back.

  • You are very welcome. - I whispered into her ears. Then... she kissed my mouth with her huge muzzle. I was puzzled.

  • What was that? - I asked in surprise

  • Sorry... I don't... I didn't... sorry. - She backed to the carped and looked ashamed.

  • It was unexpected, but it was good. - I admitted. She looked at me and I saw she was not sure about what she did.

  • You were nice to me, and I thought I should repay you somehow. - "Repay me?" I was thinking.

  • Repay how? - I asked.

  • I'm a female and you are a male. - She hinted.

  • Sex? - I asked in high voice.

  • If you want. - She smiled. "My God! I was dreaming about this since I was a child."

  • It would be an honor. - I smiled.

I was naked, standing in front of her. She was a little confused, this was her first time with a human. This was my first time with a La'an.

  • We are acting like virgins. - I laughed. "I doesn't even know how should I start. Right, I know what goes where, but... you know! Come on Reg, say something smart!"

  • Would you like to give me a blowjob? - I asked her. "Great start moron!" I scolded myself.

  • What is "blowjob"? - She was uncomprehending.

  • That means you take my... - I scratched my temple.

  • Penis? -

  • That's it... so you take my penis inside your mouth. Carefully! And you start to suck it and massaging with your tongue. - I blushed. It sounded good but what if she hurt me with her teeth and tongue? I saw a La'an once who skinned a man with his tongue. It was terrific.

  • Ok, I'm in. - She smiled. - Sit down. - So I sat to my couch. She come closer and sniffed my already erected member. It was a leap of faith. She opened her mouth and took my penis to the hilt. I felt the heat and her tongue pressed against my length. But she does nothing else.

  • Wa'a ne'ss't? - She asked me with mouthful. It was incredible. Her tongue curved and bended around my penis and when she sucked back her saliva coming out, I almost yelled!

  • Move your tongue... NOT LIKE THIS! - I cried out when she started to skinning me. - Be careful your tongue is like a sandpaper. -

  • So'y... - She smiled and started over again. She grabbed my penis with her tongue and started to massage. I felt the little barbs on it but it was not hurting. It was exciting. Then she pushed me to her palate and rubbed it to her grooves. It was fantastic.

  • Could you try to suck it? Like if you want to suck out something from a pipe. EASY! - I cried again she almost sucked out my internal organs. - Not like if you want to tear it off. My God! - She weakened the suction force. "It's like in heaven. A La'an working on my penis and it feels fantastic. She is good!" She moved her tongue out when she sucked my penis in. Then moved back and pressed to her palate, and repeated the cycle. Her saliva covered my pelvis and balls, it flowed down to the couch.

  • If you want to sex with me, then stop it please. - I sighed. I was close to the edge, to the point of no return. She released my penis and sat back.

  • Was it good to you? - She asked and I laughed.

  • It was fantastic. - I admitted.

  • So what could be the best position for us? - She frowned.

  • Maybe we should continue in my bedroom. -

  • Good idea, let's go. - She ran like a lightning. I was not able to stand up with my trembling legs. I waited for a few seconds and I earned success. She could kill me with her maw without biting. She could suck my penis to death. I laughed and went to the bedroom.

She was near the edge of my bed and waiting. I swallowed my saliva as I she her laying on her back and presenting me her pussy. It was a fantastic view. I kneeled behind her and grabbed my penis. It was slippery because of her saliva. She looked at me with her blue eyes and I felt in love with her. You could say this was only about the hormones and lust, but it was different.

  • May I start? - I whispered and she nodded. I touched her pussy with my tip, and then started to push it against her lips. It was easy to gain access to her most private parts because she was in the right height. I pushed it forward and I felt her walls engulfing my glans. I was in shock because of the heat that came from her vagina. It was almost painful but in the good meaning.

  • I want you to push in as far as you can. - She whispered and I saw in her eyes she want it so bad! I looked back to my penis. I was only half way in so I continued the penetration. It wasn't difficult to go further because she was wet and soft. It was a bit strange because as far as I knew La'ans have tight vagina. I heard rumors about humans who couldn't penetrate not just fully but at all. She was different and not just because of her eyes and color. She was designed to me, she was born to fill my needs. She was beautiful and I loved her as I was inside of her pussy, fully. I stated to move back and I felt her contracting walls. She let out a moan and I smiled. "She is enjoying this. Good." I thought. I start to move in and out rhythmically and I thought I could die while doing this. I bend my upper body to her belly and I hugged her. She hugged me back. It was the perfect moment of love and lust. I moved my hip a bit faster as I felt the increasing pleasure. Then something happened that I was not expecting. Her vagina clenched around my penis, she growled up and I shoot my load as soon as I felt her claws cutting in my back. I felt the strange mixture of pleasure and pain as I spurted my loads from my penis, and blood from my back.

  • I'm so sorry! It's bleeding but nothing serious. - She panted as I collapsed to her belly. I was totally used. I felt the blood flowing from my back and I felt her still contracting vagina as I was still inside her. "If she kills me now, I would be the happiest man on Earth". I smiled then moved my shoulder. It was painful, but I wasn't care. She climaxed and it was fantastic.

  • Could you stay with me for a few days? - I asked her.

  • I would love to stay with you forever. - She licked my head. - But you should know that I'm pregnant. - She watched my face for my reaction.

  • It's not possible. I'm a human. -

  • Not from you, you silly man. - She licked me again. - From a La'an. I will give birth to a girl. -

  • I will help you raise her up. -

But I didn't. She had to leave me when the Mirror was discovered. A Mirror what could bring anybody to another world. She gone and I promised to find her cub and bring her to safety.

But this is another story...