The Awakening of Bimbo-Bot

Story by seithon on SoFurry

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#9 of Humanoids

A rather fun dual commission of both a picture and a short story to go with it :)

Art is by DracoJeff of

Story by

...Root system located.


System loaded.


The first thing Wain did when he woke up was stretch and yawn, to get that glorious feeling of his muscles pulling against his bones. He made the most of the stretch, because except when he got drunk and had dates with Rosie Palms, the moment he woke up was pretty much the highlight of the day and he liked to savour it. At first, his brain didn't have any sense of context so he just accepted that he'd been asleep and was now waking up.

Hey-ho, another day keeping the ship's guts running.

And then he tried to remember what day it was and what his duties would therefore be, and a sense of context came back. His brain stuttered as he realized that something was wrong. Weirdly - and possibly badly - wrong.

The engineer quickly tracked back to the last time he'd been awake. It hadn't been the end of the day. He hadn't gone to bed.

Well, where the fuck am I, then?

He rolled over and propped himself up on his forearm. Well, first and foremost he was on a hard, cold surface which he instantly took to be the floor of the spaceship he and the rest of the crew served in.

Did someone knock me out? Wain put his spare hand up to rub his eyes. Or was there an accident? If there'd been an accident he was potentially going to have to work fast.

Then he had a sneaking feeling that he'd been drugged, because the contours of his face felt unfamiliar and his hand felt smaller than he knew it was. So someone had probably drugged him, then. That was... disturbing, but ultimately not too much of a surprise. It wasn't such a stretch to imagine that one of the new young crew staff recently picked up from Andromeda had spiked Wain's breakfast or drink to check his pockets or quarters for goods. As the ship's engineer he was outsider enough to the youngest, most troubled crew members sometimes did that kind of thing, forgetting that even the elusive ones on this ship were human beings. Including elusive ones who spent half of their days up to their elbows in engine grease. It was sad but true: 18 year olds going into space for the first time sometimes got over-excited and decided to play at being pirates.

"Fucking twats," he snarled before continuing, "Oh my fucking god," as two things hit him at once.

The first was his voice. He sounded like a woman. A particularly high-pitched woman.

The second was the memory of pirates. He wasn't the only one who'd been mugged. They'd all been victims. His whole crew. He looked around: the ship wasn't familiar. Not familiar at all. This isn't my ship. Did they take me aboard? Why? Maybe they didn't have an engineer of their own.

Now, this small matter about being a woman. He looked down - thoughts bubbling up about why they'd drug him if they needed him to work on their ship's systems - and had the shock of his life: an enormous pair of tits obscured his view, made of pretty realistic-looking fake flesh. Bloody hell, I'm a fucking sexbot. He sat up - the movement made his chest feel strange and he quickly realized that his tits were bloody heavy - and looked down at himself.

He'd meant to look at his whole body, but all he could see was his massive yet pert cleavage. He felt a tingle between his legs and rolled his hips in appreciation of the sensation before he remembered that he no longer had a dick.

Oh dear god. I've got a pussy!

He put his hands to his - her - tits to pull them apart so that she could look at her new body and admired the view with a fervour that would've given him a rock-hard panhandle before. A reasonably flat stomach. A very scanty black thong. Wide, wide hips and thighs. Black stockings. High heels.

He looked up and around suddenly. He hadn't heard anyone and couldn't see anyone either. He decided he wasn't in danger just for now. He returned his attention to his body with a growing sense of excitement.

It was a fucking dream, that was what it was. He'd dreamed of having a woman's body for a day, just to find out what it was like. And he'd known what type of woman he wanted to be: Young, gorgeous and slutty with huge tits and a big ass. So yeah, this was a fucking dream, all right. Wain hoped that if it really was just a dream then he wouldn't wake up just yet, and reached down and under the fabric of her thong. She'd always wondered what it felt like to have a clitoris.

And with a rich wave of pleasure, she learned. Having a clit was like having a miniature, extra-sensitive cockhead, that sent waves of pleasure through the surrounding flesh when rubbed.

It felt a bit wrong, though. Like it needed...

All right, Wain thought to herself. How do I engage the wetness switch?


And there it was.

Her pussy pulsed and rained forth with a good, generous river of juice. Wain's breath shuddered as she slicked it with her finger and then stroked it over her clit.

That. Was. Perfection. She was just about to keep rubbing when she heard herself moan and decided that she wanted to check herself out some more. It was just such a delicious voice that she couldn't resist.

She saw a sheet-steel wall nearby, a little dull but shiny enough to see your reflection in if you wanted. So Wain stood up, gained balance with a speed that surprised her (before she remembered that as an AI, she was inevitably going to have near-perfect balance) and swayed to the mirror, her high heels making her swing her butt, feeling like a naughty, sexy little pussycat.

She posed in front of the steel mirror, struck by her new beauty. Those nipples were specially designed to be heart-shaped, a feature Wain had seen on sexbots before and always loved. Her cleavage looked just as exciting from in front as from above. Her waist was tiny - perfect and tiny. And her hair was styled to rise up in a kind of ponytail at the crown of her head and cascade down as far as her shoulders, big and feminine.

Finally, she turned around to check out her butt. The black fabric of her thong disappeared into the crack between her ass cheeks, emphasizing the depth of the cleft. She tried bending over to change the view and moaned with pleasure at the way her body automatically leaned backwards to compensate for the weight of her tits. It meant that her butt got closer to the mirror and also tipped her pussy back so that its plump lips peeked out from the tops of her thighs.

She decided to adopt a few poses that Wain had seen in porn holograms. She got down and sat on her feet and spread her knees wide. She leaned back and enjoyed the way her tits stayed pert even then, and the sight of that flimsy little bit of black fabric in front of her pussy. She thrusted a few times, pulsing her hips back and forth, and then pulled the fabric aside to look at the slit hidden behind it.

God, it looked so good. So perfect and yet so dirty.

What other functions do you have? She concentrated on her mind, on her AI, to search for automatic functions, and found a few.

Anal relaxation/tension

Breathing - deep/heavy/short/off


Nipples - harden/lactate/soften

Orgasm - mild/moderate/strong

Produce desensitizing gel - anus/off/throat/vagina

Produce sensitizing gel - anus/off/throat/vagina

Produce lubricant - anus/off/throat/vagina

Teeth - retract/vampire

Verbalization - normal/off/talk dirty

Urinate - on/off

There were some pretty mind-blowing options, there. She switched on the strong orgasm function.

Her hips bucked before she knew what was happening, but what followed was a tidal wave of passion, searing her genitals and the rest of her body with sudden, sweet fire. Wain cried out, overwhelmed by the feeling and fell back on the floor to let it take her. She gripped her hair - it was the only thing she had to grab. Without her conscious direction her hands flew down to her tits and squeezed her nipples. They were like bullets in the palms of her hands. She put her palms to the floor and pushed herself bodily off the cold tiles.

She couldn't keep still, but a small part of Wain realized that she could switch off the orgasm whenever she wanted. Not likely, this is just beautiful! She writhed on the floor, crying out with pleasure for a few seconds longer. Juuust a few seconds before-

"Hello gorgeous!"

Wain felt her new mind automatically switch off the function and look up, her whole demeanour designed to be coy yet desirable. "Oh, huh huh. Oops! You caught me!" she said before realizing that this was the AI's standard response to this situation. It came under the Caught masturbating protocol, Wain could see it now.

Wain's crew-mate, Jonn, had found him.

Jonn stared at him, a smile creeping over his face, as if he hadn't seen a woman in months. Which was pretty much true.

Okay, what do I do now? Wain wondered. Pretend I'm really a sexbot? Tell Jonn what's happened? What?

Jonn turned around. "Dann? Look what we've got! Got some booty of our own, eh?"

Dann caught up and saw Wain on the floor, and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Fuck me!"

Wain felt her mind process this.

Verbal content = 'Fuck me.'

= instruction.

Vocal tone = surprise.

Conclusion: not an instruction.

"Careful what you say, mate," Jonn said. "These things can rip your cock off." Then he shone the torch in Wain's face.

To her surprise she didn't need to shield her eyes - the bot's eyes adjusted entirely on their own.

"You," Jonn continued. "Can you stand up?"

Wain stood up.

"Coor!" Dann growled and stared at Wain's tits.

Wain thought quickly. She wanted to have sex... but not with his crew-mates. What happened to me? If I'm in a sexbot's body then where am I? Then he had it!

"Are you an engineer? I loooove engineers. So big and strong. And they got dirty hands."

Jonn and Dann were two of the ship's cooks. Hopefully they'd tell Wain what had happened to his body.

"I can be an engineer if you want," said Dann.


Jonn shook his head at Dann, a gesture of frustration. "Dann, we need to figure out where we are with these pirates, first. Fuck the sexbot later, yeah? Come on, let's keep going. You-" he said, turning his torch on Wain. "Follow us."

Wain cocked an eyebrow and swayed after them.

Despite Jonn's words, Dann fell back a little to walk with Wain. His eyes kept turning to Wain's gorgeous tits, and Wain noticed more than once via the sensory web under his skin that Dann kept grabbing and pinching his butt.

"Oh you!" he giggled. "Stop that!"

And yet, as much as he wanted to find out what had happened to his ship and body and crew, Wain enjoyed the experience of being desired. Her protocols scrolled and she read them. Scripts for conversations specially designed to end in various sexual situations. Spaces for files on each human she met: update-able dossiers on their sexual preferences, moods, times of day they most wanted sex.

"Come on mate, you must want to," Dann said to Jonn. "She does. See?" He ran his hands between Wain's legs and showed Jonn the sexual fluids there.

Wain noticed that the instinct to brush Dann's hand away was totally absent.

Jonn turned and looked at Wain for a moment, considering. There was a battle going on in his eyes between responsibility and pleasure. With a decisive movement he switched the torch off. "All right," he said.


Argent sighed contentedly running a cocoa butter coated hand over her immensely gravid belly; she was probably about eight and a half months along by now. She glared at the raven haired girl sitting next to her on the bed with mock malice. "This is...

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Book of Changes Part 3

House of Dust "Music, when combined with a pleasurable idea, is poetry. Music, without the idea, is simply music. Without music, or an intriguing idea, color becomes pallor, man becomes carcass, home becomes catacomb, and the dead are but for a moment...

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Book of Changes - 2

# II # Death and The Lover Kierlan had not yet decided in the wake of that first night of passion, whether or not he now she was at all pleased with how it had come to pass. Indeed she liked her breasts. She liked them a lot. They were so fluffy and...

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