The Seeker

Story by TheLionWriter on SoFurry

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#5 of (EXTREME) Stories with bloody scenes (Collection)

It's me again. I wanted to write this story so bad that I couldn't tell you. This idea was inside me since days, but I kept writing the Mirorrs series. Finally I managed to write it down.


This story contains BESTIALITY with a lioness, BLOOD and VIOLENCE during PENECTOMY scenes where men gotten their family jewels bitten off.

But nothing serious (winks meaningful)

This story is about a few lionesses, a few boys who want to become a man and they must pass a test for this: they must put their genitals into a mouth of a lioness for 30 seconds... will they make it intact?

Hello, my name is Francis. I'm living in a tribe near Africa. I'm 17 years old but I will turn to 18 soon. There is an interesting and frightening rite when you are 18. You become a Seeker. It means that you have to pass through a test. This is a fearful test but you have to give it a try. If you lose you probably will lose your genitals. If you pass then you will be an adult. You can have sex, you can built an own hut, etcetera... so you can do almost whatever you want. This test is about courage. You have to put your penis inside a lioness's mouth. She is the Chooser. There is a man too, the Keeper. He will open the lioness mouth then you put inside. He will keep you alive if you pass but the lioness change her mind. Of course there were accidents in a past; there were Seekers who didn't make it even if they passed. The lioness jumped on them and ripped of the internal organs. If you are lucky she will not do anything till the time has elapsed. It's approximately 30 seconds. If you survive with an intact genital, then you pass. If not... well you will become an exile. An exile without a penis and, or balls. I will be a Seeker on the next Friday so I'm very excited.

This is where there story starts.


It was Monday. I was with my friends near the arena. We were about to escort Daniel to the place where he will be tested. He was 18.

  • You shouldn't touch her fangs or tongue with your member. If you do she will bite. -

  • Don't listen to him. You should put your penis inside her throat. She will choke on it and spit it out. Then you won. -

  • You are all wrong. He must rub some unpalatable lotion on his cock. -

  • Its cheating, if the Chief finds out he will be executed. - We brainstormed a little.

  • Guys, shut up. I don't need any advice. I will do it on my way. - Daniel stopped us. He was excited, but I couldn't blame him. We were virgins. This is the law, we couldn't have sex. If we had before the test, they killed us. So this could be easily our first and last sexual experience. In fact there were another way out. If we had have sex with a lioness during her cycle. If we did and survived we won, then the test was not necessary anymore. Of course there were rules. First: the lioness must in her conscious. Second: You must let her consent. It means you couldn't restrain her with ropes or chains. Third: You must ejaculate inside her vagina. There weren't too many boys who earned their adult rank in this way. In fact there were none since thirty years.

  • Daniel, you must come. - The Tribe Chief came to us.

  • Wish me luck. - He whispered to us.

  • Good luck! - We whispered back then went to the auditorium. The whole tribe was about to watch the test. It wasn't rare. Daniel dropped his cloak and waited for the sign in naked. The Keeper led the lioness into the middle and gave her a small meat. She swallowed it whole as the other one did with the severed genital yesterday. Fred wasn't lucky.

  • You came here... -The chief started his speech. - ... to test your spirit and body. If you pass you will become an adult. If you lose you will became an exile. Let the spirits decide! Let the Lion Goddess decide! - Then he hit the gong in his hand. Daniel was limp so he started to jerk his penis. It wasn't took too long to get his erection. The Keeper stood to the lioness and opened her mouth. She didn't close it so it was a sign for Daniel. He went close to her then he put his member inside her mouth. It was just half way in, but it was the minimum we had to do. As soon as he was in the deadly maw, the Chief turned the hourglass. It was only 30 seconds to survive, to keep your penis erected. The lioness looked bored and she didn't do anything with the offered meat. The time passed and the Chief nodded to Daniel. He backed way and breathe heavily. He passed, he made it! The keeper led the lioness to the door and opened it. She jumped out and gone.

  • Congratulate Daniel. - The chief gave a small armband to him. - You are an adult. Dress up and be prepared for your first drink and first meal as a man. - He waved with his hand and two naked women came to the area. It was the part of the rite. One woman carried a small jug with vine the other carried a small portion of meat. He had to drink and eat them.

The next day was Robert's day. We didn't know him well so we were there only as watchers, not cheerers. Everything went well he was hard and the lioness opened her mouth. I could see in the Keeper's eyes this was a bad sign, because he didn't have to open it by hand. I could saw, Robert was close to flee, his hands were trembling, and he was almost fainted. But he was hard. Maybe he drunk the potion what we called "Rock hard potion". I didn't know. He stepped close to the lioness and put his penis in. That was the moment when the public wailed. The lioness closed her mouth; Robert cried up and fell back without his penis. The blood spurted from his hip. The lioness did nothing but swallowed once. The healers ran to David and stopped the bleeding. He will survive.

  • If I fail the test I will kill myself. - Steve whispered to us. - Better be a dead man then live without a cock. - He continued.

  • Yes it could be the worst thing on Earth. - I said.

  • Poor Robert. - Howard shook his head. The healers grabbed Robert who was still yelling in pain then took from the area. The chief come.

  • The Lion Goddess made her decision. Robert does not deserve the ability to have a child; his blood is not good for the Goddess. He failed. - Then hit the gong. We leaved the area. The Tuesday didn't reassured me too much. Maybe the next day, Wednesday will be better...

Frederic was the next victim. He almost passed but just one second from the victory the lioness closed her maw. Didn't bite it off yet just trapped inside her maw. Frederic was like a statue, he didn't want to move. He must thought that she will release him if he stays steady. But she didn't. She sucked the member fully inside her mouth, grabbed the balls with her tongue then slowly bitted down. She wasn't quick. She chewed a bit, licked with that sandpaper like tongue. Frederic cried and started to wave his hands around. He yelled for help, for mercy, preyed to every spirits and gods. But the lioness shook her head and the penis remained inside her mouth. Frederic grabbed his bloody groin and collapsed. The lioness swallowed the member then jumped to her victim. The Keeper wasn't fast enough so she bitted down on Frederic's neck and executed him.

  • It's better to him. - Steve marked. - It's better. - He repeated. We leaved the area because we didn't want to watch how the lioness ate the poor boys remains. Another day is passed and there was one out from three who made it. It was a bad rate.

On Tuesday morning I went to the hunting grounds. I was hungry and I wanted to eat meat. I was good with the bow so it couldn't be a problem to get a rabbit or something small. I didn't want to kill a zebra or anything big.

I was hiding behind a tree when I spotted the rabbit chowing something in the grass. I prepared my arrow and putted to the string. I was ready. I pulled the string and peeked out. It was still there, so I aimed, and released the string. I got it!

  • It wasn't too hard. - I marked for the record. I stood up and went to the rabbit when a lioness jumped out from the tall grass. - Oh. It's yours if you want it. - But she didn't give a damn to that rabbit and she came to me. I backed to the tree and stopped. I couldn't fight because she was a goddess, I couldn't flee because she was faster than me. I was in a big trouble if she sees me as her food.

  • Please don't kill me. You could do on tomorrow in the area. - I prayed to her I saw in her eyes she was about the eat me. She punched me on my hip and I felt to the ground. My pants were ripped apart so I was naked from the waist down. I was bleeding but fortunately I only got small scratches. She grabbed my leg with her maw and started to drag me to the tall grass. We were half way there when I kicked her nose. She released me and looked confused. I believed there weren't anyone who kicked her before. She was a goddess to us.

  • I'm sorry. I didn't want to harm you. - I said, still lying on the ground. She growled and leaped forward, got my penis and balls inside her mouth. I cried in fear and I felt her moist and warm mouth. It was enough for me to get an erection. I was rock hard in her mouth. She looked surprised and released me.

  • Don't kill me please! - I prayed to her. She sniffed my penis and engulfed it again in her mouth. I felt the same and wonderful feeling. It could be enjoyable if I wasn't in panic. She swallowed it to the hilt then she continued the swallowing. I felt her tongue enveloped my penis and she started to suck it. It was unbelievable! I sighed.

  • Thank you goddess. - I was grateful and moaned in pleasure. Of course her tongue was rough but I was long enough to feel her throat opening. There weren't any spikes, just the smooth surface as I was on the end of her tongue. I was afraid too. "What if I cum inside her and she bites? Yes it would be better than before I cum, but still.... I had to find a way out unharmed." But she was good. She laid down between my legs and continued with closed eyes. Sometimes I felt the incisors crossing over my base, I felt the tightening jaws, but she didn't bite. I was close and leaned back, and then I touched the rabbit that I hunted down. I could offer it to her. "It could work." I felt the contracting tongue, the suction power and I reached the top of the pleasure. I moaned loudly then released my semen. Her eyes are popped open and she froze. Then she swallowed every single spurt. I almost fainted because of the pleasure. It was the first time that I didn't do it for myself. Yes I jerked it off very often, but this was the first time when I could came inside a hot and wet hole. It was a lioness mouth what makes it weird... but it was extremely good also.

  • Thank you goddess. Thank you. - I panted to her then she stood up quickly grabbed my entire penis and balls and started to pull away them from me. I grabbed the rabbit and put on her nose. She released me and grabbed the rabbit. I stood up and I started to run back to the village. She didn't followed me.

  • It was close. - I breathed heavily when I arrived. She was good but deadly. It was a great lucky that I could trick her. I hope I will survive the next day. I looked down to my penis. There were marks around the base where she got me. It wasn't so bad at all.

I was still hungry so I decided to eat some fruits. After the weak breakfast I dressed up and went to the arena. It was Steve's day.

He stood still in the area after he dropped the cloak. The lioness was there. It wasn't the one who fellated me I could see. That lioness had had a white spot on her right ear. It burned into my memory I could tell. This lioness was thin but muscular. She could be a great hunter, fast and ruthless. I saw that Steve was unsure about her. He hesitated before he took the first step to her. The Keeper grabbed her jaws and forced to open. It wasn't her first visit in the area so she probably knew how the things go here. She kept it open waiting for the free meat, for the easy snack.

  • Come on Steve, you could do it. - I cheered him in a low voice. He took another step forward and showed his penis inside her mouth. She immediately closed it and Steve let out a weak cry. She didn't bite it off. The chief turned the hourglass. The seconds passed and I could see that Steve started to sweat. He kept whispering to the lioness, I couldn't hear what exactly, but it seems worked. The time passed but Steve was still inside her. He pulled himself back a little bit and the lioness released his member so he could jump back.

  • You made it! - I shouted to him when the Keeper led out the lioness. -You made it! - I repeated. It was his day. After he drunk the vine and ate the meat he came to me and I grabbed his shoulder.

  • It was terrifying. - I told to him

  • You don't say. I was there. Goddess, she almost got a bite on it. - He sat down to the nearest chair.

  • What did you whispered to her? - I asked.

  • I prayed to her to release me. I flattered her, I flirted with her. But it worked. I'm intact. - He smiled.

  • Yes you are. Was it... you know... pleasurable? It was a mouth at least. -

  • It was warm and wet... and soft indeed. But she got me with her teeth. So it wasn't that good. - He admitted. Then we stood up and went to celebrate him.

The day passed and the Friday came quicker than I expected. I was the next one. I could become a man, or an exile without the ability to feel pleasure again, till the rest of my life. I dropped my cloths to the ground and got up the cloak. I passed through my way to the area then I stopped in the front of the Chief. I released the edge of the cloak and it slipped off from me. I was there, I was naked, I was defenseless. I was ready for the test.

  • You came here... -The chief started his speech. - ... to test your spirit and body. If you pass you will become an adult. If you lose you will became an exile. Let the spirits decide! Let the Lion Goddess decide! - He stopped and stepped away from my eye sight so I could see the lioness. I almost dropped my jaws. It was her, the lioness with the white spot on her ear. Could it be a coincidence? Was this the will of the gods? Maybe she was here to finish what she started yesterday. I hope she will recognize me and she won't bite my penis off. I was hard because I drunk the potion. My erection won't wear off for an hour. I stepped closer when the Keeper opened her maw. It was the time. I pushed my penis inside her maw and I looked into her eyes. She closed her jaws and my heart skipped a beat. She didn't bite; she curved her tongue around my member then started to suck just like she did it yesterday. I felt the building pleasure as she massaged my entire length. She was rougher then before, she sucked with more force. The mixture of this and the potion made that I felt my glans passed through the end of her tongue. My tip was in the opening of her throat. And she kept sucking on it. It was too much, it was almost painfully. I looked around while started to moaning. The Keeper dropped his jaw; the Chief was stood still like a shocked statue. Everyone in the area was shocked. It never ever happened something like this. The Chooser sucked on the Seeker's penis. And she did it good. I was near the end of my stamina so I grabbed her maw with my hands and cried out while I spurted my loads down her throat. She swallowed down every droop but she didn't want to release me. After I emptied my magazine she tightened her jaws like she did previously. The problem was that I wasn't had any rabbits that time.

  • If you release me I will hunt you a zebra. - I whispered to her as I remembered the wise words of Steve. - You are so beautiful, and strong, I will give you meat on every Friday if you release me. - I continued but I saw in her eyes she was about to made her decision. Bite or release. That was the question.

  • Please, my merciful Goddess. - I begged. Maybe it was just a coincidence, maybe it was the will of the gods but she opened her maw and sat back. I took a step away from her. I was intact. I survived. I was a man. The Keeper led her out from the arena then I went through the usual ceremony.


So here I am. I'm an adult man. I kept my promise and I hunted down a zebra for her. She was always near the village and from that day she always recognized me. I kept bringing her meat and she gave me fantastic blowjobs every time.

It's Friday again, so I have to go, she is waiting for me! Good bye to you, and have a great day, because this is the end of my story. Or is this just the beginning?