A Hole In The Darkness - Chapter 1

Story by Wolfy-Seikiji on SoFurry

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This is a Roleplay I did with one Dani La Roux-Savage. Credit goes to the both of us. I have quickly glimpsed over this second rough draft, corrected most spelling errors and corrected some grammar. If you see anything that does not fit, than please let me know, thank you and hope you enjoy. Mohawk Puma edited this for me, please have a look at his stories also, link on the bottom ^.^

The canine had long practiced for the day that came, the end all infection that had plagued the earth for 9 months or so. When she realized what was happening, she made good on her plans to survive. She managed to get from downtown back to her house without getting shot, bit, or both. She had enough supplies stockpiled, a rather clever plan for how to hole herself up in the house she had been renting and for the most part it all went to plan. Until she made the fatal mistake of trusting someone who eventually stole from her supplies, ratting her out to a band of thieves, who after getting in a gunfight or two, had exhausted her stockpiled ammunition for her rifle. She then prepared to move herself into the back country, which was initially a part of her "2 week plan" that went out the window when the hordes began to trundle through her neighborhood, much earlier than she had planned. In fact they had beaten her home. The canine then downsized what little gear she had left to her essentials. A rather large backpack that had basically everything she would need in it. Food, water, shelter, warmth and something to do. The girl also had a collection of leather items she began making out of the things she found in the nearby houses. She had a jacket that she was wearing, a tight pair of leather pants, and a body armor vest underneath. It was a hot day, but it would cool as the night came. The raiders generally didn't come out at night.

She waited until dusk, and then slipped out of her house for the final time. Throwing a lit emergency flare into the pile of newspapers on the floor, she set the house ablaze. Hoping to draw everyone's attention towards that and away from the route she was taking. The canine slipped into the darkness, her bow slung over her back, and her handgun on her hip. She made decent progress as the light dwindled and the plan had worked well enough. She was at last able to leave the neighborhood, slipping into the wooded area just to the east, finally running towards the mountains.

The timber wolf reigned supreme over this landscape he called home. Due mostly in part to his dislike of anything the city had to offer, he began living in the wilderness a long, long time before anyone thought to do so. He made do by surviving on the animals who resided in his territory and those foolish enough to wander into it. At the moment, though, he was just lying about, half way out of his den with his head on his paws. Fur black as night and eyes a deep crimson, a feral mindset sharpened with the intellect of a human, he was quite the beastly sight to behold. The sun was just licking the horizon, casting sideways beams of light through the canopy of his forest, the night time gust picking up and rustling his dense fur. The den he stayed in was a very old bear den cut into the side of a hill, within walking distance of the river and not far off from the mountain.

The canine was a tall skinny thing; she had lost weight with the apocalypse, having forced herself to eat as little as possible. She was basically muscle and fur, not a lot of muscle to her. She had nice legs and thighs though, from all the walking she had been doing. But for the most part, she was a slender little thing. She heard water, and began to follow it to the river; she knew where she was, and where she had to go, up stream. She meandered down the banks, sticking close to the hillside as not to be exposed in case someone took a shot at her. The girl moved as quietly as possible, but a rustling was still audible in the bushes as she moved. Her mind shifted to the task of setting up camp, and finding a proper location to do so. She wasn't wet enough to need a fire, so she played it safe, just setting up her hammock in the trees, then fashioning shelter from some camo netted tarp. She was only a few inches off the ground to reduce exposure. She ate some of her remaining food supplies, and laid down in the hammock for the night.

The wolf yawned loudly with his tongue curling some in his maw, giving a good stretch of his paws. His nose caught the scent of something new in his territory, ears perking up instantly in the direction it came from. For him, nap time was over and an early dinner was in order. Nose to the ground and ears swiveling in every which direction, he tracked the smell towards his bathing spot. He stopped and poked his head from the treeline, eyes narrowing and adjusting to the low light conditions. Peering into the ever encroaching darkness to see what he could. It did not take long for him to spot some kind of crude construction off in the distance. Slipping back into the treeline, he moved along an ambush axis, keeping the wind to his left side to avoid alerting his prey.

The girl was getting into that sleepy state where she was right on the nodding off point, for she had been packing all morning and was just mentally exhausted from making the preparations to leave. She had her pistol on her side still, her bow draped across her. A camouflaged piece of fabric was her ragtag summer time blanket. She found a happy thought, and nodded off, hiding in her dreams.

He sneaks up closer and closer, each step placed carefully and deliberately. Finally he spots his prey, for to him everything was in perfect night vision. She was quite the find, being of such a curvaceous nature and she seemed to be of his kind. Sniffing the air and really taking in her scent, he draws closer and closer. His eyes gleamed, and his claws made marks upon the ground, before he lunged for his prize.

Her ear twitches, hearing something small, her sleeping consciousness ignores it. Despite her best attempts, she had failed to stockpile enough birth control for herself, her cycle inflating her lips, making her swell, the scent permeating the air. She was curled over in a ball on her left side. She was sleeping shallowly, waiting for the dreams to come.

The wolf leaps through the air onto her, paws hitting her chest square on and digging in. His added weight makes the hammock drop to the ground with a loud snap, her weapons falling away, useless. He yanks his claws back with immense power and a loud, threatening growl, ripping that bulletproof vest off in one go. He wasted no time in pinning the girl with his full body weight, grabbing both her wrists and holding them above her head, using the rope from the snapped hammock to bind them together many times over, making sure the connection between wrists and tree were tight. It would not do to have his prize escape him. She awoke to the sound of her own lungs venting past her vocal chords, a meek yelp was all that came out her. She hit the ground hard, feeling her torso getting yanked back up, she went to reach for her hand gun to find it was somewhere in the darkness. She was wheezing for air, much less putting up a fight, her arms pinned by his powerful hands, she thrashed against his body, what little she could, fighting for air under his weight. She could only fill with horror as his quick handiwork secured her wrists to the hammocks anchor. She tried to get out of them, struggling against them fruitlessly. "No, no, no no, no, please no." She said, sounding frantic. Snarls down at her with all his fangs brought to bear, drool dripping from his maw like a rabid animal. He wished to ensure the compliance of his prey and leaves no reason to doubt that he would kill her if necessary. With her wrists secured firmly and the majority of his weight pinning her legs, he went about disrobing her to get a better look. Those massive paws gliding over her form with razor blade claws, slicing through the fabric of her clothes and much deeper, leaving lines of blood wherever his paws roamed. She shut up pretty quickly, very quickly understanding why stifled crying was such a popular rape trend. She didn't want to die tonight, not like this. She winced and gritted her teeth, swearing through her teeth as his claws dug into her skin. "AH! Fuck this!" She half -screamed. She felt her skin as well as all of the clothing above it not put up much of a fight against whom, or whatever was clawing her. "Please, please, please..." she begged under her breath, her mind suddenly locking on to the fact she as in heat, the blood draining from her face in cold hard realization. "NO! Please!" She begged again. Having exposed her chest fully, bare to the world, he leaned down and lapped his extremely broad tongue from her navel, between those supple breasts and up the side of her neck. A deep murr rumbling in his chest as he gets a good taste of her, a mixture of sweat and blood coating his tongue. His ears perk up to her pathetic mewling, responding with a firm hold of her left breast and the other paw grabbing hold of her throat. He holds your neck in his paw and brings his face closer, letting her see the one who would be her attacker. A constant snarl on his lips, crimson eyes gleaming into hers. She let her fear get to her, she got the message as he slammed his paw against her throat, feeling him grasp her breast. He was black as the night, her eyes locking with his, a certain fear stirring somewhere deep inside her, her brown eyes tearing up. She knew what her future looked like, she was going to be one of the girls carried around in a cart or something worse used and abused as a sex object. She was going to be someone who begged for death. He sniffed at her face, gazing into her eyes, letting her know that she would be his, by force, and then he sniffed lower. He then lowered his head between her legs curiously, taking in her scent. His hind legs wedge in between hers and spread them apart enough for him to be hip to hip with her. Hunching down, his massive head lowered between her legs, paws claws at her thighs, tearing the fabric to ribbons and leaving more blood trails. He continued to explore, sniffing heavily at her still hidden sex, lapping hard at the few pieces of garment separating her from the ravages of his tongue. All the while he was growing more aroused; his bulbous sheath could be seen just swaying between his legs, accompanied by a very heavy sack. The heavy scent of male permeated the air, mixing with the smell of a bitch in heat. The girl bit her lip, screaming uncontrollably as he shredded her thighs. She panted heavily, smelling the unmistakable musk of canine in the air. Oh God. She couldn't imagine how big he was going to be, how much this was going to hurt, how little of a chance she had on not getting pregnant if she survived this. She just tried to internalize it, put it away, throwing a blanket over it. She still ended up whimpering like a bitch, her body twitching as he lapped at the leather separating her from bearing his young. His lapping at her sex affected him and her, the leather getting slick with drool and her juices. His ballsack was large and full of puppies, and his sheath filled with a merciless wolfcock. He paused for a moment, halting his licking. This one instance he was gentle, puckering his lips back as he latched onto the piece of pants and panty still covering her up with his fang, pulling back with a loud rip, having her fully exposed now. He begins to pant heavily and wasting little time in lapping at her exposed folds, like watching a dog drink from a water bowl, his tongue sometimes teasing inwards. His claws dig into her thighs as he assaults her sex, a deep possessive murr roaring in his chest. She half expected him to animalistically tear into her stomach or something, but she knew the second he bit down, feeling her underwear go with it, that he had something different in mind. She squirms and squeak, a little needy moan slipping from her maw, she hadn't had any action since the infection started. His tongue was big and he lapped at her folds like a puppy does, her head reeling back as his claws dig in. One last show before I go... She figured. Having gotten her sex good and wet with his drool, getting a good taste of his new bitch to be. He loams over her now, paws coming up to grab both breasts. His sheath sways along with his balls, a thick four inches of wolf meat peeking out with plenty more to back it up. Lowering his face to hers again, getting ready to lock eyes with her, his hips lining up with hers. She turns her head away, not wanting to look at him. He scared her at a most primal level, something way down inside. She could feel her chest getting manhandled, but whatever he was, settled down between her legs. She couldn't see him well through her tears combined with her crappy night vision, she did her best to avoid pissing him off, she just wanted to make it to daylight. He was savoring this greatly, not having had a worthy breeding bitch in quite some time. He savored this, licking his chops a few times before he bit down firmly into the crook of her neck. He started growling loud and drawing blood instantly, his thick cock probing hard between her legs, firing off squirts of pre cum as he did. But he was no stranger to this form of anatomy, being this bitch was of his of kind. He found his mark quickly, in that split second when the head of his dick grazed her labia lips, he lunged forward with everything he had. Seven inches of thick throbbing wolf flesh shoots up into her pussy, pulsing heavily and only growing thicker. He was so rough with her, but at the same time, just gentle enough. She opened her eyes as he bit into her, a weak cry escaping from her lips. She tried to move her arms tried to give herself any fighting chance. Nothing. She could feel his hot spurts of pre against her nethers, she yipped as he found her pussy, she had only a second to think about it as he shoved into her depths. She cried out, her pussy having grown tight over it's months of disuse. Her eyes teared up, even though her walls were slippery enough that he was able to bury himself without too much trouble, she was just tight, gripping against his length. "Fuck..." she let out weakly. He growls loud into the side of her neck, his hind legs splaying out with claws dug into the ground. His hips pressing firmly into hers, sheathing himself fully inside her tight passage. All the while his length pulsed and surged, painting her insides with his musky pre cum. Tightening the grip on those supple breasts did he begin to make short and rapid thrusts, a soft bulb of flesh slipping past her lips with each entry and making a loud slurp upon exiting. He was determined to breed this fine beauty of a bitch, repopulate this landscape with the strength of his loins. She was merely the vessel for the salvation of his own kind and deep down she knew this to be true. She knew what kind of pounding she was going to receive, she made no illusions with herself, she was going to either die, or be rutted like this for the rest of her life, however short or long that was. She could feel his length rubbing up against her insides, making her feel full. She hadn't felt the immense heat of a canine deep inside her in a long time. She tried to relax as he shunted himself within her, feeling him leak his key inside her fertile lock. He huffs hotly through his snout, blasting hot air against her neck. His tapered dick begins to press at the bitch's cervix more and more with each thrust, his hips picking up speed and power. Those big paws of his kept massaging and lightly clawing at her bosom. Not wanting to damage them, as they were to be crawling with hungry pups in the very near future. His knot swelled ever so slightly each time it popped in and out of her drenched pussy, spreading her open a touch more each time. Leaking heavily inside that tight sex of hers, his hot watery pre cum sloshing around within, washing over the entrance of her womb time and time again. Doing the best that she could, she could feel his knot passing though her spread lips. She was mewling and moaning softly, less in pain and more in pleasure, she was trying to enjoy herself despite the pressing condition. It was how she survived the rest of the apocalypse, watching her brother die, and all of the other equally awful things that have happened in the last year. Her walls had grown slick, his thrusting grew more rhythmic and she started to feel that inner itch get scratched for the first time in months. Nature had taken over, and she would fulfill her instinct. His hips slammed into hers at full speed, his knot had grown too large to fit into his bitch anymore, and so he was getting more determined. His fangs dug in deeper, making blood run out the sides of his maw, that thick knot of his was grapefruit sized and slapping her folds mercilessly. The name of the game now was to force his knot into his new fertile bitch and make the tie, in that moment, she would be his. Her poor folds where getting knocked on by a hot, pissed off canine battering ram. Attempting to break into her, and fill her completely. She let out a cry as he bit down on her. Her face contorting in pain, she could feel her body giving in to his persistent pounding, it spewing a mix of pre, her juices and his saliva onto his knot. She tried to take a big breath, and just slow herself down, not let what was coming next ruin her fragile mental state or destroy her pussy because she was fighting it. She had to submit herself to survive. Strains some with each thrust now, pressing that throbbing bulb of meat to her folds each time. His hind legs tone out as every muscle in them flexes, his knot pushing into her slowly. Those puffy lips stretching around that throbbing thing, pushing back against him, testing his resolve. At the point of half way was all he needed, her folds literally sucking the rest of his knot in with a very wet slurp. His tapered dick pierces that final barrier as his entire length swells inside. Balls drawing up to his body, sending pearl sized lumps pumping down his well-endowed member. An audible sound of him pumping into her could be heard as hell was unleashed into her most inner depths. A torrent of thick wolf seed came pouring in, bringing with it an immense heat that came from the core of his body. She could feel him shoving with a great resolve. She could feel him get closer and closer to that point, her folds had at last given way to his massive knot. She cried out as he got there, to that critical tipping point in physics where her folds would slurp him up. The smaller canine whimpered and whined, feeling him begin the long process of filling her with his seed, the hot, hot wolf batter happily filling the pan. She could feel it going so deep inside her she knew she had no chance of getting out of here without out carrying offspring of some sort. Her mind recoiled in thought, she had no idea how she was going to feed them, or herself for that matter. She had to take advantage of the situation if she was to make it, or risk watching her babies die. She lay there, her belly distending from the length, the swollen knot, and the cum plugged within her, she could feel just a little bit beginning to seep from her fertile walls toward her ass. She knew he had pumped in way more than that. She shivered on his length, her walls clenching down on him involuntarily. She moaned the time entirely out of pleasure, feeling her cheeks begin to burn. His anal muscles contract, and balls twitch, with each pump of fresh seed down his shaft. The large wolf giving off a deep murr that vibrated his entire form, in turn vibrating her to some degree. That bushy tail of his was curled under him now, hiding their joining from the rest of the world and keeping them both warm. Paws still massaging those tits and giving lights tugs to her nipples to help her climax along. He knew well that it took more than just his seed to impregnate her, but for her to reach orgasm and drop fresh eggs into the birthing canal. He could feel her lower belly grow hot with all he was putting inside, it was also becoming pudgy, to the point that the underfed girl looked like she had a good meal. The canine's first clench caught her off guard, the following orgasm essentially having snuck up on her, she had all of the pieces fall to the floor and stick into her kinky self. She felt the naughty, hopelessness crash into her in a way she felt only with her doms and masters over the years. She knew what her future held. Puppies, a long procession of puppies. Her tight wall cranked down tightly against his knot, milking him for all he had, she contorted against the forest floor. Her back arching her chest towards the sky and pleasure shot waves of electricity up her body. Pressing her against his grip, pulling on her wrist restraints. The cum in her belly was making her swell as if she had eaten a whole turkey recently, a radical separation from her thin limbs and slim curves. She looked full, and felt the part. "H-hello?" She began raggedly, hoping it spoke English. His eyes gleam, for he could almost feel his seed take root in her fertile womb. That thick shaft staying rock hard and pulsing with his heartbeat, still giving off hot blasts of his sticky essence. Releasing the females neck, he lifts his head to the sky and howls, signifying that he had successfully bred a bitch. He panted heavily after this and looked down at her when she began to speak. Bringing his head down again to meet her gave, air blasting from his nostrils. He understood the language, but spoke none of it himself. But he gave off the impression that he heard her and was listening. There was a spine chilling shot of ice that went up her spine as he howled out into the night. She shrank underneath him, a little unsure of what to do next, she knew she was going to be here a while until he stopping filling her. She could feel his breath against her, her arms were still tied above her head. She just laid limp, her body exhausted from trying to fight him off. She noticed that he at least looked at her when she spoke. "I want to stay with you." She tried. Hoping faintly that somehow it would get through to him. She had no idea what she was doing, and gave up, hanging her head back, resting it against the underbrush. His eyes searched over the girls face, studying it and her words. He understood the language and once spoke it, but again it had been a verylong time. Nonetheless he made the effort to communicate, figuring it was the least he could do if this girl was going to spend the rest of her days with him. His mouth opens and out came a deep voice, if it could even be called a voice, more like a growl. "Biii.....bitch stay!" He sounds out as best he can, perhaps in time he would be able to actually hold a conversation with her. But this was the best he could muster at the moment. The entire time he kept his eyes locked on hers, still extremely fierce, but having a slight a bit more softness to them. The two words he did manage, broke her inside somewhere. He could barely speak English, or speak at all really, and he could still call her what she had always been. Something inside her got bumped by his words, fell off a counter, and smashed to a million itty bitty pieces. She attempted to nuzzle him out of appreciation, but couldn't reach anything. She whined softly, and flattened her ears against her head, her tail between her legs, submitting at a primal level. He had proved he could destroy her if he wanted. She didn't want that, and a life as a creature's breeding bitch was better than no life at all, she rationalized to herself. He kept his gaze upon her in the effort to communicate. His ears perking up to her whining when he noticed her trying to nuzzle into him. Those eyes of his grew a bit soft as he reached up between her wrists and sliced the binding with little effort. She was no longer armed and physically tied to his body in those most intimate of embraces, still giving a light squirt of cum now and again. She was no threat to him. As the bindings fell away and her arms fell down from the post, he leaned in and gave the most tender licks he could muster to the wound he had made on the crook of her neck. There was still a few shreds of her former clothing on her, she wrapped her now freed arms gently around his neck, cringing as pain found her wounds, as she let him lap and care for her in a test of trust. She wasn't going to be able to escape. She knew nothing about these woods and was also carrying puppies in a manner of months. She just had to suck it up and get friendly. Her arms gently stroked his coarse outdoor coat, her soft streetwalkers coat never having hardened up from the exposure to the elements. "Hi." She managed, her belly bloated and overfull she knew he was going to leak a hearty mess out when he pulled out. She was going to get to have his cum end up in her thigh cuts, she just stopped thinking and went back to not being annoying, doing whatever a giant dire wolf wants. Yeah. He kept on lapping his tongue over that wound, as a sign of affection and to ensure infection would not set in. He did not want to lose this one to disease, for the girl he had seen early was much different now. She submitted to him so willingly once his insemination of her was coming to a close, a smile actually spread across his lips. He gave her cheek a soft nuzzle, making a noise in the ways of a whining bark. His cock had decreased its output greatly over this amount of time and his knot had also begun to shrink, causing an ever greater trickle of mixed juices and seed to form. His eyes locking to hers again, that same growly voice before. "Haaa..ppy?" He mouthed out. The canine was still a canine, somewhere under her "sophisticated" societal coating, she was also smart enough not to hold it against this part-brute, part-gentleman. She did at least know one thing. The sex was great. She just needed to find a way to share a life with him. Maybe she could even get him talking again. His nuzzles didn't go under appreciated, she nuzzled back as he rubbed against her. She nodded, a small smile appearing on her face. She licked his face. She could rapidly feel some sort of weird weight lifted off her shoulders. She wasn't alone at the end of the world anymore. He murred loud and deep as he kept nuzzling the side of her face, his paws moving to her sides now, supporting himself on his own paws. When he did this, his cock slipped out of her with a very wet gush of everything that had been pent up inside. He felt proud of himself for having done the deed, planning to take good care of this bitch. He knew in this desolated world, that she knew he was going to protect her with his life to ensure the birth of his pups. She laughed softly, feeling a comical amount of fertility gush from her folds, her pussy gaping with a sticky white coating. She wrapped her arms around him, hugging herself against him. She reached down hug complete, and stuck her fingers against the juice cocktail they had made; she lapped it with her tongue, grinning softly. She clamped down on her folds, trying to hold what she could inside her, rather than have it run and drip out of her. "Where do we go?" She said, pointing her slightly sticky paw. He answered her question by scooping her up in his arms, being that he was part anthropomorphic, he stood up on two legs. Having her draped across his arms he ventured back the way he came along the river bank, heading towards his home. His eyes peering through the darkness along the route, ears perked up high and twitching from one direction to another. His fur provided an decent amount of natural warmth and insulation, keeping the girl pressed to his chest decently warm as they traveled. The girl barely was able to stay conscious, the struggle plus the day, the lack of food and the faint warmth against his fur was nice, the lips of her mouth curling, as she fell into an exhausted sleep. Her eyelids closed, her body melting against him. The wolf carried her back to his den in the side of the hill, laying his new treasure upon his bed of animal pelts. Her new home.