2- Tower to Heaven

Story by alverick on SoFurry

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#2 of Little Black and White Lie

Next installment. Contains gayness, if that makes you eww, then stahp. If you haven't read the first one, pls read it, it's neccessary as this is in fact a story based series and not totally smut. not that there isn't plenty of that in the series. And as for the other warrnings, read the tags, and decide for yourself. Also, by semi-consensual . . . it's basically totally consensual, to me at least, since i know that both characters want it really bad. Also, comments, votes, favs, any sort of interaction is a blessing to me. Yes, even telling me that i'm a garbage writer and should jump into a ditch and die. Silence is my worst fear as a writer.

Previously: Dalmation secret agent infiltrates school in order to change the political views of homosexuals in district 5 (Tower academy, or "Tower of Babylonia"), by basically seducing the son of the observer/principle. Followed by a small dick joke towards a horse, a dominant and mysterious wolf coming to save the day, only to reveal himself as his target, and more stuff. Like cross dressing. oh, and doors that make the whole building a maze, since their connected by interdimmensional mini wormholes, so to speak

Now more ^owo^

Little Black and White Lie 2

Tower to Heaven

I walk with her, hand in hand. Yup, Julie Travis, the absolute love of my life. Well . . . sort of. It was a complex situation, after all. In fact, these past few days have been incredibly interesting.

I look up to the glistening rain drops hanging onto the leaves, glittering in the moonlight. Shakespeare once said that the moon was envious, and was pale already with deadly jealousy, yet it held such romance. The night, when lovers steal away into the darkness, uninterrupted by those who would dare call their love forbidden.

And the relationship I had with Julie was fairly forbidden. My father, if he could be called that, was a real hard ass about these kinds of things. Nowhere near as romantic as me, sadly.

She pulls me along, splashing into puddles. I let out a laugh, enticing a bright giggle from her as well. Damn . . . I wonder when it was that I had gotten so lucky? Hmm . . . I guess it was when I met her for the first time, that fateful day at school. Of course, maybe it all started when I helped out that random pup in the first floor. Then again, I like to remember when things got really interesting.

I remember, it was when we were assigned our dorms. Unlike every other district, we were required to stay in dorms throughout college, in order to more closely monitor our growth. Even I was no exception, and lucky me when I found out who I was living with. . .

* * (Time change, second movement, Tower to Heaven) * *

I walk through multiple doors with Jake, enjoying the time I spent with him. He was really nice and fun, and it felt good to hang around him. But you know, totally not in a homosexual way at all, heh heh heh . . .

I'm not gay. I just have no problem with gay people, have little to no interest in most women when it comes to romantic relationships, and really like hanging with this adorable Dalmatian who I may or may not think smells really good. Of course, there was Julie, Jake's so called sister. But she was something else all together. She was just so . . . gah! I mean, she knew who I was and she didn't treat me like I was death himself, or some god.

And that's also why I liked Jake so much, (as a friend). He didn't see the name either, he saw ME. Of course, he _was_going to use me for his own gain, but that was complicated. I mean, for one, I like Romeo and Juliet, and I convinced him to be one of the lead roles! And he just looked so freakin' happy . . . how could I say no? And at least I'd be able to use my so called status for something good.

"You know, I can take us to the dorms assignment room with a single doorway." I say, smirking a bit.

He growls in frustration. "I am going to do this, even if it kills me!" he says. "You can leave when you want, but I'm gonna get there on my own."

"Good attitude, let's see if you can beat your own luck." I smile, somewhat proud of the little guy wanting to handle things on his own. "I'll stay with you, just in case. Besides, I'm not all too excited about meeting my roommate."

He opens another door, leading us to yet another hallway, floor 35. "Why's that?"

We walk through the next one, ending up in the library entrance. We close the door behind us, and he opens it back up, leading us to the first floor. "It's just that the last roommate I had was a huge douche. Thought he was better than everyone else just because he was sergeant in the disciplinary committee. Of course, that was to hide his thoughts that he was inadequate, like his two inch horse dick and fear of insects."

"Wait a sec . . . was it the horse guy form earlier?" he asks, smiling widely.

"None other." I say, smiling just a tiny bit as well

"Oh gosh, that's terrible." He says laughing.


"Yeah, now I know why he got so mad about the whole one inch dick comment."

"Oh my god, that's hilarious!"

We continue to walk through the countless doorways, him getting annoyed while I was actually having a nice time. I've always gotten taken where I've needed to go, but now I don't have any reason to rush. I can take my sweet time with Jake. Hmm . . . of course, the doors brought me to him. Twice, actually. Usually, I'd show up at any conflict after it was reported, if anything, but for some reason . . . the doors took me to him. So did that mean that being with him was lucky for me? I don't think I could disagree.

Finally, we get to a large room, second to top floor. In it is a large, circular couch, with a table in the center, as well as computers on the side, filing cabinets, and the rest of all the needed tools for the student council.

Immediately, a small rabbit girl comes up and talks to me. "Prez! I'm surprised to see you here, since you've already been assigned your room!" she smiles widely, trying to play it off cool. Her name was Tammy, or something.

"I'm here with Jake." I say, gesturing to the Dalmatian currently hiding behind me. Fuck, that's adorable. "He needs a bit of help getting through the hall."

Her expression immediately turns sour. "Oh, really? People who can't walk these halls alone shouldn't be allowed here." She says, sneering at him. "Frankly, I'm disgusted at the thought that people like that even walk through these halls in the first place. In my opinion, dirt should just stay dirt."

I can hear him grit his teeth. "Well, excuse me." he says, walking up to her, suddenly finding his courage. "I believe I earned the right to be here by showing my academic prowess."

"Then how come you have trouble walking through halls? Look, no offense, but it's just the natural order of things." She says, arrogantly smirking. "Dirt will always be dirt, not matter how much 'academic prowess' they have."

"Okay, look. I don't know what crawled up your vagina, but you shouldn't be such a bitch to people you just met, didn't your mom teach you any better?"

Her face turns into a grimace, a mask anger."My mom died!" she shouts out.

"Well so did mine! But you don't see me trying to put down others, now learn some manners before I have to teach you some!" he shouts. There's a silence form both Tammy and I. I had no idea his mother died . . . I wonder what happened?

"C'mon guys, let's just calm down." I say, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looks back, blushing a bit. I could smell it, he was ashamed of his outburst, and guilty he said something so insensitive. I flash him a reassuring smile, trying to tell him secretly that he was partially right in the situation. "Now, I believe we came in here for Jake's room key. If you would please?"

She grunts, obviously discontent with the situation. She was really nice before coming onto the student council as secretary of general affairs. It really made her bitchy. I suppose the power rush gave her a sense of arrogance.

"Anything for you prez!" she says, smiling widely at me. She goes over to her desk, searching up Jake. Usually, you would need a name, but she had perfect memory, and all names had a picture next to them, so she would just go by face. "By the way, prez, do you have any plans for, I don't know, this Friday?"

"Oh, w-well . . ." I say, stalling. Shit, I can't just turn her down! I've tried! "I guess-"

"Actually he does." Jake says.

"He does?"

"I do?"

"Yeah! Don't tell me you forgot already, Trenton." He says, smiling at me playfully. "Remember? We have rehearsal that day! And you promised to give Julie a tour!"

"Rehearsal?" I ask.

"Julie?" Tammy glares daggers at him.

"Yeah, Romeo and Juliet! You're Romeo, remember?" he says, winking at me, of course on the side that Tammy can't see. "You probably won't want to hear our boring conversation, especially about a play of all things. Such wastes of time."

"If prez is playing Romeo, I'd love to come! In fact, I'll be his Juliet! I have perfect memory after all."

"Oh, so sorry." He says, looking genuinely apologetic. "That part's already taken."

"By who?" she asks venomously.

Oh, I know this scent . . . this is definitely someone who's trying to get under someone else's skin. "By Julie of course!" he says, smiling happily at her. I struggle to stifle laughter, the look of absolute contempt and rage on Tammy's face was hilarious!

"And who is this Julie person?" Tammy asks, trying to remain as calm as possible.

"Oh, just my older sister. Would you like to see a picture?" he asks, taking out his phone. He pulls out a picture of her, in _very_revealing clothing. At this point, I could hear the grinding of Tammy's bunny teeth. "Oh, but don't worry, she's no competition to you for Trenton, which is what he likes to be called. I mean, just because they'll be in the same play, rehearsing together almost every second of all the free time they have with each other, as well as in between classes, doesn't mean a thing. And just because they play lovers in the play doesn't mean that they'll fall madly in love with each other."

Damn, she smelt like she wanted to kill him right now. "Yeah!" I say, joining in on the fun. "Just because she's totally sexy, interesting, and very much my type doesn't mean a thing! This isn't some soap opera, where I fall in love with the person who's already acting the part."

"Yeah, she isn't even that pretty." Tammy says a bit hysterically. "I mean, c'mon! She's got no boobs!"

"I kinda like em small. It means that they're really sensitive." I say, further teasing. She grabs a key card angrily, throwing it at Jake. He catches it effortlessly, looking at the small piece of plastic.

"Now if you excuse me, I must get some work done." Tammy says, absolutely livid.

"Sorry, Tammy." I say as I grab Jake's wrist, pulling him towards the nearest door.

"It's Rachael!" she shouts, almost flipping the desk.

"You look like a Tammy!" Jake shouts to her, opening the door.

The door shuts, leaving us in some random hallway, letting out all our held back laughter.

"Do you think we went too far?" He ask, thinking back to the bunny girl.

"Nah, she'll just be really pissed off for the next few days." I say, tail lazily wagging.

"Okay, I trust you." he looks at the key card they gave him. "So how does this work?"

"Easy, just go to any door, and tap on it. The door will automatically connect to your room, as long as it isn't in use already. Try it out!"

He taps the key card on the nearest door, making it glow for just a split second. He opens it, revealing a small college dorm room, equipped with a small kitchen, living room/bedroom space, and a fairly large bathroom.

"Hey, it looks like my roommate already got here." He says, pointing out the suitcases on one of the beds. Strange, they look familiar.

"Hmmm . . . hey, what room number where you assigned to?" I ask, pulling out my own key card. It read the number I was assigned in bold red letters, reading-

"672" he says, finishing my thought.

"Oh . . . now it makes sense." I say, smiling up at him.

". . . What makes sense?" he asks, confused.

"I'm your new roommate! Those are my suitcases!"

". . . Cool." He says, but looking more like a deer in headlights. What?

* * (Perspective change, Jake Travis) * *

Course, man, of fucking course! As if it wasn't hard enough to have to spend so much time with the guy, I find out I'll be alone with him every single day in this small room! Normally, I'd love my luck, but . . . if I try too quickly he'll hate me, or something. And I know that in the end he'll despise me, but I want to stay his friend for as long as possible.

"Hey, you ok?" he asks, snapping me out of my own thoughts.

"Y-Yeah!" I say quickly, throwing my large suitcase and back pack on my side of the bed.

"You know, I can pull some strings if you don't want to be with me." he says. I feel my chest tighten up a bit, making me look at the floor as a strange feeling of sadness came over me. "I mean . . . you're probably sick of me by now, and I can smell how much it bothered you when you found out that I was . . . you know, your roommate."

"What?" I ask, honestly surprised. "I love hanging out with you! What're you talking about? Maybe you need that shnoz of yours checked out. I mean, the only reason I'd be upset is . . . well . . . I was hoping I could go to college and not have to hear my sister banging other guys."

"Wh-What?!" he says, taken back. Yes, mission success, he no longer thinks I don't want to room with him.

"I mean, I can handle it, and it'd be worth it for you, but I'd like a good night's rest." I say as I rummage through my suitcase, taking out a towel, some cloths, and my shampoo.

"W-Well you don't have to worry about anything like that." he says, blushing furiously. Wait, say what? "Yeah, I like her, and she might be interested in me, but I'd actually want a relationship, not some one night stand."

Fuck, perfect in every way, INCLUDING personality. The one jock who actually wants something more than a good fuck. Why must you tempt me so?

"That's nice to hear." I say. "I'm gonna take a shower now, I smell sweaty."

"Not really, you actually smell kind of nice." He says, nose twitching. I blush, remembering just how good his nose was. Damn it, that means I'm never gonna be able to cover up any of my bad smells. I mean, cover my male scent, you know, for the mission. Cause, I'm not interested in him at all, I mean, eww. Who would want this guy, am I right? Pfft, so what if he was a great leader, smart, nice, and was even more perfect physically than Adonis? Not to mention that strange, somewhat baritone voice of his, making me shiver, or his love for Shakespeare. No, definitely not my type.

I walk into the shower, quickly stripping off my cloths. I jump into the spacious shower stall, admiring the build of it. It was large enough for at least two people, and even had a large shower bench and wall shelf for all your soaps. I quickly turn on the water and place all my soaps down on the shelf. It looks like Trenton already set up most of his stuff around here, so we wouldn't be stepping on each other's toes too much while we're unpacking. I step under the spray of water, enjoying the warmth washing over my fur, slowly seeping in. Damn, this was a nice bathroom, though. It could easily fit two, with some extra room for a third.

Hehe, maybe if we're in a rush in the morning, we could take a shower together. I let my imagination wander for a bit, bringing my paw to my sheath.

Having water cascade over his fur, all for me to see, we'd probably brush up against one another, accidently of course. Maybe he'd suddenly get a bit frisky, grab my ass and start groping me. I'd let him, of course, enjoying the treatment.

I grope my ass for extra measure, trying to imagine what it would feel like to have those calloused paws feeling me up. I let out a soft moan. Yeah, I'm definitely gonna have a little fun.

* * (perspective change, Trenton Anael) * *

"Yeah, mess with my balls a little." I growl out lowly, quickly getting caught up in my own little fantasy. God, this whole day was like one big tease. I mean, c'mon! I know I said that I wanted a real relationship, but the thought of some tail on the side didn't hurt.

I groan a bit as I continue to grope myself, slowly coaxing my member out of its sheath. There was just so much. The scent, sweet with a kind of citrusy tang to it, much better than that perfume, and their soft hands, how they felt in my own, and even the way they talked! So quiet, yet clear as day to me, not shouting for simple attention, but commanding it from me in the most subtle way possible.

I grip my cock in my paws, starting to full on jack off. I let out a loud groan. Not to mention their perfect ass. Like, seriously, never found the attraction before, until today. It wasn't like a bubble but, more like it seemed firm, and . . . well . . . slappable. So what if I liked a little sub/dom play?!

I growl dominantly as I imagine sinking into that tight hole of theirs, listening to them moan uncontrollably as I've made so many do before. "Mmm, fuck. Yeah, you like that? Like it when the big bad wolf pounds you hard?"

I start stroking faster, moaning at my little fantasy.

* * (Perspective change, Jake Travis) * *

"Oh fuck, I love it!" I moan out, finger fucking myself hard. I imagine him towering over me, slapping my ass and tugging my tail as he sinks into me, growling. He'd probably use some "big bad wolf" line, but I'd love the sense of dominance he held over me.

I sit down on the bench as I start trying to reach my prostate, the sensations too much for me to stay standing up. "Ah, fuck, harder!" I say, imagining him pounding into me even harder. He was seven thick inches of wolf cock, mercilessly thrusting into me. I moan again as I add a second finger, then a third, loving the stretching feeling it brought to me.

I stroke my cock teasingly, trying to just edge myself, prolonging the wonderful feeling.

* * (Perspecive change, Trenton Anael) * *

"Yeah, you like that?" I ask to no one as I imagine pounding even harder into that incredibly tight hole of theirs. I try to grip my forming knot lightly, bringing sparks of pleasure through me. Damn . . . I wonder if they'll actually be able to take me? I was about eight inches long, but the real problem was girth. I'm not sure what the measurements are, but I was about as thick as my wrist, if not thicker. And the knot was about the size of maybe a base ball or soft ball when fully engorged.

I moan out, imagining my huge knot sinking into them. They'd cry out in ecstasy as I start jack hammering into them. "Ahh, fuck." I say, gripping my knot tightly. I start jacking off even harder, bucking into my own two paws as I started to approach the point of no return.

* * (Perspective change, Jake Travis) * *

I moan out as I suckle lightly on my fingers, still finger fucking my tail hole. I was knuckle deep, imagining him pounding into me roughly and erratically. He's about to cum, but not before knotting his bitch first. I feel my whole body twitch as I feel the sparks of pleasure run through me, making me pre uncontrollably and filling my mind with lust.

I finally slip in the fourth finger, yelping a bit. I try to hold off the pressure that's been building up in my balls, but I can't hold back anymore. I feel my dick throb hard, shooting out cum all over my chest and stomach as I roughly finger myself, twisting them inside me and bringing sinful pleasure to myself. I lightly bite down on my fingers to keep from screaming out in pleasure. I take the fingers out of my tail hole, my whole body still twitching in pleasure, and my dick still spurting out small globs of cum.

Damn, being a werebeasts makes you really sensitive. I smile dreamily, shifting out of my werebeast form so I could clean off the cum. I bet it'd feel even better with Trenton.

* * (Perspective change, Trenton Anael) * *

"Ahh!" I shout out, gripping my twitching member in both paws now as I buck wildly, balls drawing up. I groan loudly as I start to shoot cum all over my chest and stomach, unable to hold back anymore. My whole body tenses up as I do, unable to take the pure pleasure of it all.

As my orgasm tapers off, I grab a towel, smiling dumbly while I clean up a bit. Damn, I haven't came like that in a while. I lay on the bed, just relaxing and enjoying the afterglow. Although . . . I couldn't help but feel my stomach turn as I really think about what I just did. It wasn't the jerking off, but . . . I guess thinking about all that stuff. I didn't want to think like that, I wasn't like that. And even if I was, was it that bad?

Damn it, now I'm just rambling. I know the answer already, no need to think about it further. I get up, throwing on my clothes from before. I didn't want Jake to see me totally naked. That would be awkward.

"Hmm, what's taking him so long, anyway?" I mutter to myself as I stand up, walking towards the shower. It was starting to get pretty late, and we should eat dinner soon. In all honesty, I was starving since I didn't eat much lunch, and I'm not sure if he even had any.


I freeze, my blood freezing over. That thud . . . came from the bathroom. I rush over to it, opening the door slowly, praying that it wasn't what I thought it was. Funny, I was praying, but to who?

I open the door completely, seeing him on the ground, Jake. Only now he was in his human form. "Jake!" I shout out, kneeling beside him. I reach out to him as he looks up, but I see nothing but fear in his eyes as he tries to scurry back away from me.

"S-Stay away!" he shouts out, slipping again. I try coming closer, but he keeps shouting. I quickly realized that he was disoriented from the fall, probably hitting his head. This was all in his head right now. "Don't come any closer!"

" Calm down, that's an order." I say, using a bit of my influence to persuade him. He immediately calms down, every muscle in his body relaxing. I kneel down near him, examining him. It looks like the only thing wrong was a bruise on the side of his head, but no concussion, just a bit of disorientation.

"Huh? T-Trenton?" he asks. I nod.

"Don't worry bud, I'm here for you." I say, checking him over one more time. I couldn't help but notice his soft, smooth skin, it was just like his fur, and that long, black hair of his, streaked with white. It didn't look dirty or oily like what guys with long hair usually looked like (I speak from experience, sorry if this isn't you), but seemed much more well groomed.

"I-I'm sorry." He mutters as I wrap his towel around him and pick him up into my arms. "I-"

"Shhh, calm down, don't worry. It's only me, I'll protect you." I say, feeling genuinely protective of the little pup. He clung onto my fur, arms around my neck. I was carrying him bridal style, which was, in my opinion, one of the safer ways to carry people with injuries. Plus it's fairly romantic. Not that I thought of him in a romantic way whatsoever!

He was so close that I couldn't help but smell him a bit, that infuriatingly good scent invading my mind once again. Sweet, with a citrusy undertone to it. I lay him down on my bed, ignoring the fact that he was soaking wet and naked other than the towel.

"Thank you." he says quietly, resting his head on one of the pillows. "How did you get me to calm down?"

"Oh, it's my primary personal skill. 'Law and Order'." I say, stroking his head gently. "You feeling ok?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine, just a little bump." He says. I whine a little, knowing that he was in more pain than he let on. "Hey, explain how it works, I'm curious. You used it on that horse guy before, right?"

"Y-Yeah." I say, deciding that a distraction would be best for him. "What happens is that I take a leader stance, making everyone who looks, smells, or even hears me think that I'm a leader, making it natural for them to follow my orders. There are people out there who speak with a commanding tone, and you kinda just want to follow them. That's my personal skill, but on a larger scale."

"Wow, to think that this whole time, I thought I was the only one acting." He says, laughing a bit.

"I don't know, you were acting pretty natural around me." I say, smiling down at him.

"You're an exception wolfie." He says, closing his eyes. I stroke his cheek, brushing away stray strands of his hair from his face. "What're you doing?"

". . . Why'd you react like you did?" I ask, looking at that sweet, innocent face of his.

"Well . . . I don't know." He says, opening his eyes and smiling, but even without smelling . . .

I lean down, looking deeply into his eyes, those nice, soft brown eyes of his. "It's pretty sad, you know. Seeing you with that mask on all the time."

His eyes widen, and his smile fades, but he quickly regains composure, smiling again, but a soft grin. The kind of smile that's forced, the one when you're sad.

"Do you really want to hear more about little old me?" he asks, the darkness lurking in those eyes of his. I nod my head. He looks up to the ceiling, bringing up some memory.

"It started with my 'Actor'." He says.

* * (Perspective change, Jake Travis) * *

"When I was a kid, I never really had good control over my ability." I say. Was I really going to tell him this? "So I guess I just played the part everyone else wanted to see, I was just their good little puppet. The pretty porcelain doll sitting on the bed sheets."

I haven't told anyone else about this except . . . her. "To everyone else, I'd be the kind, sociable, positive Jake . . . but it was just a mask. When I was young, my dad left my mom. He said that she just wasn't interesting enough anymore, and left. After that, my mom had changed, the love of her life rejected her. She still loved me, and I loved her too. She was the only one I could be honest with . . . but she got desperate. Desperate to fill the void in her heart."

I feel him stroke my cheek gently, helping me calm down enough to continue, but I still felt the burning in my chest that I got whenever I thought about these kind of things. "She dated any guy she could, and she didn't have much luck, since every single one was an abusive man-whore that eventually left her, and making the hole in her heart that much deeper. But she still had me, and maybe I was her anchor of sorts."

"So what was your side of the story in all of that?" he asks, curiously.

" . . . The guys she dated hit me on a regular basis, but I never showed my real feelings about it. To my mother, and to my friends . . . they didn't see the bruises, or the tears, or the broken marionette on the frayed strings. They saw what they wanted to see, a happy little kid. It got to the point where I would scream out for help in desperation, but they would just smile and nod, hearing whatever conversation 'Actor' came up with."

"That's . . . terrible." He says, holding me closer to him. I felt cold on the inside, remembering everything, but he was still really warm.

"Yeah . . . but it ended as I went into middle school. My mother found a guy who didn't leave her, but was still just as a jerk. So I wondered, why then . . . did she jump off that building?"

I feel him tense, and I couldn't blame him. "Her boyfriend ended up taking care of me, and it wasn't so bad. For him, I played the 'good little boy'. I was obedient, and I took his punches without any resistance. And that was my middle school life. I tried contacting child services, you know, any place where I could get help. But they would come over, and I would show them the bruises, and they would just . . . not see them. They laughed, and choked it up to some prank . . . but it wasn't."

"But . . . that wouldn't explain why you . . ." he says, trailing off. He probably smelt it on me. The shame. "No . . . did he . . .?"

"Mhmm." I say, trying to hold in the tears. "He was drunk, and horny, and I guess he thought I looked like a good enough piece of ass for him."

He pulls me towards him, holding me tight against him. "I-I can't believe that he . . ."

"Don't worry about it. It's over, and I've moved on. After a while I finally was able to get the hang of 'Actor', and he finally got charged with multiple counts of verbal and physical abuse against a minor. I won't have to see the prick for a long time."

"I just . . . just don't get how anyone could do that." he says. I could feel him tremble a bit, but it was out of anger.

"It doesn't matter. Cause I'm just a broken puppet now. I knew I was never much before, and after that . . . well I'm as good as dirt. Just a bunch of filth to be stepped on."

"What?" he says, looking down to me. "What makes you say that?"

"I don't know. I just feel like trash. I mean . . . for all those years, I just took it."

"You didn't just take it, you tried to fight!"

"Face it. I'm as good as a used rag. I've been beaten, insulted, and even used. I'm just some worthless puppet with its strings cut."

"You're not worthless!" he shouts, pulling me closer and hugging him. I was sitting up now, our chests pressed together in a tight embrace. "Never say that! You're not some puppet, you're not some rag. You're Jake Travis, an unfortunate boy who's gone through a lot of shit! Please . . . never think less of yourself."

I wrap my arms around his neck, grabbing onto his fur and crying hard into his shoulder. It was too much. All those emotions that I had bottled up because no one could even hear me came rushing back, and now they flowed free from me in tears.

I don't know how long we were just there, in each other's arms, but it was a long time. Long enough to let out about 16 years of emotions out, at least. But I enjoyed it, being able to fully lean against someone else and let it out. All my fears, and even my insecurities that were so deeply ingrained within me. And for once . . . I felt like I wasn't dancing around for someone, as if this wolf here had taken me off my strings and taught me to move to my own beat.

For once, in some twisted way . . . I didn't feel worthless, and I didn't feel the need to hide behind my mask.

* * (Time change, about an hour later) * *

We sat on our bed, watching some show that had come on the TV that was mounted into the corner of our room. After my embarrassing emotional breakdown, he had kept hugging me tightly until I stopped crying. After that we decided to watch TV while eating a small dinner. For tonight, it was grilled cheese. I wasn't able to bring much, but luckily Trenton came prepared for college and all its surprises.

I lean against him, finishing my sandwich. He had done the same a while ago, but I'm not surprised. The guy took giant bites at a time. I don't think he actually had lunch.

I lean a bit closer to him as we both lie down, the plates neatly stacked on the desk for now.

"Hmm . . . you really look like your sister, Jake." He says, smiling.

Shit! "Yeah, well we're siblings." I say, getting up and taking the plates to the sink. I had gotten into actual clothes, but I opted for staying in my human form for now. I'm not sure why. Maybe some part of me wanted him to realize that the sexy, interesting, and fun girl was me. But that would jeopardize my whole mission. Still . . . I just felt a bit more comfortable like this around him. That, and I liked my long hair. It was so naturally curly and long, and so bouncy. Besides, I did a lot to keep it looking like this, maybe I wanted to show it off every once in a while . . .

I quickly jump back into the bed, directly on top of Trenton. Of course, I knew he would easily catch me. We both laugh as we bounce, my back to his chest, just laying against one another.

"Mmm, you smell nice." He says.

"R-Really now?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says, taking a particularly deep wiff.

"So does my sis have competition?" I ask, only half joking.

"Hehe, maybe." He says, holding his paws over my stomach. Wait, was he joking? Or serious? . . . I can never be sure when he's being really blunt, or jokingly sarcastic.

"Sometimes, Trenton." I say, feigning exasperation. We both laugh, him pulling me closer. This was nice and relaxing, just the two of us. "Man, I just don't get it."

"Get what?" he asks.

"How such a total alpha dog can be so nice to someone like me." I say.

"Hey . . . don't say stuff like that." he says, wrapping his arms around me. "I may be a dumb alpha dog, but I'd have to be mentally retarded to not want to be your friend."

"Hehe, that's sweet." I say, putting my hands on his arms and shifting back into my Dalmatian form. "Now c'mon, we should go to sleep."

I grab the remote, turning it off, despite the wolf's grumbling. "Fine, fine." He says, relenting in the name of waking up on time. I try to get up, but he keeps holding me down. "What, you think you can just make me do the responsible thing and get away with it? Nah, you're sleeping here tonight."

. . . Sleeping with Trenton? In our well soundproofed dorm? Our half naked bodies rubbing against one another as we toss and turn in our sleep? What is this? And porno?

"S-Sure." I say, hesitantly leaning back into him. He holds me tighter, putting us on our sides and spooning. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!

"You okay, Jake? You smell nervous." He says, licking one of my ears and making me squirm a little.

"I'm fine!" D-Don't worry about little old me!" I say as I try to calm down. This is going to be hard . . .

I feel rustling behind me. "Hey Jake? I kind of like to sleep naked, but it's kinda awkward, can you strip too?"


* * * *

* * (Perspective change, Trenton Anael) * *

I can't sleep. Why can't I sleep?! I feel a rustle next to me, one I knew all too well at this point. Damn it, why can't I sleep?! I've had no trouble sleeping with someone else before, but Jake . . . I don't even know. Maybe it's his scent, and how it's driving me insane!

I mean, he smelled nice. Didn't mean I was into him, right? So what if I wanted to get closer to him and stay by his side? I'm not gay or anything. Right?

This isn't the time for these kinds of thoughts, I just gotta calm down. I turn on my side, unconsciously spooning Jake and pulling him closer to me. I hear him moan lightly in his sleep, making me smile. I loved the way he made these small little sounds. I slowly rub over his chest, letting myself get lost in his soft murrs and moans. I barely realize it as my hands drift down over to his stomach, slowly sinking down to his crotch.

That is, until I actually get to it, freezing as I felt that rock hard dick in my paws. I was disgusted, at least I should have felt like it, but I found myself, half asleep at this point, wrapping my paws firmly around it.

Poor little guy, must be pent up, having to be so careful about his sexuality here. I knew from the start that he was gay, to an extent, because I smelled it on him. A certain pheromone released to subconsciously attract other males, usually released by females. But I have to say, I was getting affected pretty strongly by it. I mean, I was never really changed or attracted by any other scents that other females had released, but this guy had a knack for pushing all my buttons just the right way.

I feel him press back, rubbing his ass against my crotch and making me growl lightly. Should I really be taking it this far? I mean, he's asleep! But . . . knowing that his pleasure was in my hands, it really turned me on.

That's right. I'm not doing this for myself, but to help my pent up friend.

Being as quiet as I can, I slowly let go of him, sitting up now.

" Lie on your back." I command in a quiet, almost growling voice. I see him blush a bit, but comply to my demand none the less. My "Law and Order" worked on anyone, even when asleep. No matter who it was, if I got into their head even a little, they would try to complete my command to the best of their abilities. In all honesty, it worked better when asleep, since that was when the brain was up for the most suggestion, the body and mind too deep in rest to realize any of the social rules of personal inhibitions to hold back. Although, I rarely got the chance to use "Law and Order" like this.

I allow my paws to gently touch over his body, completely naked since it was a fairly hot night, and I thought that it would be more comfortable for the both of us. I was starting to really appreciate that decision of mine.

I lean over him, placing a bit of my weight on his back, pressing him ever so slightly into the soft bed. " For the next five minutes, relax completely, and don't wake up unless I tell you to." I say, letting my breath wash over his ears. He shivers, but nods sleepily, all the tension in his body flowing away. I wait a bit, listening closely to his heart rate. Steady for someone asleep, good.

I lean down, nipping and nibbling over his neck at every adorable spot of his, smirking as he shivers from the gentle ministrations. Even when asleep, the body still takes in the pleasure, and it's still very much possible to get someone off in their sleep. I nibble a bit more, my paws stroking his sides, claws gently raking over his skin.

Maybe he'll get a wet dream out of all this. I smile wickedly at the idea. Him waking up tomorrow with the memory of a fantastic wet dream, him none the wiser of how much I helped him.

Now what to do . . . I guess I'll just keep it simple tonight. Hmmm . . . the fact that I'm actually considering this should be fairly disturbing. What's more is that to me this is "simple".

I slowly crawl down his body, paws gently stroking his sides, softly licking every now and then over his back. Finally, my paws land over that sexy rump of his, rubbing and massaging them sensuously. I quickly place his legs on my shoulders, getting into position.

I slowly spread his cheeks apart, slowly bringing my muzzle into such an intimate place on him. I take a deep breath, savoring his unique scent. It was intoxicating, and every breath I took in of him, I could feel a bit of my rational mind flow away, as if buried by my unexplainable, growing lust for him.

Without a second thought for any caution what so ever, I lean in and lick his taint hard, absolutely loving the way he shook and moaned in his sleep, all those pesky inhibitions when he was awake, holding him back, now just a dream. It's a good thing these rooms were so well sound proofed. We could make all the noise we wanted, and absolutely no one would be able to tell what kind of dirty things we would be getting into.

I lick again, addicted to his strange taste. You wouldn't expect it, but he had this earthy, sweet kind of taste, one that I wanted to devour whole. I lick passionately against his tail hole, slathering it with my spit, as if he was a tasty morsel I had all to myself.

"Ahh, T-Trenton. . ." he moans out in his sleep. I shiver in pure lust. The guy was even thinking about me in his dreams. Breathing in his scent, I plunge my tongue into him, smirking as he yelps out in what was from the sounds of it, pleasure. I take my tongue out, only to spear it back into him and get the same exact reaction.

I continue this cycle, pushing my tongue into his hot hole over and over again until his whole body trembled from the masterful teasing. I take his cheeks into my hands again, squeezing them hard and spreading him further open as I drive my tongue deeper into him, craving for his taste. I quickly find his prostate, licking at the small knob hard, making him convulse in pleasure, despite still being asleep.

About 2 minutes left, gotta make this quick. I take him by the hips, pulling him closer to me and pushing my tongue even deeper into him still. He groans out loudly, his body trembling and starting to tense up.

Without warning, I pull completely out of him, replacing my tongue with two hastily spit lubed fingers. I plunge into him fast, not wanting to give him time before I start quickly finger fucking right into where his prostate was.

"Ahh!" he moans out, eyes still closed as I climb up his body.

"You like that?" I whisper out, leaning over to him, right next to his ear. "Trust me, this is only a taste of what I can do."

I look down, seeing his legs shaking as I thrust my fingers hard into his little button, him squirming in my grasp. "Fuck, I wanna wreck you so bad." I say, grinding my hard length against his side.

Abruptly, his whole body tenses up, his toes curling and his tail hole tightening on my two fingers. "T-Trenton!" he practically screams out, his hard cock cumming all over the sheets. I bite down lightly on his neck, my fingers starting to just rub his prostate and my other hand stroking his cock hard and fast.

He thrusts into my paw, cumming even harder now. It was a bit hard to tell, but I could see it as clear as day. The little guy started cumming again before he was even done the first time.

I finger him slowly and gently as he stops cummming, not wanting to wake him up near the end. Slowly, I pull out my fingers, absent mindedly suckling on them to get a final taste.

Now for one final thing. " When you wake up, you'll assume that this was all just a wet dream." I order, rubbing over his tail hole lightly. Slowly, I get back into the position I was in before, holding him close to me. I thought about handling my own problem, but I could wait a bit. I always did enjoy the feeling of being blue balled, when I knew I could find a more interesting way of handling it.

* * * *

I wake up suddenly and abruptly. I'm usually used to waking up to my alarm clock, but not like this.

"We're gonna be late!" Jake shouts, still shaking me aimlessly.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I shout out groggily, rolling off the bed and landing on the floor with a thud. I glance up at the clock, noticing that we actually were running late. "Shit!"

We both run to the shower, both of us already naked. We jump in, turning on the water. I quickly grab our soaps, looking at Jake out of the corner of my eyes. I could still see the dried bits of cum on his fur, and his ears were bright red. Without saying anything, I lather up my paws with his soap, rubbing it into his fur.

"Wh-What are you doing?!" he shouts, surprised by my sudden scrubbing.

"We'll be faster like this!" I shout out, secretly feeling guilty. Damn it, I can't believe I let myself get so carried away like that. I felt his paws wash over my fur as well, soaping me up and making me murr in pleasure for just a split second.

After hastily washing ourselves, we rinse off and jump out, drying off as quick as we possibly could. I run into the kitchen, getting two store bought muffins for each of us.

"Muffin, incoming!" I shout out, tossing it to him. He catches it in his maw, taking a large bite before letting it fall into his paws. I take out two cups, filling them with milk as he gets us clothes. I'm not sure how we synced up so well, but I was grateful at the moment.

"Damn it, what's with your wardrobe?!" he shouts out, going through my suitcase filled with clothes. The closet wasn't big enough for both of us, so we turned it into a storage space and threw our suitcases in there.

"What do you mean?" I say, trying not to spray out muffin.

"Everything is so baggy and loose! It does no justice for your physique!" he says, getting sassy and reminding me of Julie.

"I don't need others to know about what I got!" I shout back from the kitchen still. I jog over to him, blushing as I realize I was still naked, since my . . . um, you know, "junk" was flopping everywhere as I ran.

As I walk into our shared bedroom, I find myself having to defend against a surprise attack of clothes. I catch them quickly out of the air, hastily putting them on as I gobble the rest of the muffin.

They were jeans and a black T shirt that was just a little too tight for my tastes. "Really?"

"What?" he asks as he puts on his own clothes. Cargo pants and a grey long sleeve. The sleeves hugged his body, but they were a bit long, so they showed his fingers, but the rest of his palm was hidden. I smile a bit, finding it cute.

"Next time we wake up late, I'm gonna make you wear a skirt." I say, chuckling a bit.

"Too late for that, Wolfie." He says.

"What?" I ask, wondering if I heard him right.

"I said, you look hot, Wolfie." He says. There was definitely a change, but I don't call him out on it.

"But it's so . . . constricting, not to mention how much attention it draws." I mutter. He looks at me as if I was insane, but not in the shocked way, but the "really?" sassy kind of way. "I don't know, I just don't like attracting too much attention. I want people to like me for me, not because I look like a 'stud muffin'." Believe it or not, I've actually been called that on multiple occasions.

"Trenton, Trenton, Trenton." He says, chidingly. He puts a paw on my shoulder, despite me being the taller one. "I have so much to teach you. You know what they say, if you got it, flaunt it!"

"But . . . I don't want to be arrogant." I say as we take our backpacks and open the door to our first class.

"Trenton, look at me." he says. I look down, seeing eyes filled with nothing but admiration and kindness, making me feel like slush on the inside. "You are by far, the most humble, gentle, and just guy I've ever met. Trust me, I think that you could afford to be just a little arrogant, if it means wearing those clothes."

"I . . . I guess." I say, smiling and blushing. Honestly, if I told anyone else the same thing, they'd just say I was amazing and deserved to be as arrogant as I wanted, since I had the skill to back it up. But . . . it was refreshing to know someone thought of me in a much different light.

* * * *

* * (Perspective change, Jake Travis) * *

We walk through the halls once again, me sneaking a few glances at the perfect physique that was known as Trenton Anael. Or in simpler terms, the walking wet dream, my Wolfie. I blush, realizing I said _my_Wolfie. I mean, he was Julie's Wolfie, and Julie's me, so by the transitive property of geometry, he's my Wolfie! . . . Right?

Oh god, but seriously. I've never had a wet dream in my life. But I guess being so close to Trenton (not to mention seeing him naked on multiple occasion and even sleeping with him in nothing but fur) had its effect on me. Oh, but what a dream it had been. Trenton, slowly teasing me, commanding me to relax, then eating my ass out. Oh, and I can't forget the finger fucking. He had been so rough and dominant, but he knew all the right moves.

"Oh, god." I mutter, shivering a bit from the memory.

"You okay?" Trenton says, snapping me out of it. "You're not getting sick, are you?"

"N-No!" I say, freezing up as he feels my forehead to check my temperature. "It's just a bit cold here, nothing else."

"Are you sure? If you want-"

"Trenton~!" a familiar voice shouts from behind us. "So nice to see you!"

We both turn around, just to have Tammy, Rachel, whatever her name was push me away and stand right in front of Trenton. She might as well have been grinding on him at this point. "Oh, hi there." Trenton says, failing to remember her name as well, it seems. "I was just walking to lunch with Jake, and he wanted to open the doors."

"Oh, you, always so generous to the commoners." She says. Okay, that bitch did not just call me that. "Oh, and by the way, I think you'll like to know something _very_interesting about this 'Julie' character that you've been hanging out with."

"Character? What do you mean character? She's totally a real person, not some character some boyishly handsome actor came up with that portrayed his hidden desire to be confident and outgoing. Not at all! Hehehe . . ." nailed it.

". . . Who are you?" she asks, looking at me with disdain. Well, that hurt. "But anyways, I'm proud to tell you that the person known as Julie does NOT attend Tower academy, and therefore is NOT eligible to participate in the school play as Juliet!" she puffs out her chest, as if she's already won. I'll let her have it for a few more seconds. It'll be all the sweeter when I crush her dreams.

"Luckily, I'm still available for the play." She says, smiling widely.

"Oh, so sorry, Tammy-"

"It's Rachel." She says.

"Tammy, Rachel, Ramon, it doesn't matter right now." I say, smirking inwardly as I see her ears turn red in rage. "Acting isn't just about memorizing lines. You must become the role, and I don't think you have what it takes to play Juliet."

"That's true, I must admit." She says, smirking evilly at me. "Still, there's no way that you can get anyone else to put any effort into the play, even if Romeo is Trenton." She says. It was an obvious bluff. I mean, she practically jumped at the chance to be the lover in the play. I'm sure finding another person won't be too difficult.

"You know what, she's right." Trenton says, his paw on his chin.

"She is?"

"Of course I am." She says arrogantly. "I'm available for rehearsal on-"

"Wait a sec, why don't you play the part?" Trenton announces, pointing at me.

". . . I'm sorry, what?" Tammy asks.

"Gonna have to second that, Trenton." I say.

"Well, think about it. You know all the lines by heart, and it was your idea to do all this!" he says. There was no knowing for sure, but I could tell he was grinning evilly on the inside. Since I already agreed to play Juliet, however, I was just playing along with him. For Tammy's sake, of course.

"B-But sir, he's a . . . a male!" she says, the last two words a kind of shouting whisper, as if that would make it any better.

"You know what, Trenton is absolutely right." I say, nodding my head in agreement. "I'll just have to step up and take it like a man."

"A male!" she repeats, in the same shouting whisper from before.

"Oh lighten up about that." I say, waving my paw in dismissal. "Back in the old days, men would play every part, including the women's part."

"This is not the old days!" she shouts out, a bit too loudly.

"I'm sorry, but the decision has already been made." Trenton says as I open a random door. "Don't worry, I'll be prepared to make the kiss scene look good."

Before I close the door, he leans in quick, pecking me on the cheek, making me blush furiously. Of course, I doubt Tammy even noticed it, since she was still in shock from the whole me playing Juliet thing.

"Wow, call that a kiss?" I smirk. I grab him by the collar, pulling him down and making out with him right in front of her. I look at her, smirking slightly as Trenton makes a "Mrrph!" sound into the kiss. She opens her mouth, but before she can even say anything, I slam the door shut on her.

I let him go, panting just a tiny bit. Got a little too into it, I guess. "So how was I?" he asks, smiling a bit dreamily.

"You could put a bit more into it. I would suggest a bit more tongue action." I say, jokingly. "Hey, go off to lunch, I'll meet you there, kay?"

"Sure." He says, opening the door and walking into the lunchroom. Okay, time to get ready. I walk to one of the doors, tapping my room key card against it and quickly walking through. I make a scramble, taking off my clothes and getting out of werebeast mode and throwing on the outfit I put together beforehand.

Today was a tight pair of jeans, and a white T shirt that was just a little too small on me, with an A on it. It was a reference to "The Scarlet Letter", one that I found kind of nice. It was basically one of those shirts that said slut on them, but in a more clever way.

I put on my make-up like before, cursing as I accidentally stab my eye. Damn it, this is why I don't like rushing. I sit on the bed, pulling on my black, leather boots. And that should complete my outfit. Wait a sec, one more touch. I take out a hair tie, pulling my hair into a pony tail. I'd like to do a French braid, but there's no time.

I walk through the door, getting into character as I make my way to the lunch room. After a few doors, I find myself in the same large room, myself strutting through as if I was top dog of the school.

"Excuse me, but you aren't allowed on campus." Tammy says, stepping in my way.

"Huh?" I ask, giving a puzzled, yet annoyed look.

"Wow, you're an even stupider bitch than I thought." She mutters under her breath. "Listen-"

"No, you listen, Tammy, I'm not some 'bitch' that you can just talk about as if I wasn't here. And for your information, I'm not just a bitch, I'm the bitch, so go on to your little corner and learn some manners before I bitch slap those big, floppy ears off your head." I say, pushing her aside and walking along.

I could feel her glares as they bored into the back of my skull, but I didn't care. If she was going to act like that, then she deserved it. Anyone that acts like that should be told off, doesn't matter who they are, cause there may be some reason, but they could at least make an effort at some form of kindness.

"Here for less than a minute and you already caused a disturbance?" I turn around, seeing Trenton. "What will I do with you?"

"Oh, I can think of a few things." I say, winking at him. I glance at Tammy who was a bit behind us, and she looked like she was going to go on a rampage. "Now you wanna give me that tour, Wofie?"

"There's nothing interesting that you haven't seen." He says, both of us walking to some unknown place, but walking together all the same. "I was thinking we could just hang out for a little bit, but some place quieter."

"Mmm, sounds good." I say seductively. From the corner of my eye, I spot the horse, his nostrils flaring, and glaring at me. Did he think something was up?

"Hmm . . . but something's different about you today." He says, leaning in. he presses his cold, wet nose against my neck, making me shiver. "Mmmm, that's what's different."

"Wh-What would that be, Wolfie?" I ask, trying to maintain my dominance over the wolf.

"Nothing much, just that you smell really good today. A lot more natural." He says, taking another deep whiff.

Shit! I forgot the perfume. Don't worry, I just need to get out of here, before anyone figures it out. "Hey, let's go somewhere interesting!" I say, sounding excited instead of nervous. I grab his paw, inwardly shivering once again at the feel of those large, rough, calloused paws. Seriously, I think I have a problem.

We go through a door, then another, and another. Then a few more. And then . . . well now I'm lost. He snickers. "Need some help?"

"No." I say, gritting my teeth. He starts laughing, making me grit my teeth harder. "And what is so fucking funny?"

"You two are so alike!" he says, gasping for breath.

I let out an annoyed harrumph, crossing my arms and pouting.

"C'mon, don't be like that." he says. I just look away, annoyed with him. "C'mon, please?"

". . . On one condition." I say, still not looking at him, although I was grinning evilly, just out of his range of vision. "Take me on a date."

"Wait, a date?" he asks, confused.

"Yup." I say, facing him. "An actual date. I've never been on one before, so I'm curious."

"Sure, when are you free?" he asks, smiling widely.

"You're supposed to be top dog, why don't you choose?" I say, walking around him, fingers poking and rubbing certain places.

"Okay . . . how about today?"

"No good." I say.

"Friday." He suggests.

"Everybody does Friday dates, it's so unoriginal." I say, messing with him at this point.


"Busy, got a whole lot of nothing planned. Same for Sunday."

"Then when are you free?"

"Hmm . . . I think my Friday is open, how about then?" he opens his maw to speak, but I lean in and kiss him before he can even let out a peep. "Rule number one, I'm confusing and borderline indecisive about these things, though you probably already knew what I was doing from the beginning."

"And what makes you think that?" he asks, smirking.

"Little birdie told me that the big bad wolf has a pretty good nose." I say, poking his nose.

"Yup, you two really are alike." He says. Wait what did-

He interrupts my train of thought by pulling me close and planting a kiss on me, his tongue slipping in as I start to kiss back. He breaks away, leaving me slightly panting. "Payback from before."

We start laughing, both of us still close together. If only we could hold each other like this without me having to hide who I really was. If only he loved me, not Julie.