The Revenge Experiment

Story by chapdav on SoFurry

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Laura checked her calculations again, everything had to be precise or all her work would have been for nothing.

"I think I am ready." she said to herself, "I just need to test it."

She picked up the blue vile in front of her and looked at it quizzically, "after all this time my Growth formula is now completed and ready for a test run."

It had taken her 2 grueling years of research and three million dollars in company funds to produce the final product but if it worked it would all be worth it.

Tremain Pharmaceuticals, the company she worked for, thought she had been working on a cure for polio, and according to the documents she had forged she had been doing just that. Surprisingly none of her supervisors had questioned the fact that there was no actual proof she had been making progress though they probably hadn't read it. They were happy for the publicity she had gotten for them.

Laura smiled to herself as she poured the blue liquid into the canteen she had brought with her. That task complete she cleaned out the beaker and destroyed all of her real research, she would not be coming back to work after tonight. The possibility of her formula not working ever occurred to her; she was just too proud of the work she had done.

As she walked to the door she glanced at herself in the mirror. She was short for a horse, only about five feet tall; but she was also very attractive with an ample chest and ass that all the guys liked. Her fur was a bright white, which matched the lab coat she was now wearing; and her eyes were a deep, radiant sapphire blue.

She grabbed her bag before walking out of her lab and slipped her new formula into it. After locking up for the night she walked toward the front door her hooves making a loud clacking sound as everyone else, except the old security guard, had gone home for the night.

As she walked past the security station she looked in to see the guard sleeping at his post.

"Old fool," she muttered to herself as she walked out into the cool night air.

As she crossed the parking lot toward her Lincoln town car she could just see the lights of the city in the distance. She then thought about the growth formula in her bag and wondered if it was time to test it. She then chided herself knowing she had to wait; though every time she thought about her resolve weakened.

Her drive home was pretty uneventful, with almost no traffic; but by the time she reached her house in the country it was just after midnight.

As Laura walked to her house, she knew it was almost time to try her formula but no quite yet.

As she entered her house she set her bag down on the counter and went to the bathroom to run her bath. After it was ready she slipped off her clothes and climbed into the tub. She lay back letting the water sooth her tense muscles in preparation for tomorrow's events.

She began to think of what she would do to the soon to be littles and the cities.

"Better leave that avenue alone for now," she said to herself as she began to get hot.

She had always been fascinated with erotic giant and giantess pornography; never suspecting to make her deepest fantasy a reality.

As Laura lay in her warm bath a small part of her mind wondered if what she was planning was wrong.

"Probably," she said aloud, "but who cares; who will stop me. If this works like I planned I will be the most powerful being that has ever lived or will ever live."

"So you are willing to slaughter all those people simply to satisfy a morbid fantasy?"

"After what they did to me," she broke it off there she would not repeat that even in her own head.

She soaked for a little longer to unknot her tense muscles. At a quarter till 1 she stood and dried herself off. She debated putting clothes on then decided against it; after all she didn't want to ruin perfectly good clothes. She wasn't sure but she thought her formula would work pun clothes they wouldn't come in contact with the formula; it being injected and all.

She looked at herself in her full length mirror; decided she needed to make herself look her best for her "big" entrance.

Afar applying a bit of makeup and grooming her snow white coat she was ready.

She grabbed her beaker from her bag and stepped outside. There was about half a liter in it.

Just then she had a moment's hesitation, what if something went wrong: it might now work, it was untested it may kill her; she could get too big and therefore rob her of her fun. Thinking about the risks she decided it was worth the risk and downed the entire beaker.

As mike left the restaurant where he worked he waved to the badger behind the reception podium saying, "See you tomorrow Sharon."

"Nope," she said shaking her head her brown hair waving behind her, "I'm going on vacation till next Tuesday, remember."

"Oh yeah," said the fox slapping his forehead, "I forgot. I don't get mine for another month, lucky you huh."

Mike shouldered his backpack, whichcontianed his workout clothes, and headed out the door. The cool early morning cut right through his fur and chilled his bones.

The streets of the city were not dark by any means but they gave Mike a felling of uneasiness, of some impending doom.

"Stop it" he chided himself "just hurry up and get your sorry ass to the gym."

As mike walked on he could not shake the strange feeling and now he could swear her felt someone watching him.

He was no wimp, he stood about six foot and nearly 300 pounds all of it muscle. He wore his jet black fur longish and it only helped cement his looks of a real punk.

When Mike was just a few blocks from the gym four wolves stepped out of an alley way and blocked his way.

"Well, well, well," sneered the biggest, and obviously the leader. They all wore black biker leather but his was the only one that had any adornment, He had a gold chain hanging around his neck and two silver hoops in each ear.

"Out of my way" said mike in a board tone, "I don't have time for this"

"Oooooooh," sniggered the leader, "look fell's, he doesn't have time."

"Well you'd better make time," snarled the wolf to the leader's left

As mike dropped his bag and prepared to fight the wolves surprisingly ran away screaming at the top of their lungs.

"Well, I didn't know I was that impressive," mike said guzzled.

As he picked up his bag and started walking again a loud boom was heard and Mike was almost knocked over. When he turned around he too began screaming and running after the biker thugs. There behind him was a massive, naked, horse.

Laura stood on the outskirts of of the city looking around at her new playground. She shivered, but not from the cold which don't bother her in the least. She shivered with anticipation; thinking of all the things she could do.

She wasn't sure how big she was, about 1000 feet tall. She seemed to have stopped growing now which was fine with her.

Her tail swished behind her with happiness at her plans having come to fruiting.

She took one more look at the sleeping city before she took her first step into her new life.



As her hoof landed in the city, cracking the pavement, it sent shivers of up her spine.

"Wow," she thought to herself, "the power of just walking is unbelievable."

As she continued her first casual stroll through the city she avoided destroying anything just yet. She just wanted to admire and relish in the power she was feeling.

The power gave her a thrill and moistened her nether region. She let out a moan of pleasure and though about her next move.

She stopped in the middle of the city and gazed around, by now the streets were packed with screaming people trying who had come out to see what the booms were and were now trying to escape from the huge white monster that had invaded their city.

She put her hands on her hips and laughed at the puny attempts to escape for there were so many people that none of them could make any head way.

"Here," she said in a mocking tone, "let me help you. She raised one massive hoof and brought it over the crowed. She let it hover there momentarily letting the people under it look up at the impossible object over them before it came crashing down on top of them crushing dozens instantly.

Laura moaned in pleasure once again feeling those lives being snuffed out under her.

As she came back to herself the lifted her hoof again to see it stained with blood and bits of bodies.

"Wow," she said dazedly, "you feel so good under my hoof. I think I want to feel it again and again and again."

The people, upon hearing this, only redoubled their efforts to get away.. The space cleared by Laura's hoof already filled up as if there had never been a place opened.

As Laura began her Massacre march she felt a hunger pain and stopped after taking only a few steps, " well the crushing can wait. I haven't had breakfast yet. Normally I don't eat meat but I think I will make an exception in your delicious looking cases.

As she said this she leaned down, giving he people behind and under her a glorious view of her assets. She grabbed two handfuls of the little furs and stood back up. She looked deliberately at the two groups and slowly licked her chops, she then opened her maw leaned her head back and dropped one handull in.

She looked back at the remaining furs and began o swish the ones in her mouth around. After a few minutes of this she slowly slowly swallowed without chewing.

"OOOOOOHHHHHH," she said, "they made such a wonderfull squirming feeling in my throat. In fact I can still feel ehem squirming in my bell." She emphasized this by rubbing her flat stomach.

She grinned down at the furs in her hand and said, " I think I would like a second helping."

She then swallowed the them the same as the first.

"OOOOHHHH," she said again, " I love that squirming feeling you little furs give me."

Her meal completed she moved back to stomping the little furs in her way as she looked over her city, after all it was hercity now.

She stopped in the town square and said to everyone, "If you all are wondering why this Ishappiening; my name si Laura Moses, you and your's called me crazy, a crack, a fool. Now who is the one in power, now who is the one in control.

"My idea came to pass didn't it? I told you it could be done and now you will all pay for what you have done to me."

She then walked to the nearest skyscraper and looked in, she had to lean down to do this it only came up to her thighs. Inside she saw thousands of the little people inside huddling and hiding.

"You are all "screwed," she said to the people inside.

She turned around and planted her moist vagina ontop of the building. She began rubbing her pussy against the building eliciting a another moan from her.

Deciding it was now time she Opened her lips and put the top of the building inside herself, letting the lips close around the building with a wet thwop.

She pushed down but made no headway in this, the building simply crumbled beneath her tremendous weigh sending her to the gound crushing hundreds under her titanic ass.

"oh well," she said jovially, "how about that one." She yelled noticing another building to too far from her and of the same height.

This time she got on her hands and knees and opened her muzzle, placing it over the building. She began to suck on it and lick it to try and get it nice and wet. After about five minutes she stood back up.

That should be good," she said while turning back around.

She repeated the process with this building with much better results. She slid he lips open and placed them over the top story of the building and let them close again. She then slid down the building all the way to the ground.

The beople inside thought they were done when she had put their entire building insider her mouth. When she had stood back up they thought they were safeunil the lights from outside were suddenly turned off.

Most of the people didn't understand at first until someone yelled, "she is fucking us"

After that it was a free for all for the fron door; though as soon as the first group of people got outside the were crushed by Laura's hugs bulk crashing down on top of them.

All of this wen unnoticed by Laura who was lost in her world of pleasure. She rode the building going up and down many times before climaxing and crushing the tiny structiure insider her massive pussy.

She lay there panting in bliss having crushed many people under her massive body.

She played with her tis idely and wondered about her next move.