Flame Of The Heart-part 3

Story by Althezar on SoFurry

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I decided to continue in case anyone pulls copyright pokemon is owned by gamefreak and Nintendo this is only a fan fic.

enjoy part 3 I hope you like it

The road to hoenn

It was early morning Ben had woken up to release lily she had been thinking about what she did to flare she felt terrible about it. Flare had just woken up he felt sick but he didn't want this to impede on their journey. Ben flare and lily began to leave viridian city they were on their way to diglett cave. Flare and lily were talking about the other night.

"F...flare I'm s..sorry again about my behavior" lily stuttered she was scared of flares reaction

"...it's ok lily....I'm not saying that it was ok to do that just that you don't have to apologies again" flare said in slight anger

"I just really like you an....and couldn't help myself when the opportunity surfaced....I can't say I wouldn't do It again had you not found out" lily stated she was now angry with herself

"I hope we can get past this" flare stated

Flare coughed violently muffling the sound in his arm lily could see plain as day he wasn't feeling ok this worried her.

"You ok that sounded bad?" Lily asked with much concern on her voice

"Ehh I'm fine...just a bit of a cold must have caught it last night" flare said he didn't feel well and he knew it Ben just kept walking in attempt not to disturb them. Flares head hurt and he was dizzy but he pressed on he wanted to get on the ferry at least.

Flare was walking odd he was sort of swaying when he nearly slammed into lily " FLARE!....you ok your not looking good" lily yelled she was worried that maybe it was her fault maybe when she kissed him during his slumber. Ben lily and flare where nearing the exit of the cave towards vermillion city when they entered vermillion city they went straight towards the ferry and boarded it. Ben lily and flare walked to their room after getting the key from registry once they entered flare stumbled over to the pokemon bed in the corner sat on the bed he was pale and sweating it's very unusual for a Charmander to sweat and lily knew this lily walked over and sat next to him.

"Flare are you shure your ok?" Lily said she worried more and more

"No..no I'm not shure I don't fell good I....I need to lie down" flare moaned sickly

Ben saw flare he knew to go see the ship nurse about it and did accordingly. Flare lied down on the bed he was still pale and now was panting and sweating lily lied down in front of him she didn't care about getting sick she only wanted to help him trough this. Flare panting slowed as he fell asleep lily was lying In front of him looking at him sleep she stood up and went to sit on the human bed and wait for Ben. Lily fell asleep on the bed looking over at flare flare had woken up just after she went to sleep he was still pale sweating and panting hard he had a terrible migraine and was dizzy flare just sat in the bed. Ben came in after a few minutes with the ship nurse & pokemon specialist

"Hi there I heard you aren't felling well can you tell me what is wrong?" The nurse said looking at flare

"...uhh yea lily over there said I looked pale I've been sweating I have a migraine I'm dizzy and I feel hot hotter than normal" flare moaned sickly still panting

"Hmm some symptoms Seem stress induced the paleness increase in body heat sweating and panting are most likely a cold I have some medication for that take one in the morning an one in the evening with water... I'm sorry little buddy you won't like the water but it's all that will work with it" the nurse said handing a pill bottle to Ben

The nurse left the room and flare had to take the medication he swallowed the pill and water after a small cloud of steam seeped out of his mouth and nostrils Ben chuckled at the sight.

" hey flare are you ok with lily sleeping next to you tonight?" Ben said looking at lily asleep on the bed

"Yea I'm fine with that I fell asleep with her In front of me before it's ok" flare said smiling and nodding

Flare climbed into the pokemon bed as Ben picked up lily and gently lied her in front of flare then went to sleep himself. Flare looked at lily sleeping she was beautiful even when sleeping but flare didn't want to try anything while she was asleep and soon found himself drifting off.


The next morning flare woke up early to take the medication provided by the nurse he hated it as soon as the water hit his stomach he wanted to throw up but he needed it. Flare opened his eyes to see lily looking at him she had a certain loving look in her eyes flare wanted to move in for a kiss but he stopped himself he needed to go slow with this. Flare held lily close he could feel Lilly's heartbeat to him it was a beautiful rhythm to flare he loved everything about her he had completely forgotten about what she did two nights ago......Ben had left when he saw them starring into each other's eyes he wanted to go check out the ship he liked boats his dad used to take him and his brother fishing he loved to spend time with them his brother was a pokemon trainer he eventually got a job in petalburg city in hoenn..... Flare and lily lied close together they could fell each other's breathing flare loved this time with lily he didn't want to upset her by moving to fast or to slow towards a relationship lily noticed flares breathing was a bit jagged he had some trouble drawing breath.

"You fell like you are having trouble breathing" lily stated in a calm voice she was worried

"It's ok me and Ben ended up at that pokemon center back in viridian city because I got hurt...I had a broken rib and a punctured lung I'm fine though to much excitement could be a problem" flare said in a calm reassuring voice

"So long as your ok I'll try not to worry I do that enough already" lily whispered to flare while smirking

Flare drew her in closer until they touched noses flare lusted for lily and she knew this only she didn't want to go about this until he was ready.

" I...err...know what you want but...I don't want to move forward until you are better you are still sick flare I don't care about getting sick but I don't want anything to hold us back" lily mumbled gritting her teeth she knew she was disappointing him and stoping herself.

"....oh.....ok I don't want to rush.....err...sorry" flare whimpered with disappointment

"We can still lie here for awhile" lily whispered to flare

Flare liked the idea they pushed their body's against each other lily could feel flares heartbeat she drowned in the sound she loved the beat and looked to what she could do to alter it. Lily pushed away a tiny bit and snuggled her head between them flare felt her hot breath moving down his body he loved this and lily did too she succeeded in making flares heartbeat faster the rhythm she loved was more up beat like a song progressively getting faster lily moved her head back up flare missed the feel of her breath and whimpered in disappointment.

"...hey do you want to go practice our moves for hoenn it's supposed to be one of the hardest regions " lily said smiling

"Huh...you don't like being here with me?" Flare asked frowning and upset

"No no I like it here I just think we should practice some" lily said still smiling

"Ok I guess I could" flare stated

Flare and lily walked to an empty observation room flare had a crazy surprise for lily if he could execute the move correctly. Lily began shooting fire at flare he dodged it quite easily he did the same for all the other attacks.

"Hmm keeping me on my toes....I won't go on offense until I see defense lily give it your all" flare yelled he was getting quite cocky

"Well I suppose I'll guard....then" lily said out of breath

Lily held her ground as flare jumped up into the air lily watched flare kick the roof of the observation lounge and fly like a torpedo towards lily he was getting ready to execute his plan when lily grabbed him out of the air and held flare so he couldn't move he was astonished lily had won. It was still light out so lily and flare walked back to the room and lied back in the bed the way they were before they left. Ben came back to the room to find them sleeping together with their body's pressed up against one another Ben smiled at the sight and lied down in his bed too. Lily was still awake listening to the sound of flares heart it was soothing now slow and calm she was paying close attention to the beat she noticed an abnormality.

( hmm he said he had a punctured lung what....what is this abnormality to his heartbeat I didn't notice it before) lily thought to herself

But this was something more sinister than any abnormality....


I hope you liked this I enjoy writing these let me know of things I can improve upon thank you

Flame Of The Heart-part 2

Lily The morning dawned upon the viridian city pokemon center flare was taking a stroll through the park. "A nice day for a walk huh?" A voice from out of nowhere said to flare "Ummmm.......I guess..." Flare responded "So another Charmander I...

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Flame Of The Heart-part 1

Huge thank you to charmonic/ruby your narrative helped me to work up the courage to write this story this is a fan fic and not at all a story to be taken literally this is also a pokemon fan fiction. WARNING:IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH (gays descriptive...

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