Kyle's Security Growth Part 1

Story by ChubbyArcPup on SoFurry

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Here is a growth story about a new security guard

Kyle the raccoon found his new uniform sticking to him a bit in the hot sun, and couldn't wait to get inside the air-conditioned mall. It was his second week as a security guard at Maddison Square Mall, and he was adjusting to the job a little bit better. His uniform seemed a little tight and somewhat uncomfortable, but then most everything he wore was that way. Kyle's beefy five-foot-six frame was always a little hard to fit due to his hefty football player's attributes. He had always had wide shoulders and a V-shaped back, strong arms, powerful legs, a bubble-butt, big pecs, and a fairly substantial belly. Kyles's former washboard abdomen had bowed out into a firm belly, and it was big, round, and smooth. The belly had expanded more since he stopped training for the game, and stuck out noticeably over tight belts. He looked especially handsome in his beige guards' uniform--and definitely packed appearing. Kyle's handsome Midwest face was as tan as the rest of him, showing off his piercing blue eyes and sun-lightened brownish-blond hair. Because he was so solid, few would have guess him at his weight of 250 pounds--he carried it very well.

He finally made it inside and took a deep sigh. Signing in, he looked around the room and took inventory. Buster and Thad were both german shepherds and the only guys there, and they were lounging.

"Boy, it's hotter than hell out there."

"Sure is. Glad we're in here."

"This heat really spoils my appetite." Kyle pointed out and watched Buster's eyes widen.

"You're kidding! Really? Nothing affects my appetite."

Kyle looked over Buster's extra-plump 22 year-old belly and concentrated on the stressed seams. "I would agree with that...looks like you got quite an appetite, guy."

They all laughed. "Well, that's no secret. Plus, it's too tempting to pass up all that free food in the food court." Buster patted his big round belly.

Thad piped up. "No lie...I've gained twenty pounds since I started working here." The cute security guard surveyed his small, nicely shaped mound of belly.

"What's this about free food?" Kyle wanted to know.

"Well, when they get used to you, they'll start being friendly and offering you food down in the food court. There's some really great places and generous people down there."

"Hmmm. Cool...a side benefit."

Kyle left to start his rounds--walking round and round and round. He cruised through the food court like he'd never been there before, strutting by the little restaurants like he had leased them the space. Kyle noticed that he was receiving attention that he hadn't before, basking in the stares like a lifeguard would soak up sun at a city pool. A teenage guy at Mario's Italian Feast looked as though he'd be wet for a week just watching Kyle pass by.

The next time around, he stopped at Mario's and ordered a large Coke. The perky blond guy practically broke his aerobicized ass getting to the soda machine to pour Kyle a large cup. "Here you go, um, you're new, right?"

"Yeah. Hi--my name's Kyle."

"I'm Dennis." He said, shaking his hand while turning down the $1.30 for the Coke.

The summer heat kept on as the days passed with Kyle looking forward to getting to that air-conditioned mall and making his rounds in the food fair. Kyle had discovered that the heat was no longer affecting his appetite. As Kyle's face became familiar to the people working in the food fair, he found that catching a snack was no problem. He'd flash his badge and his pearly whites and get served up a hefty slice of pizza, a corn dog, a plateful of Chinese, a Big Mac, a baked potato, or whatever his heart desired.

Kyle grew used to that warm friendly growth feeling as he'd start his shift feeling moderately hungry and then finishing his shift with a hefty bloated feeling. The ex-jock's belly would progressively grow with the generous tasty handouts until it brimmed with tight-skinned ecstasy. Kyle's swollen belly looked great in his uniform, and on a particularly good day, the buttons would look perfectly tortured. Day after day, Kyle was fed shamefully well like a prize hog, and the pounds started sticking. His shirt collar was getting tight, his pant seams began exposing threads, and his belly was pooching beneath his ribs like a solid basketball. Dennis took advantage of Kyle's easy-going hungry nature, and took pride in passing the husky stud piles of good chow from the handy steam tables, barely containing his joy when he'd see Kyle coming his way.

One night near closing, Kyle was in the food court nibbling on a sack of Mrs. Field's brownies and cookies. The tasty morsels only added to the fullness of his big bloated stomach that already looked on the verge of sending a couple buttons on a trip through space. Kyle had a bit of a waddle as he cruised the food court.

"Wow...just look at him." Geri nudged Dennis, who was already in deep lust raping Kyle with his eyes.

"I am. God, he's so hot."

"Well, a little on the hefty side and I've been watching him get bigger. Look at his uniform tonight! He's really getting a big belly!"

"Isn't it... totally hot?" Dennis asked, turning towards Geri to show a quick expression of adoration.

"I don't know if I'd describe it quite the same way...but it does kind of have its charm. He's a damn handsome guy, but I suppose he's gay too."

"I could only wish..." Dennis said, smirking at her. "I get palpitations just thinking about that hefty hunk at my dinner table."

"Oh, that ol' get-to-a-man's-heart-through-his-stomach thing, huh."


Kyle walked close to Mario's and felt his ego swell as he discovered he was in Dennis's lustful stare. Kyle tried to suck in his stomach as he shoved in the last bite of caramel fudge brownie. "Hi Dennis."

"Hi there. How's it goin'?"

"Great. It's been a great night for eatin'."

"Say, wanna try these new raviolis?"

A smile curled on Geri's lips as she eavesdropped.

To be continued....