Night of Opportunity

Story by OuendanCyrus on SoFurry

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As far as Kota was concerned, he was in serious trouble. The young wolf cried out in fear as the massive black dragon slowly paced around him, occasionally brushing its thick black tail over his soft grey fur.

"Please," he begged softly, "I'll do anything, really, just stop... please!" The dragon chuckled darkly, and the young wolf shivered in fear of what was to come. Against such power he was powerless; the huge black dragon able to tear him apart with ease, yet for some reason it seemed content to simply pace around him fearsomely.

"What do you want from me?" he asked again, trying to sound brave but failing, "Why can't you just leave me alone?" The dragon looked down at him, flexing its sharp claws threateningly, and Kota knew that it was enjoying every second of mental, and soon to be physical torture it was bestowing upon him.

The empty day was slowly crawling to an end, to Elroy's dismay, he had not been able to make a single catch today. The great blue dragon's belly growled as he made his last lap around the mountain he had been circling for the past hour, hoping to spot something he could make a meal of, for something his size to miss food for an entire day was anything but ideal. Elroy turned in the air and looked towards the setting sun, he was going to return home, get some rest and try again tomorrow... That was what he thought he'd do until he sensed something from below... a strong emotion... was it fear?

"What's that?" the dragon wondered aloud as he descended slowly, trying to locate the source of the emotion.

The scary black dragon slowly raised a claw, seemingly intent on doing something despicable to the captured wolf. Kota closed his eyes, expecting the worst to happen, but was surprised when a sudden loud roar punctuate the skies, and a loud 'thump' echoes around him. Chancing a look, Kota found himself stunned to see his captor sprawled out across the ground, looking as if it had been knocked out with great force. He turned to see another dragon, a blue on this time, slowly landing next to him as he realised that it had been the one to attack the other dragon. What was going on?

"Please!" he begged again, "don't hurt me, this one was trying to torture me. I just want to go home."

Elroy blinked for a second, slightly surprised at the scene before him, the dragon quickly hid his surprise as his face showed a small smile, this will work out perfectly, he thought. Ignoring the wolf's words, he stepped forward and took the small lupine into his arms, he turned to the black dragon,

"Mind if I borrow him for a second?" he asked, and without waiting for a reply, he turned to leave the cave, spreading his huge wings and taking for the darkening sky.

Kota had no idea what was going on as he was carried through the skies by this second dragon. It seemed to have rescued him from the other one, but he had no idea what its intentions were. He watched in fear as the ground rushed by below him, and within minutes found himself being brought into a deep cave in the side of a cliff. As the pair landed, the blue dragon released him and the young wolf slowly got to his feet, looking around this new enclosure to see that there was no way out.

"Who are you?" he asked the blue dragon quietly, "and thank you for saving me from that other... nastier dragon. He looked like he was going to eat me."

The dragon smiled down softly at the wolf, trying not to let him know his intentions too soon,

"My name is Elroy, what about you? What are you known by?", he spoke in a low voice, doing his best not to spook the wolf, after whatever he went through back with the other dragon, he felt it was best to comfort and calm the wolf... and somehow talk him into accepting his fate.

Kota looked at him a little nervously, still shaken from his previous encounter.

"I'm Kota," he replied softly, "I was just out exploring when that horrible dragon captured me," he said, "I didn't think anyone could ever be so... cruel. Thankfully you were there to rescue me, I wish there was some way I could repay you for it." He sat down slowly and breathed out, his body recovering from the shock from earlier.

"So why did you save me?" Kota asked, "aren't you a dragon too? Why did you attack your own species?"

Seeing that the wolf was still slightly nervous, but had calmed down immensely, Elroy smiled again, especially after seeing that the wolf was thankful for his actions,

"Don't mention it, and there is a way you can repay me, but I'll leave that for later." the dragon said, raising his voice to block out the rumbling of his stomach; he extended a paw and slowly massaged the wolf's head with his fingers,

"Is conflict between the same species uncommon? One of the reasons I rescued you was because of who I am, it is not in my nature to see someone get hurt just for fun." he said in a low voice, leaning in close to his soon-to-be meal.

Kota looked up at the dragon and shook his head slowly.

"I guess not," he sighed, "but I'm thankful regardless. I would have been... well, dead if it wasn't for you." Together the pair sat there silently, the young wolf oblivious to the dragon's grumbling stomach.

"So what now?" he asked, "I'd very much like to return home, but you did say there was something I could do for you? Would you care to tell me? I'm not sure how much use I could be to something as big and strong as you."

What now indeed, Elroy thought, he lowered his heads to his arms and closes his eyes,

"I don't think you should go home at this time..." he whispered, of course in truth, the wolf wasn't going anywhere... not after an entire day without food, but he chooses not to reveal anything yet...

"Why don't you stay here with me tonight...? I'd really like some... company, if you don't mind." the dragon said, opening his eyes with a grin.

Kota looked surprised at the request, but he nodded after a little though.

"I suppose I do owe you my life," he said finally, "a little company can't hurt. I've been pretty lonely for a while now too, so I guess we both benefit." He slowly lay back against the stone, looking at the dragon's body properly. The blue scales were majestic and beautiful, although the sight of such a large beast made him feel quite insignificant.

"Well... what did you have in mind?" he asked, "was there anything you wanted to discuss, or do?"

Elroy's smile faded at the wolf's question, it bothered him greatly that he has to keep stalling for time just to keep his prey's mind in peace, he decided it was finally time to reveal his intentions, better to let the wolf know now than get too attached to him and regret his decision later,

"I won't lie, Kota, I was thinking of eating you; that's why I was flying around that mountain where I found you, I was looking for food, I have eaten nothing for an entire day." Elroy said quickly, hoping that somehow saying the words quickly would have less of an impact on Kota,

"Please understand my situation and forgive me for doing this." the large dragon said sadly as he bowed his head down. What is he doing?! Apologizing to food before eating it? He felt somewhat shameful, good thing no one else was there to witness such a scene and would live to tell the tale.

Kota's eyes opened wide as he realised what was happening, and what would happen.

"Eat... me?" he whispered, "but... I thought you were... oh please, not again!" The dragon watched him with soft eyes, as if somehow feeling guilty about what it was doing. But Elroy was a dragon, and he did need to eat.

"I don't want to die," the wolf begged, "I'll do anything for you, please, I only just escaped being food for one dragon, I thought you were more reasonable than him." He looked at Elroy pleadingly, but the dragon seemed unresponsive to his pleas. It was the Kota realised that here, in this hidden place, he would not be leaving.

"I don't... I... please... will it hurt?"

"I don't imagine anyone who'd enjoy dying, Kota." said Elroy, his head still low on the floor in an attempt to look as non threatening as possible, trying to reason with the terrified wolf,

"I'll be honest with you, if I let you go now, you might get captured again, and I cannot tell you how they would treat you." the dragon said truthfully,

"Please, I ask that you do not panic, it might even be painless, I'll be gentle." Elroy nuzzled his face softly across Kota's fur.

Kota tried to find consolation in the dragon's words but still couldn't believe that his life was going to end so soon.

"I..." he began, and then slowly tried to think rationally, "I... don't blame you." Elroy looked rather surprised at that; most prey usually struggled or complained until their dying breath.

"You're a dragon, I know what you eat," Kota said, although he didn't feel any better about it, "I know you're just doing what you have to in order to survive." He let out a soft sigh and sat against the wall.

"I was hoping I could get out of it, but it looks like the only place I'll be going is into you. Still... if you wouldn't mind... I'd like to at least not do it right away. Can we... talk, or something... grant me that at least?"

A small but sad smile appeared on the dragon's muzzle, though he was mildly surprised that Kota accepted his fate so soon, things might work out after all.

"Of course we can talk, Kota." said Elroy, not unkindly as he attempted to piece together his thoughts and form together words that may make the situation seem less grizzly,

"I can even let you live to the point where I'm on the brink of starvation if you so wish it. I must thank you for understanding and being so brave, Kota, if there was some way for us to resolve this and both be happy, I'd take it, I really don't want to do this."

The great dragon laid down and rubbed his belly on the floor playfully,

"I'll even grant you requests... within reason, anything you wish to do before I... ahem, I won't even be mad if you attempt to escape." said Elroy with a small grin, slowly letting his somewhat playful nature take over.

Kota was rather surprised by the dragon's attitude, still unsure about whether or not the dragon was being truly honest.

"Escape?" he muttered, "I would need wings for that... not quite something us wolves are born with." For some reason he felt at ease with this massive predator, even though he was threatening to end his life in the near future.

"Thank you for letting me... remain alive for a while," he said nervously, "you seem much more polite about it than that other dragon." Their complex relationship as predator and prey made things seem much different to what they would have been.

"Can I..." he began, before falling silent. Elroy motioned for him to speak, and he found the courage.

"Can I please... look at your... belly?" he requested anxiously, "I'm... pretty scared, I'd like to... know things."

Elroy could not help but chuckle at the wolf's remark,

"I seem more polite than the other dragon? From what I saw, he wanted to keep you alive a bit longer for another reason." he looked at Kota and tilted his head slightly at his question,

"My belly?... Go ahead." he said, slightly confused, did the wolf want to examine in detail his new home or something? Nevertheless, the dragon slowly rolled to his side, showing off his magnificent blue underbelly to the lupine,

"Yeah, I really haven't eaten anything for a while."

Kota slowly moved towards the dragon, a little scared but able to think properly. He reached out and placed a soft paw on the belly, the smooth scales sliding like glass under his fingers. It seemed so peaceful, so beautiful, that it was hard for him to remember that it was something he shouldn't be anywhere near.

"So smooth," he whispered, and Elroy seemed pleased, "so... I'm going to be in there soon... becoming fuel for your body... it seems so... strange." The wolf ran his paws over the rounded paunch, knowing it was a terrifying prospect.

"I wish I didn't have to," he said quietly, "I'd really prefer to live. But I doubt you're going to grant me that, so instead I ask that you at least tell me how it'll feel for you."

The dragon leaned in close as the wolf examined his belly closely,

"Yes, fuel... This may sound horrible but if you're going to die, don't you at least want your death to be useful for something or someone? I thought you liked me." Elroy chuckled, trying to raise the mood of the wolf, he looked down as Kota mentioned the fact that he was not letting him go, he felt really bad, of course he wasn't going to let him go, there's no other choice... And then an idea hit him, he smiled again and spoke in a low voice,

"Kota, do you know about reincarnation? When you die, you're reborn as someone else."

Kota nodded, but it didn't make him feel too much better.

"You're nice enough to your prey," he said softly, "I don't hate you for it." He lent down and slowly licked the dragon's underbelly, before blushing and looking back up to see Elroy looking at him.

"Sorry," he quickly apologised, "my head's all over the place... I just want my last bit of time to be happy, even if it's with my predator." He looked back down at the little smudge of saliva he had left on the dragon's cool blue scales.

"Please just..." he began, trying to think of the right words... "don't forget about me... I know I have no real right to ask you that but... nobody else will ever know except you and... no, don't worry, I'm just a meal to you, nothing more. I expect too much."

"Don't look down on yourself so much, you're a living creature just as I am; I don't judge others based on their size and strength." Elroy reassured Kota softly in his gentle, growling voice, the dragon moved his paw down to pet Kota softly on the head,

"Of course I won't forget you, Kota, it's almost foolish of you to ask that of me." the dragon chuckled,

"You're saving my life, just remember that..." He looked outside the cave entrance and noticed that it was now completely pitch-black, he was tired and in desperate need of food, though, he decided not to reveal that, stall for time... he thought,

"What else did you wish to discuss?" Elroy asked kindly as if this was nothing more than an afternoon discussion between a couple of friends.

"Thanks," Kota said softly, still rubbing the huge belly. He pulled his hands back nervously as he heard a large grumble coming from within the gut below, and he looked up at Elroy with a small smile.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," he said, "I'm sure you're wanting me in you right about now." The dragon said nothing, and Kota knew he was pretty much correct. Now, however, he had a little something he could think of.

"Elroy..." he asked, his cheeks flushing red with what he was thinking of, "I... have to tell you something. I've... never really been with anyone before... that is to say, I've never had an... intimate relationship with anyone before in my entire life. It seems kind of disappointing to have to die without ever knowing... love. I know it's not much of a substitute, but do you think I would have made a good partner to another wolf someday?"

"Is that so?" said Elroy curiously, "It seems we are not all that different then, because I too have never been in a relationship before... Can you tell?" he added with a smile, taking a quick glance around his cave,

"I'll be honest with you, Kota" the dragon said in a serious tone, "I honestly don't know, I... I don't know anything about... love. I never put much thought into it, but regardless... I still think you would make an excellent partner, based on what I've seen of your personality, and from your actions. No sane person would be unhappy to be around you." he gave the wolf a huge grin, his mind beginning to wonder, what made Kota curious about such a subject...?

Kota smiled and looked up into the dragon's eyes, seeing the small grin upon his face.

"Perhaps not eating people would be a good start," he chuckled, but then realised what that insinuated.

"Not... that I'm... I mean..." he blushed, trying to find the right way to explain himself. Elroy seemed amused, but the dragon still wore a rather curious expression.

"My apologies," Kota said, "you can probably tell I'm not very good at stuff like this. What I wouldn't give to just be able to... spend a night with someone I cared about. I mean no disrespect by this, but after you're through with me there's not going to be much of a chance. Sorry for putting this on you, my love life is not your problem."

The dragon threw back his head and roared with laughter at the wolf's embarrassment,

"Oh! You continue to amuse me, Kota! You're not the only one bad with this whole love thing, I see!" Elroy grinned down at the wolf, he wasn't so much amused by the wolf now than the idea that was slowly forming in his head, still grinning, he leaned forward slowly and whispered,

"How about this? I ask that you pretend that I'm someone you care about... I shall play along with you... and keep you happy. Unless... you genuinely care about me?"

Kota paused, trying to figure out exactly what was happening.

"I..." he spoke slowly, "are you... propositioning to me?" He couldn't believe what he thought he was hearing.

"Why would you want to do that... with me?" he asked, "I'm just a wolf, and you're a dragon... although, I do suppose you get to destroy the witness afterwards. He stopped for a moment and looked at Elroy.

"Your offer is nice," he said finally, "but I was talking more about... a sexual encounter, not just an emotional one. So unless you want me to... do something like that with you, then there isn't much point just pretending to be lovers. What dragon would love a wolf anyway, except in their gut?"

Holding back his laughter this time, Elroy stood up, his form towering over Kota, a mischievous thought forming in his mind, he kept a straight face and said,

"I find you attractive, actually and I wouldn't mind getting a bit more intimate with you."

Oh, it was difficult to not laugh. The dragon cracked a small smile as he waited for the wolf's reaction,

"What do you say?... I think it'd be... a once in a lifetime experience, hehe." he added.

Another concern came to Elroy's mind, was the wolf straight? It didn't matter either way, what was important was the reply... and the reaction.

Kota looked shocked as the dragon stood over him imposingly, the beast's forward offer making him feel highly embarrassed... and a little intrigued.

"You mean... you'd like to... have sex with me?" he asked, "but I don't think it'd even be possible... you're so big and..." He sighed as he realised he wanted it too.

"I'd love to," he said finally, "even if I can't do much, I am gay and I do find you quite attractive. Probably because I know I'm going to die inside of you, which makes my appreciation for your body much more prevalent if I'm going to be part of it. Doesn't that bother you, getting intimate with food?"

"It does not bother me one bit, Kota." said Elroy, he leaned in until he was merely inches from Kota's body, smiling curiously, the dragon ran his serpent tongue gently through Kota's chest fur,

"Kota, I will make this the happiest moment of your life, I promise." he said with a chuckle,

"We find each other attractive and there's nothing to stop us, that's enough of a reason, don't you think? You might as well enjoy this. Your body knows what you want." Elroy said, slightly surprising himself. Since when did he get so good at dirty talking? Never mind, he thought, go with it.

"Why don't you... 'play' with me...? Do what you want with it, I promise I won't bite..." said Elroy.

Kota smiled broadly, somehow knowing that the dragon meant every word.

"Alright," he agreed, "I can't believe you'd do this for me. You're so much nicer than that other dragon, I'm glad you're the one who will be eating me." He suddenly paused, realising what he had said, and then shook his head.

"I'm... so happy I can do this," he said, slowly reaching up to touch the dragon's chest, "I want to try and at least... get you off, if that's okay? I don't mind if I don't myself, I just want to see you climax. Then... I want you to eat me, and I want you to enjoy every second of it. I want to be your prey Elroy, I want you to send me down to your belly. If I am to die, it'll be on my terms, and I want you to be the one to finish me."

The huge reptile smiled, Kota was actually thankful for this!

"It's the most I can do to keep you happy, I will do everything in my power to make this experience... 'most enjoyable'." he said, "And I promise you will enjoy this and I promise I will make every second last, I... will always remember you and your sacrifice, Kota. Just don't think too badly of me, promise me that much, no regrets for both of us."

The dragon rumbled quietly, laying on his side, exposing himself to the wolf, waiting for whatever was to come.

Kota nodded, replying, "I won't regret it, so long as you put my body to good use. It's going to hurt, sure, but I'm lower on the food chain than you, so I'll deal with it." He saw the dragon laying rather provocatively on his side, and the wolf couldn't help but feel aroused.

"How could I think badly of you for doing what comes naturally," he purred, before slowly walking down to the space between Elroy's massive hind legs. He was nervous about what he would find, but he didn't care; it just seemed so amazing.

"Try not to hurt me," he asked, "I'll do my best to please you. He looked and saw the dark slit between those blue scales, no doubt hiding a rather impressive package within. He blushed and saw Elroy was looking at him.

"If it's possible..." he asked, then felt extremely embarrassed, "do you think you could..." He froze, and the dragon looked at him expectantly.

"Sorry," he apologised, "I just have a bit of a kink... I've always wanted to taste... I mean... yeah, taste... cum." He blushed and looked down, adding, "I want you to... finish on me."

Elroy grinned, sensing a strong mixture of different emotions from the wolf: curiosity and embarrassment, he watched as Kota nervously moved in to his groin area, blushing slightly himself; no one has approached him this way before.

"I'll try my best not to hurt you" said the dragon, hearing Kota's concern, "Although this will be a new experience for me, I may become too excited and act... slightly different than usual." Elroy laid his head down again, continuing to observe the wolf closely,

"And... of course I will finish on you, you don't have much of a choice, really."

Kota shivered in delight as the dragon agreed to his deepest, most secretive kink. He reached out with his paws and slowly looked up to Elroy for permission. The dragon nodded and he slowly placed them on the outer edges of the dragon's penile slit, slowly rubbing around that puffy outer area with small, delicate circles.

"I'm just going to take my time," he said, "I don't want to make this unpleasant for either of us." He could see the dragon was watching his closely, although he could hear the increase in the mighty beast's breathing.

"What did you mean by 'slightly different'," the wolf asked, "I'd rather you didn't hurt me... but I suppose it's not my choice, is it?"

"Oh, take all the time you want, young wolf..." Elroy smiled, watching Kota and rumbling quietly as his groin area was slowly rubbed with those small paws, this wolf knew what he was doing.

"Of course, I especially want to make this whole experience pleasant... just for you." the dragon whispered, eagerly waiting for further action from Kota, "And don't worry, I won't hurt you, I promise, I just might be rendered unable to speak properly from all the excitement, that's all, hehe."

The dragon laughed, slowly getting turned on by all the talk and from the heat of the atmosphere around the pair.

Kota focused his attention on that intriguing slit, slowly running his paws over it in an effort to coax out whatever lay behind. He didn't even know what to expect from a fully-grown dragon's penis, but he was desperate to know. Suddenly he noticed the slit parting a little, and he knew that the beast was becoming aroused

"Thanks," he said softly, "you're the kindest predator I'll ever meet... it's a little scary to know that I'm destined to die within you... but at least it's you. Hopefully my meat will give you pleasure, or at least fill you up. For now though... I want to see you... show me..."

Elroy observed closely as the young wolf examined his crotch in great detail and chuckling as his slit was touched, he was definitely being turned on by all this. Elroy was going to impress Kota with what he had in store, he wasn't going to disappoint the wolf, not now, not after knowing such high expectations...

"Aw, stop it, you're making me blush." joked Elroy, letting his playful nature take over again, "There's nothing to be afraid of, Kota... Just let yourself go... and immerse yourself with this experience."

The great dragon purred as he laid there, letting the curious wolf make his discovery, his hunger seemed to disappear completely, as if to not want to bother their moment together, "You're going to make every second of this count, won't you, Kota? I know I will... I'm not going to hold back on you... I'm going to unload everything I have..." said Elroy with a massive, devious grin.

Those words made the young wolf shiver in anticipation; the act they were doing together seeming so absurd, so crazy... and yet so wonderful. His eyes opened wide as the first few inches of the dragon's member emerged, blood-red and shiny. He continued to rub the outside of the slit as the entire length slipped from within its hidden confines, Kota observing every little detail in awe. It was massive, inch after inch swelling with fresh blood before his eyes, covered in a thin layer of slick liquid which he assumed was a sort of natural lubricant. Little ridges and veins pulsed along its length, and a strong odor wafted from it; it was musky and heated, making the young wolf aroused just from the smell.

"It's beautiful," he gasped softly, "I... don't even know what to do."

It was rather odd, satisfying and intriguing at the same time to watch Kota examine his private area in full detail, the dragon growled in pleasure as he slowly became aroused from this treatment, his slit slowly parted and his dragon member emerged like some form of terrifying beast.

Elroy saw that Kota was also enjoying himself, almost lost in his own world... He adjusted his hips slightly so that the wolf could get a good look at his member in its full glory,

"You like what you see, don't you? Do what you want, just be gentle with it. It's... kind of shy." said Elroy, chuckling.

Kota couldn't help but chuckle.

"The big tough dragon asking ME to be gentle," he said, "such irony. Can I ask your stomach to be gentle too?" He smiled, showing no hard feelings, and admired the massive cock which had been erected in front of him.

"So big..." he muttered, "you're really well equipped." He felt nervous about touching it, almost as if he didn't feel worthy enough to come into contact with such a powerful, intimate organ.

"Dragons have it good," he told Elroy, but then he looked down and blushed. The dragon looked at him curiously, and he could barely bring himself to speak what he wanted.

"I..." he said, his nervousness returning, "I'm really eager to... touch you there but... I..." He stalled, and Elroy tried to look reassuring.

"I want to see..." he stammered, embarrassed, "I... want to see it... your... t... tailhole."

Elroy grinned at the request, this wolf really was curious about everything! The dragon flicked his tail slightly, "Go ahead and look to your hearts content, I owe you do that much, Kota." he said truthfully with a chuckle; just how far is Kota going to go with this?

"Don't be nervous, I'm all yours to explore." he added, if he was going to let the wolf do his thing, he might as well let him go all out without hesitation.

Kota's eyes lit up, and he slowly moved around from the intimidatingly impressive dragon cock to a place a bit lower down on the dragon's body. He located the dark hole with ease; it was very large, and very scary in a way. Yet his cock stirred with eagerness at the sight of that closed pucker before him, the dragon's rear an intriguing sight.

"It makes me nervous," he admitted, "but its a little arousing. This is... where I'll be after you're finished with me." He remained silent for a little while, before taking a step towards it, standing before the large hole.

"It smells," he said, wrinkling his nose, "but I find you very sexy. Can you... show me the inside a little, just spread yourself a bit. I want to see a little of the inside of your body... even if it's just a glimpse." The wolf didn't want to admit it, but he was slowly beginning to wonder what it would be like to be devoured by his new, big, temporary lover.

"Maybe." chuckled the dragon, watching the wolf go to his rear, he simply laid there, his legs still spread apart for easy access, "You find me sexy, is that so? Well, I do somewhat have that effect of people..."

Elroy slowly curled his tail around the wolf from behind, the scales slowly rubbing the lupine's back and wrapping around him loosely but comfortably. The familiar growling of the dragon's stomach returned, reminding him of his hunger, but he chose to disregard it, he was too focused on Kota,

"It's natural to be nervous, I'd consider you a fool if you weren't." the dragon comforted the wolf softly, "Go ahead and look all you want, I won't stop you." he added eagerly, curious for what the wolf would do next.

Kota decided to be brave, and just do what he wanted to do. The dragon's tail was comfortably wrapped around his body, holding him safely. He slowly reached out to that pungent opening, placing his paw on the smooth outer scales and parting them. The smell intensified, almost overwhelming with draconic musk, but he managed to keep his mind in control. The soft flesh behind was inviting, rippling with the dragon's muscular contractions. He knew what would happen here, but it didn't make him feel too worried, just curious. He lent forward and slowly spread Elroy open as wide as he could, the dark tunnel stretching into the dragon's body. He brought his head forward and slowly stretched out his tongue, brushing it over the warm internal walls of the dragon's tailhole. The taste was overpowering, it didn't taste bad like he had expected, just strong. The dragon seemed surprised by his actions, but allowed him to continue.

Elroy almost had no time to gather himself and his thoughts when he sensed something rub his rear and spread his tailhole open slowly, the dragon couldn't help but purr softly and although the wolf wouldn't notice, he blushed slightly at this treatment, his face and entire body slowly becoming hotter, a sensation that was unfamiliar to the large dragon. Yet, this was for the sake of Kota's curiosity and he DID promise to grant him any request he wished, but who is he to complain? He enjoyed this after all.

The dragon shivered as he felt something else, a small, wet something poking at his tailhole,

"Ohhh...!" the dragon purred as the small lupine tongue pushed softly into his hole and pierced the opening gently; he could feel blood rushing to his dragonhood, slowly pumping it to a greater size than before.

Kota's thoughts were quickly becoming more and more submissive to the dragon's presence. He slowly licked and lapped at the dragon's insides, his muzzle pressed firmly against the beast's rump.

"I could probably fit in there," he said with a small chuckle, before continuing his oral rimming of Elroy's rear. The dragon seemed visibly pleased by the treatment he was receiving, and he allowed the wolf full access to his body. He could feel the fleshy walls part under his tongue as tasted the dragon's body, not really caring if it was dirty or not, just wanting to taste the one who had been so kind to him.

The great dragon reared his head slightly, allowing his lust to take over; he simply wanted Kota to continue licking him without stopping, he simply closed his eyes and enjoyed the rimming without comment, not even responding to the wolf's comment.

His great reptilian body shivered again as his tailhole was punctured again and felt that wet tongue circling the inner, fleshy walls of his insides; this was excellent, Elroy did not make a mistake in bringing the wolf here...

Kota couldn't get enough of the dragon's fleshy passage, even knowing what is was. The taste was enjoyable, a rich, musky flavor which oozed from the rippling internal walls. He somehow managed to forget the absurdity of the situation: somewhere in his enjoyment the fact he had his muzzle pressed against the anal pucker of a massive dragon had been swiftly left behind. He knew that Elroy was his superior, and that it was his job to ensure the dragon was satisfied with him.

"You're so amazing," he said, pulling his muzzle out momentarily, "I wish I could do this... be with you... forever." He blushed and looked up at Elroy, whose eyes were soft and caring.

"I hope this is good enough for you," he said, "I want to make sure that you're happy, even if you're going to be the one who ends my life."

Elroy laid his head down again and bent his neck to look at the wolf who had just stopped licking him, "Why, thank you." he smiled, "I wish I could be with you forever too." The dragon chuckled in his mind, If only Kota knew what he had planned, if only he could tell him now... But not now, that would ruin the moment and the situation wouldn't be taken seriously.

"I love this, Kota, a lot." said Elroy kindly, "I'm being honest, no one would be unhappy for all you've done... I... I promise you I won't let your sacrifice go to waste. I'll cherish every moment of my life and you will never be forgotten." The dragon released the wolf from his tail and licked his own muzzle, "Hey... why don't you get started with 'that'?" he suggested, "You've teased me long enough."

"Sorry," Kota said apologetically, "I forgot you have other 'needs' that need to be attended to." He slowly moved his head away from the dragon's rear, wishing he could have spent hours slowly cleaning the dragon's sexy rump. As he turned his attention back to the dragon's cock, he noticed that it had become much stiffer during his rimming, the thick organ pulsing with fresh blood and arousal. He could see the shiny, slick coating across the surface, and found himself eager to taste it, to have the maleness of a mighty dragon in his muzzle.

"Your body is perfect," he whispered softly, "I feel so insignificant compared to what you have... there." He chuckled, trying to shake off the feeling of intimidation he felt when seeing the dragon's huge body laid out before him like this: the powerful muscles, the awaiting belly, the impressive member... it was all too much to believe.

"Don't say that, I see you as an equal, Kota." Elroy said softly, for some reason, now that he could see Kota closely observing his member in all its glory, he blushed again but couldn't look away, he wanted above all else to see the wolf's expression when he did... whatever he intended to do; whatever Kota had in mind, Elroy would welcome it without complaint.

The dragon's huge dragonhood was twitching softly before Kota, slowly pulsing from the excitement, as if it were alive and anticipating the wolf's touch, Elroy decided to give his nervous friend a little nudge, "Go on." he encouraged, "Play with it however you see fit..." Elroy grinned.

The young wolf looked thrilled as the dragon spoke those sexy words, his own body becoming highly aroused by what he was being offered.

"Thank you," he said happily, "I'll do my best to please you." He slowly reach out and wrapped his paws around the base of the dragon's shaft, feeling the sticky lubricant on his paws as he did so. It didn't bother him, the young wolf slowly massaging his ever-so-soft paw pads against the thickest part of the dragon's erection. Elroy released a small growl of approval and he smiled, sliding his paw up to the tip of the dragon's length where a small spurt of draconic pre-seed splattered onto his paw.

"You're pretty messy," he chuckled, although he was still feeling absorbed in the intimacy of the moment.

Elroy panted softly, having already spurted some pre-cum, he smiled at the remark, "I blame you for that, heh." he said in a growl feigning annoyance, the huge beast dug his claws slightly into the cave floor as he continued to relax and simply lose himself in the moment; if this keeps up, he was going to ejaculate even without Kota doing anything major yet, the rubbing of those soft paws on his sensitive dragon meat didn't help at all... no... he was going to hold back and fight his urges, he wasn't going to disappoint the wolf, not after the fact that Kota straight up admitted how impressed and envious he was of the great dragon body,

"Keep going, Kota... stop and I will be angry with you." the dragon said with a laugh, just to make it clear to the wolf that he was only joking, but in reality, he really didn't want the wolf to stop touching him, to do so is nothing short of a massive tease.

Upon hearing the dragon's words he knew that Elroy was just playing with him, but he saw now reason why he couldn't go along with it.

"Yes sir," he replied obediently, "I don't want to make you angry." He slowly worked his paws up and down along the beast's fleshy organ, jerking off the dragon as best he could. His paws were sticky and wet, and he wanted to lick them but denied himself the pleasure to focus on pleasuring the dragon before him. The veins and ridges pulsed under his pads, and he knew the dragon was enjoying this as much as he was.

"Does my..." he began, unsure if the dragon would catch on to what he was doing, "does... my Master have any orders for his new pet?"

The dragon tilted his words slightly as he heard the word "Sir" and smiled curiously as he waited for an explanation; when he heard Kota call him his "Master", he raised his eyes slightly and was taken aback, but he quickly recovered and decided to go with it, so that's the game he wants to play, is it? Elroy stared at the waiting wolf for a few seconds before he spoke in a low, ordering, growling voice, one that was kind, yet held control behind the words, "Pleasure me as you see fit... and don't let me catch you slacking off."

Elroy craned his neck higher and placed both his front paws firmly onto the ground to push his front body upwards, implying that he was the one in control, the one giving orders to his new... pet.

Kota nodded obediently, and picked up his efforts in pleasuring the dragon's shaft, his paws dancing over the thick meat with increased vigor.

"As you wish, Master," he replied, putting his entire energy into pleasuring this mighty creature. He couldn't believe how submissive he felt to the dragon's will, even if it was merely a game they were playing with one another. He knew what he had to do now, he knew what he wanted. He would pleasure this dragon, and then become a part of it. The thought no longer scared him; in fact, he found himself eager to join with a body that was many times more powerful than his own. He could feel the rumbling from the dragon's body, indicating that Elroy was enjoying his treatment for his wolfy meal.

"How do you feel Master?" he asked, "is your pet worthy of your majesty?"

Elroy watched the young wolf place those small but effective paws on his penis and massage all over it with pleasuring strength, glad that he knew Kota wasn't going to disappoint him either, the wolf was under his will, his every commanding word now... no, he should snap out of it before he becomes too obsessed with control, it could ruin their friendship; we are only playing right now, he thought; but it was not out of the ordinary for a dragon to want to be dominant over everything, he saw how that other dragon acted and promised himself he was never going to be like him, even if it would kill him...

Kota's question snapped him back out of it and the familiar feel of the wolf's touch on his cock, "I can't determine that just yet... keep going." he growled, despite his words, he gave Kota a kind look and a small nod to let him know that he has permission to continue.

Kota could see the gleam of lust in the dragon's eye, and he knew that he was going to be very pleased when the dragon was fully satisfied.

"I won't stop," he promised, "you're too wonderful." He continued to masturbate the dragon's heavy cock, his fur becoming matted with pre-seed that was oozing from the tip as he worked to bring the huge reptile to a climax. He had found his place in life, even if it was at the very end of it all. He wondered if Elroy would allow him to suck on his sexy maleness, but he didn't want to move too quickly and risk anything happening. He suddenly had a quick thought, and hoped the dragon would understand.

"When you are... finished with my services, is Master going to devour his pet?"

Elroy grinned at the wolf's promise, that's right, don't stop, the dragon thought. The dragon shivered and gave a soft growl as Kota worked his cock with those excellent, vigorous rubs; working up and down, making him spurt more gooey, dragon pre-cum over the small wolf, coating his fur with the substance.

The dragon looked down at Kota and sensed some form of conflict in the wolf's mind but decided not to question it, he smiled at the question, "When I am finished... I will indeed devour you whole, young wolf... I am going to swallow your entire wolf body and make it mine... forever." he said, hoping that he wasn't pushing it with those words and make Kota frightened again.

The young wolf shivered at the thought of being sent down into that dark, deadly place, but at the same time couldn't help but feel aroused by the dragon's dominant words. He didn't stop working away at Elroy's erection, deciding he would just give it a taste and hope for the best.

"I..." he began, unsure whether Elroy's words were more playful or serious this time, as he truly was going to be devoured, "I... want to become a part of you." He said it was a finality that left the dragon knowing he was being serious, even despite their little roleplay. Kota blushed, as if he had said something embarrassing, but made sure the dragon felt his eagerness. Leaning his head in slowly, he placed a soft kiss upon the crown of the dragon's phallus, his lips smearing with thick pre-seed.

Making someone else aroused with words alone made Elroy feel accomplished and oddly satisfying, he continued to growl in pleasure as his full-sized dragon cock was continuously worked by Kota, "That's good, being forever with your master... there is no better fate that I could imagine." said Elroy, he let out another growl of surprise as he felt a familiar wet touch at the tip of his member, ohh... the wolf was going to use his tongue again, and hopefully his mouth too soon...

A small concern raised itself in Elroy's mind, was Kota going to be able to take his entire member in that small muzzle? He doubt it but he was going to go with it anyway, he pushed his hind legs upwards and stood up on all fours so that the wolf was now below him with nothing but that huge, hot, dripping, dragon sex organ to keep him company.

Kota felt overwhelmed by the intensity of their encounter. The dragon's words only sought to make him more eager to bring pleasure to his draconic lover, whether it was through being his sexual partner or being his dinner. Seeing his Master stand over him imposingly was a sight to behold, the large belly hanging below reminding him of his destination. Still, he was focused upon the huge organ hanging further behind the dragon's thick hind legs. He knew it was a sign of dominance, and he bowed down under the dragon's body submissively, wrapping his paws around the thick shaft and slowly opening his maw, giving a few licks across the oozing tip before gently sucking on the large tip, spurt of pre-seed slipping down his throat.

"Forever with you..." he said softly, "I want it so much... I want to hear it from you, Master... what do you want from your pet?"

Elroy knew he was going things right, for a beginner, he thought he was doing amazingly well, if this was some sort of test, he would pass with flying colours. The great dragon was reduced to soft moans of sexual, arousing pleasure as Kota wrapped his paws over his huge, slick dragon cock that was still slowly dripping pre-cum below. It won't be dripping soon if he keeps this up, thought Elroy, more of this treatment and he just knew that his member was going to become a living, semen hose.

"Yes, forever with me, my pet... I want you..." said Elroy, attempting to think of something to intensify the mood, "I want you to work my cock until I can hold it no longer, I want you to work for your treat..."

Kota obeyed eagerly, wondering what his treat would be like, slowly suckling on the dragon's cockhead like a delicious treat itself. The dragon's words sought only to make him even more aroused, knowing what was to come made him want to enjoy the moment even more than he normally would have. His body was tingling with lust, and judging by the heavy breathing and twitching motions of Elroy, the dragon felt likewise. Underneath the dragon's bulky frame he felt very submissive; his body nowhere near as powerful and majestic as the one standing over him. He knew that his immediate purpose was to bring this dragon to a satisfying climax. He tried eagerly to stimulate the slimy shaft, and noticed that Elroy's claws were actually digging into the stone floor, cracking it slightly in his lust.

"Please Master," he begged softly, "show me your power, cum for your pet." He could feel Elroy's body tremble, and then realised that the dragon was indeed mere moments away from an impending orgasm.

Elroy let out his reptilian moan, the wet suckling of the wolf on his penis... the begging tone that Kota was giving him... and the fact that he was going to end up in his belly, bringing an extremely satisfying finish to it all... it was enough to drive him to his orgasm.

The large, blue dragon reared his head and spreaded his wings, growling loudly as he felt his climax rapidly approaching, in his mind he was debating whether or not to warn the wolf, but decided against it, after all, Kota really wanted it; so much to the point that he had to beg him for his seed; Elroy grinned again as a sexy idea hit him, he moved his right paw down and grasped Kota with his scaly grip, holding him in place, he doubt that the wolf would move away from below him, but it somehow seemed arousing for him to know that the wolf had no way of escaping... have no choice but to stay there underneath and take his load full-on, not to mention that his blast might knock Kota off balance...

And then it happened before he knew it, Elroy opened his eyes, gritted his teeth, his claws digging deeper into the earth and his tail tensed as he gave out a huge roar that seemed to shake the entire cave; he had reached his limit, his huge dragon cock gave one last twitch and erupted in a massive, creamy explosion that unloaded what seemed to be gallons of hot, thick, sticky dragon seed, and Kota, being held there by his claw had no choice but to stay there and take the full blast of his enormous ejaculation; his penis still twitching madly as it sprayed the wolf with his cum, covering him from head to toe and dying his fur white.

Kota was surprised as he had been gripped by the dragon, but welcomed the added dominance, knowing that the cum bath he was receiving was being given to him by the dominant dragon. Ropes of hot, sticky dragon semen splashed across every inch of his visible fur, coating his body from head to toe in the highly pungent seed. He could feel the heated spunk dripping from his body, unable to see as the white cream forced him to close his eyes to protect them. All he knew was Elroy was happy ejaculating onto his little body, and he would accept it all happily. The smell was strong, and he considered for a moment the fact it would never come out of his fur, but then he remembered he wasn't going to be alive to care for much longer. For now he enjoyed the warmth and happiness that being make into a cum-coated toy left him, hoping the the dragon was satisfied as well. It was more than he had expected, the dragon's cock still twitching as it shot a last few gooey spurts onto his completely white body, his features almost invisible under the thick load. Opening his maw he quickly pressed it against the tip of the dragon's cock, drinking down the weaker spurts enthusiastically, despite not being able to see. The hot sperm filled his stomach quickly, and he release the cock once he had enjoyed his fill.

Having finished one of his largest orgasms and feeling the last of his ejaculation die down as the spray from his penis gradually weakened, Elroy pulled Kota from below him and sank to the ground, clearly exhausted. The dragon lifted the small wolf carefully and placed him in front of him, a strong smell of his own seed hit his nostrils and he saw that Kota was completely drenched, "Well...?" he smiled weakly, "Is my little wolf satisfied?" he asked, already knowing the answer. He leaned in with a grin and nosed the wolf's body softly to take in that wonderful smell of his cum on fur.

Kota reached up and slowly wiped some of the thick goo from his eyes, looking up to see the dragon smelling him.

"In wolf culture," he informed the dragon, "when someone marks another with their seed, it means they now belong to them. Usually this is our way of claiming mates, but in your case, your cum marks me as your possession. This means that I am yours to do with as you please... although that already was the case." He looked down and noticed that he was basically sitting in a pool of warm semen, his body unrecognisable under the sticky substance.

"That was wonderful," he said softly, "thank you for doing all this, even if you are just going to kill me afterwards. It was the best end to a life ever, especially with all this... seed." He scooped some up from his chest and slowly licked it.

"Even your cum is magnificent," he purred, "I could drink it all day if I could... sorry if that seems strange."

Elroy listened closely with a smile as Kota told him about wolves and their methods of claiming partners, he nodded and said "I know about that, I think it's quite remarkable... not to mention... sexy." he nuzzled the wolf again, "I promised I won't treat you as possession but as a friend, you're doing so much for me, I'm just repaying you, Kota."

The dragon leaned in closer and ran his long, tongue softly through Kota's chest fur, cleaning a small fraction of the seed that was covering his body, "Ahh, don't say 'kill', Kota, you make me sound horrible." Elroy said in between licks, "I knew you would like this, that's why I did it..." the dragon added with a grin, "What else did you plan to do with me tonight, Kota? We still have some time."

Kota purred softly as the dragon's tongue brushed over his fur. He hoped the dragon enjoyed the taste of his own sperm as much as he had. He would definitely ask for it again... if he was alive, that was.

"Sorry," he apologised, "I'm still not quite used to our... situation. I know you're just feeding yourself, but you truly are kind, and I can't bring myself to dislike you for it, even though I probably should." He found the dragon's warm tongue soothing, even if the dragon's breath was a little pungent.

"If we have time," he said, "I'd like you to clean me off a bit. Don't wanna make too much of a mess... going down. I'd like to talk now, if that's okay? Giving you pleasure was the best thing I've done in my life, and I simply want to enjoy my final moments with someone who is kind. Tell me... what will happen to me inside of you? I know it'll probably scare me, but... I want to know. You don't have to get descriptive, just a general idea of my... fate."

"I understand." Elroy nodded, "Thank you for your kind words and compliments, Kota, you're... the best friend I will ever have." he pulled Kota slightly closer to his and ran his tongue all over his body, wanting to completely clean him of the seed, "Of course we can talk..." the dragon pulled his tongue back, tasting the warm liquid and licked his upper teeth, "Your fate...?" Elroy repeated softly; oh dear, how was he going to explain the process of digestion without scaring the poor wolf out of his mind?

"W-well... when I swallow you, you'll end up in my stomach... from there, you will simply fall asleep; think of it as a warm bed of eternal sleep... you will be with me forever, you will become part of me, that is all..." the dragon invented wildly.

Kota was enjoying the warm tongue bath, but he could hear the tone in the dragon's voice, and he could see that the dragon wasn't being particularly forward. Reaching out he place a single paw on the dragon's jaw, staring straight into Elroy's large eyes. He let his gaze linger for a moment, trying to impress upon the dragon the weight of his words.

"Please," he whispered quietly, "you've already been so nice to me, more than any prey could possibly deserve. I don't want you to start lying to me now... I think I've earned the truth from you, no matter how scary it may be." He fell silent, and let his paw slip from the dragon's face, an emotional expression on his own.

"We knew it would come to this," he said, "so don't ruin our strange friendship by holding back on me now."

Damn, was it really that obvious? Elroy licked his own muzzle nervously and stared at Kota in the eyes, seeing happiness and curiosity, "Alright, I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare you, Kota. I'll tell you what I know, I can't tell you the facts since I've never been eaten before." the dragon chuckled and began his explanation, "From what I know, there's stomach acid in the stomach which functions by... breaking down whatever is in there, I weren't lying about the sleeping part though, you may pass out from lack of oxygen, but I think it's better that way." the dragon explained nervously, slightly scaring himself with his own words, it was only now that he realised how... unpleasant it was to become food; all the more reason to give Kota the best possible experience before that moment.

Kota listened carefully, doing his best to comprehend what was being told by the dragon. He tried to remain as objective as possible, but the ideas were both scary and intriguing at the same time.

"Thanks," he said, "I appreciate the honesty. I guess it's the way things are... heh, this is such a strange thing. Why did you have to be so nice? I could have struggled and complained, but instead you made me feel at home, treated me to a wonderful bath and have been polite and reasonable. Makes me forget you're a predator." He sighed and looked at the dragon, who was waiting patiently.

"I understand what will happen," he told the reptile, "you might be nice on the outside but your body will treat me indiscriminately. Still... my life was relatively pointless anyway... I'm probably of better use in your stomach, fuelling your beautiful body than I am to anyone else."

"It's just how I am, If you remember what I said, I don't like seeing others in pain, and you're right, how my body act is natural, I cannot change it, that's why I want your every living moment with me to be happy, Kota." Elroy withdrew his tongue, having completely cleaned the wolf's fur, he pulled his head back and smiled, seeing that the wolf was clean again; the dragon's belly growled at him but again, he disregarded it as a mere nuisance, something he would never do with living food right there in front of him, but Kota was different.

"Don't say that, I'm sure your life had its moments, I can certainly count one of them off the top of my head, and I've only known you for an hour or so." smirked the dragon.

Kota chuckled, and nodded, replying, "Yeah, that was amazing, I'm grateful for that." He paused, and slowly got to his feet, now fully clean, if not a little saliva-sticky.

"Well, you have been wonderful company for the night... I wish I could live like this with you forever, but I understand that you are still a dragon, and your hunger is superior to my life in any case. I cannot fault you for that. So... I could talk to you all night, but that will just be drawing this out for longer than it truly needs to be. I want to be eaten now... I'm prepared for it... sorta." He chuckled and looked at the dragon's belly.

"Just promise me... you'll enjoy it, even at my expense. If I'm going to endure this, I have no right to ask you of it, but I want you to enjoy my end. It seems pretty strange, but I'd rather you found it enjoyable than feel guilty about it."

Elroy picked his head up in surprise and blinked, already? Time seemed to go by so quick, he gave the wolf a panicked look, "Is... are you sure? I mean, we still have time, a-and..." but he saw the look that Kota gave and knew that it was pointless to stall for time, or get him to agree to stall for time, the dragon sighed deeply, "Alright... I... I won't keep you waiting any longer, Kota."

He positioned himself so that he was near the cave entrance and laid down his scaly head onto the ground again, "I promise that I will enjoy you as a meal Kota, you will always be... the best meal I will ever have... I will make it painless to the best of my ability, I won't use my teeth." the dragon looked to the wolf, out of things to say, he sighed again, breathing deeply, was this finally it?

"Well... here goes... do you wish to climb in yourself or... do you want me to...?" asked Elroy, observing Kota closely.

Kota nodded, and smiled at the dragon.

"I want to do this now," he said, "while I'm still eager to." He took a step forward towards the dragon, and stopped in from of the beast's large head.

"It was fun," he said, "I just want you to know..." he blushed and stopped, and Elroy stared at him curiously.

"I... I mean if... circumstance were different... then... I think..." he stuttered, and then steeled himself, "I think I love you." The dragon looked stunned to hear this, and the wolf's face flushed with embarrassment. He slowly placed a paw on the dragon jaw, waiting for the large maw to open and allow him inside.

"Heh, I'm such a silly wolf," he chuckled, "falling in love with a dragon... who plans to digest me. What a strange life."

Elroy blinked and smiled at the small creature before him confessing his love, it was indeed strange, no doubt about it... "I- I... love you too, Kota, I thank you again for not blaming me.... It's kind of funny, I blame myself more now that I think about it... what am I saying!?" said Elroy, shaking his head, "Sorry for rambling."

The dragon gathered his thoughts and nodded at Kota's remark, "I know, it's been one crazy night, hasn't it...? But I... I enjoyed it, I enjoy being with you, if there was another way around this, I wish to be with you forever." Elroy said in a quiet, growling voice.

Now was the time, he thought, do it. He slowly opened his maw, allowing the wind from outside to blow across his mouth, hopefully, giving Kota a more pleasant experience being in his mouth, and so, he sat there with his maw hanging open waiting for his food to willingly climb in, another phenomenon to add to his list.

Kota looked at the open maw with mixed curiosity and worry, but it was the dragon's words which meant the most to him.

"Heh," he chuckled, "a dragon loving a wolf... and the evidence will never be found." He slowly looked into the huge mouth of Elroy, the saliva dripping from the roof of his maw and rolling across his slimy tongue. It was going to be interesting, that was for sure, and he hoped it would at least be enjoyable in the dragon's mouth. Still, he had one more card to play.

"I don't think you quite understood me," he said, "I want you to 'enjoy' me... like a true predator. I know you're denying your base instincts for me, but deep down you know that you will enjoy my demise, because that's what your body tells you. So savor the flavours of your prey, and be satisfied by your catch, that is what I want for you."

Closing his maw to smile at the request, Elroy stared towards the wolf, so that's how he wanted it end? Interesting, he thought to himself. The dragon nodded, "Alright, Kota... I promise that I will... 'enjoy' you as a prey, you are my catch... and I am your predator... wanting to devour you, and enjoy every moment of it. I won't let it go to waste..." and with that, Elroy opened his maw again, wondering to himself when Kota would climb in and what it would feel like to have someone he cared about in such a 'dangerous' location.

Kota chuckled softly and slowly placed a paw on the dragon's tongue, feeling it squish under his weight. He didn't want to keep his lover waiting, even for this. It was a strange concept, but he never was one to do things half-heartedly. He didn't want to die, far from it, but if he was going to, he wanted it to be done properly, treated like a proper meal for a beast many times more powerful than himself. He slowly managed to get onto the dragon's large tongue, and felt the ground slowly move from under him as he was lifted into the air, a much easier position for the dragon to stand naturally. Elroy kept his mouth open, allowing him to see the outside world 'one last time', and Kota hoped that the dragon would treat him to a sumptuous maw massage before being sent down into that deep, dark cavern at the back of his throat.

Elroy gave a small sound of appreciation as he felt Kota touch his tongue, he could still taste a little of the dragon seed from the paws and he welcomed it without complaint. The dragon could barely see the wolf now, what with being so close to his maw, from now on, he was going to use his sense of his touch to determine what was going on, the insides of his hot, deadly maw was going to be his eyes for this stage of the entire process.

With the wolf now on his tongue, he could no longer speak properly, so he couldn't question Kota, but using his ability and applying a bit of logic, he knew what he wanted, he tilted his head downwards slightly so that the wolf wouldn't slide backwards into the dark pit too soon, and he carefully and slowly moved his tongue from below Kota, curling it softly and firmly around him, moving it over and below him, not missing a single inch of the soft, furry lupine skin; his tongue lingered longer over Kota's crotch area and he slid his tongue up and down the wolf's sheathe slowly; there he was, sitting on the floor of the dragon's mouth being rubbed and groped by the wet, slippery tongue.

Kota moaned loudly in pleasure as the warm tongue pressed against his shaft, his own cock slipping free from its furry sheath. He was glad the dragon was giving him some time to enjoy himself, although he had no intention of climaxing this early. He wanted to save it, to have something pleasant to do whilst enjoying his final moments tucked away in the dragon's belly. It would be his final act as a living wolf. Nonetheless he rocked his hips gently into the warm, undulating tongue of the dragon, his shaft pressing against the dragon's taste buds and leaking considerably smaller amounts of pre than the dragon had been beforehand. He knew soon that his taste would begin to affect the instinctual side of the dragon's mind, and that soon the desire to pleasure his shaft would be overtaken for the love of fresh meat and the taste of his flesh. Such was the nature of a dragon, like it or not, and Kota loved it; the idea of being powerless and submissive to the dragon's will leaving him breathless with lust. Slowly, he watched as the maw began to close, and he knew it would be his final glimpse of the outside world.

Even without his emotion-reading ability, Elroy could tell that Kota was enjoying the treatment he was receiving from the huge tongue; the dragon was glad that he was doing things right and couldn't help but grin as he thought of what was to come, no way was he going to let Kota disappear like this, this was a rare catch after all, a prey who had become a close friend to him... He was going to bring him back after all this.

And yet, Elroy felt guilty and responsible for whatever trauma the wolf might be going through now, sure there was little reason to feel sad, he made sure to weed out all of that emotion before... but Kota actually believed that his life was going to end... The dragon decided to make it up to him using whatever means.

Elroy closed his maw, and gently pushed the wolf to the back of his throat, not to the point where he would fall, but he gave Kota a chance to crawl in himself if he wished it... if there were no further movements, then he would swallow...

Although he was loving his time in the maw, Kota could feel the dragon drawing him deeper and deeper towards the back of his throat. The sheer darkness was scary, but he somehow knew it was where he needed to be. He was highly aroused, and his wolfy mind was feeling very different to how prey should probably be feeling.

"If you can hear me," he spoke loudly, "I don't want to be played with anymore. I told you, I want my end to be proper. Take control, and consume me like any other meal. Take me to your belly and destroy me. I want to experience it properly, and I want to experience it with you. Be a dragon, be a predator, claim your prey." He spoke the words with a sense of pride, knowing that he was accepting death on his own terms. He slowly positioned himself so he would be swallowed feet first; he didn't want the blood rushing to his head.

Elroy grinned as he heard the wolf's words echo within his mouth; he was asking for it, he specifically wanted him to end it properly, all right, if that's what Kota wishes, he will grant him that much, pulling his head back so he was looking towards the roof of the cave, he gave one mighty, slow gulp, dragging Kota down his throat with his strong throat muscles, he'd never usually put this much effort into swallowing something, but he wanted both of them to experience every last second of the deed. The dragon continued to pull the wolf down his throat with little effort, being a dragon, he had swallowed other larger creatures whole before and was able to do it with ease. When Kota would be completely through his throat passage, Elroy laid down again and grinned to himself, 'See you soon', he thought.

Kota felt his whole world shift as the dragon slowly tilted his head back and took one giant swallow, his feet sliding down into that deep, dark cavern of no return. In mere seconds his body had been encapsulated entirely within the dragon's throat, the rippling muscles pulling him deeper and smothering him with folds of hot, sticky flesh. He could feel the peristalsis pulling him down into the dragon's body, and his mind was on fire with the intensity of the experience.

I'm being eaten, he thought wildly, I'm going down into his body... oh god... I'm going to be food...

He could hear the pounding heartbeat of the dragon, strong and steady, as he passed through the dragon's chest area, drawing ever closer to his final resting place. The sounds, the tightness of the throat, the heat, the emotions... they were all so vividly intense that Kota couldn't help but feel happy. He only hoped that Elroy was enjoying him, as he did not want his death to be unsatisfactory.

The great dragon was enjoying every moment of taking his lover down his throat, it felt somewhat odd to him too; like he's destroying something very dear to him, it was a simple concept of sending a loved one to oblivion, yet Elroy wasn't worried at all, he had a plan he was going to carry out, but he would save that for tomorrow morning... And so the dragon laid there with the wolf still in his throat, he moved his head down slightly, letting gravity do the rest for him. He was going to wait for Kota to enter his stomach... and then attempt to communicate with him, maybe get his mind off the digestion process...

It felt like it had been hours that the young wolf had been repeatedly pushed and smothered by the dragon's hot throat, moving him closer to the belly within. Kota could feel a ring of resistance against his feet, and he realised that with was finally the opening to the dragon's stomach. For some reason, the idea that he was deep down inside of his predator made him happy, knowing that he was under Elroy's control. Suddenly the ring flexed and he felt his feet and lower legs slide through the tight hole. He could feel the temperature increase dramatically, his lower legs pressing against soft, undulating walls of flesh. He tried to block it out, but mere moments later the rest of his body followed, the young wolf sliding down completely into the belly of the beast. He immediately tried to breathe; the throat had deprived him of any air. This proved to be a mistake as he realised there was an amount of oxygen in the dragon's stomach. He gagged as the smell of digesting slop bubbled around him, the dragon's stomach no friendly place to be. The air was acidic, humid and stifling, and he almost threw up at the overwhelming horror of the stench. The soft bag of flesh conformed around him, holding him in a curled-up foetal position as he tried not to panic inside of this terrifying new home.

Things were going smoothly, at least that was Elroy thought until a new emotion from within his stomach exploded and overwhelmed him; fear. A torrent of fear emanating from Kota, but the dragon didn't blame him, it was only natural... and the wolf was doing extremely well so far, he can even sense the emotion slowly dying away as he felt the small, living creature adjust slightly within his stomach, Elroy leaned closer to his own large, scaly stomach and stared at it, trying to imagine seeing Kota curled within... it felt extremely strange, only moments go, he was conversing with the wolf and he saw all of his features and took them to his mind... the small figure... the grey fur... the smiling face... and now... now that Kota was closer than he ever will be with him, he can no longer see him.

If not for his plan, he would feel extremely upset having to take Kota into his gut, he might not even be able to go through with it, "Ah... are you comfortable in there...?" said Elroy, in a slightly louder tone, wondering whether or not Kota can hear him through his own flesh, he sat waiting for his reply, and would take note of any hint of sadness or fear from the wolf, big or small.

Kota notice he could hear his predator, and he smiled at the sound of Elroy's voice, even if it was highly muffled by the loud noises of his body. Kota couldn't see, the darkness was quite disconcerting, combined with all the other elements of the dragon's gut. Foul, soupy enzymes washed around his body, sticking to his fur as he wondered whether it was the remains of a past meal. That alone made him slightly afraid: he would no doubt end up like the rest of the noxious liquids in here. He was slowly adjusting to the horrid air, trying to make himself comfortable but failing as the fleshy walls simply molded around his body as he moved.

"I... I'm okay," he said, although he wasn't sure himself, "it's disgusting in here." He tried to sound humorous but wasn't sure if he came off correctly. He hoped Elroy wasn't feeling regret.

"If you can hear me," he tried again, "please don't worry too much. You've done this before, I'm sure, even if it wasn't with someone you talked to beforehand. You're a dragon... remember that. Enjoy me, enjoy your prey. Just don't burp... I want to live for a little while yet."

"I can hear you." said Elroy, louder than before, surprised that Kota sounded so quiet even from within him, he wanted to point out that Kota shouldn't use too much energy on talking, lest he runs out of air too soon; the dragon may already have enchanted his own stomach acids to make it painless but that wasn't going to change its function in any way, "I'm not worrying... well, not in that way. You were brilliant, Kota, the best meal I ever had." Elroy admitted, "I will cherish that moment forever."

He nuzzled his own belly softly, feeling the warm touch against his cheek, he laid his head down and closed his eyes, yawning greatly, "... Was there something you wished to discuss with me before you-... before I go to sleep." he asked, exhausted.

Kota smiled, knowing the dragon could hear him now.

"I want... to have one last chance to pleasure myself," he admitted, his paw sliding through the stomach folds to wrap around his stiff shaft, "allow me to enjoy that." He began to slowly work his paw up and down his aching member, not caring if he was coating it in digestive slime, only caring about the connection they shared as predator and prey. The warmth and tightness of the fleshy stomach walls added to his pleasure, and he found it easy to masturbate within the dragon's belly. He found himself thinking about the most wild things; how his body would be used by the great dragon. Would his nutrients strengthen those shiny scales? Would he add to the dragon's powerful muscles? Would he be added to the dragon's majestic cock? Those thoughts were what he pictured as he slid his paw along his canine shaft. He wondered what he looked like from the outside.

"Do I make a nice bulge" he moaned, letting the dragon know what he was doing, "do you enjoy having a submissive wolf in your belly?"

Elroy smirked as he heard the wolf told him his plan, he really didn't want to let the moment slip by, did he? "Alright, then, knock yourself out." the dragon smiled, "I promise I'll stay up while you... pleasure yourself. I'll keep talking to you if you wish." said Elroy, rubbing his belly gently with a paw; it turned him on greatly knowing that the wolf was masturbating inside him and he felt a little envious and curious at the same time; of course, being a dragon, he knew almost nothing about being submissive and dominated. The dragon's cock twitched again slightly, as if awakening from a disturbed slumber, Elroy reached down lazily and rubbed the tip of his member softly, feeling the warm, slippery seed at his fleshy tip.

"You make an excellent bulge for this predator, Kota... I love it that you're in here... where you belong..." said Elroy.

Kota felt the stomach walls gripping him tightly, his fur tingling softly as the enzymes slowly began to work on his body. He was close to his climax, the dragon's dominant words making him feel aroused beyond compare, his paw sliding frantically over his pulsing cock as he sought to relieve himself inside the dragon's belly.

"Oh yes," he moaned, "I love you Elroy." With that he shot his own sticky seed over his body, his final release before his impending demise. Once his own cum had escape his body, he simply huddled up in a ball inside the dragon, feeling tired and light-headed. He knew it was only a matter of time before he passed out, and the dragon's body took him as its own.

"Thank you for everything," he said caringly, "I hope I see you again in another life." He settled into the stomach, feeling the acids slowly begin to take him as he closed his eyes.

Elroy's eyes became heavy, he closed them and sighed, deciding to let his body do the rest of the work, "Thank you too, Kota... thank you for saving my life..." he said with a strong effort to raise his voice loud enough for the wolf to hear every word.

"I'm sorry... I'm tired..." whispered the dragon, as he snuggled into his arms and breathed softly through his nostrils, the night wind blowing smoothly across his great, reptillian figure. Elroy quickly settled and allowed his mind to wander and gather his thoughts of today... A miserable day of failed hunting... sensing the fear from the mountain... rescuing the wolf from the dragon... oh yeah, whatever happened to that dragon? Elroy yawned again and decided to allow himself to drift off to sleep. It has been one crazy day, crazy but memorable; a day where he met his prey, his lover...


The first thing Kota was aware of was the fact that has was feeling something. His eyesight was gone, his body seemed weightless, yet for some reason... he existed. As the fog lifted over his mind, he began to become aware of certain things. He could feel... no, hear something... a voice... a familiar voice... shouldn't he be dead? Suddenly he remembered what had happened, and he began to recognise the voice as belonging to the dragon that had consumed him. He wondered briefly if he was in some sort of afterlife, but then a blinding flash of light overwhelmed his vision and he found himself lying on a cold stone floor. Groggy but awake, he slowly realised that he had control of his limbs again, and attempted to move into a sitting position.

"Hey there," the voice of Elroy spoke, "take it easy, just try to wake up." Kota heard the voice and obeyed, slowly sitting back against the wall and opening his eyes. Somehow... he was back in the cave, the blue-scaled dragon sitting before him with a curious expression.

"What..." he muttered, "what... why?"

It was morning, light flooded the mouth of the cave and Elroy had been watching Kota sleep peacefully for the past few hours, waiting for him to move. The dragon had used a complex resurrection spell to bring him back, a process that almost drained most of his energy in one go. Naturally, Elroy smiled when he saw the wolf stir and sit up, looking extremely groggy but very much alive; his spell had worked. Now, for the last part... see if Kota remembers everything, make sure his mind is in order... "Good morning." said Elroy, sounding casual, he grinned again at the confused wolf's question, "Why what? Why are you such a sleepyhead? How would I know?" laughed the dragon, he felt a little bad for toying with Kota like this, but he was there for the reaction.

Now that he was somewhat coherent again, the young wolf looked down at his body and saw that it was all in one piece.

"But..." he said quietly, still very overwhelmed, "what happened? I should be... I was in you... you ate me?" He looked up at the dragon with a confused expression, one that could only draw pity from Elroy.

"You... did eat me... so how..." he stammered, his mind not quite comprehending how he had gone from dragon food to sitting here on the stone cave floor. He checked his pelt once again to ensure that he was indeed alive, and then looked up at the dragon.

"I thought I was going to... become a part of you," he said with a soft whimper, "you didn't... throw me up... did you?"

The dragon chuckled, placing a claw over his own face and shaking his face, "I did what now?" he said, acting ignorant, "You really think so?" he asked the wolf with a smirk, "How are you feeling?" Elroy added, concerned for Kota's mental state; he was going to explain everything soon but for now... just be playful, the dragon decided that it was the best thing to do to lighten up the mood, he wanted to see no more sadness from Kota, only joy and laughter, "You really doubt this, don't you?" said Elroy, sneaking his tail behind the wolf, he moved his paw towards him and softly pushed him backwards with a finger so he fell back onto his soft tail, "There. Real enough for you?"

Kota sat on the floor, still highly confused. He didn't know what to think, and he wanted answers.

"Please tell me what happened," he said finally, "I really need to know... you told me I was going to die... and that was what I wanted." Elroy seemed surprised by that statement, and Kota slowly got to his feet and walked over to the dragon, looking at his large belly.

"I thought I was going to be digested by you..." he said quietly, "I love you, and I was willing to give my life for you. But more than that... I wanted to become a part of you... your majestic body. Why did you let me out of you?" The poor wolf didn't realise that he had, in fact, become a part of the dragon, but he didn't know this.

"So please," he said, "I need to know what happened... I don't want you to be starving or anything because you felt guilty and let me out."

The dragon rubbed the back of his head somewhat uncomfortably, "I suppose I do owe you an explanation, don't I? Ahem." Elroy chuckled rather darkly and moved his claw down over his face, speaking in a professional tone that was completely unfamiliar to Kota.

"Allow me to explain; First of all, no, I no longer require food, I did indeed consume you yesterday and you prolonged my life, that much is real. Secondly... as to how you survived the process... you didn't, you died. However, I used my..." Elroy revealed to Kota the palm of his paws where upon closer inspection showed several cyan-coloured markings etched into his flesh, "I'm a user of ancient magic, I simply... ah, called you back to the world of living." explained Elroy, hoping this wasn't too much for the wolf to grasp, "Lastly, and this is probably the most important part... I decided to test you yesterday, how you would act under life-threatening conditions, whether or not I could talk you into accepting your fate... Well, you did better than I had anticipated; know this though, had you hesitated and refused my offer, I would certainly not waste my powers on bringing you back, so... I guess what I'm saying is..." the dragon smiled, licking his lips softly, "Congratulations, you pass. Please forgive me, Kota, for not being entirely honest with you..."

Kota managed to comprehend what he was being told, and for a moment he felt angry that the dragon had put him through all of this while lying to him. But then... he looked into those deep eyes of the dragon and could see that the beast truly meant him no harm. He slowly stood up and moved towards Elroy, stopping in front of the mighty dragon's body and reaching up, placing his paw on the dragon's jaw line.

"I forgive you," he said, "it's just... hard to comprehend how all of this could work. It makes me happy in a way to know that you did actually make me a part of you. Saving your life is something I would do again, even if it meant not being reformed. I would truly die for you." He spoke the words with a finality; he knew what he was saying was true.

"If what you said before is true..." he spoke softly, "and you do love me, then can I ask something of you? I know I have no right to ask you for anything really, but I have deep feelings for you, and I would love it if I could live here, with you... as your mate."

"I know you were true to your words, you don't have to tell me twice." said the dragon kindly, he nuzzled the wolf softly, loving that familiar touch of his lover's fur. "I wouldn't have bought you back if you didn't mean them..." Elroy abandoned his serious tone and returned to the kind and gentle predator-like personality that Kota was familiar and comfortable with, "Live with me?" he repeated in surprise, "I... I was planning on returning you to the surface, where you belong... Are you sure?" it was kind of obvious now that he thought about it, of course Kota wanted to be with his loving predator forever, it made logical sense, "Well, if you insist... then I accept. You shall live with me here, just the two of us..." said Elroy, "Tell me, Kota... are you happy? Are you happy to be alive again?"

"I'm very happy," he said, "I got to feed you and I get to live with you. Thank you for giving me this chance... and thank you for letting me live." The young wolf was thrilled, he had found a place in his life after all. He looked up at Elroy who smiled.

"I don't want to have to insist," he added, his smile fading a little, "I want you to want me to stay with you. Otherwise it's not fair on you, I'd rather be a friend than a burden." He slowly stroked his paw along the dragon's jaw, hoping that he would hear the words from the beast's mouth once more. He was highly emotional, but tried to contain himself as best he could.

"You know," he said softly, "if you do still love me, and want me to stay, I..." He froze once more, but decided that if he was going to give his heart to this reptile, he would not be nervous around him any more.

"If you're ever in need of a meal, I'd be more than happy to fill you up again," he said, rubbing the dragon's scaly belly, "if I'm tasty, that is."

"I'm glad you're happy, if you are happy, then I am too, Kota." Elroy kissed his new mate, extremely satisfied with how things turned out. The dragon looked curiously at Kota at his suggestion, "Hm, if you wish to... if it excites you, Kota, then I will eat you again..." said Elroy, smiling warmly, "But let's leave that for another time, I assume you would want some fresh air after being here for so long... Should I fly you to the forest below? My throat is rather dry and I could do with a drink from the lake." The dragon suggested, he swore to himself that he would remain by the wolf's side forever from now on and keep him from harm... everything one would do with a lover...

Kota slowly nodded, and realized he would get a chance to fly on a dragons back!

"Awesome," he said, climbing onto the dragon's back as Elroy lent down to let him on. Within seconds they were off, soaring through the air and out of the cave. The young wolf couldn't contain his joy; flying seemed so incredibly amazing. He stretched out his arms and enjoyed the breeze through his fur, unafraid of falling off due to the stable flight of his lover. Suddenly, an idea came to mind, and he wondered if he could convince the dragon that it would be okay. As they approached the lake, the young wolf moved towards the dragon's head and lent down to speak to him.

"You know," he said softly, "seeing as you're feeling a bit better now, maybe you'd like to have a bit of fun down by the lake. After all... the water is there if we get a little... dirty, if you catch my drift."

Landing softly on the cool grass, Elroy waited for Kota to jump off his back before approaching the edge of the lake; he concentrated for a few seconds... the water in front of him trembled before a long, clear, "strip" of water rose from the lake and hovered in the air before him, the dragon opened his maw and the water slithered through the air, pulling itself towards his maw and down his throat. While the dragon was busy using a little of his magic to help him drink, he listened to Kota's words carefully and almost choked. After Elroy recovered, he laughed and looked back at the wolf with a grin, "Haha... oh, you're a naughty, little wolf, you are... Straight to the point."

Kota laughed and watched the dragon sate his thirst, glad that his lover was so happy. While the dragons back was turned he slowly snuck up behind him, and between his hind legs. Kota slowly got onto his hands and knees, and then tapped the dragon on the paw. Elroy looked down between his front legs to see the wolf bending over for him, and he was a little confused.

"I know it might seem a bit difficult," he said, "but I'd quite like to know what it feels like to be rutted by a big male such as yourself." Elroy chuckled at him, and slowly felt himself warming to the idea. Kota grinned as the dragon lowered his body onto him, and slowly positioned himself behind the wolf's raised tail.

"Alright. You asked for it, little wolf. Let's see how much of me you can take." Elroy chuckled softly, and together they began the first of many passionate encounters to come in the many following, happy years.