ADOR Chapter 2: Wake Up Call

Story by Vinyl_Wubs on SoFurry

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#2 of A Dash Of Recklessness


Red's POV.

"Just one more ingredient.." I muttered to myself, picking up a vial with my magic. All it needed was a drop of elephant sperm. I watched, sweating, as the white liquid edged its way towards the top of the vial. Then as a little drop of it spilled out, I tipped the container up quickly. Intently, I watched as the drop slowly fell, still attached to the vial by a thin strand of semen. My breath slowed, time slowed down, then finally it snapped. The drop landed in the potion. It began sizzling and popping immediately. I reached for a cork and quickly enclosed the reaction into the bottle. I set the potion down and observed as it changed colors. First red, then green, blue, and stopped with a sickly yellow color. I wiped the sweat off my forehead, giving a sigh of relief. With the formula complete, I get up and walk out to the living room.

I call out, "Violet? Violet are you here?".

With no response, I figured she had left for home.

"Damn", I said to myself. I she must have just left, no one to test the potion on... Well I suppose I could test it on myself. I let out a sigh and turned around. One of two things could happen, either

A. I turn myself into a sheep.


B. I successfully enlarge my penis...

I like those odds! I uncorked the bottle and gulped the liquid down. After a belch, I sat and waited for something to happen.. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours. I frowned and looked down at my small pecker with disappoint. Another failed attempt.

"Well... There's always next time."

I opened the door and took a walk, circling town, watching the busy guys and girls of Ponyville shop and mingle. I arrived at town square, sitting on the first bench closest to the statue. I watched people pass by, living their merry lives. The occasional group of children hopping by. Then I noticed someone staring at me. As soon as I looked her way, she vanished. Weird, I think I've seen her before. That colorful mane looks striking similar to the weather pony I have been hearing about. This is the fourth time I have seen her staring at me.

Either she really likes me, or pities me. I don't have the biggest package in town, especially when someone has seen it up close and personal. Word spread like wildfire. Then before you know it, all the girls around the neighborhood giggle and talk behind your back. But I suppose there's nothing that can be done about that. I just wonder why that potion hasn't worked. What was I doing wrong? I was following the recipe on the mark! Then... it happened. A very "Well Endowed" woman passes by me and drops her purse. Whether or not she saw me or not, she bent over to pick it up, giving me a full view of her sizable round ass. My eyes widened as I noticed she wasn't wearing any underwear, and her skirt was rather... Short.

My heart started pounding, I a pressure in my pants as I started getting hard. I quickly put my leg over my other leg in an attempt to cover up my crotch. She then picked up her purse and moved on. I thought to myself

"Well, I guess I'll just wait here and cool down. Don't need any embarrassment today."

That was the thing though... It wouldn't go down! I waited for ten minutes, but I was still hard as a rock. Then something strange happened. I felt a pressure in my groin, my heart started beating faster, I had no idea what was happening until I felt something poke my leg. I looked down and realized my cock had grown an inch or two, and now it was too big for me to cover anymore. I looked around quickly to see if anyone was looking. I saw a chance and bolted. I squeezed into an alley behind the cake shop, looking down at the bigger than normal bulge in my pants. It was then I realized the potion worked! As excited as I was I knew I shouldn't celebrate until I was home. Thankfully I could follow the alleys straight to my home. About 5 minutes later I arrived at my small cottage, going inside and locking the door. With a sigh of relief I fell back against the door and slid straight to the floor. Then my heart sank, as I heard movement in the next room over. The door across the hall opened and I saw my assistant Violet enter the room.

"Oh good you're here, I forgot something in the lab and came back to grab it." I heard her say as she left the basement.

"How are you feelin" She stopped dead in her tracks as she saw the hard-on I had been hiding for the past half hour.

"Oh goodness... I uh... I'm so sorry I didn't know you were... Wow! Did it..." I interrupted her,

"Grow? Yes, the potion was a success," I stated, face bright red with embarrassment. I got up and walked to my room. As I got to the door, I cocked my head at her and said,

"You can leave at any time. Make sure to lock the door after you leave, you have a key right?"

"O-of course..." She said with a stutter. "Did you um... N-need anything?".

"No." I said quickly, then slammed the door behind me.

I stripped off my clothes and went straight to my bed to sit down. I looked down and my new and improved genitals. It was huge! Maybe 10 inches long? Maybe 3 inches thick? I'd have to measure it later. Think of how much this would sell! I could make a fortune off it. As well as make a few colts.... AND mares...happy. I thought long and hard about the possibilities, but then it got a bit harder to think clearly. There was a... Lust, building up inside me. I looked down at my penis as It got much harder to breathe. I need.... Release! I grabbed it and started working the shaft up and down. Not only was it bigger, but it felt much better! It was more sensitive, each touch sent chills down my spine. I felt pleasure in ways I only felt during my first orgasm!

"Holy shit.." I proclaimed, as I started to speed up. The feelings only got more intense, as I felt another pressure in my nether region.. I looked down and noticed my balls were swelling up, growing not only to match, but outmatch my newly gained appendage. They were the size of soccer balls! I would have worried about it if I weren't in such a state of bliss. The more they grew, the better it felt. Then I heard something... A moan from outside my window. I turned my head and saw Violet, my assistant. She had witnessed the entire thing, and had been watching it occur. It seems I'm not the only one having a good time. She was masterbating to me, one hand on her slick muff, another under her shirt, fondling her breast. It was that sight that pushed me over the edge. My legs locked and my hips bucked as my back arched. And I cummed straight into the air like a fountain. I laid there in bliss as my own juices rained down on me. The geyser of semen kept coming as my balls started to shrink. They finally stopped at the size of golf balls as the rain subsided. Then my body went limp, as my orgasm finally stopped. Panting and sweating like I had just ran a marathon, I looked at the window and noticed Violet was gone.

Now with a clear head, I look around, noticing everything in my room is drenched in jizz. I sigh, thinking about how much of a mess this is going to be to clear up. Well... I suppose that can wait until morning. I dozed off, laying naked in my own filth and hormones.

I wake up 12 hours later. Still laying in what is now dried spunk. It's about 9:30 AM, And damn I'm thirsty. I get up, using my magic to pick up all the stained sheets and clothes that need cleaning and move them into washing bin, letting them soak. I head into the bathroom and begin taking a shower, cleaning myself off and washing my hair. I smile as the hot water washes over me, relaxing and thinking about yesterday. Man that potion worked... Maybe a little too well. I giggle to myself. Then it occurred to me, I had forgotten about Violet. She saw everything! And... err... Had a little fun too. We are definitely going to have a fun chat today. This is so strange... I feel so much more confident than I was yesterday. Maybe its a side effect of the potion? Not that It's a "Bad" effect. I feel alive! I want to get out and have some fun! Oh and theres that girl that was watching me the other day. I didn't get a good look at her, all I saw was her flowing rainbow hair. Maybe I'll bump into her again today.

I get out of the shower and dry myself off. After I get dressed I put on my clothes and head for the door. On my way out I begin to hear thunder. Strange, usually the skies are clear during the day. Maybe the weather ponies are slacking a bit. Oh well, I'm not going to let a little rain stop me. I open the door, forgetting to lock it behind me, and start jogging towards town square. I love the rain, the small pitter patter of droplets hitting the ground relax me a bit. As I jog I hear kids yelling and playing in the puddles, while their parents try to get them rounded up for school. It's then that I notice Violet, sitting on a bench with an umbrella propped up beside her, reading a book. It's then that I get a wicked idea. I begin to slowly creep up behind her, when I finally stop, I lean in close and whisper in her ear,

"Enjoy the show last night?".

She practically flew off the bench in surprise. Dropping her book on the ground.

"Oh! Red! you scared me.." She said

"How was it?" I retorted.

"How was what?" She said, with a nervous look on her face.

"I think you know. I saw you in the window last night."

She lowered her head in shame, looking red as a dragon's fire.

"Maybe you would like to continue this conversation later? In my room?" I whispered in her ear.

She quickly jumped up, grabbing her umbrella and book off the ground and said,

"Um! I uh... I have to go uh.... Do the dishes! Yeah thats it! Talk later okay?".

She then began running back to her house in a hurry. I laughed and leaned back on the bench, taking in the pouring rain. I looked around at the passerbys and noticed something odd... They were all standing still, looking up at the sky. I looked up and tried to find what was so interesting, then i saw her... The girl with the Rainbow hair. It looked like she was trying to clear the clouds away. But they were forming faster than she could fly. I ran over to one of the pedestrians and asked

"Who Is she? What is she doing up there?"

The girl answered, "That's Rainbow Dash. She's a weather pony, but the storm is too strong! The clouds are forming faster than she can clear them."

I looked back up at her, and what I saw made my heart drop. Above her, a large storm cloud was forming, black as night. I yelled up to her,


She couldn't hear me over the thunder. So I ran until I was directly under her, and yelled again

"Rainbow Dash! LOOK OUT!"

She turned and looked down at me! Yes! She put her hand to her ear. I yelled one more time

"LOOK OUT!". Then there was a flash of light, followed by thunder. I covered my eyes, then looked back up. What I saw horrified me. She had been struck by lightning and was falling down to earth. Panicked, I watched her descend to earth, both limp and lifeless. She was 50 feet from the ground, that's when my horn started to glow, and with my magic, i slowed her fall, just enough to catch her. With her in my hands I rushed to the hospital. I cast a spell and the doors flew open. I blazed to the front desk, soaked in water, with Rainbow Dash in my arms. Scared and at the verge of tears i said,

"She just got struck by lightning! You need to help her."

The nurse yelled down the hall and a stretcher came flying through, I set her down on it as they rolled her into the back room. I tried to go in after her, but was held back by one of the doctors.

"Sir, you have to wait here. We will do everything we can for her."

Reluctantly I agreed and sat down at the waiting area. I waited there for what seemed like hours, then a doctor came out and looked at me. I jumped up and asked,

"Is she going to be okay?"

The doctor looked at me and said, "She was burned pretty bad, It's lucky you brought her in when you did, otherwise she might have died."

With hope in my eyes I blurted "So does that mean that she's...."

He gave me a stern look and replied, "She is recovering, but she is in a coma. I don't know when or if she is going to wake up."

My eyes filled with sadness, She's in a coma... At least she's alive. The only thing I can do now is wait... And hope she is still alive.