ADOR Chapter 3: A New Day

Story by Vinyl_Wubs on SoFurry

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#3 of A Dash Of Recklessness


Rainbow Dash.

Everything is dark. I don't know where I am... I see a light In the distance. It feels so warm. I am limp, I can't move... The light draws me closer, closer... I close my eyes, waiting for the bright beams to consume me. Then I heard it. A voice, a very faint whispering. A whisper so quiet, I was forced to listen. It grew louder, until I was able to make out the words.

"Wake up..."

Wake up? Was I asleep? Was this all a dream? I had no idea. I heard another voice, this time... A sobbing. A painful, sorrowful sob. It was then, that I recognized the voice. There was not one, but five... I could make out one of them. Twilight Sparkle? Yeah that's it! Wait, It's my friends! I can hear them now. I suddenly gained the strength to move. I look around, seeing the light on one side, and my friends on the other. It was then that I realized... I was struck by lightning. I remember now! I began walking towards my friends. The closer I got, the clearer things became. I could hear things... The crying became louder, my memory returned. Then there was a flash of blinding light, I closed my eyes again. Everything got cold... I heard each voice indefinitely, it sounded as if they were right next to me. I opened my eyes. I was lying in a hospital bed, in a blue gown. I looked around, the room was empty. I was alone... I immediately began to sob. Am I dead? My head jerked up when I heard the door begin to open. My eyes lit up when I saw who it was.

"Pinkie Pie!" I said enthusiastically. When she heard my voice, she lit up like a Christmas tree. She ran over and hugged me like I was the last pony on earth!

"RAINBOW DASH!" She yelled with joy.

I could hear her crying. She was crying for me...

"I... Pinkie..." I barely managed to say before I burst into tears.

"I thought you were gone!" She said, still holding me as if I was about to slip away again.

I had no words... Nothing I could say would be enough for what I am feeling right now. Then Pinkie broke from the hug. She had a smile on her face. It was then that she rushed to the door and said

"I have a surprise for you!" She opened the door and yelled, "Hey girls! She's awake!".

I heard people sprinting to the door, then I saw... Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, even spike! They were all here. From first glance, I could notice the dried tears under their eyes. They were all a mess. But they looked excited and happy to know I was awake. That made me feel better, better then I have ever felt. To know I have friends that care about me this much... Before I knew It they were gathered around me, hugging, crying, and asking questions that varied from, "Are you hungry?", to, "How do you feel?". I was a bit flustered. After all the questions were asked and I had a moment to speak. I said,


"Yes??" They all said together.

"I kind of have to pee..." I proclaimed.

There was a short pause, then we all began to laugh. It was good to be alive! I sat up slowly, then cringed as I felt pain running down my right wing. Rarity grabbed hold of me, saying "Easy Rainbow Dash, you might have been asleep for a week, but you were after all struck by lightning my dear."

A week?! I've been out for a week! I... I... Don't know what to say... Have I been in a coma? Well obviously... Ugh.. I could care less. I am just happy my friends are here for me.

"A week? What have I missed??".

"Not much. That was a nasty storm you got caught in though. What were you doing?" I heard Fluttershy say, in her usual quiet voice.

"I slept in late, I was trying to clear it out before it got too bad. But I guess I was too late." I say, with my head down. "It was all my fault, If I was out there earlier..."

Applejack interrupted me with a hand and said, "Now you stop right there ya hear? You did everything you could. Nothing you could have done woulda stopped it. We're just glad you're okay."

I looked back up at everyone, who still looked happy and cheerful. I then stood up, feeling extremely weak, almost collapsing into Twilight.

"Easy! You should really rest darling." I heard Rarity say.

"Now now..." Applejack interjected. "If yall know Dash like I do, you know she's stubborn. And if she wants to walk around, she is going to walk around."

Everyone looked at me, then back at Applejack, giving her a nod. I started to walk, getting a little helping hand from Pinkie Pie and Rarity.

"Where's the bathroom in this joint?" I said with a chuckle.

They lead me out of the room into the hall. Then I almost stumbled by what I saw. It was the guy I saw before I blacked out. The one I had... A crush on.

"What's he doing here?" I asked.

"He is the one who brought you in. He has been practically living here since you got here." Twilight said.

I looked at him again, and noticed he was fast asleep, sitting with his head slanted, lying against the wall.

"He brought me in? But..."

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie jumped with glee, "If it weren't for him, you might not be here right now!".

He saved me... But why? He doesn't even know me. I made my way to the bathroom. Once I got in, I locked the door, pulled down my pants and sat down. With a sigh, I began thinking about that guy. Why did he bring me in? Maybe he DOES like me! Oh my gosh... What should I do? Should I ask him out? Maybe he's just a nice guy... So many things running through my head. Then I heard someone knock at the door. I heard a voice I didn't recognize,

"You okay in there?" He said.

"Ya... Just a minute." I quickly retorted. I finished up, flushed and unlocked the door. I opened it to see the guy that had been asleep, standing right in front of the door. He rushed in for a hug, gripping me gently. I blushed, eyes wide open in disbelief. Maybe I'm still dreaming?

"I'm so glad you're okay! Does it hurt?" He said.

"Wh- What?" I said in a daze.

"Your wing, its pretty burned up. Does it hurt?"

I snapped back to reality and said "Oh! Yeah uh... Its not that bad. I mean I am the toughest weather pony in all of Equestria! A little lightning isn't going to get me down!" As I extended my wings in a proud manner, only to nearly pass out from the pain. He grabbed me and walked me back to the room. Where everyone was waiting. After I laid back down, I told everyone that I'm fine, and they can go home. Knowing I'm okay, they nodded. Leaving one at a time, after hugs and goodbyes. I asked the guy to stay. After everyone had left, it was just me and my crush. He closed the door, leaving us alone.

"So what can I call the hero who saved me? You obviously know my name already." I asked.

"Red. Just Red." He said, as he took a seat in the chair next to me.

I looked at him with a smirk and said, "Okay, Just Red, How are you feeling?"

He raised an eyebrow, "Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?"

I giggled, "Just curious".

"Well I'm doing just fine. My back is a bit stiff from sleeping in this hospital. Other than that, good!" he laughed.

Dumbfounded, remember the conversation with her friends earlier, I looked at him and asked "Why were you sleeping in the hospital?"

"I have been here every day since you blacked out, waiting for you to wake up. Your friends are very nice, they came to visit every day since." He replied.

"That still doesn't answer why?" I followed up.

"Well... I caught you following me the day before. I figured you liked me or something. That and I... Well.." He paused for a long moment, before saying, "There's just something about you. Something that I can't get away from. When I saw you get struck by lightning, my heart sank. I thought you had died!".

I blushed, tears starting to well up in my eyes. "You really care about me that much?".

"Hell yeah! You're the bravest damn weather pony I've ever seen. You were the only one up there, after the storm got so bad the rest of the ponies cleared out. But you stayed up there, fighting."

As soon as the tears rolled down my face, he got up and hugged me. I grabbed onto him tightly, holding him close while I sobbed on his shoulder. It was then, I pulled away. We stared into each others eyes. I stood there, lost in his lush blue eyes. That flowing red mane. Breath getting heavy, we leaned closer, lips nearly touching. Then... It happened. We were locked in a kiss. I closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around his head, holding him there. Never wanting this moment to end. Then my heart dropped as I heard Pinkie Pie's voice.

"Wowie Zowie!!".

Oh no... Please say this isn't another dream. I pulled away and opened my eyes. I was still in the hospital, Red was still in front of me. It wasn't a dream, but then how... I scanned the room, looking through the glass door to the hall and saw Pinkie watching this all unfold. Not ten seconds later, she burst into the room throwing streamers into the air.

"Dashy and Red are now boyfriend and girlfriend! LET'S PARTY!!!!"

Me and Red laughed, I looked at him and said, "Boyfriend eh?"

"Mmm... I suppose so!" He said, before moving in for another kiss.

We stayed there, tuning Pinkie Pie out, however impossible that sounds, staring into each others eyes as we locked into another embrace. As we moved apart, I said "Let's get out of here, I think I'm feeling good enough to move now."

"You sure?" He said with a worried look, "You are still pretty banged up."

"Of course I am!" I said with a newfound joy in my voice. I picked up my clothes and paused, staring at him.

"Well?" I said.

"What?" He responded, confused.

I socked him in the shoulder, "I'm not changing with you in here, now shoo." Me and Pinkie Pie giggled. Then Red and Pinkie left as I changed into some of my old clean clothes. As I headed for the door, I heard chatter outside, of not just Red and Pinkie Pie. But Twilight and the others too. I peaked out in time to see them all blushing as Pinkie told them about the kiss. I giggled to myself before walking out to greet them. I have friends, A new boyfriend, who I would never have had the courage to talk to before. With this experience, I think I've learned a lot. Nearly dying changes a person. And I think from here on out, I think everything is going to be just fine! Now what next... Dinner? Sex? Wait... Maybe sex can wait. I don't know. I need some pointers first.... Maybe I can ask Pinkie Pie?