ADOR Chapter 7: Diagnosis

Story by Vinyl_Wubs on SoFurry

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#7 of A Dash Of Recklessness

"RED!" I screamed, sitting up in a hospital bed. The nurse standing next to me, who was about to stick an I.V. in my arm, jumped back, nearly knocking over the pump full of water next to her.

"Are you okay?!" She said, holding her hand to her chest.

I looked around, noticing I was back in the hospital. I jerked my head to the startled nurse and asked,

"Where's Red?"

"Who?" She responded, still flustered.

I jumped up and bolted for the door, nearly collapsing from a sudden wave of dizziness.

"Wait!" She said in a surprised tone, "You shouldn't be moving!"

I ran down the hall to the front desk.

"Where's Red?" I asked, starting to feel a pain in my leg.

"The red head?" The man at the counter asked.

"Yeah, is he here?" I asked impatiently.

"Uh huh, room 108, end of the hall." He said, pointing down past the room I woke up in. The doctor looked down and his eyes widened. "You... Shouldn't you be resting?"

I ignored him, running down the hall. The closer I got to his room, the more the pain started to grow in my left calf. I burst into the room, my heart stopped. I saw Red lying there, I.V. in his arm, bruised and covered in cuts and scrapes. He was unconscious. I took a step forward, feeling the pain in my leg climb to unbearable levels. I screamed out in pain and fell forward on my hands and knees. Then I looked at my leg for the first time. My calf was bruised and swollen a purplish color. I must have broken my leg in the fall... About 30 seconds later, two nurses ran in and tried to help me to my feet. I pushed them away and started to crawl to Red's bed. His almost lifeless body lying limp, chest weakly rising up and down. The faint beeping of his life coming from the machine next to him.

"Red..." I muttered aloud, vision fading in and out, blurred from the pain.

Then before I knew it, I passed out. About half an hour later, I woke up back in the hospital bed. I tried to get up, but was held down. I looked down at my body, and was restrained by leather straps, binding me to my bed. I struggled, trying to get out of them. I had to see Red... I need to be with him. Then the door to my room opened, and the doctor from the front desk walked in.

"You gave us a mighty scare young lady..." He said, giving me a stern look.

"Red... I have to.." I said, in a haze.

"He's fine." The doctor said, interrupting me. "He is just asleep. I am extremely surprised he survived a fall that large. He is very lucky..."

"Why is he hurt... And I'm not... Well, as bad I mean." I said, waiting a response.

The doctor gave a small pause before saying, "Well, reports from the crowd say he cushioned your fall. Getting as far as he did was brave enough, but to risk his life to save you? He must really love you."

I laid there, unable to speak. He...saved me. This is all my fault... He is in there suffering because I am an idiot! I need to talk to him...

"Can I... see him?" I asked, a slight sadness in my voice.

"You're leg is pretty bad, I'd have to get you a wheel chair, or crutches. Take your pick." He said.

"Crutches please." I asked. I've already lost the ability to fly, like hell if I'm going to give up my legs. A broken leg isn't going to stop me! He left the room and returned a few moments later, crutches in hand. He untied the braces holding me down and helped me up. I knew I would have to get used to walking like this, but I couldn't think about that right now. The doctor walked me down to his room and opened the door. I walked in, the clicking of the crutches pounding against the floor, and sat down in one of the chairs along the wall of the room. I watched him, never moving an inch, waiting for him to wake up. Feeling extremely tired, I tried to stay awake, but dosed off half an hour later. I sat there, sleeping a dreamless sleep, until I heard something that snapped me awake.

Red's POV:

"Dash!" I screamed, holding on to her as long as I could.

"Red! Please don't let go!" She cried, tears streaming down her face.

Flustered, and pushed to the edge myself, began crying. "I can't... I'm not strong enough!"

"I love you Red!" She said, knowing this would be the last time she would be able to say that. The blood running down my arm started to wet my hands, making it impossible to hold on. Then... She slipped away.

"RAINBOW DASH!" I screamed as I watched her fall. Light fading from reality, covering my vision in darkness. She fell as if the entire world was watching this moment. Then she faded away, leaving only the darkness to be observed. I fell to my knees, sobbing. I closed my eyes,

"This can't be happening... This isn't real!" I repeated to myself, over and over again. Then I heard something. At first it was barely audible, and I just ignored it. But then It grew louder, and I realized it was footsteps. Before I could even open my eyes, I felt a hand on my chin. I opened my eyes, seeing Rainbow Dash standing in front of me. She tilted my head up and looked me in the eyes.

"Don't ever give up.." She said, as the darkness around me turned to growing yellow light. Her features turning from a frown, into a smile. The light grew so bright, I was forced to close my eyes. Then it stopped... I opened my eyes, to notice I was at the hospital, lying in a bed. My eyes turned to the corner of the room, to Rainbow Dash, who was asleep in the chair. I was stopped by a twinge of pain that ran through my entire body. I cringed, clamping my teeth together as I let out a groan of agony. That's when Rainbow Dash woke up, her eyes wide. She ran over to the side of the bed,

"Are you okay?!" She said, worry in her voice.

"I'm... Fine. Just a flesh wound..." I said, giving a small chuckle. She went from worry, to anger.

"What were you thinking! You could have died. Your so stupid! You stupid...Stupid idiot!" She yelled.

"Dash I.." I was interrupted by her two lips pressing against mine. To my surprise, I noticed she had been, and still is crying. Tears streaming down her face as we locked together. I closed my eyes, never wanting to break away. Her hand on my cheek. Our lips finally parted, a single stream of saliva stretching from our mouths as we gasped for air.

"I love you Dash.." I said, never breaking eye contact.

"You talk too much." She whispered, before leaning in for another kiss.

ONE WEEK LATER: Rainbow Dash's POV

"Well, how is he doctor?" I asked.

"He's doing just fine. Only a few sprains, but it will heal. You are both very lucky to be alive." He said with a smile.

I gave a smile too, and asked, "Awesome, can I see him now?"

"Of course, right this way." He said, beginning to walk down the hall. As I followed, i noticed a glimmer of metal, sticking out from his back pocket. It was a key. With a wicked smile, I slipped the key from his pocket and put it in mine.

"I know the rest of the way doc, thanks!" I said, speeding past him and turned the corner. I found my way to a changing room, thats when I saw it.

"Perfect!" I said, grabbing the clothes off the rack.

Red's POV:

"Bastard!" I yelled, slamming the A button on the controller.

"WHY! WON'T! YOU! DIIIIE!" I screamed, leaning in, eyes focused on the screen. About a minute later I heard the door creak open.

"Sorry I know you've already told me, I'll keep my voice down." I said, not getting a response. I glanced over to the door to see....

"Rainbow Dash...?" I said, mouth hanging to the floor. She was at the door, wearing a tight Nurse's outfit... And nothing underneath.

"It's time for your check up." She said before turning around and locking the door, then covering the window on the door. My heart started to race, and she knew it.

"Looks like your symptoms are showing!" She said, looking at the huge bulge lifting the green gown I was wearing into the air like a circus tent. I was speechless... She came over and lifted the gown over my now erect member.

"Oh my... It's worse than I thought." She said soothingly, licking her lips. She lifted her leg over me and sat in my lap, my cock resting in between her soft ass cheeks. I reached out and put my hands on her hips, only for her to grab my arms and push them down to the bed. She grabbed the leather restraints and tied my hands to the bed.

"Uh uh uh." She said, waving her finger, then leaning in, mere inches away from my face.

"Let the doctor do her job." She whispered. I leaned forward, hypnotized by her scent wafting through the air, attempting to meet her lips with mine, only for her to slowly move back just out of my reach. She pulled out a stethoscope and listened to my heart.

"Mmm... Your blood pressure is high..." She said, staring into my eyes.

"I don't think that's how you check my blood pres-" I said, being interrupted by a strong slap across the face.

"Don't tell the doctor how to do her job." She said with a stern tone. My face stung, and if I had a mirror it would probably be red as blood. As much as it hurt, it was only turning me on more... She shifted around, still in my lap, and faced my manhood, which sitting down, reached all the way up to her chest. She slowly leaned back, laying her entire body on top of mine. The back of her head in front of mine. She curled up her legs into a missionary position, using her feet to massage my shaft. I moaned, feeling pleasure from the unnatural smoothness of her soles. I watched as each individual toe moved, almost like fingers, kneading and squeezing my cock. She tilted her head to the left and cradled my head on her shoulder, rubbing her hand through my hair. The aroma I was constantly inhaling from her hair was driving me insane. She doesn't just feel good, she smells good. Almost like what shampoo she used was made for her.

"It looks like we need to reduce the swelling." She said aloud, stopping the massage and standing to her feet. I was close... I need to cum. I need release!

"Stop... Teasing me" I begged, beginning to pant. "Please..."

"Hush, It's time for treatment." She said, reaching into a bag I hadn't noticed until now. She pulled out a long blue and white bag.

"What's that?" I asked, beginning to get a little nervous.

"I think you'll know in a second." She said, getting closer to the bed. She took the bag and wrapped it around my dick. "I've diagnosed you as having an "Elevated Sex Drive. It's time to begin treatment..."

"HNNGN!" I muttered, tensing up as It was wrapped around. It was an ice pack!

"Ice first, heat later. We have to get the swelling down." She smiled devilishly. She was enjoying every moment of this. My hands clenched as I tried to struggle free from the bonds, but they weren't budging.

"Sto...Stop.." I said, barely able to speak with the icy grip holding onto me.

"Shhh... It'll be over soon." She said, rubbing the pack up and down. Finally she took it off just before it started to soften.

"Good." She said, "Now It's time for heat." She pulled her outfit down, freeing her breasts from her clothes. She sat down on my outstretched legs, and put my cock between her breasts, which seemed to be a size larger than normal, now DD cups, verging on E. She stuffed the tip in her mouth, swirling her tongue in a circular motion. I could feel a wetness growing near my legs, which I could only imagine was from the juices dripping from her wet pussy. The sudden warmth of her mouth on my dick brought back all the pleasure from before, two fold. My tongue lolled out of my mouth, hanging there, while my arms strained against the restraints. I felt my balls begin to swell, I couldn't take much more.

"Going to...cum!" I warned her.

"Not yet you aren't." She said, immediately stopping, replacing her warm touch with the ice pack once again. I cringed again, feeling my orgasm fading back into my body, building up a release that I desperately needed. After a minute of ice, she took it off and said, "Looks like we are going to need a bit more heat." She climbed on to the bed, standing over my cock. She began to lower herself onto it, pushing the tip against her soaked cunt. The burning touch of her slit against me sent me waves of pleasure, as my icy shaft making a gasp escape from her mouth. The pressure increased dramatically, until,

"GOD!" She screamed as I entered her, freezing her insides. As she moved up and down, slowly warming my shaft, I felt an ecstasy I haven't felt in weeks! Then... There was a knock on the door.

"Hello? Are you okay in there? Why is the door locked?" I heard what I could only imagine as a worried nurse outside the door.

"Yes!" Dash said, trying to keep a calm voice. "I am in the middle of a delicate procedure!"

"What was the scream?" The nurse said, muffled by the door.

"Just a uh.... a SpiIIDDER" She screamed, feeling an orgasm rush through her. "I just killed it! You can go now."

"Alright... Just call if you need anything." The nurse said before turning around and heading back around the corner.

"I think you need more heat..." She said, lifting herself off of my shaft, and moving it back towards her ass. After a minute of fiddling with it, she pushed the tip in. An explosion of peppery heat engulfed me.

"That's the stuff..." She said, relaxing onto it. She slowly moved up and down, tightening harder and harder. I felt my balls swell even larger, signaling my impending orgasm.

"I'm going to cum... You remember what happened last time?" I said, trying to warn her.

"I know... I want it all. Fill me Red! Make me explode!" She said, raising her voice an octave.

And with that, I was pushed over the edge, and unleashed hell. She came, her fluids washing down onto the bed. Her eyes went wide as my cock grew twice the size to make room for all the semen flowing through it, sending another electric surge through her body. I watched as her stomach grew in intervals with my pulsations. Her eyes rolled up and her tongue stuck out as her body began to twitch.

"Maybe I should pull out..." I said nervously, watching her expand. I heard her choke as her stomach churned and gurgle. My cum began to flow from her mouth and nose as she gagged on the upchucking jizz exploding through her. In a panic I pulled out. The flow stopped, and she gasped for air.

"Are you okay?" I asked surprised.

"That..." She mumbled.

"What is it?" I asked, leaning in closer.

"WAS AWESOME!" She said, looking down at her stomach. "How the hell do you do that?"

"Uhh..." I stuttered, confused.

"I should go change. I'll clean this up don't worry. Oh and I should probably... Drain myself a bit." She said, patting her bulging stomach. Before I had a chance to say anything, she planted a kiss on my lips, taking the last bit of sense I had left, then unlocked the door and walked out. Well... This was quite the... Experience. Can't say I didn't like it though. Man I'm thirsty though. I reached up for the "Help" button, only realizing the messy state me and the bed was in.

"Maybe I should have thought that through.." I mumbled to myself. The door opened and the nurse walked in.

"Yes? What did you ne-" She paused, seeing the mix of sexual fluids covering the bed and ground, along with my softening dick hanging out.

"Um..." I said. "This isn't as bad as it looks?"


I was woken up by a knock at the door. I got up, stretched, and opened the door.

"Hello" I said, greeting the mailman.

"Are you Rainbow Dash?" He said

"Yeah? Why?" I replied.

"Letter for you." He said while digging into his bag.

"Please sign here." He said, handing me a clipboard. I grabbed it, wrote my name, and handed it back.

"Thanks, you have a good day ya hear?" He said in a cheery voice, then walked off down the road. Maybe It's a fan letter. Heh, guess I am more popular than I thought. I tore open the letter and read it. As I read the letter, my breathing slowed, my heart stopped.

Red's POV

I sat there, staring at the ceiling. Wondering what I'll do when i get out of here. Maybe buy some new furniture? Maybe...A ring? Ya thats it! I'll get a ring and propose to her. Has to be a special place though, but where... I got lost in thought, thinking of what to do. Suddenly the door to my hospital room flew open and Rainbow Dash bolted in. She stopped at the door and stared at me.

"Whats wrong Dash?" I asked, startled from the sudden interruption. She just stood there with a serious look on her face... Holding an opened letter in hand.

ADOR Chapter 8: Hope

"A letter?" I asked curiously. "What does it say?" She handed the letter to me, a lost look apon her face. "Read it.." She said, staring at the letter. I opened already torn envelope and unfolded the paper within. "From a "Dr. Cross" I said, looking...

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ADOR Chapter 6: Forlorn Endeavor

ONE MONTH LATER: Red's POV --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been about a month, and Rainbow Dash actually looks like she is cheering up. While I still believe she is sad, as it sometimes hits her...

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ADOR Chapter 5: Tragedy

It's been several weeks, and I can't take it anymore. I'm going to see the doctor. Red grabbed his coat, walking with me to the Ponyville hospital. I signed in and took a seat. Even though it was still early in the morning, there were already a few...

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