ADOR Chapter 9: A Fresh Start

Story by Vinyl_Wubs on SoFurry

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#9 of A Dash Of Recklessness


I sat there, tapping my foot on the tile floor.

"How long until she wakes up?" I asked.

"I don't know sir. It's different for everyone." The nurse said, not even looking away from the papers she is filling out. I groaned in frustration. I hate not knowing! The waiting is agonizing. Minutes seem like hours. Then finally I heard it.

"Red?" A man called from down the hall.

"Yes?" I shouted back eagerly.

"She is awake if you want to talk to her." He said, returning back to his office. I jumped up and ran down the hall and into the room.

"Hey Red..." She said in a groggy voice, eyes half open.

"Dash! I'm so glad your okay." I said, giving her a hug.

"Nice to see you too." She muttered.

"You okay?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah just... A bit sleepy." She yawned.

"I'm just happy your not... You know." I said, scratching my head.

"Don't worry silly." She said, placing a hand on my cheek. "I'm not going anywhere."

I smiled, putting my hand over the one gently caressing my cheek. "I'll let you rest, have a good sl-" I said, being interrupted by a crash at the door.

"Me first ME FIRST!" I heard Pinkie yell, wrestling with Spike to get through the door. As I turned around I saw a purple aura around both of them as they were levitated through one by one, by who I could only guess was Twilight Sparkle. With the blockage clear, her 6 friends flooded through the door, crowding around Rainbow Dash.

"I'm so glad your okay!" Spike said, climbing to his feet.

"I'm gladder!" Pinkie said, bumping him out of the way.

"Calm down girls.." Twilight said, "Give her some air."

"I am sure we are all 'Equally' Glad to see her." Rarity said elegantly.

"Hey girls.." Rainbow Dash said, surprised by the sudden amount of people in the room.

"Hey, lets calm down." I said, stepping in the middle of them. "She just woke up, and she's tired. Let's let her sleep."

"She just had surgery yall, let's give her some time to relax?" Applejack said.

"Sounds good to me." Twilight said, motioning to the door. "Just tell us if anything happens alright?"

I nodded, taking a seat in the chair next to Dash. After they left, Rainbow Dash took a nap, and I sat by her, relieved to know she was going to be able to fly again.


I was walking down the path back home, then heard someone call my name. I turned around just in time to see Rainbow Dash zip past me.

She swooped past, stopping directly behind me.

"Hey hotshot." She said, giving me a slap on the ass. I jumped in surprise, wondering where all this energy is coming from.

"Well someones in a good mood!" I said rubbing my butt, surprised by the strength of her slap.

"I'm just happy to see you is all!" She said, starting to hover off the ground, flying in a reclined position.

"Heh.. I miss this side of you." I said, remember the incident weeks prior.

"You haven't seen a bit of it yet!" She said, speeding directly up to me. "Hey you up for some fun?"

"Sure, what were you thin-" I was interrupted as she wrapped her arms around me and started to pull me into the air. My instincts kicked in and i latched onto her. She flew higher than I have ever been before, speeding past the clouds.

"OKAY I'VE HAD ENOUGH FUN!" I screamed, closing my eyes. Then suddenly she stopped. I opened my eyes and looked down, unable to see the ground through the clouds. I looked up at her, she was staring at me with a smile. That's when I noticed something different about her... A flame in her eyes. I had no idea what...

"What are you waiting for?" She said, interrupting my train of thought.

"What are... Why are you?" I said confused.

"Take off your clothes." She said.

"But... How am I going to do that, I'm holding on to yo-" I said, immediately beginning to plummet through the clouds. As much as I didn't want to die, I knew she wouldn't let me fall to my death, knowing she would just repeat the process until I was naked, and began to strip. Finally managing to get my clothes off, as hard as it was from the wind resistance I was nearly unclothed. As soon as I let my underwear go, I felt like I just got tackled by a quarterback. My velocity slowed as I realized Rainbow Dash had tackled me out of the air. She lowered us down onto a cloud, sitting on it as if it was a bed.

"Whoa whoa wait! You know only Pegasai are the only ones that can sit on clouds right?" I asked panicked.

"Who said you would be sitting on the cloud?" She said as she landed on the cloud, me sitting on her now perched lap, my legs poking through the clouds. Her hand wandered down, gripping my softened cock.

"Hey big boy..." She said, starting me straight in the eyes, "There is a reason I am so happy."

"Oh?" I stuttered, still slightly shaken, but beginning to get hard.

"I got a letter earlier." She said smiling.

"Should I ask who it's from?" I asked, beginning to get curious.

"Only if you want to be married to a Wonderbolt!" She said, pulling me into a hug.

"You got accepted?!" I said in disbelief. "That's great!"

"When I read the letter, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. I was so happy and... Oh hello.." She said, looking down at the cock rising in between her breasts. "I guess I'm not the only one excited." She giggled, putting her hands around it, pushing her two breasts tightly around my shaft. I moved in, kissing her on the neck.

"Ohh" She moaned, "I guess you really are as excited as me.."

"My wife is not only the sexiest Pegasus on the planet, but a Wonderbolt." I said, whispering in her ear. "I think we should celebrate."

"Now you know why I brought you up here." She said, smiling. She laid back, positioning my shaft to her entrance, quickly penetrating her already wetting pussy.

"Now..." She said, beginning to breathe heavy. "Show me how much to love me."

"You got it!" I said, pulling back and thrusting all the way in. She gasped, feeling sparks fly through her.

"Fuck!" She screamed, digging her nails into my back. I began to thrust back and forth, starting fast, and rough.

"Hnng... Slow down!" She said surprised.

"I think a little punishment is in order." I said, remembering the fun she had with the ice pack.

"Oh...I- See...." She said between pained grunts. "Gimme all... You got!"

I smiled devilishly, reaching back and shoving two fingers in her ass. She let out an immediate yelp, unexpecting the sudden intrusion.

"Wait not th-" She managed to say before gasping as I bit hard on her left nipple.

"Come on Dash, you said you were a Wonderbolt!" I said, snickering at her.

"I... AM!" She screamed through a mix of pain and pleasure. "Your asking.. for it!"

I took my fingers out of her ass and squeezed both her breasts. Her mouth open in an O of ecstasy as she felt an orgasm crash through her, wings extending in full beauty. That's when I remembered where we were. As her wings extended, she pushed the cloud apart, causing us to start plummeting.

"DAAAASH!" I screamed as we plummeted, stuck together, me still inside her. She wrapped her arms and legs around me.

"Time to show you how a Wonderbolt does it!" She yelled, stopping our descent and ricocheted forward. I held on tight, moving my hips back and forth as she flew us through the sky, gaining more and more speed.

"Dash! I'm going to cum!" I screamed, seeing her near the edge too. The pressure kept building and building until...

ELSWHERE: Twilight Sparkle's POV

"Hey Pinkie, you seen Rainbow Dash around?" I asked, trying to keep track of her bouncy movement.

"Nope!" She said, jumping from stone to stone, playing hopscotch with herself. Then I heard a loud crash. I turned around to find the source of the noise... Then i looked up. Off in the distance a large circular wave of colors spread out under the clouds. It was a Sonic Rainboom! A large shockwave flew past me, making my hair fly back. I covered my eyes from the wind bashing against me. My head tilted back and i saw Pinkie staring straight at the rainbow.

"Oooo-" She tried to say, only puffing her cheeks out from the on-coming gust. Finally it died down, my hair looking like a disaster.

"Found her!" Pinkie mumbled, her mouth stuck open. She shook her head, restoring her face to normal.

"She has had her wings back for a week and she is already showing off..." I sighed, brushing my hair down with my hand, only to have it bounce back into its backwards pointed position.

"Aw come on Twilight, shes just having fun!" Pinkie said in her high pitched cheery voice.

"Well i guess you're right..." I said, "But where's red?"

"Oh! I saw Rainbow Dash carry him off somewhere." Pinkie said, still hopping up and down.

"Well... I guess i shouldn't worry. They are probably having fun right now anyways." I said, turning around and heading home.